Female Princeton grad in letter to Princetonian: Female students, find hubby now!


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
well the professional chick won't depend on you and would be willing to divorce you or control you

you'd be better off getting some dumb good looking bimbo that'll raise the kids and wait on you hand and foot

fukk getting some independent woman.....I wanna get a broad that'll do the housework

Why would you get a dumb broad? No offense, breh, but thats some backward ass logic. That's the woman that's gonna be raising my kids, fukk I look like wifing up someone I can't even have a good conversation with?


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
What I got from this is...

young "smart" women...getting upset...because someone offered them some experienced advice...that they could or could not follow if they don't want.

sidebar: a lot of folks who went to college found their mate there.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Not the worst advice... Young women should find a husband before their looks diminish (27 or so)

But the elitism of ivy leaguers is silly to me... I deal/work with them all the time and Ivy League intellectualism is totally overrated... I'm a temple grad and am way more knowledgable (and make more dough) than ivy league peers in the same biz... Guys from Wharton tend to be stylish and speak eloquently but aren't necessarily any smarter than others

To claim that she needs to marry an ivy leaguer to find an intellectual equal is ridiculous... Her intellectual equal could be a high school dropout, school has to do more with social class than intellectual ability. Ivy leaguers that say different are just stroking their own inflated ego

Book smarts doesn't equate to actual intelligence much less common sense.
May 16, 2012
Why would you get a dumb broad? No offense, breh, but thats some backward ass logic. That's the woman that's gonna be raising my kids, fukk I look like wifing up someone I can't even have a good conversation with?

well i'm not sayin wife a retard but if she's not smart its all good

and if you need to conversate get a dog

:what: nikkas is actually talking to bytches now?


Apr 30, 2012
I wouldnt say you NEED to find someone in college.

That could be hard. I wasn't able to concentrate when I was dating this girl in college I really liked.

BUT, women who think they can "get any man, at any point, so they'll just "have fun" until they're ready", are taking a HUGE risk.


May 11, 2012
MOCO awl day
:rudy: To your wife? Yes. How old are you, n*gga? :what:

Lol he still thinks "conversate" is a word, cut him some slack

I think the issue Princeton women had with the article is that it sounds elitist and exclusionary... at the same time though, it's okay to be selective when picking a partner.

Wanting someone who went to college isn't just about wanting someone who is book smart. It's about wanting someone who had the drive to complete four years of schooling and the foresight to see that it would put them in a good position in the future (even if it was really difficult).


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Yea because most men makin bank want some average fugly broad making equal to them. Lets keep it real most paid women are not fly and men make bank to get fly women which is why some dime is always takin a nikka to the Cleaners.
Bold = :lawd: This is the truth alot of chicks making money are not hot and think they can circumvent the system by getting money. They forgot getting money but still acting like a regular chick (aka don't want to spend it or do anything special to differentiate themselves) negates all the benefits of having the money outside of taking care of themselves. Some of the ones that are good looking with $$$ end up fukking themselves over sometimes by trying to wait for the superstar but competition for that dude is savage life. Why would he pick you when its 20-30 others that look just like you are better? It really gets hard for a chick to get a top dude esp if they decent looking if you don't snatch them up earlier in the game imo.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
i was raised in an upper middle class environment. my husband who was also raised in the same environment/small town is pretty much right on the same level(actually slightly above)...but yes i was quite content to date within my socio economic class(not below or much above). thanks to a borderline "elitist" immigrant family i had NO desire when i was younger to date below my families education/values/income bracket and i don't see anything wrong with that tbh. i mean props to the women that are openminded enough to do that. my upbringing just didn't allow for it.

Babygirl, i've known you for what... 10 years now?

Of all the contributions you've made throughout the years, i've almost always concurred or commended it.

This is the first time i just have to say, i'm really disappointed to find that your parents, or rather, "upbringing" dictated the ferver for your socio-economical dating flavor.

Now, as a slightly above minimum wage as mothafukka like me who still lives with momma, i'll tell you this much; women who date me know i ain't cakin' off the bat, i'll let them know that i'm working at start up business and it doesn't take a genius to know there ain't much in it... but this is the kicker in the proverbial snicker: once i get that first date in... every single woman has stuck around and still communicate with me to this very day (and the only reason why i didn't pursue the bid into a relationship was cuz my options are so broad - so its all me more than anything).

How you make a woman feel trumps how she feels about the loot you pull and your social clout - all that is a distant requirement if you're a person of morality, charisma, wit, charm, superb story teller and giving off the impression as though you are the best thing that will ever happen to her life.

Most people here, beyond the confines of the internet don't know shiit about dating. I'll put it out there by the sheer numbers of people who contribute and still fumble with it left and right (so called affluent and educated people like John Goodman and Ramb Damb, if not ranting about business and finance or making money - it's their woes with women).

I'll tell you what, i've dated all kinds of women; lawyers (2, one was a paralegal, another a defense attorney), amazon.com I.T. manager, a pharmacist, and a slew of regular women... and besides their lifestyles, at the core they're all essentially identical.

A woman has NEVER dismissed me based on my earning power (or lack thereof). As a matter of fact, blind fold me, drop me in the middle of any city USA and in any situation/predicament, leave with a white t-shirt, gym shorts and a pair scuffed chucks and i guarantee you, irregardless of how much education she's had, how many certs are in her possession, how prominent she is in her community - gawt damnit if she was a political figure's daughter or royalty - there is something all women look for in a mate that is beyond the ideologies of money and status... but it takes a special, extremely confident kind of man who can exude that kind of psychological power and attraction.

As a matter of fact, if i wanted to...

i could take you from your man right now.

