Howard University medical school has zero ADOS black men.

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Are the stats for African immigrants in your program the same for Asians, Indians and whites? Not exactly a controversial statement.

I scored in the 96th percentile and according to AAMC data only 2 blacks/africans/afro-caribbean did better than me that year. Only two out of ~4000 applicants above the 96th percentile and only about 15 scored above the 92-93rd percentile.

Yes, we cannot compete with other groups, including white applicants. if medical school admission becomes a "race blind" "color blind" system the amount of black matriculants (including African immigrants) will drop by half instantly. And there will be almost none of us at the top 20 schools.

Which is why one of my first posts in this thread suggested HBCU's should create more pipeline programs to improve the Black applicants instead of admitting so many Africans and afro caribbeans. Howard is already taking many applicants below the "normal" cutoff, they should use that flexibility to admit more Black Americans that affirmative action is supposed to benefit.

Medical school application is way more involved than most other grad programs and there are too many applicants. The lower extremes get filtered out into the reject bin, the ones with the higher numbers get fast-tracked for interviews. I really only look at applications of those with high stats to make sure they didn't try to get too cute or there isn't some weirdness, arrogance or glaring error. At my school most people that identified as any variety of "Black" or "Hispanic" also got a third review from someone in the office of diversity. This is what saves many of us from the automatic reject bin. If the two or three reviewers do not agree to on whether to interview now, interview later or reject, the application and our comments goes to the dean of admissions and he/she makes the call.
So I'm trying to get into med school now?

If I make in the 95th percentile have decent ec's and a decent GPA my chances are pretty good?


All Star
Aug 24, 2014
So I'm trying to get into med school now?

If I make in the 95th percentile have decent ec's and a decent GPA my chances are pretty good?

If your get 95th percentile you will end up at a top 10-20 school...even with a 3.0 gpa.

Since you havent taken the exam yet, I 1recommend protecting your GPA as if your life depend on it. A 3.5 gpa or above puts you in a really good position, a so-so MCAT can be forgiven but very few schools will forgive a low GPA because that shows you were not consistent over a long period of time.

Aim for a 3.5 gpa and a 70th percentile on the MCAT and you will get into most schools. Seems like the new exam is tripping people up I recommend doing all the AAMC practice questions and by some practice questions from one of the other test companies out there.

PM me whenever you are ready to start studying for the MCAT or applying.


All Star
Aug 24, 2014
Despite your wealth your still disadvantaged just due to your black skin. You'll learn as you progress in your career.

The reason you were coveted because qualified black male applicants are LOW. Any decent candidate is heavily courted. If there were more qualified applicants, there would be increased numbers matriculating as well.

Again, Black women are OVER-REPRESENTED in med school.

I know I am still disadvantaged, I know the number of black male doctors isn't growing and it has a negative impact on the health of black communities as a whole.

I am just addressing a tricky aspect of the admission process which is akin to putting a bandaid on the problem. The best way to improve the amount of blacks in medicine, STEM finance, and business is to get into the high schools and give them the tools and motivation at that age.

Also, black women aren't overrepresented in medicine, they outnumber black men almost 2:1 but blacks are still only about 7% of medical school graduates. We should be graduating twice the current number

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.
Seems like some of the replies to my posts are diverging away from my original point which is Africans and Caribbeans are benefiting from affirmative action in education more so than the group it was intended to benefit.
Which is why one of my first posts in this thread suggested HBCU's should create more pipeline programs to improve the Black applicants instead of admitting so many Africans and afro caribbeans. Howard is already taking many applicants below the "normal" cutoff, they should use that flexibility to admit more Black Americans that affirmative action is supposed to benefit.
Again. The way you keep posting implies that HBCUs like Howard are actively rejecting AA male applicants in favor of Afro/Carribbean applicants. How do you know this is what's happening as opposed to the simple possibility that AA males are not really applying to med school like that in general? If they are not applying, then how is that Howard's fault?

Breh posted a link earlier (Howard University #1 in Sending Black Applicants to U.S. Medical Schools). How are they #1 in producing AA med school applicants and then all of a sudden Afro/Carribeans are "taking up all the slots" from AAs for Howard's med school?


Jun 6, 2015
Are the stats for African immigrants in your program the same for Asians, Indians and whites? Not exactly a controversial statement.

i agree with the argument you're making

at least the overall point is something i agree with

but why would this part be so unbelievable to you?

is there any study on african immigrant test scores?

whether its SATs, ACTs, GREs, MCATs etc.

i haven't seen any data

and you never posted any data on this yourself

your second link in the first post you made did not have any test score data for african immigrants, it just had test score data for black applicants in general

so what data have you seen to back up the idea that african immigrants can't have similar test scores to asians indians or whites?

if you have seen that kind of data then please actually post it

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.



Xavier University has a formidable and nationally known history of producing doctors, which can be credited to Norman Francis, the institutions long-serving president [14]. In the 1970s, Francis read a report that caused him great concern — the report sounded the alarm that the number of Black doctors in the U.S. was dwindling at a steady pace. As a man of action, Francis decided to put his focus on becoming a major producer of Blacks in STEM and more specifically, Black doctors. Because of these consistent efforts over many decades, Xavier produces more Black students who apply to and graduate from medical school than any other college or university in the country [15].
Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire



Xavier University has a formidable and nationally known history of producing doctors, which can be credited to Norman Francis, the institutions long-serving president [14]. In the 1970s, Francis read a report that caused him great concern — the report sounded the alarm that the number of Black doctors in the U.S. was dwindling at a steady pace. As a man of action, Francis decided to put his focus on becoming a major producer of Blacks in STEM and more specifically, Black doctors. Because of these consistent efforts over many decades, Xavier produces more Black students who apply to and graduate from medical school than any other college or university in the country [15].

