Why aren't men like Steph Curry


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
it's there go look.

but if I posted a comment from another forum where a kid called steph curry a cornball
then followed that up with a youtube video of a chicago teenager going in on steph curry calling him whack and not "savage"

you'd be the first one to say "what's that prove!?" :bryan:

this ain't my first week on the internet fam. agree to disagree w/my opinion and keep it moving.
What ever makes you happy, kiddo.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Not sure what you're saying here

I'm seeing this like a normal observant person would. Take the ball out of currys hands and he's a boring corporate church dude, if anything most of us would think he was gay :usure:

Now take Demarcus cousins, most cats can relate to him.

I'm wrong? :jbhmm:

Or a JR Smith with the tats and the excess partying with thots.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Aint shyt dudes, if women don't procreate with them, die out after one generation.

Unless of course, black women decide to keep their fukkboy genes going, which is a problem you have yet to acknowledge black women being wildly complicit in.

Yeah, because you've really addressed any of my points that I've made, and not just deliberately took something I said relating to anthropology completely out of context to avoid any sort of actual discussion.

In fact, answer this:

What problems do you think are in the black community that black women are the cause of, if any? What things do you think black women as a culture need to work on or change?

I didn't take shyt out of context. You said something offensive and don't wanna own it. It's a common theme in your posts. I'm not going back and forth with you anymore. I get it. Black women are the cause of everything wrong with the Black community. :comeon: Throw the stat up to validate yourself again.

What you to fail to realize is that BLACK PEOPLE DID NOT CAUSE shyt! We live in a society that literally fukks us over from at every angle. Let me count the ways...poison food, racism, lack of economic opportunity, media manipulation, the prison industrial complex, feminism, colorism, crab in barrel mentality, gentrification, over medications, sexism, lack of support of mental health, materialism etc. All of which has a part to play in the OOW birthrate. But you're too simple to see that shyt and you expect BW to take on racism and all it's fascist that actually are the cause of this problem while you wait in the corner and point the finger and call us thots and every other name you can think of. Get allllllll the way the fukk out of here. You lack protective on the topic and your solution is childish and over simplifies a VERY complex issue.

If you aren't talking about being and doing together you ain't saying nothing and that goes for all the men who think like you. I don't do that point finger shyt b/c I know that is what they want us to do. Grow up breh. I'm done with you. Keep doing the crackas work. I am be with men who believe in unity.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
What kind of ignorant ass shytpost is this?

Fam, he cool.

He's basically saying you shouldn't waste your time going back and forth even though you made good points.

Once I determined that the thread was a troll experiment I pulled out, I have had enough battles with @PeridotPuss to tire me out for years on this board.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
it's there go look.

but if I posted a comment from another forum where a kid called steph curry a cornball
then followed that up with a youtube video of a chicago teenager going in on steph curry calling him whack and not "savage"

you'd be the first one to say "what's that prove!?" :bryan:

this ain't my first week on the internet fam. agree to disagree w/my opinion and keep it moving.
Those aren't the men interested in marriage in the first place, but those are the soon to be black men that black women want to commit, which circles back to the fact that black women need to change what they admire and desire in black men, because ain't shyt nikkas will forever exist.


Living the dream
May 16, 2012
Dudes big up steph all the time, infact I dont think he really gets any hate which is crazy since he's so talented.

Its mostly women hating on ayesha and then men coming through and saying she's the poster girl for a "good woman".


May 1, 2012
Dudes in here getting in their feelings but OP has a point, nikkas need to just admit it

Steph curry can ball but he's seen as corny, a lame, not street enough. He's not quite Russell Wilson status, but not far from it

Also, a lot of dudes can't be a "steph curry" even if they wanted to - tats, different baby mommas, uneducated
This is a lie tho. Steph isn't seen that way at all. Dude has singlehandedly made under armor a force in the basketball shoe game. His popularity is undeniable. You're lying to try and prove a point.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
It's up to women to praise those type of men not us.

This is a major point that the OP missed. Women are the ones who have to praise men like Steph Curry. Women, not men. If women start to choose up on upstanding, clean cut, family value men, then I can guarantee you that more men will aspire to be that. But as long as the opposite gets more attention and more desire from women, then no amount of praise will help. As most men watch what and who women do and take their cues from that.

