The Official Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey; Prophet of The Black Afrikan

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
As more Asian and African countries develop a higher standard of living, on top of the native European population birthrates dropping fast, its only a matter of time before the white power structure falls off from dominance. I'm not too worried at this point.

I dont understand what you are saying

I'll also add that again, my beliefs are not based upon hate


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
As more Asian and African countries develop a higher standard of living, on top of the native European population birthrates dropping fast, its only a matter of time before the white power structure falls off from dominance. I'm not too worried at this point.

I guess I just dont see how some developing nations across the Atlantic is supposed to save people here

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
In America, more black owned businesses have been creates since rhw great recession, but the news ain't gonna tell you that.

I guess I just dont see how some developing nations across the Atlantic is supposed to save people here


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
just some points to be made:

Though the phrase “emancipate yourself from mental slavery” is commonly associated with “Redemption Song” by Bob Marley, few know the concept originated with Marcus Garvey. During a speech given in October 1937 at Nova Scotia’s Menelik Hall entitled “The Work That Has Been Done”, ”We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind”

With that said, let us think for ourselves on this next statement;

In a speech at Liberty Hall in New York City in August 1929, Garvey outlined his belief that Africans should establish a new way of looking at their faith: “God tells us to worship a God in our own image', said he. 'We are Black and to be in our image God must be black. Our people have been lynched and burned in the South because we have been worshipping a false God. But what can you expect when you have adopted the idolism of another race? We must create a God of our own and give this new religion to the Negroes of the World”

Now, let me show you this good article I found on MARCUS M. GARVEY-EL and his involvement with the teachings of AL-ISLAM, that was written by a SUNNI IMAAM.. originally posted on-line on AUGUST 24th, 2010....I thought many of you would find this very interesting indeed...


August 17th marked the 123rd memorial birth date of Marcus Garvey. In honor of that occasion, I release the following from my future book, Reclaimed Legacy: Muslim Indigenous And Immigrant Peoples, And The True History Of Al-Islam In America Muslim Influence on the U.N.I.A.

"Father of all Creation, Allah Omnipotent, Supreme o’er every nation, God Bless our President"

These are the words of one of the "hymns" of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.), founded by the late Marcus Mosiah Garvey, often described as the most influential leader of African descent in the West, during the 20th century. Garvey, considered by many to be the "Father of Black Nationalism", had been taught African history, topology and politics while residing in Egypt, by a Muslim Egyptian named Duse Muhammad Effendi (see photo above left) Amongst Garvey’s followers were many African Americans, who viewed themselves as Muslims struggling for the liberation of their people from oppression. These men and women had been influenced by an Ahmadiyyah Muslim da’ee (missionary) named Mufti Muhammad Saadiq, who came to America from India in 1920, to propagate Islam as he understood it.

Bayoumi writes, "Originally conceiving of his work as broad-based, ecumenical, multiracial missionary activity, Saadiq soon realized that Whites were bitter and fearful of his message and African Americans interested and open. Early reports indicate that several Garveyites attended his lectures and were among his first converts…"

Journalist Roger Didier wrote of some of these self-proclaimed Muslim Garveyites, "…all the audience has adopted Arabic names…There is the very dark Mr. Augustus, who used to belong to St. Marks church in this city [Chicago], but who now sings a pretty Arabic prayer and acts rather sphinx-like. Half a dozen Garvey cohorts are counted, one in his resplendent uniform..."

Tony Martin states that at the 1922 U.N.I.A. convention, "several delegates suggested that the association should adopt Islam as its official religion since three-quarters of the black world were Muslims and Muslims were better Christians than Christians". The discussion was lively and occupied both the morning and afternoon sessions, under the topic "The Future Religious Faith and Belief of the Negro." Garvey himself presided over the afternoon session, declaring the subject to be "of vital interest and importance, in that it struck at the strongest side of the Negro, it being conceded that the Negro was more religious than anything else".

Garvey further stated that dictating religion was not the desire of the UNIA, but rather to give African people "a scientific understanding of religion". He then advocated inter-religious dialogue and meeting. Although the resolution to adopt Al-Islam as the UNIA’s official religion, and indeed the future religion of all black people in America was not passed, its serious introduction into the discussion spread out over hours indicates the receptivity that was present in the ranks of that organization, to the Islamic faith (as it was understood according to Ahmadiyyah teachings). One of its hymns was even named "Allahu Akbar".

