Howard University medical school has zero ADOS black men.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
God I hate you ADOS cats. Ya'll always do it to yourselves. Since he has no picture, here's his youtube video from when he was at Columbia University: --- His profile

All them look ADOS to me.

WASHINGTON, D. C. (August 8, 2018)
— Howard University is America’s No. 1 institution for producing Black applicants to U.S. medical schools, according to data from the Association of American Medical Colleges. In the 2017-18 academic year, 118 Howard undergraduates applied to U.S. medical schools, ahead of all other colleges and universities. Nearly 150 years ago, eight students launched Howard University’s College of Medicine. Today, the institution enrolls more than 300 African American students, more than double the number of Black students in the leading predominantly White medical school.
Howard University #1 in Sending Black Applicants to U.S. Medical Schools

All 300 African American students are non ADOS black male. :troll:
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May 19, 2013
That white man's ice....... :whew:

I get your point BUT the avg student of any race is going to pick Duke(or public school Michigan) over Howard(not that Howard is bad).. it's like comparing Harvard to to UNC(UNC is not bad but compared to Harvard)...

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
I have you not seen the thread where many of the self proclaimed ADOS testified that they are descendants of Caribbeans ? :mjlol: I doubt this site is predominantly ADOS. The Coli members have multi black ethnicities. :mjlit:
and you'd be wrong :ehh:

this site is ADOS-driven and anybody with a brain can see that :umad:

just based on the subject matter alone there's no way anybody could conclude this site is anything but majority ADOS, you foreign brehs just here to soak up sauce :manny:

otherwise you'd be on Nairaland or Somaliland :yeshrug:

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
nikkas talking that model minority talk in here :mjpls:

Have fun having a white boss for the rest of your life


All Star
Aug 24, 2014
Stop fukking c00ning. The reality is African immigrants compete on the same level of WHITE PEOPLE, not black immigrants. Immigrants ARE NOT given preference over ANY AMERICAN. Immigrants are NOT allowed entry with lower test scores or GPAs. Any african in medschool is the creme de la creme of his class.

Black ADOS are allowed to enter medical school with lower GPAs and test scores to help alleviate issue of low numbers of black doctors.

To think that blacks americans and immigrants compete for the same seats is fukking c00ning. Its clear many black ADOS are jealous of black immigrants able to get into professional school. Sadly, you c00ns don't care about the thousands of ASIANS, ARABS, INDIANS, and other ethinic groups matriculating into medical school every year. Are these people also stealing seats from ADOS?

You nikkas are pathetic.

I am guessing you didn't bother to look at the links I posted.

The average African immigrants do not compete on the same level as white people when it comes to admissions into selective undergrads and graduate programs, especially medical school admission. it is not even close. African immigrants have more desire, drive and familial support in education but statistically, we still get into those programs with lower stats. Yes, test scores and grades alone does not determine how good of a doctor or whatever professional one will be but it is the metric used to select candidates. The average African is still well behind statistically.

I am African, I went through the entire process and I have been on the other side of interviewing applicants (med school and residency). My grades and test scores were always good, well above average but not excellent, top schools well rolling out the red carpet for me since high school. I don't think I paid for more than 25% of the cost of traveling to interviews at the really top programs and that was because even my slightly above average number and CV was considered an anomaly for a black person.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I am guessing you didn't bother to look at the links I posted.

The average African immigrants do not compete on the same level as white people when it comes to admissions into selective undergrads and graduate programs, especially medical school admission. it is not even close. African immigrants have more desire, drive and familial support in education but statistically, we still get into those programs with lower stats. Yes, test scores and grades alone does not determine how good of a doctor or whatever professional one will be but it is the metric used to select candidates. The average African is still well behind statistically.

I am African, I went through the entire process and I have been on the other side of interviewing applicants (med school and residency). My grades and test scores were always good, well above average but not excellent, top schools well rolling out the red carpet for me since high school. I don't think I paid for more than 25% of the cost of traveling to interviews at the really top programs and that was because even my slightly above average number and CV was considered an anomaly for a black person.
and you believe you were given special treatment because you were african?


