The Official Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey; Prophet of The Black Afrikan


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
:whoa: hold on now breh. It may seem that way from the surface, but the main adversary of Garvey was white supremacy. His organization was infiltrated probably more than any other organization at the time. The 1st black FBI agent in history was hired to spy on Garvey and sabotage his works (one of the main accomplishments being they sabotaged the black star line).

Now granted there were some blacks hating, but the blame always goes to Cacs first.

Well I did say some kinda goes without saying that CACs would be the number one enemy of a forward thinking black man. But it doesn't discount the fact that there were those like W.E.B. Dubois who hated the very existence of a man like Garvey, and actively worked to directly or indirectly sabotage his vision.
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⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Well I did say some kinda goes without saying that CACs would be the number one enemy of a forward thinking black man. But it doesn't discount the fact that there were those like W.E.B. Dubois who hated the very existance of a man like Garvey, and actively worked to directly or indirectly sabotage his vision.

which goes back to my statement about dubois and garvey a couple of posts back.


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
I'm hoping you describe why you believe his views were flawed (I'm commenting as I read through your posts BTW).

How does the liberation of Africa not attempt to solve the global epidemic of white supremacy? At the time of Garvey, there were approximately 8-900 million Africans under imperial on the continent of Africa. Garvey's philosophy was that we can't expect to be respected as a people, when we don't even have control of our own home land. For every African under the bondage of White Supremacy in the US, there were 20 under that same system in Africa

Yes, but that's what Chrisman talks about is wrong with that type of ideology. The black American experience is wholly distinctive to other forms of oppression across the oceans; True, they are all forms of oppression, but black America has historically experienced a different monster. Liberating Africa would not address the crisis of black America because its not the same colonialism as in Africa.

Garvey was directly confronting the lynching problems in the US. Garvey and the UNIA had shoot outs with the KKK over lynchings of black Africans. As I stated in my original post, Garvey was so serious about the problems of lynching, that he said to the US government for every black person that's lynched in the South, we'll lynch 2 in South Africa.

Again, I'm not debating this. You keep going back to the man and what he did here in America. I told you the only problem I have with Garvey is his Back to Africa plan. Lynching whites in Africa WOULD NOT IN ANY WAY SOLVE THE CRISIS OF LYNCHING in America and I would love to hear how it would. Would Going to a foreign country and lynching non-American whites stop white racist dixiecrats from lynching us here? No. Explain how that would work.

That's exactly what Garvey DID teach blacks to do in the US. It's why while he was here, he started black business. He started the Black Star Line so we could economically compete globally from it's home base in the US. Garvey said in many interviews and speeches that black people needed to have their own military in order to fight white supremacy. It's why he said he wanted us to have our OWN government and military, since we weren't going to have one in the US because of the climate of the time.

Again, you are back to what he did HERE. I ONLY CRITICIZED HIS FINAL GOAL PLANS AND THE LONGTERM EFFECTS OF SUCH A PLAN. THAT'S IT. You are really taking this to the wrong argument.

Of course Garvey accounted for that. It's why he himself never went back to Africa. Garvey didn't say, the best of the best should go to Africa, and have a complete brain drain on the US. He said those among you who are WILLING to get and be the pioneers of "the new world" should go. The example he used was of the European explorers who left Europe to settle in the new world (America).

Every faction of the UNIA was about the complete liberation of African people globally. It's also why his movement gained such global recognition because his mission was the liberation of all Africans, regardless of where they stayed.

But I am arguing that attempting to liberate Africa would not damage white hegemony/white supremacy. That's where we differ.

Breh, everything you are saying is NOT what Garvey said or even did. Please provide some examples to prove your point. Based on everything you wrote, you have an inaccurate opinion of Garvey, the UNIA, and its purpose.

