Howard University medical school has zero ADOS black men.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
it's certainly a worthwhile question.

top schools have been skewing the statistics for quite sometime now. i feel its done by design to a) artificially inflate the commodified notion of 'diversity' that makes these colleges appear progressive and b) enables for a perceived 'tamer' element of black folks.

if the point of affirmative action is to allow for persecuted/marginalized/disenfrancished black americans to aid/empower their communities, then it's an utter failure given that black americans aren't the group overwhelmingly /exclusively benefiting from it.

having gone to an ivy league school, i didn't get the sense that a lot of [middle class / upper class ] non-AA blacks felt obligated to use their position to help black america. rather, constantly being the 'exception' makes them more insular, more elitist. i knew a few wealthy africans from my alma mater who really mentally were no different from other wealthy immigrant / whites. extremely far removed from the 'black' mindset. if these folks are being admitted under AA, the question needs to be asked if this is a loophole, but i don't think that discussion will happen anytime soon.
Are you making the assumption that EVERY Black student admitted into a highly selective school is there because of Affirmative Action?


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
Are you making the assumption that EVERY Black student admitted into a highly selective school is there because of Affirmative Action?

that's not my point at all, i think you're misreading my post -- whether or not a black person is admitted under AA, the whole notion of the institutional policy was to allow for marginalized members of communities to eventually become assets to their communities. particularly, black americans. a little bandage for the grossly open wound of systemic forces affecting black communities in the US.

i reference the varied black experience at my schoool as an example of the variety of perspectives of the small black minority at these type of institutions.

which speaks to the broader point i'm making: if under the policy in particular, blacks who don't fit the mold of its intent are benefitting from it, then it worth it to be scrutinized. that is NOT to say or does it mean all blacks are there due to AA.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
that's not my point at all, i think you're misreading my post -- whether or not a black person is admitted under AA, the whole notion of the institutional policy was to allow for marginalized members of communities to eventually become assets to their communities. particularly, black americans. a little bandage for the grossly open wound of systemic forces affecting black communities in the US.

i reference the varied black experience at my schoool as an example of the variety of perspectives of the small black minority at these type of institutions.

which speaks to the broader point i'm making: if under the policy in particular, blacks who don't fit the mold of its intent are benefitting from it, then it worth it to be scrutinized. that is NOT to say or does it mean all blacks are there due to AA.
Fair enough point.
I think the intended groups weren't/aren't primary beneficiaries of it, even just discussing African Americans. How culturally disadvantaged or marginalized were the children of 3rd generation Fisk and Morehouse graduates who probably made up the majority of the first big wave of Black students at these institutions? That segment of the African American community were best equipped to reap the rewards from the gains of the Civil Rights Movement.

These rules and laws were adopted before large waves of Black immigrants were coming here from multiple places. Now that they(we) are here, your point is worth examining. I am in favor of multiple options for ethnicity on college applications, and for using whatever programs or slots intended for AAs to be limited to AAs. When this happens in the future , I don't think it's going to have the effect that some think it will.

Also, in terms of what you interpreted as the intended point of Affirmative help the African American community, how do you think that 3 generations of elite college African American graduates have aided/empowered their communities?


The high exalted
Feb 4, 2016
I had to read the thread title like 10 times for it to register.

WTF?! :mindblown:


All Star
Jun 5, 2012
Are the stats for African immigrants in your program the same for Asians, Indians and whites?

Yes, we cannot compete with other groups, including white applicants. if medical school admission becomes a "race blind" "color blind" system the amount of black matriculants (including African immigrants) will drop by half instantly. And there will be almost none of us at the top 20 schools.
Again, modern programs are taking more holistic approaches not just for moralistic reasons but because they've realized that past a certain threshold there are diminishing returns in these "stats". They've realized that trying to reduce the complexities of potential academic success into a single number is obviously ridiculous. The people they admit have all passed the academic threshold necessary to comprehend the information. Beyond that, comparing whether someone tested 140 IQ vs. 150 IQ doesn't mean anything. So to say African Americans and African Immigrants are behind in this artificial nonsense , as if it means anything, is ridiculous.

It's particularly ridiculous given how easily it's "gamed" (both legitimately and illegitimately, in academia and in the workplace). I did some legit gaming by having the means to take test prep classes and scoring high enough (even by the white standards that you laud) to enter a prestigious. We've witnessed some illegitimate gaming recently in the news: Actresses, prominent business owners charged in nationwide college admissions cheating scandal
And, I'd add, there's some additional immoral but "legal" gaming still going on when it comes to legacy, investments from rich family members, military admits, etc.

Your alleged academic achievements are starting to look fishy in light of your inability to understand (and address) the basic argument I've been making: We're "behind" in fake numbers.
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