Can African Americans exist "insulated" from white America?

Nov 18, 2016
And black American culture as well. Or do you not see your impact on America at all brotha?
Thats the thing. A majority a african americans could care less about being a seperate like a Haiti. As long as they can "make it" they are fine. African slave trade messed up alot of folks minds up generation to genrration.


Feb 2, 2016
Thats the thing. A majority a african americans could care less about being a seperate like a Haiti. As long as they can "make it" they are fine. African slave trade messed up alot of folks minds up generation to genrration.

Slave trade has nothing to do with that. People are born Americans, and believe they are Americans, which they have every right to do so. The country might be racist, unfair, and prejudice as shyt. But they are still Americans through and through. Perhaps that is where alot of you cats miss the point. Yall are all Americans, you take part in American culture, holidays, mind sets, etc.etc.......and our race has contributed to American culture quite a bit. You nikkas are Americans.........despite what we have to go through. But to many either dont want to accept or think that we are somehow still connected to Africa and have dreams of perhaps us going back to Africa even though the continent is no more our home then South America.......
Nov 18, 2016
Slave trade has nothing to do with that. People are born Americans, and believe they are Americans, which they have every right to do so. The country might be racist, unfair, and prejudice as shyt. But they are still Americans through and through. Perhaps that is where alot of you cats miss the point. Yall are all Americans, you take part in American culture, holidays, mind sets, etc.etc.......and our race has contributed to American culture quite a bit. You nikkas are Americans.........despite what we have to go through. But to many either dont want to accept or think that we are somehow still connected to Africa and have dreams of perhaps us going back to Africa even though the continent is no more our home then South America.......

Thanks for reminding me that I am American. Thats the point I am making. Most nikkas love living in this country and even if they went to Africa and lived for a few years I bet the majority would want to eventually comeback to the states.


Rasta in Babylon
May 1, 2012
Florida / Bahamas
No other ethnic minorities in this country are insulated. Why would it be any different with us? The only thing I'd say about Black Americans in modern times is, we could do a whole lot better economically if finances were kept more in house. So the answer to the question is can Black people be more insulated than what their current status is similar to Jews, Asians, Cubans, etc..
Native Americans are... other countries even deal with them as an individual nation. Although this isn't respected legally by USA, its called Sovereignty, I think.

Coming from the islands, Yes African Americans can do it.


Feb 2, 2016
Thanks for reminding me that I am American. Thats the point I am making. Most nikkas love living in this country and even if they went to Africa and lived for a few years I bet the majority would want to eventually comeback to the states.

But is that wrong? Cause I got the impression that you felt that this is a wrong mind state to have.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Of course we could, to suggest otherwise implies what WS has been saying from the start, that we are of subhuman intellect and incappable of governing without the a strong white hand to guide us.
However, as black wallstreet proved (i know that was segregation, not insulation), white people would never allow it unless they are defeated in war. Because for WS to exist, black people (and other minorities) must exist in a state of inferiority.

The question should be can White America ever be ok with a black insulated population.

Now this is a far better addition / angle to bring up. Though let me adjust / focus the question a bit :whoa:

What would be the likely response from white society to an "insulated" African American populous living within the context given in the OP?

Now this gives us a wider analytical framework to cook wit.:patrice:

Realistic Answer:
1. Cacs would physically move to areas of the state where they are the majority or out of the state entirely.
2. Cacs would vote themselves out of jurisdictions where they are not the majority and consolidate in their own jurisdictions.
3. Almost all retail, dining, banking, etc. would move to areas where cacs live.(Short of "low cost" stores & franchise stores owned by AA)
4. Cacs would try and shft money to AA candidates in political races where cacs had a financial/political stake in the outcome.
5. Cacs would use the media to construct a narrative justification for federal action against AA politicians who act against their perceived financial/political interest.

Federal government would withhold funds(educational, agricultural, etc) to force compliance with whatever policy they are currently pushing.
7. Federal government would change/tighten customs laws/policy and target shipments for excessive search.(think Arab treatment by TSA)
8. Federal government would under supply national guard armories in AA states.
9. Regional utility companies(power, water, gas) would shut down(skeleton crew) various aspects of their operations short of cac areas.

10. Areas with wealthy AA would be targeted with retail goods to siphon money out the community
11. Exceptional Industrial / s.t.e.m talent would be targeted for hire outside the community
12. Cacs would simply commute to AA jurisdictions where they still worked.

13. Some cacs would just live where ever they could afford & feel welcome, regardless of who is in charge

Context (How did I come to the above 13 points?)
I'm going to come at this question from the angle of a historical analysis of living down south in the U.S. black belt region.(the area in deep purple on the map)

Growing up in a place like Birmingham, Alabama I'm used to seeing AA at all levels of society be it mayor, judges, business owners, police, construction, teachers, office workers, lawyers, retail, sanitation, doctors(aunts a general surgeon), etc. I have to say a lot of the stuff I hear from not only yall in this thread but on thecoli in general just throws me off and really highlights the issue of "regional bias/realities" for lack of a better term. Stuff like the convo I'm having with @NoChill Jones above is just baffling to me on certain levels because it flies directly in the face of my lived "regional reality" in the U.S.