Another big problem with the OP's argument is that there are many Ayesha Curry archetype women out here who DO NOT CHOOSE Steph Curry archetype men. In fact, they pine for the exact opposite of that archetype. They want to date the Future archetype or the Migos archetype or the Meek Mill archetype. At least they want to date these men until they get f#cked over and then and only then do they want the Steph Curry Archetype.

And it is this that makes many people, especially black men, admire Ayesha Curry. Why? Because here is a beautiful, young, seemingly wholesome woman, from a good family who chooses a guy like Steph Curry. In her prime.

- not when she's 38
- not after she has a few kids by hood n#ggas
- not after she's "established her career and doesn't need a man for anything"

She's doing what smart women with values do....choose men with values and potential....in their prime. And guess what else they do? They treat these men well and get treated well in return. And guess what else they do? They tend to get wifed up quick and have a nice family.

Now, how many young, beautiful, outgoing women like an Ayesha Curry are going after and marrying men like Steph Curry in their early 20s in the black community? Versus how many young, beautiful, outgoing women like an Ayesha Curry are going after and getting played, knocked up and/or used by all form of hood n#ggas, wannabe pimps, scammers and n#ggas on the prison carousel in the black community? Exactly....the latter by a landslide...and I'm not even one of the Coli black women haters, but let's be real here.

Well, that's why Ayesha Curry has become the darling of the black male population. And until more Ayesha Curry type women start choosing the Steph Curry type over the opposite, then expect the opposite to still get more praise.



Feb 20, 2013
When have black men ever denied on here the prevalance of dudes who aint on shyt? We can look at the unemployment stats, we can look at our neighborhoods. Aint any dude worth a damn out here denying that its broke boys out here.

Plus, how does ANY dude doing that have anything to do with BW refusing to take accountability for their decisions and priorities when it comes to dating? You're not making any sense.
What in the world are you actually talking about?:what:
The main point of my thread was if you want a quality woman, be a quality man yourself. What the hell does BW refusing to take accountability for their decisions and priorities when it comes to dating have to do this? So all black women are bad now. Here's a little secret: not all women are good women. Asking why are bad women bad women as a justification for you not being able to find an ayesha is pathetic.
70% of children are born out of wedlock, but 70% of black women aren't having children out of wedlock.
Not all black women are whores.
Not all black women are choosing bad guys over the good ones
So if you want a good woman, be a good man. That's all.
Saying crap like well when women stop sleeping with these no good men, the black community will become better is downright pathetic.
Ya'll wanna complain about the black community being a matriarch but when it comes down to leading in that aspect, you guys want to cower in the corner.
Ya'll want traditional roles and control but refuse to control your dycks.
Also BW refusing to take accountability is a downright lie. There are a plethora of groups catered to black women of all ages whose sole purpose is to make black women respectable including the church, of course not all are going to follow suit.
Hell even Michelle Obama came out and said to us black women to leave bad guys alone and ya'll were like "she better speak the truth"
Farrakhan had a message to black men and how some of ya'll ruin some black women and it fell on deaf ears.


Aug 25, 2015
This is a lie tho. Steph isn't seen that way at all. Dude has singlehandedly made under armor a force in the basketball shoe game. His popularity is undeniable. You're lying to try and prove a point.

That breh sounds like he's posting from 2nd period of his 9th grade class...

pay him no mind :mjlol:

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
I didn't take shyt out of context. You said something offensive and don't wanna own it. It's a common theme in your posts. I'm not going back and forth with you anymore. I get it. Black women are the cause of everything wrong with the Black community. :comeon: Throw the stat up to validate yourself again.

What you to fail to realize is that BLACK PEOPLE DID NOT CAUSE shyt! We live in a society that literally fukks us over from at every angle. Let me count the ways...poison food, racism, lack of economic opportunity, media manipulation, the prison industrial complex, feminism, colorism, crab in barrel mentality, gentrification, over medications, sexism, lack of support of mental health, materialism etc. All of which has a part to play in the OOW birthrate. But you're too simple to see that shyt and you expect BW to take on racism and all it's fascist that actually are the cause of this problem while you wait in the corner and point the finger and call us thots and every other name you can think of. Get allllllll the way the fukk out of here. You lack protective on the topic and your solution is childish and over simplifies a VERY complex issue.