See above because again I'm arguing that the back to Africa movement does not accuately attack white supremacy. America racism and Western racial oppression in general was distinctive and different from African colonialism, which is what Robert Chrisman argues in Revolutionary Black Culture. The attempted liberation of Africa would not destroy white supremacy; let's speculate and say Garvey was able to take over Africa. Explain to me how he would then be able to liberate blacks across the globe. I've read the UNIA's plans and there's no feasible way that black liberation, especially in America, would come from Garvey's plans because racial oppression in America is so distinctively politically, socially, economically, and culturally different than in Africa and that's what Garvey faile dto realize in his plans.

Damn near every person you named used Garvey as the blueprint for their movements. Malcolm X's parents were members of the UNIA. Farad Muhammad was a member of the UNIA. Again, you have an inaccurate view of Garvey and his movement. Please posts some quotes, examples, and excerpts that shows that Garvey's idea was to run to Africa and leave African Americans high and drive. Post examples showing that Garvey's movement was not about the liberation of ALL Africans, regardless of where they resided.

Of course they all did. You do realize that black leaders share ideas and they don't always completely disagree. Huey P. Newton used ideas from Eldridge Cleaver, but they disagreed for most of the 70s on the ideology of the black panther Party. I don't get what you are saying by the above post. Plus, you keep saying I said the movement was not about liberating all blacks (not just Africans). Of course the UNIA wanted black liberation, but I said over and over again that I don't agree with the methodological approach that Garvey took in advocated in his major plan. I am saying that Garvey's movement COULD NOT result in black liberation across the globe because the plan was flawed because it did not account for the distinctive nature of American racial oppression and global capitalist oppression.

Please stop assuming that someone doesn't know Garvey because I do. I have a methodological disagreement with him and that's it. You posted alot of shyt he did in America, which I never debated. He did great things and said great things and is a true example for different strategies to combat racism in America. But I criticize his method in dealing with the monster of white supremacy as a whole on a macro level. I argue that in order to combat racial oppression in America, you must develop distinctive strategies because our socioeconomic condition and history is vastly different from the African colonialism. It just is. Read Sundiata Cha-Jua's Race Issues that came out in 2011. It demonstrates how America's racial oppression is so exceptional to other forms of racial oppression that strategies have to be developed based solely on our experience here. That's who I am rolling with because its true from a historical perspective. As I said in my last post (but I guess you dismissed it), you should really check out Robert Chrisman, Sundiata Cha-Jua, and Clarence Lang writings.

I apologize for using the word "cowardly." A better word is ineffective.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
due to the legacy of the white power structure it's and the fact oppressive anti black white supremist European and amerikkkan governments still monopolize the world's power it's going take African(black nations in particular) decades or even centuries to end this status qou and even then it's most likely going to take black nations uniting and liberating themselves of western neo colonism and exploitation.

Its going to end quicker than that. How can you be a Revolutionary when you so pessimistic? :ld:


Aug 12, 2012
You hit the nail right on the head. That's how I've always felt in my heart, that we don't belong here. I'd hate to die here in this cac infested wasteland.

Hasn't there been more and more talk among African nations about having brothers and sisters of the Diaspora have free visas and dual citizenships to go on back home? I just don't feel comfortable in this country...I don't know how to put it into words in a way that you guys can interpret but something just feels "off"

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Hasn't there been more and more talk among African nations about having brothers and sisters of the Diaspora have free visas and dual citizenships to go on back home? I just don't feel comfortable in this country...I don't know how to put it into words in a way that you guys can interpret but something just feels "off"

There are a lot of opportunities to work in Africa and, I've come across one, and I plan on making that a permanent thing. There are so many causes you can become a part of just to make that happen breh.


Aug 12, 2012
There are a lot of opportunities to work in Africa and, I've come across one, and I plan on making that a permanent thing. There are so many causes you can become a part of just to make that happen breh.

Education is still the backbone of life....I have to step it up in that department...After my 2.5 GPA in community college I have to improve drastically before I think about self consciousness....I can't disappoint highly ambitious Brothers and Sisters in the Motherland by having an average person around them...I am getting a second chance whenever I do start going to a 4 year school to make over inaquedacy....

