How do we help or deal with all the disgruntled young men in the country?


Mar 19, 2017
It all boils down to societies infatuation with hyper capitalism. New gadgets, toys, women, drugs. It's all an illusion being used to seduce their minds, or tell them they aren't good enough without the capital and thats why they lack. It creates inferiority complexes and angry men. No jobs, blame foreigners, minorities, women. Meanwhile someone has their hand inside these young men's pockets and minds. Robbing them blind of money and sensibility.
This guy sees the bigger picture. It's poisoning the minds of both men and women of all races. It's just more prevalent in our culture since our culture is the main source of entertainment for this country.


Mar 19, 2017
the root of all of it is capitalism


i’m not replying to any coli bootlickers who want to have a back and forth either so don’t quote me and try to argue. just ignore me and go get your money if you don’t think capitalism is the root cause.
Capitalism is the source of a majority of the ills in this country. As long as profits matter more than people it will always be that way unfortunately


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
Doesn't this lowkey victimize young men though?

I mean...look. I've tutored young men......young BLACK Math in the past. I've also helped gave some young Black men jobs via networking as well.

But, at the same time, it's not a conspiracy to admit that a lot of young men are unmotivated and just coasting through life or undergoing arrested development via remaining underemployed or undereducated for most of their 20's aka their prime years.

I'd argue fatherhood or lack of play a much bigger role than feminism or whatever. Feminism is just an easy scapegoat but a having a strong father or male mentor/guide will offset a good portion of things that you're blaming on feminism.

The only good points in here are the points about decreasing outsourcing/offshoring jobs which is a problem that affects a lot of people, not just young men.

As for the job training programs, I'm sorry but they're already abundant as it is. There's literally PLENTY of trade, apprenticeship, and internship programs if one actually looks for them.

I know plumbers, barbers, truck drivers, and auto mechanics who can vouch for the fact that there's NO shortage of training programs out there for their positions. In fact, many of those programs are practically BEGGING young men to join them and become a part of those occupations.

I mean....ffs, one of my older cousins who's an ex-convict was able to get into a program for ex-convicts that lead to him getting a job as a carpenter.

The job programs ARE out there. The trades ARE out there. The internships ARE out there. It's up to the young men themselves to take advantage of it.

No feminist or liberal is stopping a young man from applying to these programs or joining the military which also offers benefits to young men who can't afford college.

Dudes like Tate just like to latch onto conspiracies and Red Herrings to distract young men from the fact that they're often their own worst enemy and that them not being raised by strong fathers or male figures from the get go plays a much bigger role in their lives than whatever external force is supposedly holding them back.

Please preach to these bed wetter ass dudes.


The Sword of Jesus of Nazareth
May 25, 2022
username checks out. forgot who I was replying to

So you just use terms you heard or came across but don’t try to expand on them

And this is why older dudes give yall young dudes grief. No fukking backbone, no imagination. Just talking just to talk.


Sep 15, 2014
Doesn't this lowkey victimize young men though?

I mean...look. I've tutored young men......young BLACK Math in the past. I've also helped gave some young Black men jobs via networking as well.

But, at the same time, it's not a conspiracy to admit that a lot of young men are unmotivated and just coasting through life or undergoing arrested development via remaining underemployed or undereducated for most of their 20's aka their prime years.

I'd argue fatherhood or lack of play a much bigger role than feminism or whatever. Feminism is just an easy scapegoat but a having a strong father or male mentor/guide will offset a good portion of things that you're blaming on feminism.

The only good points in here are the points about decreasing outsourcing/offshoring jobs which is a problem that affects a lot of people, not just young men.

As for the job training programs, I'm sorry but they're already abundant as it is. There's literally PLENTY of trade, apprenticeship, and internship programs if one actually looks for them.

I know plumbers, barbers, truck drivers, and auto mechanics who can vouch for the fact that there's NO shortage of training programs out there for their positions. In fact, many of those programs are practically BEGGING young men to join them and become a part of those occupations.

I mean....ffs, one of my older cousins who's an ex-convict was able to get into a program for ex-convicts that lead to him getting a job as a carpenter.

The job programs ARE out there. The trades ARE out there. The internships ARE out there. It's up to the young men themselves to take advantage of it.