If you aren't talking about being and doing together you ain't saying nothing and that goes for all the men who think like you. I don't do that point finger shyt b/c I know that is what they want us to do. Grow up breh. I'm done with you. Keep doing the crackas work. I am be with men who believe in unity.

I don't need to own the strawman you created. No one else interpreted what I wrote the way you did but you, and instead of acknowledging that fact that reevaluating your position, you double down on your foolishness even after it being explained and dumbed down again for you by a third party. Oddly enough, this speaks to your whole mentality throughout the discussion; an unwillingness to have any sort of self-reflection or accept correction due to unwarranted stubbornness.

You can't blame black women choosing to lay up with nikkas with no jobs, no dreams, and no financial stability on racism. Ain't a white man standing over you with a gun telling you to have sex with these bums and make babies with them. It is that hard to take even a sliver of responsibility for the any problem in the black community for women?

Show me a black man who doesn't acknowledge our part in gang violence, the drug war, financial mismanagement in the homes, etc. No man worth his salt is going to deny the role black men played in that. Getting a black woman to admit maybe they are fukkin up by laying down with these nikkas that were fukking up is damn near impossible.

You keep trying to respond using strawmen and personal attacks lets me know that you aren't prepared for this conversation either intellectually or emotionally, because asking "where is the cultural responsibility for black women for the state of the black community?" shouldn't trigger such a hateful and emotional reaction.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
What in the world are you actually talking about?:what:
The main point of my thread was if you want a quality woman, be a quality man yourself. What the hell does BW refusing to take accountability for their decisions and priorities when it comes to dating have to do this? So all black women are bad now. Here's a little secret: not all women are good women. Asking why are bad women bad women as a justification for you not being able to find an ayesha is pathetic.
70% of children are born out of wedlock, but 70% of black women aren't having children out of wedlock.
Not all black women are whores.
Not all black women are choosing bad guys over the good ones
So if you want a good woman, be a good man. That's all.
Saying crap like well when women stop sleeping with these no good men, the black community will become better is downright pathetic.
Ya'll wanna complain about the black community being a matriarch but when it comes down to leading in that aspect, you guys want to cower in the corner.
Ya'll want traditional roles and control but refuse to control your dycks.
Also BW refusing to take accountability is a downright lie. There are a plethora of groups catered to black women of all ages whose sole purpose is to make black women respectable including the church, of course not all are going to follow suit.
Hell even Michelle Obama came out and said to us black women to leave bad guys alone and ya'll were like "she better speak the truth"
Farrakhan had a message to black men and how some of ya'll ruin some black women and it fell on deaf ears.

:blessed: They refuse to hear you though.


May 1, 2012
That breh sounds like he's posting from 2nd period of his 9th grade class...

pay him no mind :mjlol:
I actually bet that he's a little older and just a bit out of touch. He's pushing a stereotype. A younger cat would know that Steph isn't looked at as some lame. They're the ones balling in the under armours:heh:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I don't need to own the strawman you created. No one else interpreted what I wrote the way you did but you, and instead of acknowledging that fact that reevaluating your position, you double down on your foolishness even after it being explained and dumbed down again for you by a third party. Oddly enough, this speaks to your whole mentality throughout the discussion; an unwillingness to have any sort of self-reflection or accept correction due to unwarranted stubbornness.

You can't blame black women choosing to lay up with nikkas with no jobs, no dreams, and no financial stability on racism. Ain't a white man standing over you with a gun telling you to have sex with these bums and make babies with them. It is that hard to take even a sliver of responsibility for the any problem in the black community for women?

Show me a black man who doesn't acknowledge our part in gang violence, the drug war, financial mismanagement in the homes, etc. No man worth his salt is going to deny the role black men played in that. Getting a black woman to admit maybe they are fukkin up by laying down with these nikkas that were fukking up is damn near impossible.

You keep trying to respond using strawmen and personal attacks lets me know that you aren't prepared for this conversation either intellectually or emotionally, because asking "where is the cultural responsibility for black women for the state of the black community?" shouldn't trigger such a hateful and emotional reaction.

Talking about unity and acknowledging that the problems are by design is hateful? :deadmanny::mjpls: Again, keeping doing the cracka work. We're done here.