Ghost was clearly the better game and the GOTY. And you'll find no bigger fan of TLOU than me coming from the first one, the 2nd one honestly just ain't hit like thatcuz them weirdos who stan for that game all seem to have hating TLOU 2 in common![]()

Ghost was clearly the better game and the GOTY. And you'll find no bigger fan of TLOU than me coming from the first one, the 2nd one honestly just ain't hit like thatcuz them weirdos who stan for that game all seem to have hating TLOU 2 in common![]()
Excellent from a gameplay perspective, innovative accessibility settings and beautiful character/sound/environment design
But terrible pacing of the story, inconsistent character traits/writing and identity politics make the game leave a bad taste in my mouth
I've played through the game 5 times to see if that bad taste went away but it doesn't
The decision to write in a Trans character (Lev) solely to give Abby a redemption arc for you to empathize with her was terrible and lazy writing. It came off forcibly that Lev was trans and not that they just happened to be Trans and they made that almost his whole identity.Loads of people didn't like Joel dying so early and brutally. They also didn't like he was taken out by a woman. They also didn't like that said woman was buff and unattractive. They also didn't like that you had to play as that woman.
It really was an alt-right, gamergate chud feast, and they milked it for what it's worth. I don't think these guys are going to get another payday that easy any time soon.
IMO It was an easy GOTY for me. It took huge risks and I thought by the end it payed off extremely well. Seeing Ellie from another (an enemy) perspective was. You realize how scary and dangerous she is.
What identity politics? lol
Ghost was clearly the better game and the GOTY. And you'll find no bigger fan of TLOU than me coming from the first one, the 2nd one honestly just ain't hit like that![]()
its worse in literally every way. TLOU2 won like 100x more GOTY awards. you know a game is meh when the best thing about it is... the fukking grass
- writing
- combat
- performances/acting
- presentation
- graphics
- moment to moment gameplay
- animation
- story
- intensity
- gameplay overall
all worse.
Ghosts is a fukking generic open world game with a bland open world full of nothing to do but chase foxes.
the enemies die the same way EVERY SINGLE TIME.
"REALISTIC" GAME with no fukking limbs flying
FAILS TO CAPTUE the true brutality of the Japanese invasion by the Mongols.. those mfs were BRUTAL. this shyt felt like a kids game in comparison to TLOU 2.
the faceoffs are ALL the same
the characters show NO emotion in their face during cutscenes, they dont even fukking move, they just stand there, in every cutscene - kills any sense of immersion
there are no random events in the open world. Nothing to do in it. Just a bunch of pretty grass.
come on man. i dont understand yall
it pisses me off![]()
All that shyt happens in story missions, my point exactly ---- NOTHING in the actual, open world. the world is empty and uneventful. like 99% of open world games. It needed more random activity throughout.There are literally missions on there with a dedication to decapitating their enemies and posting their heads on spikes. The Mongols literally decapitate a major character in a story mission. The Mongols burn people alive and raid their villages. Limbs do come off during combat, it's just not cartoonish with the way it's shown.
Bruh did you play the same game?
see that agenda stuff was what I kept hearing and honestly in the game it was barely noticable. I'm someone who gets easily annoyed when that stuff gets forced in a corny way in modern media but it amounted to what, a few conversations that you could blink and miss? there was definitely one cringe "this is the developers' pro-trans message" speech but after playing the game I feel like a lot of that was boosted from youtube complaining like people have said hereThe story was a huge step down from the previous game, the "agenda" was laid on THICC and the game killed off a beloved character and forced you to pay with the character that killed him. People had this same reaction to Metal Gear 2 when they were forced to play with Raiden out the blue, people hated the character and hated that they thought they were going in as one thing and got rugged pulled with another.
They did do the switch-a-roo right before the game release. @2:20see that agenda stuff was what I kept hearing and honestly in the game it was barely noticable. I'm someone who gets easily annoyed when that stuff gets forced in a corny way in modern media but it amounted to what, a few conversations that you could blink and miss? there was definitely one cringe "this is the developers' pro-trans message" speech but after playing the game I feel like a lot of that was boosted from youtube complaining like people have said here
raiden was different. they straight up misled people by using doctored videos showing snake in the plant section. from what I've seen all the pre-release content for TLOU 2 only showed ellie playable so did people really assume joel was gonna be the main character?
They did do the switch-a-roo right before the game release. @2:20
But I'm pretty sure it was to throw people off like how Marvel does in their trailers. Spoilers was Imminent around that time if I recall correctly.