Why aren't men like Steph Curry

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Happens literally everyday on here.

Hell half the time the poster understands the woman aint no good, but biology is strong sometimes. But we frequently on here tell men to strap up and protect themselves, and to get a good woman.

Problem is, good women think they deserve a great unicorn man, and that dating their equal is beneath them. fukkboys know this and exploit it by being "exciting" and selling a dream, or women think physical attributes matter as the first line and anyone who doesn't meet them is beneath them.

That's the problem.

Stats don't lie.

Wow! So you all tell each other "strap up and protect themselves, and to get a good woman." You really think that is the same as telling women they are the problem in the Black community and that they only choose "bad boys" and have no morals. :deadmanny: Why don't you tell them no not sleep around and be virtuous?

The second paragraph is a fukking contradiction to your whole argument. How are BM choosing bum fukk boys and men above their means at the same time? So fukk boys are the unicorns b/c the are exciting. :deadmanny: You're too much. :bryan:As far as the attractive part goes, :camby:. I am allows to be attracted to my partner.

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
No they are not. But you seem to think that I and "Black women" are suppose to take accountability for every BW that ever was. See how stupid it sounds from your protective? It sounds exactly the same from mines.

Yet I can hop on LSA or Jezebel or XOJane and find the exact thing you say isn't happening.

Will that make you start telling men to get their shyt together?

Been doing that, like I said earlier if you had read instead of typing furiously.

You shyt on fukkboys like you shyt on BW. I agree with that. The difference is you don't tell the fukkboys what to do and you don't blame them for shyt

I can't blame them for women being stupid enough to procreate with them. Talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. Hardheaded as fukk, and honestly, why should they listen to me if they have women silly enough to let them lay in their crib all day, do nothing, and these women take care of them, feed them, buy them shyt, and all they have to do is dikk her down from time to time? To him telling him to go out and get a job and be upstanding is a waste of time when he can do none of that and still get what he needs.

but have no problem telling women they are the cause of your woes and what they need to do to make you happy

They aren't the cause of my woes, they are the cause of their OWN woes.
The 70% OOW rate black women complain about? That's due to black women laying up with aint shyt nikkas.
The lack of BW getting married? That's due to them burning up their best years trying to fukk the nikka all their homegirls wanna fukk and has no reason to commit to you.

I'm providing you with the solutions to cure YALL problems that YALL are in full control over, but since it requires BW to change, you find anyone and everyone to blame but yourselves.
And feminism has ya'll crying to women to change your situation instead of being "men" and leading the way to salvation.

My situation is fine. I'm telling black women that feminism is telling yall you can be a thot and a businesswoman but in the real world, with real men, that doesn't fly. You can't be Cardi B and think I'm gonna treat you like Michelle Obama just because you have a degree too. FOH. You can't force men to want something that we don't, and trying to shame us into accepting that its okay for yall to be thots and fukk with aint shyt nikkas for years and we're just supposed to welcome you with open arms when you're good and ready is silly as fukk, when both men and women say it.

Ya'll worry about women but never worry about what you can do your damn selves.

Aint shyt I can do but keep being a 6 figure nikka and living the good life. That doesn't mean I cant point out the role black women play in the degeneration of the black community when it comes to dating. You can keep trying to deflect it as whining but you haven't refuted a single point.

Just wondering why you can't do it the other members of your sex?

Once again, the men on my level dont need to be told shyt. They are doing what they are supposed to do, which is be educated and provide for themselves and others, and give back to the community. Black men aren't responsible for giving birth to the next generation of little black boys and girls, WOMEN are. And as women with that responsibility, its on YALL shoulders to get in formation and get on the same page for the continuation, building, and betterment of the black community. Its upon WOMEN to stop using height, swag, street cred, etc, as a factor, to stop looking at the surface, to stop buying into what white controlled media tells you what an appealing man is. Its up to WOMEN, who will ultimately be responsible for these children when shyt goes sideways, to judge men by their character and ability to provide, not by whether your homegirls think he's fly or corny.

I can't say shyt to fukkboys if black women keep lining up to fukk them, suck them, feed them, and house them. Just like you can't say shyt to a thot and tell her to respect herself if she has millionaire simps willing to house her, feed her, keep her in the freshest shyt, etc.

So if the statement reads like this 'Good women aren't responsible for that, these "good" black men who either cosign or are silent about the choices other black men make in women, are.' the same should apply, right?

