Clarence Thomas is a pessimistic separatist black nationalist & thinks racism cant be fixed?!


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Fam. They called Condoleezza Rice...fukkin' "CONDIE" :gucci:

This woman had more credentials than that whole fukkin administration combined :mindblown:

fam. SHES FROM that church that was bombed in the 60s with the 4 little girls :wow:

Thats a different generation fam :wow:
She must also be tired.


May 7, 2012
whats funny is you dont see Clarence Thomas level conservatives being promoted. If they're black conservatives they're the actual Candace Owens clowns. You know the types who DO NOT read books like Jesse Lee Peterson or Diamond and Silk and other youtube clowns. Or your generic Fox News bootlicker.

Clarence Thomas does NOT, if this theory holds, fukk with white people like that. Which would blow most white conservatives minds.

I bet Jason Whitlock doesn't even know this. His fat ass would have a heart attack if he had to address this.

in fact if they're on youtube, AND conservative, chances are that they're fukking stupid because theres a lack of incentive to become well read when you can just drop hot takes and other bullshyt for clicks.

There is no rhyme/reason and I would hesitate to assume we can create a theoretical framework that can explain everything going on in his or any of the other ppl you mention heads. To be honest some of those ppl may not fuk with white ppl that much either - but they do fuk with making money. But again for white nationalists/supremacists it all comes back to the persons usefulness in maintaining power. I mean they were talking nice about Lil Wayne and Kodak less than a year ago. But if the person happens to be intelligent etc, all the better (explains their fascination with Sowell).

The thing is, many of the ideas we're talking about in this thread have documented historical precedent. The ppl who created/led many of the successful Black communities in the early 20th century did so bc they believed true liberation would only be possible through self sufficiency, not necessarily integration. They did not have any expectations/demands of white ppl except for their fair share and no longer using the long arm of the govt to actively suppress/threaten their communities. Obviously that didn't happen (Tulsa riots etc) but it's something that various Black groups considered throughout the years. The NOI was meeting with the KKK in the 60s.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah. I imagine a lot of old AA's feel like this. I also can't imagine how events in the community make him feel.

Don't give me the old black people are just so exhausted from caring and helping other black people so much narrative:comeon:.
Its simple,he got comfortable,lulled to sleep,compromised,and the final step? assimilation.
99% of you are up next sadly,and probably won't see it coming. You will be old and washed before realizing whats happened. The only difference between you and Clarence is that you will believe you fought on the right side,and put up a valiant effort. While in essence you've probably made very little improvement in the lives of black people as a whole. Who knows maybe you'll even become disenfranchised with your liberal allegiance,much like he did with the right. But it will be too late,you will be too old and too brainwashed to switch labels by then. Your instincts,and all of your knowledge and talking points won't allow you too. This is the future of black people who choose to stay in this country and play their game. You will no longer even be claimed as black people by those of us that left,you will just be known as "the assimilated"


Jun 22, 2014
All of this was published a couple of years ago.

But Thomas is a Black libertarian.

That's it. All of the Black nationalism is moreso just him not being able to fully overcome his past. But he's an African-American libertarian and a c00n. That explains his legal positions 100% of the time.


Jun 22, 2014
None of what he's written has been anything like Critical Race Theory. He's just occasionally written and spoken from the perspective of a disenchanted Black person. Not often, either.
he had militant leanings until he went to work at Monsanto, I believe it was. once he got a taste of the money that was it. I read his book years ago.

his story isn't special. alotta Black people think a certain way before getting a taste of the cash.
He wasn't really militant, it appears he jumped in and went along for the ride - with no real foundation in Black nationalism or Black radical teachings.
He probably had no idea who Stokely Carmichael was or about Maoism - he was just disaffected and angry and hung out until it stopped being socially positive for him.
He was a hard-core Catholic even before that.
It would be the greatest heel-turn in history if he was only OD conservative for the cac support but later goes full-on militant coli smart/dumb :wow:
It is far too late to fix the damage he's wrought in the American legal system.
Decades too late.

