Men who think shaming women for promiscuity are delusional....

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Thread reminds of this video. Single mothers. Father aint in the picture. So the mothers on a dating show. Shame or no shame,

Water always seeks its own level.:hubie:


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Jungle Rules.

Kill or be killed. Almost every single animal that dies, dies by being eaten alive. Constant warfare at every level from microscopic to ultra massive.

Humans, for most of our time, have applied this principle to EACH OTHER.

Slavery. A group thats more powerful than another, captures and owns them.

The dynamic between men and women/children has always been that women NEED men to survive, and men treat women as property. Abuse their women and children in the sickest ways.

Modern society has allowed for racial minorities to defy jungle rules. Even though we could never win a war against America proper, we used media to shame the "real" Americans to give us six feet and let us breathe. Of course white supremacists still press the line and cops still kill niqqas with glee, but this world is 1000x better for us in 2024 than 1824.

And now women are able to break loose from male supremacy. They don't need a man to simply survive (like they did 10 000 years ago). They can make dough, call shots, and even use a pistol to fight back if an individual male tries to attack.

Just like us, women like to fukc. Men like to imagine that they would miss out on carnal pleasure just to live up to a man's ideal.

Let me ask you Brehs. Do you hold back on sexual adventure so you can live up to an ideal? Don't even fix your finger to lie. If you can sneak and get you some you'll do it every time.

We do not own them. Now they gonna do exactly what they want.

Same shyt we be doing.

So in other words you are saying men do own them,and they basically only do what men allow.

Think about what you just typed and lets break it down. You acknowledged slavery where a more powerful group took over the other group. You do realize that group still has control over us as black men right? Theyve essentially invited your woman into the house,given them priveledges to look like a good massa,while we look weak.

And yall in here talking about "Well, she sneaks into the barn and fukks me occasionally,brings me biscuits and gravy every once in a while:francis:"

So I guess yall cool with your woman being one of the spoils of the Europeans colonialism:gucci:

No,yall should not be okay with this. I understand seeing reality for what it is. That reality being that alot of our women are far too gone,g.m.o'd and assimilated by the European. But its not something we should just give in to. It should just be on the back burner until we self correct as men. But trust and believe we are coming back for our women,and then the rest of humanity:respect:

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Most men are not actually shaming women in real life.

This is some internet shyt.

We have several examples of red pill content creators impregnating and wifing the exact women they tell their audience to avoid.

Most of the men who are expressing their distain for these type of women online would smash those type of women if they were throwing p*ssy their way.

Key word being, if.
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Lieutenant Daniels

I’m up for Major
Mar 11, 2022
Major case squad
We don't need to bring back shame we need to bring back standards and anti simping. These hoes got their heads held too high because these simp nikkas are out of fukking control

Exactly. There’s always been simps but gah damn social media done turned 90% of men into mindless simp zombies :mjlol:

Especially on instagram. It’s unbearable seeing a mid ass bytch with 100k followers and thousands of “You’re sexy baby” “you deserve the world” comments:hhh:. Men so thirsty for some got damn reason, shyt got me vexed :russ:Got these women heads all in the clouds. I can recognize when a chick bad asf but damn control your thirst.

Really it’s men that jacked the game up if we keeping it a buck. Women just doin what they do. I remember a time when the homies would clown the fukk outta you if you was wining and dining a shorty you never even hit yet.


Mar 11, 2022
Old York
Most men are not actually shaming women in real life.

This is some internet shyt.

We have several examples of red pill contents creators impregnating and wifing the exact women they tell their audience to avoid.

Most of the men who are expressing their distain for these type of women online would smash those type of women if they were throwing p*ssy their way.

Key word being, if.

the only time I've ever seen "men" press women in real life are the same 1s who were damn near trying to rape a bytch.
May 2, 2013
My Set
Exactly. There’s always been simps but gah damn social media done turned 90% of men into mindless simp zombies :mjlol:

Especially on instagram. It’s unbearable seeing a mid ass bytch with 100k followers and thousands of “You’re sexy baby” “you deserve the world” comments:hhh:. Men so thirsty for some got damn reason, shyt got me vexed :russ:Got these women heads all in the clouds. I can recognize when a chick bad asf but damn control your thirst.

Really it’s men that jacked the game up if we keeping it a buck. Women just doin what they do. I remember a time when the homies would clown the fukk outta you if you was wining and dining a shorty you never even hit yet.
The saddest shyt is you cant tell these simp mfs nothing. I tried to tell them they was gonna fukk the game up but noooo. Now you got 4's expecting to be treated like 10s
Aug 16, 2017
As far as women staying with the same bad men, a lot of times, it’s because they don’t want to be alone, and don’t want to go through the process of being single again, and waiting to meet someone new, and getting to know the new man, and taking a risk for him. There is comfort in familiarity. And you know we spin the block in between relationships to those old reliable women we don’t have to put new effort in, and can smash any time.

The problem with shaming the hoes is, those are the women getting wifed. I’ve seen it too many times. Men would rather try to calm the whore because she’s fun, and knows what she’s doing in bed, than wife the good girl who is predictable, loyal, and safe. This isn’t just limited to black men. I know several white women who were major whores, who are now married suburban moms. Not shockingly, they messed with black men, but married white men.

A lot of y’all don’t want to admit you LIKE a challenge.