If I'm silent about fukkboys being fukkboys, and women in general are completely against fukkboys, if he wants to get some p*ssy, he will be forced to change. If he can get everything I can get and the only thing he has to do is sell you a dream and dikk you down, me speaking or not speaking won't change a damn thing.

At the end of the day, black women need to take responsibilty for the fact THEY hold the keys to the genetic and financial future of black children, and the choices they make for who they date and procreate with effects us for generations. A fukkboy that can't fukk dies out and his fukkboy DNA dies with him. A woman who accepts him, keeps that bullshyt going for at least another generation, because
a) if she has a daughter, she learns those types of men are okay to fukk with and lay up under
b) a son will learn instead to just be a fukkboy and hop from woman to woman, because after all, my momma liked it.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
keep thinking all women have options:mjlol:

I've known her since grade school. stop telling me what I know.
everything that makes a woman unattractive in this society, she has.

Damn your home girl probably looks like a cross of Solomon Grundy and Jason Voorhees without the mask.

You wifey tho :pachaha:

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
The second paragraph is a fukking contradiction to your whole argument. How are BM choosing bum fukk boys and men above their means at the same time?

Didn't say that at all, but ok.

You really think that is the same as telling women they are the problem in the Black community and that they only choose "bad boys" and have no morals.

I didn't say they were THE problem, but for a lot of problems they complain about when it comes to dating, the solution is in their hands.

Why don't you tell them no not sleep around and be virtuous?

I do actually. But people gonna fukk regardless. I never said women shouldn't have sex, I said they shouldnt have sex with fukkboys with no job and no morals.

The fact that "don't have sex with fukkboys" = "don't have sex" to you is telling.

So fukk boys are the unicorns b/c the are exciting.

Not what I said, I said the fukkboys put on the image that they are like the unicorns they lust over, with the 300 dollar jordans and all that shyt, when in reality they still living at home with moms. Why do you think nikkas on minimum wage spend stupid money on being flashy? No different than make peacocks.

I am allows to be attracted to my partner.

Yes you are. I never disputed that. I said a cultural shift needs to happen with black women as to what they find attractive in the first place. Still dating using the same logic that we used when we were living in the jungles of Africa won't serve you well in a capitalist 21st century society.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
@Bugatti Biceps

Her are your quotes. The are unaltered. It's a paid all BW message board. :sas2: You should really like that the last one. :sas2:

"I did find the some of that hiding extreme, but he did have a point about picking up the club, bar guy and trying to turn that man-hoe into a husband esp if he's not ready for that kind of commitment and he's not on his game."

"I think everyone has made interesting points in this thread. Personally, I think being the Proverbs 31 woman takes a certain amount of maturity and regardless of whether or not someone is married, they will live up to most of the description or they won't. Some of her characteristics could be cultivated, yet it would take an enormous amount of self-discipline and breaking old habits for some folks.

I don't agree with someone being a Proverbs 31 woman just because they are married to a man who is on point. How many people have presented such a facade and let their real self come out after the vows have been taken? They might have more of an incentive to become their best self or not. It really depends on the individual.

Why is there so much talk about what women need to work on? What about the women that have developed these traits and are still unmarried? What kind of message is being sent to them, that there's something wrong with them? T.D. Jakes said it best, "Just because you haven't met your King doesn't mean you aren't already a Queen." And there ARE quite a few queens walking about."

"From Websters Online Dictionary:

Virute -
1 a : conformity to a standard of right : morality b : a particular moral excellence

Prov. 31:10 begins by saying, "who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies..."

As one who is striving to be a Prov. 31 woman, while yet single, I think that we can be Prov 31 women before we are married. She was virtuous before marriage (she displayed qualities as outlined in the definition above), that is how he found her and why he chose her...the attributes described in the passage are indeed what the husband loved about her after they married, for sure; however, she had to display the virtue needed in order to for him to know that she would be "that woman" after they married---I think this is key."

"1 star, the point is not that we have to have a staff, and a wealthy husband. The point, for me anyway, is that whatever he brings to the table (he could be a bus driver), I can make it grow and prosper. As women, we have the power to nurture and develop. Ok, so our combined salaries are $5k a month, how do I take this $5k and grow it, so that our household needs are met, and we are able to put some aside. How did I save and invest my own money as a single woman? Did I spend every dime I made trying to stay current on the latest fashion, cars, etc.? Or, was I wise with my money?