In Detroit, Michigan, Mufti Saadiq himself spoke at five Garveyite meetings in 1923, and 40 more U.N .I.A. members converted to the faith. One was another Christian leader, Reverend Sutton, who was renamed Sheik Abdul Salaam, and placed in leadership over the congregation in that city. Ahmadiyyah appeals to the followers of Garvey, hammered a message tailored to them. Knowing that many Garveyites, or at least those inclined to Islam read its pages, The Moslem Sunrise contained an article with what must be the world’s longest title. Its text included these words:

"Apart from confederation of the African tribes or peoples of African origin, the possibility of which is a nightmare to the white man, he lives in fear and trembling that El Islam may become the religion of the Negro. And why should it not be? ‘El Islam’ would be a wonderful spiritual force in the life of the colored races, uniting us in a bond of common sympathy and interest. We could then add to our motto of one God, one aim, one destiny, the words one language which would be Arabic. It could easily be made the universal language of Negroes and would remove the barriers which now face us in the intercommunication of the different tribes in Africa. Arabic is already spoken by millions of Negroes.."

Garvey and Al-Islām

Garvey, who was himself the student of a Muslim, was obviously listening to this message. He posed the question, ostensibly to Christians who were American, and other peoples of European descent in positions of power, when he stated:

"…You white men, have taught us the love of God, you have had us to see Him in all goodness and perfection; is He a mockery to you? He must be something real. Must we by your actions deny His goodness and love for us, and seek and search for the God of Africa, The Allah most High, Noble and Almighty?"

Further he mentioned The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) several times in his speeches, as an inspirational figure whom he considered to be a great black man. He declared before an audience at Liberty Hall, in Harlem, New York on September 17, 1922 "…everybody knows that Mohammed was a Negro…Negroes on this side of the river had accepted Christ, while on the other side, many of them, had accepted Mohammed. The administration was not endeavoring to bring Mohammed into the Western world.
Mohammed was not in need of change. He was a colored man, anyhow."

"The fight that has centered around me is the same kind of fight that will be centered around any other leader, any other idealist who sets out to lead the people into a new vision, into a new light. It was the same kind of fight that was centered Around Mohammed when he enunciated his doctrine; it was the same kind of fight that was centered around Martin Luther when he declared the reformation; it was the same kind of fight that was centered around the great political leaders of Ireland who sought to arouse the people for Irish freedom; it was the same kind of fight that centered around the Man of Nazareth who attempted to assemble the multitude and teach them the new doctrine of salvation, it is the same kind of fight that will be centered around any man or woman who seeks to place an ideal among the people….


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012

"The great Mohammed, the leader of the Mohammedan faith-the man who swept the Asiatic world with that new cult, the new religion of Allah- he counted the cost and in his lifetime paid the price. Mohammed suffered many reverses; Mohammed suffered many defeats at certain times; half of the people, two-thirds of the people; nearly all of the people, forsook Mohammed, but Mohammed stuck to his faith and ultimately triumphed and Mohammedanism was given to the world. And as Mohammed did in the religious world, so in the political arena we have had men who have paid the price for leading the people toward the great light of liberty."

this information is taken from these sources, in case you want to look them up;
1. East of the Sun (West of the Moon): Islam, the Ahmadis, and African America

2. "Those Who’re Missionaries to Christians: Prophet Saadiq Brings Allah’s Message Into Chicago and Makes Proselytes", reprinted in The Moslem Sunrise, October 1922

3. author of Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the U.N.I.A. (1976), see Chapter 4, also see the minutes from the UNIA annual convention held in August, 1922, specifically those from the 25th day, Friday morning and afternoon sessions, The Marcus Garvey Papers, Vol. 4, pp. 991-992

4. ""Crescent or Cross? A Negro May Aspire to Any Position under Islam without Discrimination: The Teachings of the Prophet are being Profitably Imbibed –with Millions of Moslems the World over, Pressure Can be brought to Solve the Race Question", The Moslem Sunrise, April 1923, pg. 262

5. The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, pg. 412

6. U.N.I.A. Convention, August 5, 1924

7. Liberty Hall speech, Nov. 5, 1922

8. speech, January 29, 1922, The Marcus Garvey and UNIA Papers, sponsored by the Univ. of California, LA

now it has also been stated by some that MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY stated;

"The Negro is crying for a Mohamed, a Prophet to come forth and give him the Koran of economic and intellectual welfare. Where is he?"

but he did not actually state that, it was in an Editorial (article by the Editor) from March 1917, within the Chicago based "Champion Magazine", and MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY was not an editor, or writer for, the Champion Magazine, even though some of his own articles did find their way into it. this was juts not one of them. this misunderstanding comes from the misreading of "RACE FIRST" by "Tony Martin", Chapter 4, RELIGION, page 67.