Racial pessimism is a part of right-wing white nationalist though.
I'm not too familiar with him, but if I understand what I've read correctly, I think he holds such views because, as another poster said, it's nihilism.

He's probably literally had to deal face-to-face with the purest form of white supremacy which probably changed his views. Having to adjust what he feels is the trivial aspects of his belief to stay true to the core. Not everyone is gonna be strong enough to never change. Of course he's not gonna be the same optimistic individual he might've been early in his career to what he is now decades on. Black people falling for literally the same tricks has probably contributed to his apathy as well.

It's kind of a 'Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain' scenario. (Is it bad I kinda agree with a lot of his points?)

Edit: also, from an outside looking in perspective, why should y'all leave and not fight for what you contributed to creating? Spend literally centuries building arguably the greatest nation on Earth (far as opportunity, resources and quality of life standard) just to be punked out by injustice? I think y'all should keep up the fight. And considering white people dying out, I think the biggest concern black people in America have is c00ns and self sabotage. I think progress would be ten-fold if you did what the Haitians did to be honest. c00ns die first :ufdup::camby:
His points are silly and he's dedicated his life to undermining any subjugated group in the U.S. including Black people. Its less nihilism than it is Black libertarianism.
His ideological idol is literally Thomas Sowell - and if you want to know anything about Clarence Thomas's beliefs - just read Thomas Sowell's writings.
They're one and the same (White wife included).

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
So Clarence is basically like "cacs gon cac so get yours"???


That's become my philosophy too.

These cacs can't even cac like they used to, this is the weakest batch since he crawled out of the caves. Get yours and keep it moving. Likeminded brothers will notice you and you can work together, the idiots will get left behind.


Jun 22, 2014
Yeah. Read nothing I fully disagree with yet. Dude sounds like one of the few ones inside that actually try to make a difference, but understands the true nature of the beast and his limitations in dealing with the monster, but has to find that balance in order to seem 'down'.

Black people are too reactionary to fully appreciate dude. In this age where people can capture a snapshot of someone's 'beliefs' or thoughts and can frame it however they want without realizing some topics are nuanced issues which won't be understood in a 300 character limit tweet.

At core, I agree with him in that black people should focus on us and building up/unifying the black family and stop abandoning the core in favor of the trivial. Or as the coli's favorite likes to put it 'stay on code'. I think the new black media is doing a good job at changing the narrative though which, to me, started with making information and history more consumable to even the most simple breh with things such as Hidden Colors and Gentrified. People like Tariq, Jason Black, etc. are gathering a dedicated following that I think will be the basis going forward with development of this 'black code' despite the trivial shyt their detractors try to throw at them
He has made it harder for Black people in the United States, in every single way, to "improve." He has supported everything from the gutting of social services, to the destruction of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts that provide us support :gucci:
Nothing about what he has done in the Supreme Court has shown that he is "trying to make a difference" :russ:
I need you to just Google and read one of his civil rights concurrence so you can see the right-wing white nationalist bullshyt that he lays out on paper in a given term :mjlol:
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Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
I explained this a while back in my white nationalist and thread.

MANY Black folks don't see white ppl as hurdles to be overcome. They just want to be left alone. And many white ppl agree. They don't want to utilize violence or use levers of government etc against Black ppl even though they hold racist views. If they gained power they would probably even support ensuring the US govt provides whatever material/financial support to Black community is necessary.

The crazy thing will be watching ppl in these groups build together - which I believe in inevitable bc of how political coalitions are shifting (as Black ppl become more willing to withold support from Dems).

And absolutely, ppl who live their lives within mainstream media/political circles would never see this phenomenon.

sure some whites would agree with black folk being left alone.. but I don't think it's a large percentage..

whites are sadists.. they would keep fukking with us