It is not about the Prov. 31 woman's household, try to get past that to see the wisdom in how she ran her household. Each one of us, regardless of how big or how small our paychecks and our husband's paychecks, are going to need virtue and wisdom in dealing in our homes. Truly, woman are so vital in growing a man to his fullest potential in alot of instances. Think how many men start out struggling, but they have good wives who nurtured that household and really helped him take care of finances, and then their family grew "wealthy" (I use wealthy as a relative term here, doesn't mean that they are ballin like lifestyle of the rich and famous). I know people like this in my own life...

There is a scripture in Proverbs that reads, "Wisdom is the principle thing; in all your getting, get understanding."

Taz, thanks for helping to illustrate my point. I am still struggling with why some Sista's feel that this message is being "pushed" on them (or pushed on women in the Church in general), 'cause really, I see a lot of sisters out here that truly believe that a man is supposed to do and be whatever she wants him to do or be FOR HER, and all she has to do is sit back and reap the benefits of "having a man.":ohwell: Some women are still out here thinking, "I want a rich man" or "I want a man with high standing in the community..." but they are not interested in seeing the potential in a man. Heck, wasn't President Obama sill in law school when he stepped to Michelle (who was a practicing lawyer for a major firm in Chicago at that time...)? She had to see the potential in where he was going. She had the wisdom not to write him off as a "broke ***" law school student...

And all this is from one thread. :pachaha: BW are out here trying to do better and encourage each other. And what you doing...oh yeah shytting on BW and telling each other to "strap up" :deadmanny: :skip: Bravo

Bugatti Biceps

Supreme Hacker
Jul 1, 2015
Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn NY
And all this is from one thread

And not a single point of mine was addressed in your quotes.

Old ass grown women talking about "potential". Michelle Obama was in her early 20s. I'm betting all these women are in their late 20s at a minimum, still talking about "potential", which means "I still want to be lead by my p*ssy and not change what I value first and foremost in what is a good man."

If you're 30 dating a man who is 30 for his "potential", you already lost, because he should already be reaching his goals, not sitting around waiting for encouragement.

Try again.


Jun 22, 2014
Why do you think white women are better at picking good mates then black women?
They aren't.
There are more White people in the US, and more of them are born middle-class or wealthy.
Lets not even start this.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Didn't say that at all, but ok.

I didn't say they were THE problem, but for a lot of problems they complain about when it comes to dating, the solution is in their hands.

I do actually. But people gonna fukk regardless. I never said women shouldn't have sex, I said they shouldnt have sex with fukkboys with no job and no morals.

The fact that "don't have sex with fukkboys" = "don't have sex" to you is telling.

Not what I said, I said the fukkboys put on the image that they are like the unicorns they lust over, with the 300 dollar jordans and all that shyt, when in reality they still living at home with moms. Why do you think nikkas on minimum wage spend stupid money on being flashy? No different than make peacocks.

Yes you are. I never disputed that. I said a cultural shift needs to happen with black women as to what they find attractive in the first place. Still dating using the same logic that we used when we were living in the jungles of Africa won't serve you well in a capitalist 21st century society.

That's exactly what you said "Problem is, good women think they deserve a great unicorn man, and that dating their equal is beneath them. fukkboys know this and exploit it by being "exciting" and selling a dream." If we go by your statement then the "good" women are going for "good" men and being dubbed by fukk boys right? :pachaha:

:childplease:I never said no shyt like that. You're reaching. I never even stated my opinion on sex. I just ask why you (men in general) don't extend the same advice to men that they are quick to throw at women.

Jungles of Africa huh? So now we not "civilized enough for you? :pachaha:Wow. Starting to show them true colors I see. :sas1:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
So now it's about looks? Make up your mind.

First it was men aren't as upstanding as the women they want, then it became we're choosing wrong, now it's women walking around like Ayesha but we just don't notice them? Just admit you're trolling.
Aw shyt not the darkskin women are the mule of the earth shyt again. This bullshyt is soo tired from certain chicks. That shyt don't have no real weight unless you darkskin and ugly but if you lightskin and ugly you ain't getting top notch dudes either so whats the point of this shyt some chicks try to pull. Ole insecure ass folks I tell ya. I wish I'd be like man them light skin dudes with the light eyes get all the girls oh woe is me. That's the day I'd take myself out cause I know I'm not for Earth anymore