Trump is about to open the country back up

Buckeye Fever

May 1, 2012
Hip-Hop Since '79
Bruh...his followers are just as insane. Here's someone from Fox News that just tweeted he knows Trump is lying to us but the media shouldn't care about him telling obvious lies :mindblown:

Gotta get this dude outta office. He already got blood on his hands and he got dumb sheep

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I have no problem with opening the country back up IF we had serological testing for anti-bodies on a mass scale and continued mass testing for covid cases. But this guy has not said a word hinting he was looking to do that. If I can be tested for anti-bodies and be shown to be immune, I'd go out without worry.

If he cared that much about the economy, he would be moving heaven and earth to do this but see, he doesn't take initiative on anything and is not even hinting at doing this. He doesn't respect the scientific approach to this problem at all and only listened after two months of taking a beating PR wise.
depends what you guys think open is

the rest of the world will be looking at America like a no fly zone... if they haven't taken measures to stem the spread and try to go back to business as usual. It will be all domestic


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
Problem is your president created an economy of smoke and mirrors unable to withstand any turmoil. He compounded that by sitting around and doing nothing for months when the virus was running through Asia and then Europe. He also chose to lie through his teeth about everything.

while I agree, scientists need more time, Trump squandered it and here we are now. Businesses will have to practice social distancing. Allow people to still work from home. Allow people who do not want to work to stay home.let the government pay for them.

Need a hybrid approach now. Adding another 2 months to the lockdown is going to create irreparable damage...some may say it’s too late.
I have been saying this, so many people far smarter than me (which is most people to be honest) have been saying this. This economy was NEVER sustainable to begin with, it was always a house of cards, as soon as he started deregulating industries, practices, laws, etc..The GOP and he went to coinstar with all the penny jugs, and tried to pass the surge off as something concrete, it was ALWAYS quicksand. Obama laid the groundwork for a self sustaining, dummy proof economy, with sound regulations and technology facing industries to phase out the dinosaurs, and give the opportunity for ALL of the workers in these antiquated industries to be trained, free of charge, to have jobs in the energy sector that should be, by now, replacing these unnecessary industries. I am in warehouse logistics, have been my whole life, was born into the industry. If y'all don't think automation is coming, you are wrong. The good news is, there is still plenty of room, plenty of time to be trained, plenty of opportunity, the bad news, people have too much pride, people by nature believe they they themselves are the most important person in the world, and the world would shut down if they don't contribute their 8 hours a day. If there is one this that this pandemic has taught TPTB it is that automation needs to be here sooner rather than later. Watching all these folks scramble to "get back to work" instead of being "demoralized" by unemployment......listen, nobody is gonna tell me anything about how to feel, how live my life, how to provide for my family, so I get being bullheaded and not wanting to listen to other people when it comes to how to manage your own household, but for Christ sake, look how quickly this all happened. Don't be caught by surprise by all these industries laying off manual labor in favor of automation, use the time you have to research and try to fit in, use the time you have to change this country's ideology regarding "happiness", use this time to make your family a priority (and I mean being emotionally available to your family and friends, not only considering "providing" for your family, and think that is the only real measuring stick for worth and responsibility). Life is too short, it really is. If the majority of Americans are stuck in this perpetual cycle of working themselves to death because "whoever has the most toys when they die, wins!" then I really hope for inter-dimensional reincarnation, cause this ain't fukking it. Too many of us in this world let our jobs define us, it's our characters, our ethics, our morality, and our love that really define us. If we are gonna "let" "them" take everything away from "us" and not stand up as a majority to have each others backs and have some human fukking decency, then just give up now.
Admittedly, my wife's situation has changed me in ways that I believe are for the better. I have always felt on some level all the things that I am saying above, but moving forward, i'm willing to act on them. Please don't be a pawn, and let them convince you that there "isn't enough money to sustain this", the real answer is that the leadership of this country as a whole have mishandled and misappropriated our money, our taxes, all of it. They try to eliminate our social programs, Retirement, medicare, ssi, ssdi, etc...and funnel our money back to corporations and billionaires that spend the kind of money on their lawns and lunches that provide ALL of our homeless with shelter, ALL of our hungry with food, ALL of our uninsured with healthcare.
WHY THE fukk ARE PEOPLE EVEN ARGUING ABOUT THIS? There is no grey area here, only right and wrong. There may be nuances in specific situations, but at the end of the day, if somebody is hungry, we should feed them, if somebody is homeless, we should provide them shelter, if someone needs medical attention, we need to provide them medical attention.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
We've arrived

b*stard Trump the false prophet. He needs to see how the French Revolution pop off....

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Bruh...his followers are just as insane. Here's someone from Fox News that just tweeted he knows Trump is lying to us but the media shouldn't care about him telling obvious lies :mindblown:

Imagine if Obama said this. But with Trump we are supposed to never take anything he says seriously. What a disgusting double standard. That privilege :mjpls:


Fukk you thought it was?
Apr 30, 2012
How you gonna ROFL with a hollow back?
Imagine if Obama said this. But with Trump we are supposed to never take anything he says seriously. What a disgusting double standard. That privilege :mjpls:
These idiots are running on fumes. When "don't believe your lying eyes, don't believe what goes into your lying ears" is their go to response, you know they are out of options.