its worse in literally every way. TLOU2 won like 100x more GOTY awards. you know a game is meh when the best thing about it is... the fukking grass

- writing
- combat
- performances/acting
- presentation
- graphics
- moment to moment gameplay
- animation
- story
- intensity
- gameplay overall
- AI
all worse.
Ghosts is a fukking generic open world game with a bland open world full of nothing to do but chase foxes.
the enemies die the same way EVERY SINGLE TIME.
"REALISTIC" GAME with no fukking limbs flying
FAILS TO CAPTUE the true brutality of the Japanese invasion by the Mongols.. those mfs were BRUTAL. this shyt felt like a kids game in comparison to TLOU 2.
the faceoffs are ALL the same
AUTOFAIL STEALTH MISSIONS IN 2021.. straight out of a 2007 Ass Creed game.
the characters show NO emotion in their face during cutscenes, they dont even fukking move, they just stand there, in every cutscene - kills any sense of immersion
there are no random events in the open world. Nothing to do in it. Just a bunch of pretty grass.
come on man. i dont understand yall
it pisses me off