That's a good post and it was informative.

I think the main point of the thread was that black doesn't equal ADOS in these schools

The respectability arguments piqued my interest in regards to Alumni Donations back to these HBCU Institutions.

How many "Non-Ados Black" alumni are giving back to keep these institutions afloat?

Howard University to sell only Black-owned public broadcasting TV station

And before you complain look at what this Ados church did:

NPR Choice page

If you want to "take over" an institution you can at least maintain it's infrastructure.
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
That's a good post and it was informative.

I think the main point of the thread was that black doesn't equal ADOS in these schools/

The respectability arguments piqued my interest in regards to Alumni Donations back to these HBCU Institutions.

How many "Non-Ados Black" alumni are giving back to keep these institutions afloat?

Howard University to sell only Black-owned public broadcasting TV station

And before you complain look at what this Ados church did:

NPR Choice page

If you want to "take over" an institution you can at least maintain it's infrastructure.

glad you enjoyed the post, the study that I read before searching for the vid about Xavier is in spoiler

To address your post, not answer because I am NOT a Howard or HBCU alum.

This is the second time I've read accusation of African / Caribbean alumni not giving back to their schools. Also second time that they are being blamed exclusively for financial problems of the schools.

I will ask you the same thing I asked when it came up in the Save Bennett thread. Do you receive the alumni publications and do you track donation articles /notes in those publications? If not, how do you know which graduates or graduating classes are donating?

How long has this "takeover" been in effect? If it's occurred within the last 10 years, then you can't expect the dividends to start paying yet.
Despite the myth of all Black immigrants having MBA fathers and physician mothers, I'd guess that , as is the case with the recent AA graduates, that the non AAs are still paying off loans within the first 9 years after graduation.

The really big donations to schools come at and after 20 years after graduation, when people are fully established in careers and trying to flam on each other. Stunting and trying to top each other.
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Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
glad you enjoyed the post, the study that I read before searching for the vid about Xavier is in spoiler

To address your post, not answer because I am NOT a Howard or HBCU alum.

This is the second time I've read accusation of African / Caribbean alumni not giving back to their schools. Also second time that they are being blamed exclusively for financial problems of the schools.

I will ask you the same thing I asked when it came up in the Save Bennett thread. Do you receive the alumni publications and do you track donation articles /notes in those publications? If not, how do you know which graduates or graduating classes are donating?

How long has this "takeover" been in effect? If it's occurred within the last 10 years, then you can't expect the dividends to start paying yet.
Despite the myth of all Black immigrants having MBA fathers and physician mothers, I'd guess that the recent AA graduates that the non AAs are still paying off loans within the first 9 years after graduation.

The really big donations to schools come at and after 20 years after graduation, when people are fully established in careers and trying to flam on each other. Stunting and trying to top each other.

I am not HBCU alum either but l've helped many black kids get through school.

I can only affirm who is giving back per the link l posted.

Ados who may not be even be alumni donating to the school.

It seems we are in an impasse due to insufficient research into separate black ethnicities.

Non-Ados have been in America long enough for us to see the fruits of these investments.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I am not HBCU alum either but l've helped many black kids get through school.

I can only affirm who is giving back per the link l posted.

Ados who may not be even be alumni donating to the school.

It seems we are in an impasse due to insufficient research into separate black ethnicities.

Non-Ados have been in America long enough for us to see the fruits of these investments.
Thanks for trolling.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
How am l trolling?
It's trolling because there is no impasse. An active Howard alum would best be able to say the amount of donations that come and from whom. The Caribbean alumni would often have names indistinguishable from their AA fellow graduates.Perhaps the continental African students and their surnames would stand out. We would not be able to determine the source of the anonymous donations.

The notion that African/Caribbean alumni of HU are not contributing is unfounded.


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
So the real question is should fresh of the boat Africans/Caribbeans or children of recent immigrants benefit from Affirmative action even though it was not intended for them?

it's certainly a worthwhile question.

top schools have been skewing the statistics for quite sometime now. i feel its done by design to a) artificially inflate the commodified notion of 'diversity' that makes these colleges appear progressive and b) enables for a perceived 'tamer' element of black folks.

if the point of affirmative action is to allow for persecuted/marginalized/disenfrancished black americans to aid/empower their communities, then it's an utter failure given that black americans aren't the group overwhelmingly /exclusively benefiting from it.

having gone to an ivy league school, i didn't get the sense that a lot of [middle class / upper class ] non-AA blacks felt obligated to use their position to help black america. rather, constantly being the 'exception' makes them more insular, more elitist. i knew a few wealthy africans from my alma mater who really mentally were no different from other wealthy immigrant / whites. extremely far removed from the 'black' mindset. if these folks are being admitted under AA, the question needs to be asked if this is a loophole, but i don't think that discussion will happen anytime soon.