Going on my first date in 5 years and my 2nd in my entire life tomorrow. Any advice? UPDATE: :francis:


Jul 25, 2018
Treat her like one of the homies with a bit of flirtation and most importantly, don’t give a fukk!

This right here. If you have to pretend she a dude just to mentally condition yourself to act right and fake it til you make it, do it.

The same way you'd approach a day with a friend is the same way you should treat this date. Just be yourself and talk about life and fun shyt. Take genuine interest in having someones company, knowing more about someone, hearing someone else's view of of things in the world, the things she likes.

"So where do you work? How do you like the job? Oh shyt that's crazy! Yeah true, true, same here, my coworkers can be a headache. You seen that new flick everyone talking about? Aww man I was gonna see that but I missed it. Yeah I'm a big horror guy; is that your favorite sort of movies? Ha ha Yeah I feel you. Yo, check out what's on the TV over there. That's crazy right? What you think? Hahaha! This Puffy situation is wild! Remember how big Bad Boy was back in the day."

Notice the conversation above doesn't feel like an interrogation either. Again thats that "omg this is a date. What do i say?" Dating trap. Just be genuinely friendly, excited to have company, and excited to juse be outside like she no different than a homie. Yalls conversation and company with each other will flow.

Dont assume sex is gonna happen at all, and dont make that the gold standard for how this date goes. Assume this is only a good friend for now and behave as such. Just focus on and enjoy the opportunity to have some company for the day and someone to talk to.

Don't do no sneaky shyt like reaching for her waist out of nowhere, tryna be flirty. You cant push or rush the physical contact. That will come naturally as long as you focus first and foremost on being good, fun company she can relate to. It'll start with little taps on your shoulder or hand when she laughs at something you say or wants to show you something or other causal circumstances that can be complimented with a touch. She'll stay real close to your when yall walk together. Eventually yall will take each others arms or hands while walking. I reccomend the arm lock. Always a comfortable way to connect and walk together on a first date. And it will all naturally turn to a kiss.

Also, take a walk after yall done with dinner or whatever you chose to do. Don't just take this girl somewhere and say goodbye. Follow it up with a nice walk after. Can be aimless exploration, a park, window shopping bar hopping. Walking together while just talking about life, people watching together, observing things around you, is always a romantic touch that helps her see a little more in you than just a date, and usually when the physical contact starts.

Also BE FUNNY. Be Happy to be out with someone. Kinda going back to the pretend its a homeboy deal. Dont be scared to throw a joke out there, laugh, be humorous and funny just as you would with your buddies. Nothing kills a date like a grumpy, miserable, boring nikka interrogating the girl about where she live and what she do. And on the flip side NOTHING attracts a female like a nicca who makes her laugh. Like, nothing. Forget all that big man machismo shyt. Knowing how to "be cute" and make girls laugh is more valuable to your sex life than money. Any reasonably decent looking dude girls identify as "mad funny" or "mad stupid lol" is a dude getting p*ssy. You know this. Humor is probably your greatest power in attracting women and for many women its what distinguishes the guys they wanna fukk from the guys they dont. You on the coli, so I know you know how to cut it up with jokes. Be yourself. Spit jokes. Laugh it up together. She will love you for it.

There's a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. BUY THIS BOOK if you need a guide on how to be the best date.

I also recommend "Peace is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hahn but only because I think Zen Buddhist theory and the ability to relieve anxieties through mindfulness is important to applying to every aspect of your life. Including dating and sex.

Good luck my man. Congratulations is trying something new and getting away from the vices. Just remember to be fun. That's all there is to it. Don't get caught up in nothing. Just be a fun dude.


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
This right here. If you have to pretend she a dude just to mentally condition yourself to act right and fake it til you make it, do it.

The same way you'd approach a day with a friend is the same way you should treat this date. Just be yourself and talk about life and fun shyt. Take genuine interest in having someones company, knowing more about someone, hearing someone else's view of of things in the world, the things she likes.