No feminist or liberal is stopping a young man from applying to these programs or joining the military which also offers benefits to young men who can't afford college.

Dudes like Tate just like to latch onto conspiracies and Red Herrings to distract young men from the fact that they're often their own worst enemy and that them not being raised by strong fathers or male figures from the get go plays a much bigger role in their lives than whatever external force is supposedly holding them back.
His daddy never loved him and he has no nuts of his own to hold.

Its everybody elses, Its womens fault, its the blacks fault, its this its that.

V Skyye

All Star
Mar 26, 2017
Boys don't have a space to become men. For example, boys scouts now allow girls to join.
There’s Girl Scouts. But enrollment in both have declined and kids don’t join anymore.

A lot of what people are describing actually sounds like a result of overall social disengagement. There’s a book called Bowling Alone written about 20 years ago about the decline in social clubs and overall civil engagement. The past few years have accelerated this much more drastically.

Kids need things to do to stay busy from a young age whether it’s sports, music, or educational clubs. Parents are too busy and let them isolate on iPads and games all day. Team activities are still good for teaching kids how to navigate among their peers and learn life lessons.



Mar 11, 2022
At this point I don't even know if it's lack of jobs or resources or if it's just late stage capitalism?

But we may have an issue with the disgruntled young men in the country right now. We even have some on the Coli. They're becoming pawns for guys like Andrew Tate ect. But what got us here and how do we or can reverse course?

Thoughts? :jbhmm:
Basically men need to form networks and help other men. This would be dam near impossible because it goes against men naturally selfish nature. Men need to save themselves in a nutshell.


May 31, 2022
Feminism isn't the reason why so many men are watching Adin Ross streams for 8 hours, or watching Fresh&FIt podcast for hours, or playing Warzone all day.

Some of these guys are just bums that don't want to work on themselves, and blame shyt like liberals and "woke ideology" for their shortcomings.

If you want to hold on to a society based on a hyper-individualistic, rise & grind, hustle culture, swim or drown mentality then some men are simply going to get left behind.

I still want the best for them, which is why I still support having their material needs met, and maybe the stress of having to exist in a world that is so demanding for you can be minimized so that you can work on yourself and build up social skills.

Exactly. The real reason the Red Pill content exploded with young men is because of SEX period. That's it. It's not even about marriage or stability. It's about feeling left out of hookup culture and getting laid.

Every young man desires to get laid and, when they don't, they start looking for tips on how to do it. Then, it leads them to a rabbit hole in which there's some deep rooted societal issue that explains why they're not getting laid. That's the real reason for its explosion in popularity albeit there are good self improvement channels in that space that cater to a different target audience.

And, like you said, the nature of the hyper-capitalism of America means that men who haven't spent time preparing for the rat race will suffer the consequences of being left behind.

There's certainly a conversation that can be held about how to balance socialism and capitalism in a way that can offset some of this. But, ironically, Red Pillers are such Right leaning/"anti woke" shills they wound up simping for hardcore capitalism and bashing socialism even if their own target audience isn't thriving under hardcore capitalism. Go figure.

As I said before, though, the notion that a feminist or liberal can stop young men from applying to any field they desire to get into is just fantasy garbage.

If ex-convicts can enter programs that can give them jobs, so can young men. The barbers are begging. The plumbers are begging. The truck drivers are begging. The Air Force is begging. The auto mechanics are begging. The medical field is begging. The warehouses are begging. Amazon is begging. Culinary schools are begging. Hell, even H&R Block is begging.

No blue haired dyke on Twitter can stop you from applying and getting a position there. It's ironically "feminine" to even insinuate this. :mjlol

And, like I've said, I helped young men in real life with education and employment. So, I'm not talking down but I'm talking realistically.

If a young man stayed underemployed or unskilled for all of his 20's, then that's simply a voluntary decision that he'll have to pay the consequence for.


Mar 11, 2022
Women are now more educated...younger women are rapidly closing the wealth gap

Men need to embrace this automation age we're about to enter bc that's the area men can build wealth

Men should also seek women who will support them in all the areas that they need shouldn't get their emotional support online.
Men need to stop looking to women for 'support'..thats one of the main issues right there.