Why aren't men like Steph Curry

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
If we go by your statement then the "good" women are going for "good" men and being dubbed by fukk boys right?

Once again, you're not reading.

Good women are reaching for great men. fukkboys pretend they are great men. Good woman gets got by fukkboy and now has his child. Good woman looks fade and them stretch marks are fruitful. Good woman then looks for her old equal thinking she still playing with the same money she had before.

Good woman goes unmarried and remains a statistic, more often than not.

I just ask why you (men in general) don't extend the same advice to men that they are quick to throw at women.

You mean, don't get caught up with thots, get you a good supportive woman that isn't aroused by fukkboys?

nikkas give that advice everyday on here.

Jungles of Africa huh? So now we not "civilized enough for you?

Yes. Humans have walked the earth 200k years, we've only had society for about 10k of that. When we were still nomad hunter/gatherers, it made sense to pursue men based on physical attributes alone, because that was the main determinant of whether he could feed, provide, and protect.

Unfortunately for black women, this aint 10000BC anymore. A man being 6'3" has nothing to do with his quality, ability to provide, and ability to feed himself, yet yall use height everyday as a standard as if it has anything more with what actually matters in a relationship than the price of tea in China.

Wow. Starting to show them true colors I see.

Don't try to make something its not just because logical reasoning and reading comprehension escapes you.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Yet I can hop on LSA or Jezebel or XOJane and find the exact thing you say isn't happening.

Been doing that, like I said earlier if you had read instead of typing furiously.

I can't blame them for women being stupid enough to procreate with them. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. Hardheaded as fukk, and honestly, why should they listen to me if they have women silly enough to let them lay in their crib all day, do nothing, and these women take care of them, feed them, buy them shyt, and all they have to do is dikk her down from time to time? To him telling him to go out and get a job and be upstanding is a waste of time when he can do none of that and still get what he needs.

They aren't the cause of my woes, they are the cause of their OWN woes.
The 70% OOW rate black women complain about? That's due to black women laying up with aint shyt nikkas.
The lack of BW getting married? That's due to them burning up their best years trying to fukk the nikka all their homegirls wanna fukk and has no reason to commit to you.

I'm providing you with the solutions to cure YALL problems that YALL are in full control over, but since it requires BW to change, you find anyone and everyone to blame but yourselves.

My situation is fine. I'm telling black women that feminism is telling yall you can be a thot and a businesswoman but in the real world, with real men, that doesn't fly. You can't be Cardi B and think I'm gonna treat you like Michelle Obama just because you have a degree too. FOH. You can't force men to want something that we don't, and trying to shame us into accepting that its okay for yall to be thots and fukk with aint shyt nikkas for years and we're just supposed to welcome you with open arms when you're good and ready is silly as fukk, when both men and women say it.

Aint shyt I can do but keep being a 6 figure nikka and living the good life. That doesn't mean I cant point out the role black women play in the degeneration of the black community when it comes to dating. You can keep trying to deflect it as whining but you haven't refuted a single point.

Once again, the men on my level dont need to be told shyt. They are doing what they are supposed to do, which is be educated and provide for themselves and others, and give back to the community. Black men aren't responsible for giving birth to the next generation of little black boys and girls, WOMEN are. And as women with that responsibility, its on YALL shoulders to get in formation and get on the same page for the continuation, building, and betterment of the black community. Its upon WOMEN to stop using height, swag, street cred, etc, as a factor, to stop looking at the surface, to stop buying into what white controlled media tells you what an appealing man is. Its up to WOMEN, who will ultimately be responsible for these children when shyt goes sideways, to judge men by their character and ability to provide, not by whether your homegirls think he's fly or corny.

I can't say shyt to fukkboys if black women keep lining up to fukk them, suck them, feed them, and house them. Just like you can't say shyt to a thot and tell her to respect herself if she has millionaire simps willing to house her, feed her, keep her in the freshest shyt, etc.

If I'm silent about fukkboys being fukkboys, and women in general are completely against fukkboys, if he wants to get some p*ssy, he will be forced to change. If he can get everything I can get and the only thing he has to do is sell you a dream and dikk you down, me speaking or not speaking won't change a damn thing.

At the end of the day, black women need to take responsibilty for the fact THEY hold the keys to the genetic and financial future of black children, and the choices they make for who they date and procreate with effects us for generations. A fukkboy that can't fukk dies out and his fukkboy DNA dies with him. A woman who accepts him, keeps that bullshyt going for at least another generation, because
a) if she has a daughter, she learns those types of men are okay to fukk with and lay up under
b) a son will learn instead to just be a fukkboy and hop from woman to woman, because after all, my momma liked it.