"So where do you work? How do you like the job? Oh shyt that's crazy! Yeah true, true, same here, my coworkers can be a headache. You seen that new flick everyone talking about? Aww man I was gonna see that but I missed it. Yeah I'm a big horror guy; is that your favorite sort of movies? Ha ha Yeah I feel you. Yo, check out what's on the TV over there. That's crazy right? What you think? Hahaha! This Puffy situation is wild! Remember how big Bad Boy was back in the day."

Notice the conversation above doesn't feel like an interrogation either. Again thats that "omg this is a date. What do i say?" Dating trap. Just be genuinely friendly, excited to have company, and excited to juse be outside like she no different than a homie. Yalls conversation and company with each other will flow.

Dont assume sex is gonna happen at all, and dont make that the gold standard for how this date goes. Assume this is only a good friend for now and behave as such. Just focus on and enjoy the opportunity to have some company for the day and someone to talk to.

Don't do no sneaky shyt like reaching for her waist out of nowhere, tryna be flirty. You cant push or rush the physical contact. That will come naturally as long as you focus first and foremost on being good, fun company she can relate to. It'll start with little taps on your shoulder or hand when she laughs at something you say or wants to show you something or other causal circumstances that can be complimented with a touch. She'll stay real close to your when yall walk together. Eventually yall will take each others arms or hands while walking. I reccomend the arm lock. Always a comfortable way to connect and walk together on a first date. And it will all naturally turn to a kiss.

Also, take a walk after yall done with dinner or whatever you chose to do. Don't just take this girl somewhere and say goodbye. Follow it up with a nice walk after. Can be aimless exploration, a park, window shopping bar hopping. Walking together while just talking about life, people watching together, observing things around you, is always a romantic touch that helps her see a little more in you than just a date, and usually when the physical contact starts.

Also BE FUNNY. Be Happy to be out with someone. Kinda going back to the pretend its a homeboy deal. Dont be scared to throw a joke out there, laugh, be humorous and funny just as you would with your buddies. Nothing kills a date like a grumpy, miserable, boring nikka interrogating the girl about where she live and what she do. And on the flip side NOTHING attracts a female like a nicca who makes her laugh. Like, nothing. Forget all that big man machismo shyt. Knowing how to "be cute" and make girls laugh is more valuable to your sex life than money. Any reasonably decent looking dude girls identify as "mad funny" or "mad stupid lol" is a dude getting p*ssy. You know this. Humor is probably your greatest power in attracting women and for many women its what distinguishes the guys they wanna fukk from the guys they dont. You on the coli, so I know you know how to cut it up with jokes. Be yourself. Spit jokes. Laugh it up together. She will love you for it.

There's a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. BUY THIS BOOK if you need a guide on how to be the best date.

I also recommend "Peace is Every Step" by Thich Nhat Hahn but only because I think Zen Buddhist theory and the ability to relieve anxieties through mindfulness is important to applying to every aspect of your life. Including dating and sex.

Good luck my man. Congratulations is trying something new and getting away from the vices. Just remember to be fun. That's all there is to it. Don't get caught up in nothing. Just be a fun dude.


This my city
May 9, 2012
Lemongrass, cherries, alkaline water
I have no real experience with women other than sex workers and I'm just scared that I'll talk myself out of a good time.
given your history you need to get as many real world reps with real women as possible to build up your comfort and confidence. Just consider this another rep and dont expect anything out of her.


Jul 25, 2018
I was a dumb simpy kid :snoop:

Breh you young. We all been there.

Just remember the old saying...

"Money can't buy you happiness."

It's not just some meaningless pep talk. It's a true fact of living.

Girls want to be happy. They want excitement. And they want to have fun. Just like you.

Real women aren't all about money.

When she sits down with you all she wants to do is laugh, smile, and be with a fun person who makes her feel fun and happy herself.

Put HER in the friend zone. Be respectful but treat her like a cool homegirl. Forget about fukking and rubbing. Yall should be drinking and laughing it up. Playing bar games together. Invite other people into your conversations sometimes and make it real fun. Tap into that happy lil kid energy in you. Be you. Have fun with it. Take a nice walk with fun conversation about music or pop culture or whatever. Make her smile. Show that swag you got and leave her telling herself "I am really happy right now. I am really happy around this guy. He is fun."

The rest will happen.

