Why aren't men like Steph Curry

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
First and foremost I don't take responsibility for shyt I didn't do.

But all black men are supposed to take responsibility for the prevalance of fukkboys, street harassment, etc.

One person who you have never heard complain about "good Black men"

Haven't seen any praise either.

I go to women's boards and they talk about women's issues.

Show me a thread on any of these women boards telling women to stop thinking with their p*ssy and start using their head and think about the black community when they choose who to lay down with.

Because I can show you the converse on here.

Like ya can shyt on women all day but never really address anything having to do with your actions.

Black men shyt on fukkboys on here not taking responsibility ALL THE TIME. You must stick to the Salon.

But now you trying to tell me that I need to take responsibility for BW?

I'm telling you I want to see black women take responsibility period. Not forced to because they laid down with a bum and now have to raise a child, but the responsibility of their choices. I've never seen black men have a backlash against other black men telling them to get jobs and dress well like I've seen BW backlash against Ayesha for saying she's not trying to live a double life. Feminism got yall thinking you can be hoes and good women at the same time, or that having a degree makes yall not thots if you engage in thot shyt and use thot logic.
Ya'll are like "Bad boys exist :yeshrug:oh well! Just avoid them."

Well yeah, duh. The fukk else you want? It's always gonna be aint shyt people out there. If I tell you to not loan money to a crackhead, you shouldn't respond "well make them not be crackheads". Its YOUR money. And just like its YOUR money, its YOUR ass that's gonna be unmarried and its YOUR ass that's gonna be raising a fukkboy's child solo. So telling you to avoid them is all that's reasonable, and yet yall fight it tooth and nail.

Why is that?
Why can't you just avoid shytty women and be "good" men in the process.

I do. Doesn't prevent me from pointing out its tons of shytty women out there. These aren't mutually exclusive.

If ya'll wasn't trying to run through chicks you wouldn't feel the need to worry about what women "in general" like.

All men, from fukkboys to church men, worry about what women in general like if they are single and dating.

Just ya'll really think your shyt don't stink with your hypocritical asses. shyt is hilarious.

Remind me, what's hypocritical about stating the fact that:
- Black women get approached, so they willingly allow the devil in their house
- 70% of children are born out of wedlock
- Black women love to talk about how no one wants to marry though you willingly date nikkas only looking for the next nut, which is born out by the aforementioned 70% OOW statistic.

If youre a grown ass woman and no one is marrying you off, that means you are CHOOSING these aint shyt men, and aint shyt I or anyone else can do about it except to tell you to not do it. You're an adult, black women are adults. You're responsible for your actions, and like it or not, the direction of the black community. As it stands, black women have chosen to go the single mother with fukkboy baby daddies route.

Good men aren't responsible for that, these "good" black women who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black women make in men, are.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Ayesha was a unicorn... but then she had to go get a job.

Now she's just like the rest of em :pacspit:
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™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Point me to the thread telling women to stop fukking with fukkboys and start valuing men by who they are and having goals and being financially stable, and not by who gets their p*ssy wet.

They do it all the time on the women's board I am apart of. I'd link you but it's a paid board :yeshrug: I'll find you a quote though. Give me a minute. Hope you'll have one of men doing the same. :troll:

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
But all black men are supposed to take responsibility for the prevalance of fukkboys, street harassment, etc.


Haven't seen any praise either.

Show me a thread on any of these women boards telling women to stop thinking with their p*ssy and start using their head and think about the black community when they choose who to lay down with.

Because I can show you the converse on here.

Black men shyt on fukkboys on here not taking responsibility ALL THE TIME. You must stick to the Salon.

I'm telling you I want to see black women take responsibility period. Not forced to because they laid down with a bum and now have to raise a child, but the responsibility of their choices. I've never seen black men have a backlash against other black men telling them to get jobs and dress well like I've seen BW backlash against Ayesha for saying she's not trying to live a double life. Feminism got yall thinking you can be hoes and good women at the same time, or that having a degree makes yall not thots if you engage in thot shyt and use thot logic.

Well yeah, duh. The fukk else you want? It's always gonna be aint shyt people out there. If I tell you to not loan money to a crackhead, you shouldn't respond "well make them not be crackheads". Its YOUR money. And just like its YOUR money, its YOUR ass that's gonna be unmarried and its YOUR ass that's gonna be raising a fukkboy's child solo. So telling you to avoid them is all that's reasonable, and yet yall fight it tooth and nail.

