Going on my first date in 5 years and my 2nd in my entire life tomorrow. Any advice? UPDATE: :francis:

Marlow Stanfield

Dec 13, 2019
good feedback

@JadeB keep at it man. we all have to start somewhere
at some point start talking to random strangers you find attractive to build your gift of gab as well. you dont even have to ask for their number...say you waiting in line, walking in a same direction as someone, waiting for a subway etc...just spark a convo.

in the cases where they fade you itll also desensitize you to rejection and embarrassment. And I kid you not, the most important thing when it comes to getting women is being desensitized to rejection. As ppl here already said, you have to not care too much

they like both

for instance, lets say you and a girl are going out for drinks... yall meet at 8 and by 10, yall got a nice buzz, yall laughing, having good convos and the night is still young. This is when it pays to know your city/surroundings and be spontaneous. All of a sudden you can say, "ayo I know another spot near by with some live music, would you be down to go?" or "yo lets go for a walk down to the lakefront for a bit". Or you could even just say you got a bottle at the crib if she wanna continue, how she should roll through.

its not about having a plan as much as it is about leading/taking control of the situation. Being spontaneous can allow you to do that while also showing her that you have other sides to you, arent stingy, can be fun, know good spots round the city.

On this note, one thing i want you to remember in terms of rejection is that nobody pays that much attention to you as you think.

Think about the last time you went for a walk outside, you might have walked past 1000 people...how many of those people's faces do you actually process or remember an hour later? I can guarantee you its less than 1%. People are in their own worlds. Remember that in case you ever get in your head about potentially being embarrassed.

There are women who have rejected me once, only to forget about me when I holla the second time months later- then I get the number and smash lol.

School 'em breh :wow:

@JadeB on the subject of rejection...

If you want a great example on how to take rejection, watch old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Will would holla at the hunnies and they would turn around and walk away, make stank faces and walk away, etc. nikka got rejected 95% of the time but would keep smiling and keep it moving like it was nothing. That is the level of desensitization to rejection to aspire to.


Enjoying a Long Night of Solace✌
Oct 27, 2016
Somewhere on an Xbox
School 'em breh :wow:

@JadeB on the subject of rejection...

If you want a great example on how to take rejection, watch old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Will would holla at the hunnies and they would turn around and walk away, make stank faces and walk away, etc. nikka got rejected 95% of the time but would keep smiling and keep it moving like it was nothing. That is the level of desensitization to rejection to aspire to.
Straight NFL cornerback levels of short-term memory loss.

Níggas could be getting cooked all day and have a literal 10 minute highlight reel of them getting sautéed, but let them get one pass deflection:wow:.

OP gotta have that level of cognitive dissonance in these streets:wow:


la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
Straight NFL cornerback levels of short-term memory loss.

Níggas could be getting cooked all day and have a literal 10 minute highlight reel of them getting sautéed, but let them get one pass deflection:wow:.

OP gotta have that level of cognitive dissonance in these streets:wow:
Translate this to nikka nerd/blerd terms :lupe:


All Star
Nov 1, 2013
Breh I'm just not afraid to admit my L's on the Coli since it's an anonymous forum
Kudos for being honest, seems like every coli breh only dates supermodels and only gets laid on first dates on here.


Lv 100 Bold natured
Sep 2, 2014
Man tried to end the date on some

:russ::russ::russ: ayooo yall are foul as fukk for this

Ty Daniels

Dec 13, 2019
Breh, you are going to have to step your game up.

1. Always bring your card with you, even when you are out alone. If you think you may over spend, then work on that.

2. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself, and the broads by putting them on a pedestal, Woman are human just like you, got flaws too.

3. Plan MULTIPLE dates, with different Woman, this will take the pressure off of you. If one falls through "Oh Well", on to the next.

4. BEFORE going on a date spend some time (hours) on the phone talking, "Get To Know" them there on the phone(as much as possible). When you meet in person it is a lot less like meeting a stranger. Find out what she is interested in, food, what she finds fun, etc.

5. In My Opinion "Dates" especially 1st dates should not be about "Getting to Know Someone", it should primarily be about how you two interact in person. Focus on having a good time.

6. Don't only focus on "If She Likes You", it is a two way process, Do you like Her, now that you met her in person? When I was single I ghosted my fair share of broads, because once I met them in person, I was no longer feeling them like that.

7. Don't be desperate, Woman can "smell" desperation, it is a turn off. Woman like confident Men. While you are worried about "Being Perfect", 9 times out of 10 she has dated and smashed some dude who doesn't give a fukk. Hell she probably went home and called up some dude from her roster.

8. Don't "Beg" a chick for a date, either she is equally feeling you or not, when I was single if a chick thought I was going to chase her azz, I went on to the next.

9. Be confident, dress well, make sure you are well groomed, and your hygiene is top notch. Stop focusing on if the chick is going to "Like You", and start thinking do you really like her, and how will she fit into YOUR LIFE.

10. Properly VET your dates beforehand (calling, texting etc...) She brought a DOG to your date? Her azz wasn't really interested in going on a date with you in the first place. I would have walked out on a broad if she brought a damn dog to our first date.

11. Learn to flirt, flirting with Woman isn't always about what you say, it can be body language, subtle touch, eye contact. NEVER "Fist Dap".
Go for a hug, if she isn't comfortable with that, just shake her hand. But if your game was right, a hug is going to happen.
Most of the dates If been on, I always ended the date with a Kiss, sometimes more.

12. Learn to be funny, being able to make a Woman laugh can be helpful especially when you are getting to know each other.

13. Stay out of the "Friend Zone", all the "Dapping" shyt will get you in the friend-zone, some Woman may get offended that you didn't want to give her a hug, like you weren't attracted to her. That is why I say to flirt with your date, if starting the "Dating Process" on the phone (like you should have), flirt with her there. Be confident, be fun, be interesting, also "Listen". Once a chick puts you into the "Friend-zone", there is rarely any chance you are coming out of it. Any chick I dealt with knew that I could make them laugh, and those thighs shake. Step your game up.

14. I've read on here that you have used Sex Workers before (No Judgement), but if you are serious about dealing with Woman on a healthy level, leave that shyt alone. You paying for female affection, is going to make you weak. Instead of going after it, you are paying for it, which is easier, but not beneficial if you are trying to have an actual consensual, mutually beneficial relationship.

15. Lastly if I remember correctly, you are a Black Man. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP HIGH, don't doubt yourself. If your "Appearance" isn't up to par, work on that. Lift weights if need be, talk with confidence, don't come off as "corny", that means don't tell "Lame" azz jokes.

16. Dating is a numbers game, you need as much experience as possible. Not everyone you date is going to be the one for you. Even "Long term" relationships can come to an end. Keep pushing and you will find someone, but make sure that you are ready.
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