I need to step it up as a man so any future woman considers me Worthy enough to submit to...then I can focus on working in Africa and living in a permanent homogenous society....instead of just running to the flavor of decade Harlem of the 20s or Atlanta of the 00s and 10s that often aren't even permanent for Black folks


Jun 26, 2013
Education is still the backbone of life....I have to step it up in that department...After my 2.5 GPA in community college I have to improve drastically before I think about self consciousness....I can't disappoint highly ambitious Brothers and Sisters in the Motherland by having an average person around them...I am getting a second chance whenever I do start going to a 4 year school to make over inaquedacy....

I need to step it up as a man so any future woman considers me Worthy enough to submit to...then I can focus on working in Africa and living in a permanent homogenous society....instead of just running to the flavor of decade Harlem of the 20s or Atlanta of the 00s and 10s that often aren't even permanent for Black folks
Dope post

I always say, as black empowerists. Before we empower anyone, we have to first Empower ourselves


Aug 12, 2012
Dope post

I always say, as black empowerists. Before we empower anyone, we have to first Empower ourselves

Like Spike Lee said about Malcolm's biography, it really has changed the way I acted and felt....almost finished up now in the middle of the "Epilogue" chapter...when I saw the comment by him on the cover of the book I assumed it was hyperbole but this is really making me opening up my mind more...

I'm still young(22) so I can make up for lost time....


Jun 26, 2013

even liberia/ ethiopia are half truths

whites funded the migration n ensured the formation of liberia

ethiopia, i cant remember but if you look you'll prob find it. Considering they had guns over there during the 19th century, its fishy

abit like the haitian revolution, alot of smoke n mirrors to give us the illusion of being white supremacy free


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Of course they all did. You do realize that black leaders share ideas and they don't always completely disagree. Huey P. Newton used ideas from Eldridge Cleaver, but they disagreed for most of the 70s on the ideology of the black panther Party. I don't get what you are saying by the above post. Plus, you keep saying I said the movement was not about liberating all blacks (not just Africans). Of course the UNIA wanted black liberation, but I said over and over again that I don't agree with the methodological approach that Garvey took in advocated in his major plan. I am saying that Garvey's movement COULD NOT result in black liberation across the globe because the plan was flawed because it did not account for the distinctive nature of American racial oppression and global capitalist oppression.

Please stop assuming that someone doesn't know Garvey because I do. I have a methodological disagreement with him and that's it. You posted alot of shyt he did in America, which I never debated. He did great things and said great things and is a true example for different strategies to combat racism in America. But I criticize his method in dealing with the monster of white supremacy as a whole on a macro level. I argue that in order to combat racial oppression in America, you must develop distinctive strategies because our socioeconomic condition and history is vastly different from the African colonialism. It just is. Read Sundiata Cha-Jua's Race Issues that came out in 2011. It demonstrates how America's racial oppression is so exceptional to other forms of racial oppression that strategies have to be developed based solely on our experience here. That's who I am rolling with because its true from a historical perspective. As I said in my last post (but I guess you dismissed it), you should really check out Robert Chrisman, Sundiata Cha-Jua, and Clarence Lang writings.

I apologize for using the word "cowardly." A better word is ineffective.

Well wait a minute? What exactly about Garvey's strategy isn't agreeable?

Lesbianas, he's not the first African from the West to attempt to build that bridge to Africa. That goes all the way back to people like David Walker and then Martin Delany much later. Garvey's vision encouraged the mindset that black people are capable of being on equal footing and even superior to their white overlords. Garvey was smart enough to see the Diaspora as a nation within many white controlled nations so the economic independence of black folks was important. Now, I'm not gonna argue whether the projects Garvey undertook were successful or not but I don't see how his ideas didn't tackle the peculiarities of white supremacy in America or otherwise. The sheer numbers and wide scope of influence he had both in the Diaspora and continent isn't simply because of some populist bullshyt. Garveyism is an important component to the development of Black Nationalism and Pan Africanism imo.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…

even liberia/ ethiopia are half truths

whites funded the migration n ensured the formation of liberia

ethiopia, i cant remember but if you look you'll prob find it. Considering they had guns over there during the 19th century, its fishy

abit like the haitian revolution, alot of smoke n mirrors to give us the illusion of being white supremacy free