Why is that?

I do. Doesn't prevent me from pointing out its tons of shytty women out there. These aren't mutually exclusive.

All men, from fukkboys to church men, worry about what women in general like if they are single and dating.

Remind me, what's hypocritical about stating the fact that:
- Black women get approached, so they willingly allow the devil in their house
- 70% of children are born out of wedlock
- Black women love to talk about how no one wants to marry though you willingly date nikkas only looking for the next nut, which is born out by the aforementioned 70% OOW statistic.

If youre a grown ass woman and no one is marrying you off, that means you are CHOOSING these aint shyt men, and aint shyt I or anyone else can do about it except to tell you to not do it. You're an adult, black women are adults. You're responsible for your actions, and like it or not, the direction of the black community. As it stands, black women have chosen to go the single mother with fukkboy baby daddies route.

Good men aren't responsible for that, these "good" black women who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black women make in men, are.

Good fukking god. The quality of debate in this thread has gone platinum. Great response.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
They do it all the time on the women's board I am apart of. I'd link you but it's a paid board :yeshrug: I'll find you a quote though. Give me a minute. Hope you'll have one of men doing the same. :troll:

Happens literally everyday on here.

Hell half the time the poster understands the woman aint no good, but biology is strong sometimes. But we frequently on here tell men to strap up and protect themselves, and to get a good woman.

Problem is, good women think they deserve a great unicorn man, and that dating their equal is beneath them. fukkboys know this and exploit it by being "exciting" and selling a dream, or women think physical attributes matter as the first line and anyone who doesn't meet them is beneath them.

That's the problem.

Stats don't lie.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Oops though she was Canadian. :blessed: Even better case that he's black American
I'm just assuming she is since I have an eye for them. I'm creole on my fathers side, and she looks like a creole. I'm not entirely certain. I think Ayesha was the Canadian one, Stephs dad just played for the Raptors for a bit but I could be mistaken.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
I'm just assuming she is since I have an eye for them. I'm creole on my fathers side, and she looks like a creole. I'm not entirely certain. I think Ayesha was the Canadian one, Stephs dad just played for the Raptors for a bit but I could be mistaken.

Ayesha is creole, his mom is the Canadian one.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
But all black men are supposed to take responsibility for the prevalance of fukkboys, street harassment, etc.


Haven't seen any praise either.

Show me a thread on any of these women boards telling women to stop thinking with their p*ssy and start using their head and think about the black community when they choose who to lay down with.

Because I can show you the converse on here.

Black men shyt on fukkboys on here not taking responsibility ALL THE TIME. You must stick to the Salon.

I'm telling you I want to see black women take responsibility period. Not forced to because they laid down with a bum and now have to raise a child, but the responsibility of their choices. I've never seen black men have a backlash against other black men telling them to get jobs and dress well like I've seen BW backlash against Ayesha for saying she's not trying to live a double life. Feminism got yall thinking you can be hoes and good women at the same time, or that having a degree makes yall not thots if you engage in thot shyt and use thot logic.

Well yeah, duh. The fukk else you want? It's always gonna be aint shyt people out there. If I tell you to not loan money to a crackhead, you shouldn't respond "well make them not be crackheads". Its YOUR money. And just like its YOUR money, its YOUR ass that's gonna be unmarried and its YOUR ass that's gonna be raising a fukkboy's child solo. So telling you to avoid them is all that's reasonable, and yet yall fight it tooth and nail.

Why is that?

I do. Doesn't prevent me from pointing out its tons of shytty women out there. These aren't mutually exclusive.

All men, from fukkboys to church men, worry about what women in general like if they are single and dating.

Remind me, what's hypocritical about stating the fact that:
- Black women get approached, so they willingly allow the devil in their house
- 70% of children are born out of wedlock
- Black women love to talk about how no one wants to marry though you willingly date nikkas only looking for the next nut, which is born out by the aforementioned 70% OOW statistic.

If youre a grown ass woman and no one is marrying you off, that means you are CHOOSING these aint shyt men, and aint shyt I or anyone else can do about it except to tell you to not do it. You're an adult, black women are adults. You're responsible for your actions, and like it or not, the direction of the black community. As it stands, black women have chosen to go the single mother with fukkboy baby daddies route.

