Clarence Thomas is a pessimistic separatist black nationalist & thinks racism cant be fixed?!


Jun 22, 2014
You can't call it black libertarianism then say hes committed to shytting on black people.

Sowell is a clown for reasons I mentioned before and so is Thomas, but their influences are NOT the same as white supremacists.

And you clearly don't differentiate between different frames of black conservatism.
I'm actually a fukking lawyer, actually familiar with his opinions, and also have an understanding of "Black libertarianism." The influences ARE white supremacist, the goals are white supremacist, and the reality is upholding a white supremacist system - no matter how much juelzing you do around the point.

I'm more surprised you're even upholding a position shared by a Jacobin contributor seeing as you shill for neoliberals constantly


Jun 22, 2014
I continue to be surprised by white ass kissing class reductionists like you missing the fukking point.

Theres black racial pessimism on the LEFT too. Look at Frank Wilderson.
Afropessimism is completely unrelated to Clarence Thomas's position.

Shut the fukk up, you have no idea what you're talking about :mjlol:
You're lying if you dont literally see Thomas and Bell's similarities of how they viewed Brown v Board.

Theres nothing for you to even stand on. I despise Thomas, but to not see the pervasive black pessimism from the left AND the right is the lowest form of trolling.
There is nothing similar about their points because their bases are entirely different.
As a person who actually took a deep dive into Prof. Bell's works, CRT as a whole, and did the scholarly work on it - Thomas' view on Brown v. Board has to do with his opposition to state-sponsored solutions to issues - he's a believer in extra-institutional and private-sector solutions to systemic issues - while Bell's view is based on the failure to rectify larger-scale issues.

They literally believe opposite things - and both views dovetail in regard to the failure of limited small-scale solutions. That doesn't mean they're in agreement nikka, it means that there are two different ways to understand and critique meager legal solutions to problems inherent in a racial capitalist system. :mjlol:

You're so far out of your depth, you're drowning. Go back to shucking and jiving for Elizabeth Warren - and stay out of Black left-wing theory, legal theory, or existential philosophy. :unimpressed:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I'm actually a fukking lawyer, actually familiar with his opinions, and also have an understanding of "Black libertarianism." The influences ARE white supremacist, the goals are white supremacist, and the reality is upholding a white supremacist system - no matter how much juelzing you do around the point.

I'm more surprised you're even upholding a position shared by a Jacobin contributor seeing as you shill for neoliberals constantly
You're actually fukking daft is what you are.

If your jurisprudence is influenced by nuanced preference for black autonomy that happens to overlap with a bunch of other actual white nationalists, that doesn't mean what you think it does.

I disagree with 99% of anything he's ever said. But his structure of arguments is NOT the same as his white conservative peers make him out to be.

I dont fukk with whatever the Jacobin is doing in the last few years. They're class reductionist and anti-black.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
As a person who actually took a deep dive into Prof. Bell's works, CRT as a whole, and did the scholarly work on it - Thomas' view on Brown v. Board has to do with his opposition to state-sponsored solutions to issues - he's a believer in extra-institutional and private-sector solutions to systemic issues - while Bell's view is based on the failure to rectify larger-scale issues.
The literal direct quotes of Thomas and Bell are indistinguishable on the topic of Brown v Board.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
nikka they're literally undermining civil rights legislation :gucci:
I hate how y'all not reading ass nikkas don't know how to actually read shyt :gucci:
I want you to read his fukking opinions upholding conservative subjugation of Black people, support for the drug war, increase power for police officers to harass, the destruction of social services, denying claims that could potentially lead to reparations, upholding unequal contracts and housing - and say this "he's not a sellout" shyt again :scust:
Explain why he disagreed with Scalia so much then.
Aug 14, 2015
The Caribbean
He has made it harder for Black people in the United States, in every single way, to "improve." He has supported everything from the gutting of social services, to the literally Civil Rights Acts that provide us support :gucci:
Nothing about what he has done in the Supreme Court has shown that he is "trying to make a difference" :russ:
I need you to just Google and read one of his civil rights concurrence so you can see the right-wing white nationalist bullshyt that he lays out on paper in a given term :mjlol:

Again. I'm still learning about buddy, but I take that as just a tough love approach. He just happens to be a breh in power that doesn't believe hand outs help black people. He has a survival of the fittest, weed out the weak mentality that sometimes a lot of southern black men of his time and a generation prior have. I honestly doubt it's part of the white nationalist agenda or anything. I think it's a nuanced topic. It's too easy to just say he pawging and is ultra right wing. He's gone out to condemn white republicans for trying to get him to say disparaging things about black people. There's doing your job, and then there's your own personal politics. He probably felt he's no help not being in the position he's in, so I can understand of he had to make some compromises

As for Thomas Sowell, I can see some of his hypocrisies, but ultimately, he doesn't believe in the poverty and ignorant mindset that somehow stuck with black people around the migration of the South to the north. In a video he was talking about how poor, uneducated blacks from the south came north and essentially brought that ignorance and violence-prone traits with them. It's possible to agree with some points and not all. It's a dialogue.
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[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
nikka they're literally undermining civil rights legislation :gucci:
I hate how y'all not reading ass nikkas don't know how to actually read shyt :gucci:
I want you to read his fukking opinions upholding conservative subjugation of Black people, support for the drug war, increase power for police officers to harass, the destruction of social services, denying claims that could potentially lead to reparations, upholding unequal contracts and housing - and say this "he's not a sellout" shyt again :scust:

You're basic and incorrect.