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
I am guessing you didn't bother to look at the links I posted.

The average African immigrants do not compete on the same level as white people when it comes to admissions into selective undergrads and graduate programs, especially medical school admission. it is not evenclose. African immigrants have more desire, drive and familial support in education but statistically, we still get into those programs with lower stats. Yes, test scores and grades alone does not determine how good of a doctor or whatever professional one will be but it is the metric used to select candidates. The average African is still well behind statistically.
There's some double-speak going on here when you say "test scores and grades alone does not determine..." but then say "the average African [immigrant/applicant] is still well behind".

Modern admission practices have acknowledge that the complexity of recognizing someone as "qualified" can't be broken down into a handful of numbers; as if someone with a 140 IQ is "smarter" than someone with a 130. They've turned to more holistic approaches once someone has passed a threshold (e.g. you need to at least have a 120).

This becomes even more complex when you acknowledge the fact that these stats are gamed. I was able to significantly increase my SAT+GRE by taking classes, buying supplemental materials, etc. And I have studied alongside whites with lower numbers than me because they were in military or their father had connections.


May 20, 2012
I am guessing you didn't bother to look at the links I posted.

The average African immigrants do not compete on the same level as white people when it comes to admissions into selective undergrads and graduate programs, especially medical school admission. it is not even close. African immigrants have more desire, drive and familial support in education but statistically, we still get into those programs with lower stats. Yes, test scores and grades alone does not determine how good of a doctor or whatever professional one will be but it is the metric used to select candidates. The average African is still well behind statistically.

I am African, I went through the entire process and I have been on the other side of interviewing applicants (med school and residency). My grades and test scores were always good, well above average but not excellent, top schools well rolling out the red carpet for me since high school. I don't think I paid for more than 25% of the cost of traveling to interviews at the really top programs and that was because even my slightly above average number and CV was considered an anomaly for a black person.

My spider senses are going off


We will need to keep our eyes on this one.


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
Obviously, I was speaking in General terms but the same trend applies to HBCUs too in that statistically they can fill their class up with whites and Asians several times over if not for affirmative action and their mission to educate black doctors.

I am slightly familiar with Howard because I interviewed there ages ago and even then it felt like everyone I met was African. I am not going to look up the exact numbers now but Howard College of medicine has about 100 students, 25 of those are whites/Indians/Asians. About 50% of the remaining 80 or so black students are African or Afro-Caribbean. Again, should Africans and Afro-Caribbeans be over-represented in an institution meant to provide opportunities for historically disadvantaged and disenfranchised black Americans?

Below is a list of their 2017 and 2018 graduates, I am no expert on names but you can see there are plenty of obvious African names. The point is Africans are overrepresented in medicine and many graduate programs because schools will rather take Africans or afro Caribbeans as their special admits instead of creating pipeline programs and mentorship programs to help Black high school students.

2017 Residency Training Programs - Howard University Medical Alumni Association, Inc.

2018 Residency Training Programs - Howard University Medical Alumni Association, Inc.
I am guessing you didn't bother to look at the links I posted.

The average African immigrants do not compete on the same level as white people when it comes to admissions into selective undergrads and graduate programs, especially medical school admission. it is not even close. African immigrants have more desire, drive and familial support in education but statistically, we still get into those programs with lower stats. Yes, test scores and grades alone does not determine how good of a doctor or whatever professional one will be but it is the metric used to select candidates. The average African is still well behind statistically.

I am African, I went through the entire process and I have been on the other side of interviewing applicants (med school and residency). My grades and test scores were always good, well above average but not excellent, top schools well rolling out the red carpet for me since high school. I don't think I paid for more than 25% of the cost of traveling to interviews at the really top programs and that was because even my slightly above average number and CV was considered an anomaly for a black person.
And this is the raw truth ppl don't wished went undercovered, and want silenced, which fortunatey isn't an option anymore...thanks to those like Y.C, and Tone who'll present the real data on Ados, despite hurt feelings, and objections. Thank you for sharing.
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