Think i'm bullshytting?

Toss any of your fellow elitist friends my way and we'll see what it do and if Howie is all bullshiit talk or if his swag and walk is really so gawt damn high...

... he gives daps to jesus before he takes a shower in holy water made from angel piss and period juice.

Swear to black deity, i hate threads like this so damn much. The only people who are let astray or influenced by these kinds of articles/journals are the entitled lemmings who think they should be placed on greater hierarchy of the social elitist echelon. But bytches wrong.

Think for yourself. Fall for your type. Be with somebody due to matters of the heart.

All my fellow fellas in the struggle, don't ever think for one second you can't land a woman earning 6 figures and has multiple degrees, driving a range to the club range and eating a club sandwich made from chickens that's free range.

Cuz all that, "Oh, she's gonna use that one day in the relationship to look down on you and undermine you and condescend your ass into oblivion." NO! All women can be lead, irregardless of their tax bracket or occupation. As a man, you don't get discouraged by the numbers or the facade - because a man who knows his strengths and abilities and leads his own life has a certain value that can't be purchased.

Invaluable traits are what makes a man priceless.

Don't let society tell you otherwise.

And i'm gone.




Goat ™
May 2, 2012
Babygirl, i've known you for what... 10 years now?

Of all the contributions you've made throughout the years, i've almost always concurred or commended it.

This is the first time i just have to say, i'm really disappointed to find that your parents, or rather, "upbringing" dictated the ferver for your socio-economical dating flavor.

Now, as a slightly above minimum wage as mothafukka like me who still lives with momma, i'll tell you this much; women who date me know i ain't cakin' off the bat, i'll let them know that i'm working at start up business and it doesn't take a genius to know there ain't much in it... but this is the kicker in the proverbial snicker: once i get that first date in... every single woman has stuck around and still communicate with me to this very day (and the only reason why i didn't pursue the bid into a relationship was cuz my options are so broad - so its all me more than anything).

How you make a woman feel trumps how she feels about the loot you pull and your social clout - all that is a distant requirement if you're a person of morality, charisma, wit, charm, superb story teller and giving off the impression as though you are the best thing that will ever happen to her life.

Most people here, beyond the confines of the internet don't know shiit about dating. I'll put it out there by the sheer numbers of people who contribute and still fumble with it left and right (so called affluent and educated people like John Goodman and Ramb Damb, if not ranting about business and finance or making money - it's their woes with women).

I'll tell you what, i've dated all kinds of women; lawyers (2, one was a paralegal, another a defense attorney), amazon.com I.T. manager, a pharmacist, and a slew of regular women... and besides their lifestyles, at the core they're all essentially identical.

A woman has NEVER dismissed me based on my earning power (or lack thereof). As a matter of fact, blind fold me, drop me in the middle of any city USA and in any situation/predicament, leave with a white t-shirt, gym shorts and a pair scuffed chucks and i guarantee you, irregardless of how much education she's had, how many certs are in her possession, how prominent she is in her community - gawt damnit if she was a political figure's daughter or royalty - there is something all women look for in a mate that is beyond the ideologies of money and status... but it takes a special, extremely confident kind of man who can exude that kind of psychological power and attraction.

As a matter of fact, if i wanted to...

i could take you from your man right now.

Think i'm bullshytting?

Toss any of your fellow elitist friends my way and we'll see what it do and if Howie is all bullshiit talk or if his swag and walk is really so gawt damn high...

... he gives daps to jesus before he takes a shower in holy water made from angel piss and period juice.

Swear to black deity, i hate threads like this so damn much. The only people who are let astray or influenced by these kinds of articles/journals are the entitled lemmings who think they should be placed on greater hierarchy of the social elitist echelon. But bytches wrong.

Think for yourself. Fall for your type. Be with somebody due to matters of the heart.

All my fellow fellas in the struggle, don't ever think for one second you can't land a woman earning 6 figures and has multiple degrees, driving a range to the club range and eating a club sandwich made from chickens that's free range.

Cuz all that, "Oh, she's gonna use that one day in the relationship to look down on you and undermine you and condescend your ass into oblivion." NO! All women can be lead, irregardless of their tax bracket or occupation. As a man, you don't get discouraged by the numbers or the facade - because a man who knows his strengths and abilities and leads his own life has a certain value that can't be purchased.

Invaluable traits are what makes a man priceless.

Don't let society tell you otherwise.

And i'm gone.


you know i love you binh binh darling having known you over a decade now...i feel what you're saying completely....i'm not saying the way my parents raised me is right or wrong but is was very influential ultimately in who i choose to settle with.
the first guy i brought home @ 17 was a skate punk\stoner type dude and even though he lived and grew up in the same upscale area...my parents still gave me the :birdman: when i told them we we're dating(first boyfriend ever half asian dude too lol ). for my parents it was more about a man's AMBITION and DRIVE and less about $$$. them being immigrants working their way from the very bottom in this country upward ...they instilled that in me. don't settle for slackness. i know a man can start from nothing to achieving great things my dad did it ...and so have many of the men in my family.

Roaden Polynice

May 1, 2012
Wanting someone who went to college isn't just about wanting someone who is book smart. It's about wanting someone who had the drive to complete four years of schooling and the foresight to see that it would put them in a good position in the future (even if it was really difficult).

Going to college isn't impressive though.
Jul 26, 2012
Because they'd only be ~21-22 years old.

Getting married that young is almost a gurantee that there will be cheating, resentment and ultimately divorce in the near future. I personally don't think most people should be married before age 30.

That sounds logical cuz, but nowadays it doesn't even matter...They're only a small minority of people now that are selfless enough marriage, regardless of age