Nah, Ethiopia is all truth breh. I'll say this much, we may have been just as much lucky/blessed as anything else. But the way Menelik II played the British and French off of each other was masterful work. The reason why Ethiopia was armed like it was during the first Italian invasion is for a number of different reasons, mainly the way in which the Ethiopian court played the Europeans off each other. Ethiopia had economic ties with Europe once the Arabs stranglehold fell apart and the country was able to communicate and trade with the west again. For starters, Menelik gained the crown and a huge gain of weapons from Italy by selling off the land that became Eritrea because Asmara was the capitol of his chief rival Yohannes IV. I personally hate what happened to Eritrea cuz it forced my great grandparents to move south. After gaining those weapons, he proceeded to play the Brits and French off one another. Ethiopia had resources/goods to sell to Europe and Europe supplied Ethiopia with weapons from London and luxury goods from Paris. At his peak, Menelik had most of modern Ethiopia and Somalia with Djibouti and Eritrea being the immediate colonial neighbors. Eventually he made the mistake of selling off those coastal lands to the Europeans. However Ethiopia's sovereignty hadn't been compromised so it didn't matter if Somalis or the tribes that became Eritreans became subjects of Imperialism.

The Italians then began sabotaging Menelik's efforts and eventually he lost the support of Britain and France which led to Italy's first invasion where we beat the absolute dog shyt out of those cacs at the Battle of Adwa and made Ethiopia the pride of black people worldwide. The Ethiopian colors gained their legacy from that battle, not from Rastafarianism although the Rastas made it popular. Ethiopia at the most was occupied by Italy between the mid 30s and early 40s but never officially colonized or made a subject of European power. No fiction.


Jun 26, 2013
Nah, Ethiopia is all truth breh. I'll say this much, we may have been just as much lucky/blessed as anything else. But the way Menelik II played the British and French off of each other was masterful work. The reason why Ethiopia was armed like it was during the first Italian invasion is for a number of different reasons, mainly the way in which the Ethiopian court played the Europeans off each other. Ethiopia had economic ties with Europe once the Arabs stranglehold fell apart and the country was able to communicate and trade with the west again. For starters, Menelik gained the crown and a huge gain of weapons from Italy by selling off the land that became Eritrea because Asmara was the capitol of his chief rival Yohannes IV. I personally hate what happened to Eritrea cuz it forced my great grandparents to move south. After gaining those weapons, he proceeded to play the Brits and French off one another. Ethiopia had resources/goods to sell to Europe and Europe supplied Ethiopia with weapons from London and luxury goods from Paris. At his peak, Menelik had most of modern Ethiopia and Somalia with Djibouti and Eritrea being the immediate colonial neighbors. Eventually he made the mistake of selling off those coastal lands to the Europeans. However Ethiopia's sovereignty hadn't been compromised so it didn't matter if Somalis or the tribes that became Eritreans became subjects of Imperialism.

The Italians then began sabotaging Menelik's efforts and eventually he lost the support of Britain and France which led to Italy's first invasion where we beat the absolute dog shyt out of those cacs at the Battle of Adwa and made Ethiopia the pride of black people worldwide. The Ethiopian colors gained their legacy from that battle, not from Rastafarianism although the Rastas made it popular. Ethiopia at the most was occupied by Italy between the mid 30s and early 40s but never officially colonized or made a subject of European power. No fiction.

Ethiopia could've been colonised by the British as they went there in 1868 to overthrow the King Theodore whom had imprisoned all westerners. The British somehow managed to march through hostile territory and overthrow the King with out taking a single casualty. Had they so chosen they could've colonised the whole country but it was decided that it just wasn't worth it.

I havent looked it up inna while, i should have some heat by tomorrow. once i find the book

thanks for the knowledge drop