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
also wanted to touch on the C7K & Garvey as well as Noble Drew Ali: (actually is a post i made on a certain hip-hop site)

"In these modern days there came a forerunner of Jesus [Prophet Drew Ali], who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet; who was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam, and his name is Noble Drew Ali who was prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. That every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah." ~ Prophet Noble Drew Ali, HKMSTA Ch. 48 v. 3

Many people do not know why we as Moorish Americans call Marcus Garvey (whom I call *St. Garvey Bey*) the forerunner and Harbinger to the Prophet Noble Drew Ali. This was taught to us directly by Allah's last Prophet Noble Drew Ali (PBUH). Finite minds cannot comprehend things infinte so we can not try to convince people why Allah ordained things in the manner that he did because most are irreligious thanks to their illuminati puppeteers who have turned them against religion. However, this is an attempt to show you why we are convinced as Moorish Americans as to why Garvey was the forerunner to Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Like John the Baptist before him, Marcus Garvey earned a reputation as being a dangerous agitator that needed to be put out of the way. Like John in the Moorish Koran had Matheno, an Egyptian born sage teaching him the sciences of the mysteries, so it was in these days and times that John of this day, Marcus M. Garvey, was taught by an Egyptian born sage named Duse Muhammad Ali (whom also ironically wore a fez).

Marcus M. Garvey, herein, "St. Garvey Bey", was quoted as saying"The Negro wants a nationality equal to that of the French, the English, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Irish etc." It was Prophet Noble Drew Ali who came and brought to us a nationality on this land for the first time since 1774 when we were stripped of our fezzes and turbans and branded with the slave labels of NEGRO BLACK and COLORED

It was groups like the N.A.A.C.P. and promiment Negro like W.E.B. Dubois, the father of Afrocentricity, who opposed Garvey's movement the most. These were the men who founded the first BLACK BOULE Greek lettered societies to which many of our prominent brothers and siters in high ranking officials, and chief afrocnetric scholars belong to. These are the ones who now accept Garvey, but reject the Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish movement till this day!When Garvey was imprisoned for mail fraud and essentially deported, this was the equivalent to John the Baptist having his head taken off by Herod Antipas. While in the prison, word got back to St. Garvey Bey about his edification in the Moorish Science Temple of America, Garvey proclaimed that he did not know the Prophet which was good because then there really would have been a plot to take St. Garvey Bey out sooner. That was Sept. of 1927. By the next month, the Prophet, probably upon hearing word or simply just knowing of the missive sent, the Prophet loaded up his car and drove from Chicago to Atlanta Ga to visit the Harbinger Garvey.This is the post card that Prophet Noble Drew Ali sent to his wife after his visit with Marcus Garvey


The newspaper article in the Chicago Defender that reported on Drew Ali's visit to Garvey while he was in the Atl penitentiary.


As you can see, St. Garvey Bey then gave support to our Prophet and, as John and Jesus met back a little over 2000 years ago, so did Prophet Drew Ali and the John of this day, Marcus M. Garvey did meet up in these days and times.St. Garvey Bey gave many references to Islam and Mohammad. For instance, Garvey was quoted as saying"The Negro is crying out for a Mohammad, A Prophet to come forth and to give to him the Koran of economic and intellectual welfare, wehre is he?" Race First By Tony Martin

Again, another prophecy was fulfilled as the Prophet gave to the members of the Moorish Science Temple of America, the HOLY KORAN OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, which does not read like other religious texts full of propaganda and jealous Gods, but a literal SELF HELP GUIDE. The Prophet would say things to the Moors like "Children, you are plain rich!" This type of suggestion and positive affirmation is what the Moorish Holy Koran is about which was taken from several sources including the Prophets own Divine Wisdom.


Jun 26, 2013
now it has also been stated by some that MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY stated;

"The Negro is crying for a Mohamed, a Prophet to come forth and give him the Koran of economic and intellectual welfare. Where is he?"

but he did not actually state that, it was in an Editorial (article by the Editor) from March 1917, within the Chicago based "Champion Magazine", and MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY was not an editor, or writer for, the Champion Magazine, even though some of his own articles did find their way into it. this was juts not one of them. this misunderstanding comes from the misreading of "RACE FIRST" by "Tony Martin", Chapter 4, RELIGION, page 67.

whos words are these? Robert Hill?

Tony Martin was made the Official Biographer of Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey by the UNIA ACL.

All Knowledge

Speak up...
Jan 17, 2014
Belo Horizante
Garvey the Great. My Idol.

:comeon:Dumb ass negroes so quick to make sure no one hates cacs.
:russ: at believing that white supremacy will fall. Are you serious? This shyt adapts and has adapted, which is evident by so many of our people being so quick to sacrifice their minds and bodies in defense of the cac. fukk outta here.


Jun 4, 2012
It's sad, some of his biggest adversaries were within the very same race he was trying to uplift.

c00ns can be such despicable human beings.
This is the worst part and one of the biggest lessons that we can learn from Garvey's story..... I don't believe there has been a man in history with more c00ns attacking him. the naacp was even encouraging his incarceration.

Other blacks are who you have to watch out for the most.. they have their own agenda (mostly trying to integrate with CAC!!) and some will sell out their own for power. smh.

Anyway, his book that lays out how black people should act righteous, read all the time, present themselves in public was one of the first real books that I read... before that I read Message to the black man, miseducation of, and like 7 other books... but Garvey's joint is what got me motivated.