I get the message but I was just talking about how unrealistic it was.
Let me expound on this point. The show was ridicolously well reaserached to the point of using real people the Real Larry Young/ Clay Davis was on the show and he didn't even let actors Ad Lib.
Something that probably wasn't true but could've happened was the CO-OP. Back in the Nino Brown era all the big Don's had a connect that could've supplied them with all the drugs needed to supply a whole city, That's the reason for all the Drug wars everyone had a connect and fought over terrirtory.
In the show Prop Joe had to beg nikkas to work together and the only reason it kinda worked was because he had plug for the big connect.
Stringer Bell tried to tell Avon that it didn't matter who ran the corners if they had the connect. And as soon as someone went around the connect that was the end of the CO-OP Since George Peleconos was a writer on the Show I thought they stole that from two different CO-OP situations one was called
The Committee. That got blown up because one of the dudes got caught and snitched.
the other was dudes allied with the Rayful Edmonds organization or as nikkas on the street called him "Rayfus". Obviously Rayful snitched and there's even the allegory with Avon running shyt from Jail which is what Rayful did too.
One thing they didn't get into is how come getting dope in the country never a problem? You run a violent drug retail organzation no matter hwobig you're eventually going to jail but the dope always gets through. For example they caught the leader of the Gulf Clan not too far from where I am right now. They literally caught a drug load again not too far from where I am headed to Central America. The leadership of a crew goes down but the organization goes on. Even the drought in Balitmore was brought up where the Dominican connect was worried about nikkas snitching so he shorted Avon which made dealing with Prop Joe and his connect necessary.