Blazé Blazé
What are women doing to make men want them these days? It's an easy deflection to say "if you want a stand up woman you have to be a stand up man too!"Cake and eat it too. Yeah they want an Ayesha but what are they doing to get one? Words without action don't mean much.
But the argument holds little to no water when the majority of women are slutting it up for instagram AND wanting a ring along with respect at the same time.
Men praise Stephen left and right because it's always good to see a brother succeed, be a loving husband, and a father to his kids.
Ayesha? Nah these females can't stand her because she's the embodiment of an ideal wife in the black community and sets a standard that most women will find hard to follow. So instead she's picked apart and accused of slut shaming by the very women who can't meet those standards she set.