I've provided evidence that shows you that there are BW doing what you say they are not so. :yeshrug: As far as "typing furiously" :mjlol: your responses are 3X the size of mines fuk out of here with that shyt. :youngsabo:My "you" was a generally you. This is a generally conversation right? It's not about you personally. No need to get feelings involved. As far as the 3rd paragraph, okay then what makes this baby mommas and "thots" any different? Why preach to them? fukkboys don't have women woes...ya know child support and all that?

Did you just type the same stat:deadmanny:? I got it. So basically your saying that BW are to blame to the problems in the community yes? Coupled with you "Africa jungle" reference you stance is starting to become clear.
Yea I realize you can't do shyt about what other people do. I am just wondering why you don't talk down to your own sex like you do woman. :yeshrug: I am not deflecting. I am asking you a straight question and you wanna dance around instead of being straight. I am not interested in your woman bashing points. I got it. I am asking why you don't think "leaders" have any responsibility to lead? Just weird to me you think women should solves all the problems in the community. That sounds like feminism 101 to me. :francis:

There are BW who are out there doing what they are suppose to do. Again, why is it our responsibly to fix our sex but you have no responsibly to fix your sex?

So basically BW are the leaders of the community and we need to lead ya'll to salvation? Again, that sounds like feminism to me. But if that is your stance. I accept that. I just know why you should them lead our community if you can't put any effort into solve the problems?:yeshrug:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
And not a single point of mine was addressed in your quotes.

Old ass grown women talking about "potential". Michelle Obama was in her early 20s. I'm betting all these women are in their late 20s at a minimum, still talking about "potential", which means "I still want to be lead by my p*ssy and not change what I value first and foremost in what is a good man."

If you're 30 dating a man who is 30 for his "potential", you already lost, because he should already be reaching his goals, not sitting around waiting for encouragement.

Try again.

They do actually. It was a whole thread about them being virtuous and not choosing bums and encouraging other women to do the same. What else do you want? How do you know how old they are? :heh: Look at your taking one part of a post out of many and running with it while skipping over them saying EXACTLY what you "supposedly" wanna hear. You wanna shyt on BW so bad. :umad: And you're one of the "good" ones right? :pachaha:@The M.I.C. I'm ashamed that your dapped this dude. This negro said BW choose mates like we are 'Africans in the jungle'. :dead: You can't make this up. :lawd:


Nov 27, 2015
Chicago IL
Why blacks gotta praise black men? And we all know it's hood blacks and saddity. Don't admit they are black blacks. Curry is the latter

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Once again, you're not reading.

Good women are reaching for great men. fukkboys pretend they are great men. Good woman gets got by fukkboy and now has his child. Good woman looks fade and them stretch marks are fruitful. Good woman then looks for her old equal thinking she still playing with the same money she had before.

Good woman goes unmarried and remains a statistic, more often than not.

You mean, don't get caught up with thots, get you a good supportive woman that isn't aroused by fukkboys?

nikkas give that advice everyday on here.

Yes. Humans have walked the earth 200k years, we've only had society for about 10k of that. When we were still nomad hunter/gatherers, it made sense to pursue men based on physical attributes alone, because that was the main determinant of whether he could feed, provide, and protect.

Unfortunately for black women, this aint 10000BC anymore. A man being 6'3" has nothing to do with his quality, ability to provide, and ability to feed himself, yet yall use height everyday as a standard as if it has anything more with what actually matters in a relationship than the price of tea in China.

Don't try to make something its not just because logical reasoning and reading comprehension escapes you.

I'm tired of doing this bullshyt dance with you and you can't clean up that "Africa Jungle" comment. shyt was an ugly thing to say and shows how you really feel about BW.

So let's cut the bullshyt. This is what I wanna know. Why are BW responsible for policing their sex but BM are not? Why do you think you have a right to police BW but not BM? Why should BM be "leaders" of the household if they feel they have no responsibility to fix or improve the community outside of themselves while placing responsibility of leadership on BW ?

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
I've provided evidence that shows you that there are BW doing what you say they are not so.

Because there wasn't a lick of the personal responsibility I referenced in there.

This is a generally conversation right? It's not about you personally. No need to get feelings involved.

:russell: typical response when you don't have anything of substance, terrible deflection. Stick to the subject.

So basically your saying that BW are to blame to the problems in the community yes?

I said they share in the problems in the black community by virtue of the fact they choose the genes and the kinds of households and financial support their children grow up with, which is a fact.

Coupled with you "Africa jungle" reference you stance is starting to become clear.

Do you think nikkas been living in the projects and in houses forever? Did you not take an anthropology class like ever?:wtf:

you stance is starting to become clear.
My stance has been the same from the jump. You want men of a higher standard, be that higher standard, make higher standard decisions, and use higher standard logic when it comes to choosing men, and not this "he big, he strong, he fly, make babies" logic that's been in use so far in the past 40 years.

I am just wondering why you don't talk down to your own sex like you do woman.