If you can show a girl that a day or even a life with you is a life of fun and excitement, you will be fine out here in these streets.


Jul 25, 2018
Also I know the name of that book.spunds like some manipulative pick up artist stuff, but no. It was actually written in the 1950s for businessmen and career advice. But it is possibly the greatest book I've ever read on the psychology of human interaction, conversation, and attraction. Well written, easily digestible. Get the hard cover. Belongs in every man's living room study.

Kuma the Bear

The Ultimate King of Iron Fist
Mar 11, 2022
Mishima Industries
Just go with the flow and have fun.
Don't do too much and don't do too little either.

As others have said, don't mention that this is your second date. It's not relevant.
Avoid "dead air" situations i.e. moments where there's just awkward silence because you both have nothing to talk about.
Always have non-controversial topics to bring up and talk about so that there can be a call and response flow going.

Eventually you can also get to the point to ask about what she's looking for (casual date, something serious/long-term partner) which could determine whether you both are on the same page.

At this stage, the most you should pay for is her meal on this date or any other activity as long as you're not breaking your bank account. No jewelry (:deadrose:) until you both get into an official relationship with each other.


Jul 25, 2018
I would add that learning to hold eye contact without being intimidating and learning to read their eyes and facial expressions to better gauge how they're feeling in the moment.

If you run out of things to talk about just remember "FORD"

F - Family O - Occupation R - Recreation D - Dreams

Oh this is a good one. Yes OP eye contact is important. Don't stare her down all day but when yall talk don't be afraid to hold eye contact together. Do NOT sit next to each other for hours not even looking at one another. Dating trap, and one of those subtle things the guy has to assume.

Hold down eye contact when you talk to her. Look at her when she's talking for at least a good few seconds or more before you let go for a bit, but bring it back.

And that FORD thing is a good tip. And eventually you'll realize there is literally no limit to conversation. You can literally observe and talk about anything, as well as remember those big overarching topics that can always bring interest back to the table.

As long as you focus on being a fun, cool dude that makes her feel fun and cool.


Jul 25, 2018
Damn, you're right! Fortunately, the coffee shop is only four minutes away from an arcade and ten minutes away from a go-kart course so I got options if she wants to do something more fun. But I have to gauge how's she's feeling first and if she's not bored altogether

Nah Breh. It ain't her decision whether this is gonna be a fun night out or night. YOU like to have fun when you take a lady out. YOU are taking her to a fun arcade or go-karting after the dinner. WE having fun today. Cus she hanging wit that nikka, and we outside.


If she ain't feeling go-karts or arcade gaming she'll let you know. Ask what she think would be fun. Just let it flow. Be grown kids together for a day. She wants to feel fun and happiness.

Just focus on hanging out, having real fun with a new "friend," and being in your happiness my dude. She will love it from there.
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018
Whatever you do please don't mention you haven't been on a date in 5yrs and this is your 2nd date ever.

This too. In fact, don't EVER EVER EVER EVER talk to a girl you dating about your issues.

"Haven't dated 5 years. Really struggle with that."

"I struggle with anxiety. I'm always so sad. I hope you understand."

"Why won't you have sex with me? I just struggle so much and need it."

Save that shyt for a homeboy or a therapist or your future wife who's there for you. Forget all that shyt about girls liking dudes being vulnerable with them. Its a sanctimonious lie. Girls you dating don't wanna know your problems. Be vulnerable wit homies, friends, and family. Keep that away from your dates.


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
I matched with this cute 23 year old brunette white girl on Hinge a month ago and I, for some reason, managed to get the balls to ask her out to get some coffee and to check out this record store near the park a couple of weeks ago. She was busy with a trip to the East Coast and home remodeling, so we kept rescheduling until we settled for Thursday.

Ngl, I'm nervous since I went on only one other date in my life back in 2019. I thought that one went well since I took her to the museum and a couple restaurants and even bought her some jewelry but she completely ghosted me after the date and I never saw her again. I have no real experience with women other than sex workers and I'm just scared that I'll talk myself out of a good time. I'm 26, I should have relationship experience and not be a near-incel.

Any advice y'all could give me?

Be a dweeb brehs