Good men aren't responsible for that, these "good" black women who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black women make in men, are.

No they are not. But you seem to think that I and "Black women" are suppose to take accountability for every BW that ever was. See how stupid it sounds from your protective? It sounds exactly the same from mines.

You haven't seen me praise BM cause you don't follow me around. I talk about my father, my friend's husband and my bff all the time. They are great men <---see now you've seen it.

This forum has such a small percentage of women, seeing a thread like that on this forum would be useless. But I can show you one from the all women's board I visit. Will that make you start telling men to get their shyt together?:usure: Doubt it but I will provide it nonetheless. You shyt on fukkboys like you shyt on BW. I agree with that. The difference is you don't tell the fukkboys what to do and you don't blame them for shyt (b/c it's all the women's fault) but have no problem telling women they are the cause of your woes and what they need to do to make you happy.

And feminism has ya'll crying to women to change your situation instead of being "men" and leading the way to salvation. Again, I am in charge of my life and who I associate with. Why are you and BM any different?

:mjlol: You can edit that "YOUR" shyt sir. That ain't never gonna be me. :francis: But if you are speaking in general cool. I agree. Just wondering why ya'll never say that shyt to each other? If a woman does a man wrong she is every whore under the sun. If a man does a woman wrong ya'll high five each other and ask what she did to deserve it. See the difference?

Ya'll worry about women but never worry about what you can do your damn selves. That's the point and what's hypocritical. Those stats have nothing to do with what the fukk I'm saying, it just you repeating if for the 3rd time trying to make a point that has has nothing to do with this exchange. So keep it...unless you just have to to type it again. :troll:

Yeah I understand you know how to tell women what to do. :mjlol: Everyone got an opinion sir. That don't make you special. Just wondering why you can't do it the other members of your sex?

To the last sentence, I understand. So if the statement reads like this 'Good women aren't responsible for that, these "good" black men who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black men make in women, are.' the same should apply, right?

The hypocrisy has reached new levels. :deadmanny:


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
But all black men are supposed to take responsibility for the prevalance of fukkboys, street harassment, etc.


Haven't seen any praise either.

Show me a thread on any of these women boards telling women to stop thinking with their p*ssy and start using their head and think about the black community when they choose who to lay down with.

Because I can show you the converse on here.

Black men shyt on fukkboys on here not taking responsibility ALL THE TIME. You must stick to the Salon.

I'm telling you I want to see black women take responsibility period. Not forced to because they laid down with a bum and now have to raise a child, but the responsibility of their choices. I've never seen black men have a backlash against other black men telling them to get jobs and dress well like I've seen BW backlash against Ayesha for saying she's not trying to live a double life. Feminism got yall thinking you can be hoes and good women at the same time, or that having a degree makes yall not thots if you engage in thot shyt and use thot logic.

Well yeah, duh. The fukk else you want? It's always gonna be aint shyt people out there. If I tell you to not loan money to a crackhead, you shouldn't respond "well make them not be crackheads". Its YOUR money. And just like its YOUR money, its YOUR ass that's gonna be unmarried and its YOUR ass that's gonna be raising a fukkboy's child solo. So telling you to avoid them is all that's reasonable, and yet yall fight it tooth and nail.

Why is that?

I do. Doesn't prevent me from pointing out its tons of shytty women out there. These aren't mutually exclusive.

All men, from fukkboys to church men, worry about what women in general like if they are single and dating.

Remind me, what's hypocritical about stating the fact that:
- Black women get approached, so they willingly allow the devil in their house
- 70% of children are born out of wedlock
- Black women love to talk about how no one wants to marry though you willingly date nikkas only looking for the next nut, which is born out by the aforementioned 70% OOW statistic.

If youre a grown ass woman and no one is marrying you off, that means you are CHOOSING these aint shyt men, and aint shyt I or anyone else can do about it except to tell you to not do it. You're an adult, black women are adults. You're responsible for your actions, and like it or not, the direction of the black community. As it stands, black women have chosen to go the single mother with fukkboy baby daddies route.

Good men aren't responsible for that, these "good" black women who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black women make in men, are.
Single most logical response I've read all day.


Richest Broke Ni99a You'll Never Meet
Nov 27, 2015
Let me one star this thread too :pachaha: OP obviously didn't think long and hard before posting.