Ive read his opinions... He literally writes the most court opinions.

Plus my father gave me a signed copy of his book. So I understand this more deeply then the hot take bullishyt you're spewing.

Ntm... There are two types of black thoughts about " civil rights".
1) buck dancing sambos who don't understand the nature of the beast who think we have white liberal allies and crying and appealing to the enemy eventually leds to So called Rights.
2) And there there are the Malcolm X types who know who the enemy is and knows that this nation only give fake rights while our social status remains, mass incarceration bills get passed by our " friends", while our family structures and collective wealth falls.... Yet we continue to chase Bullshyt causes.

It's Slave Conditioning the way the white progressives, and their pet Sambos, Paint men like Thomas... He doesn't fit the mold they invented for politically inclined black people so he's marginalized.

Even though he's one of the most important figures in the history of black America..... The slave masters children have Idiots like you doing their work for them to dis anytime his name is mentioned. That's not an accident and it's intentionally structured.

Regardless if I agree with 100% of his opinions or not, he's not a sellout. All of his views are rooted in his views and he supports black people and self determination. He isn't an integrationist.., which is fine. It's actually been proven that liberal cause and integration has harmed us in every wealth and social category. MLK , marshal, and most other great black thinkers were educated around only black people. Being mixed in is a trap.
And the federal government isn't going to pay the trillions of dollars it owes to black Americans, Clarence Thomas isn't the reason for that. His views on those cases were right with the law- and those cases wouldn't have led to reparations anyway..


Aug 3, 2013
There is no rhyme/reason and I would hesitate to assume we can create a theoretical framework that can explain everything going on in his or any of the other ppl you mention heads. To be honest some of those ppl may not fuk with white ppl that much either - but they do fuk with making money. But again for white nationalists/supremacists it all comes back to the persons usefulness in maintaining power. I mean they were talking nice about Lil Wayne and Kodak less than a year ago. But if the person happens to be intelligent etc, all the better (explains their fascination with Sowell).

The thing is, many of the ideas we're talking about in this thread have documented historical precedent. The ppl who created/led many of the successful Black communities in the early 20th century did so bc they believed true liberation would only be possible through self sufficiency, not necessarily integration. They did not have any expectations/demands of white ppl except for their fair share and no longer using the long arm of the govt to actively suppress/threaten their communities. Obviously that didn't happen (Tulsa riots etc) but it's something that various Black groups considered throughout the years. The NOI was meeting with the KKK in the 60s.
They met with Nazis also.


Sep 15, 2014
Not sure if you should even be providing commentary on this topic to be honest.

I dont expect an anti black right wing cac to be able to approach this with any nuance.

You're basic and incorrect.

Ive read his opinions... He literally writes the most court opinions.

Plus my father gave me a signed copy of his book. So I understand this more deeply then the hot take bullishyt you're spewing.

Ntm... There are two types of black thoughts about " civil rights".
1) buck dancing sambos who don't understand the nature of the beast who think we have white liberal allies and crying and appealing to the enemy eventually leds to So called Rights.
2) And there there are the Malcolm X types who know who the enemy is and knows that this nation only give fake rights while our social status remains, mass incarceration bills get passed by our " friends", while our family structures and collective wealth falls.... Yet we continue to chase Bullshyt causes.

It's Slave Conditioning the way the white progressives, and their pet Sambos, Paint men like Thomas... He doesn't fit the mold they invented for politically inclined black people so he's marginalized.

Even though he's one of the most important figures in the history of black America..... The slave masters children have Idiots like you doing their work for them to dis anytime his name is mentioned. That's not an accident and it's intentionally structured.

Regardless if I agree with 100% of his opinions or not, he's not a sellout. All of his views are rooted in his views and he supports black people and self determination. He isn't an integrationist.., which is fine. It's actually been proven that liberal cause and integration has harmed us in every wealth and social category. MLK , marshal, and most other great black thinkers were educated around only black people. Being mixed in is a trap.
And the federal government isn't going to pay the trillions of dollars it owes to black Americans, Clarence Thomas isn't the reason for that. His views on those cases were right with the law- and those cases wouldn't have led to reparations anyway..


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Not sure if you should even be providing commentary on this topic to be honest.

I dont expect an anti black right wing cac to be able to approach this with any nuance.
You know I'm not a cac. You know for sure but because you cant form a valid response and because you're a Sambo minded fool capping for white liberal politicians, you are upset
You're just irritated but can't invalidate my pov


Sep 15, 2014
You know I'm not a cac. You know for sure but because you cant form a valid response and because you're a Sambo minded fool capping for white liberal politicians, you are upset
You're just irritated but can't invalidate my pov

You cape for white supremacists and their sympathizers.

Absolutely no body is fooled outside of your mother