I do, but they aren't the topic of this discussion, black women and their choices in men are. When we discuss black men and their choices in women, I'll have heat for them too with their leaving thousands of comments on IG thots page asses.

I am asking you a straight question and you wanna dance around instead of being straight

You haven't asked any question I haven't answered. I still have questions that are unanswered.

I am not interested in your woman bashing points.
Apparently to you, any criticism of black women and their role in the state of the black community is "woman bashing", once again referencing back to the point about accountability.

I am asking why you don't think "leaders" have any responsibility to lead?

I can't lead you anywhere you aren't willing to follow. If you follow a fukkboy, I can't do shyt for you darling.

Just weird to me you think women should solves all the problems in the community.

Not all the problems, but the main problems that women complain about as it relates to the state of the black community is in their hands, they just don't want to change and elevate themselves to get there.

Again, why is it our responsibly to fix our sex but you have no responsibly to fix your sex?

Fixing your sex fixes ours. Yall are the primary and oft times solo caregivers and providers of our children. If yall ain't willing to step up and make sure your children have good fathers, how in the fukk can you sit here and bemoan the lack of good men when it was women like you a generation ago once again not taking responsibility for who they laid with that lead to the abundance of fukkboys with no male guidance today?

Basically you're saying black women shouldn't be held to any standards whatsoever but good men should be there for when black women are tired and ran through from fukkboys. That's not gonna fly here or with any other race of men, so yall need to quit with the shyts.

So basically BW are the leaders of the community and we need to lead ya'll to salvation?

No, black women give birth to a black nation, and we will rise or fall based on the men you allow to be the fathers of the next generation. This is a fact. We can see the effects of the poor decision making today.

I just know why you should them lead our community if you can't put any effort into solve the problems?

Again, what can do to make women stop being stupid with their vaginas? Only way I can have an effect on that is if I find a wife, get married, have a daughter, and be a great husband and father and teach her who and what to value when it comes to men. Outside of that, I can't do shyt. Yall are adults. It would behoove you and our future generations to act like it, step it up, and tell your fellow black women that THEY are control of the future of the black race, because they give birth to it.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
shyt was an ugly thing to say and shows how you really feel about BW.

Youre retarded and not interested in an actual conversation. You want to take something out of context when I said "people were living in the jungle of Africa"

- Africa is the birthplace of humanity
- We've walked this earth for 200k years
- We've only had society for less than 10k years.

So at some point we were in the jungle. Don't be stupid, and stop trying to strawman a point to make it seem like I hate black women to avoid my questions of accountability.

Play this shyt with someone else.

Why are BW responsible for policing their sex but BM are not?

Because black women give birth to the future generation, black men don't.

Why should BM be "leaders" of the household if they feel they have no responsibility to fix or improve the community outside of themselves while placing responsibility of leadership on BW ?

How can I fix who black women choose to sleep with? That's the crux of the issue. How the fukk is that anyone else's responsibility besides black women? You're conflating a lot of issues while not explaining how black women aren't in any way responsible for who they fukk and what they value when they decide who have sex/have babies.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Come on now you cant think EVERY or the MAJORITY of black women are into nikkas like this?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Fixing your sex fixes ours.

Blah blah blah all to get to this. It's our job to fix and lead you. That's all I wanted you to say and I agree whole heartily. It will be my pleasure. :pachaha:I don't know if that's a good idea for you given you don't like where we are taking you but, ya'll ain't trying to do shyt to stop it cause it ain't your job and all. So fukk it. Let's keep it pushing.

:umad: Good night boo.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Youre retarded and not interested in an actual conversation. You want to take something out of context when I said "people were living in the jungle of Africa"

- Africa is the birthplace of humanity
- We've walked this earth for 200k years
- We've only had society for less than 10k years.

So at some point we were in the jungle. Don't be stupid, and stop trying to strawman a point to make it seem like I hate black women to avoid my questions of accountability.

Play this shyt with someone else.

Because black women give birth to the future generation, black men don't.

How can I fix who black women choose to sleep with? That's the crux of the issue. How the fukk is that anyone else's responsibility besides black women? You're conflating a lot of issues while not explaining how black women aren't in any way responsible for who they fukk and what they value when they decide who have sex/have babies.

Didn't read, sorry, I already got what I wanted. Thank you. :myman:

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
Blah blah blah all to get to this. It's our job to fix and lead you.

So once again taking things out of context.

FYI, no one with any sort of reading comprehension agrees with you.

You didn't get or win shyt, and the fact that you looked at this as something to "win" instead of taking this information, processing it, and actually having a discussion about how we can be great TOGETHER, as black men and women, and inability to take any criticism, is one of the main reasons of the steady decline of the black race.

I lead myself. You can get in line and we can get this money, or you can be comfortable with the fukkboys who won't provide any constructive criticism to you.