For example:
1. You have people who grew up in white majority suburbs or cities that can't wrap their head around the fact that there are those of us who grew up just fine in a black ran city or in the case here that such places really even do/can exist.
2. You also have AA who grew up in the "hood" who think that all places where AA are the majority is exactly like their "hood" and want to escape to white suburbs
3. You have people like myself who grew up middle class in a black ran city who are blind to the issues of direct racism that people in majority white communities face.(I couldn't imagine stop & frisk)

Growing up my daddy worked at AT&T in the advertising(yellow pages) dept while my ma worked at AT&T in your standard H.R. middle management gig. I.E. we were "relatively" comfortable(we had all out needs and most of our wants met). That said we still grew up in a "financially integrated" black area. Everything from warehouse worker & McDonald manager to nurse & electrician.
When I see black folks get shot down without accountability, stop & frisk, courts fukking over AA by stacking jury/ not prosecuting,etc etc etc.
That kinda shyt is foreign to me, nowhere near my "regional reality". Which leads me to think, why do they continue to live under the jurisdiction of cacs when we see how they treat us:dwillhuh:

:dwillhuh:police brutality don't happen in atlanta?

Let cacs govern over your locality then complain how they treat you bruhs
(this shyt is damn near a science)


Black or African American 51.4%
White 41.3%
—Non-Hispanic 38.3%
Asian 3.7%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 4.7%

Birmingham, Alabama

According to the 2010 U.S. Census:
73.4% Black/African American
22.3% White
0.2% Native American
1.0% Asian
0.0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
1.0% Two or more races
2.1% Other races
3.6% Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

Now obviously everyone can't afford to move :whoa: But luckily there is a back migration of African Americans to the south already under way.
After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal
New Great Migration - Wikipedia

This leads me to put forth 3 positions...
1. The meat of the Civil rights era was about gaining the capacity to govern ourselves and politically manage our own lives.
(whenever I hear people who don't live in the south talk about "integration" my eyes glaze over ...they are typically people who still live under cac jurisdictions)
2. When African Americans gained control of jurisdictions in the south cacs divested from those locations politically, physically, & economically.
3. I put forth almost nothing that doesn't already exist in the U.S. ...I simply expand on it.

In parts of this region before the civil rights era AA made up the bulk of the populous but cacs wouldn't allow them to vote without harassment. So cacs could govern a county with only a %20+/- cac population. When the voting rights bill was passed and AA where able to vote in their own representatives the local cac population left to areas where they were governing their own locality.

They did this by...
1. Physically packing up and moving to a new home
2. Politically voting the locality where they were the majority, out of the larger city and consolidating in their own small enclaves that they govern.
3. Economically they took two different approaches
a. Areas where cacs had significant infrastructure: Retail infrastructure was gradually closed down and moved to jurisdictions where cacs lived. Office space Infrastructure was simply commuted to.
b. Areas where cacs had little to no significant infrastructure: Almost complete divestment no hospitals, restaurants, banks, grocery stores, office space, etc. Maybe low cost fastfood and a walmart.

On a city level cacs funded AA candidates from the shadows that where in line with cac agendas.
On the state level cacs enacted temporary "emergency management" "take over" powers, be it school or city government.
On the federal level they denied funding to jurisdictions/entities who don't operate by their policies.
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Feb 2, 2016
Now this is a far better addition / angle to bring up. Though let me adjust / focus the question a bit :whoa:

On a city level cacs funded AA candidates from the shadows that where in line with cac agendas.
On the state level cacs enacted temporary "emergency management" "take over" powers, be it school or city government.
On the federal level they denied funding to jurisdictions/entities who don't operate by their policies.

Breh you come from of the most divided states in the country. But because you come from Birmingham a city that is cloaked with its own racist history you can envision an entire AA state? How retarded does this sound homie? Its not the aspect of impossibility as much as the aspect of implausibility. Its just not realistic. Not in America. You know it just like I do. Stop it.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Breh you come from of the most divided states in the country. But because you come from Birmingham a city that is cloaked with its own racist history you can envision an entire AA state? How retarded does this sound homie? Its not the aspect of impossibility as much as the aspect of implausibility. Its just not realistic. Not in America. You know it just like I do. Stop it.


I.E. if I never said it in the OP don't bring it up.:hubie: long as we remain in America we need the American dollar. We need sanctions to build on American land...We need permission to import export product with foriegn countires...we need funding for schools and people in America dont want to separate from whitey..the sane ones at least...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...
1. When did I say anything about not using the U.S. (fiat) bank note or not also buying / selling within the wider U.S. market:beli:
2. We need to abide by the city, county, state, federal Property, Real Estate, and zoning Laws like anyone else:beli: thinking of building on federal reserve land or something:ld:

3. We need to abide by the same
guidelines as anyone else:stopitslime:
Basic Importing and Exporting | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

"As an importer you must assure that your merchandise complies with other agencies requirements (e.g., FDA, EPA, DOT, CPSC, FTC, Agriculture, etc.) and obtained licenses or permits, if required, from them."
Importing - Licenses/Permits

4. Correct, that's called a tax base :ld:
5. Where exactly in my OP did I use the word "separate"? What definition of "separate" are you using anyway? :ld:
We need common terms here.:jbhmm:
Working definitions (subject to cleaning up)
Segregated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of an alien cultural group who have designated where you live and how you are uniquely treated by law.
Separated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of a shared cultural group who have designated how you are equally treated by law.

...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...

1. How is it that "our piece of the pie" is not secured within the context outlined in the OP?

2. How is it that the context outlined in the OP doesn't lessen the capacity for cacs to "fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces" and increase our capacity to weather the attack?
3. This tells me a lot about your values, world view, etc. and the range of political positions you are capable of coming to. :jbhmm:
I.E. even if we give everyone the same ingredients(knowledge), what ultimately gets cooked(cognition) is dependent on who each person is cooking for.
(The end result of your cognitive process is dependent on your goals, principles, values, world view, etc ...some people simply don't have the same goals as you, has nothing to do with them being illogical.)
4. I'll bite :yeshrug: ...and what exactly is this "big picture" you speak of?:patrice:

Here is a basic outline from a previous thread of my "big picture"(I plan to make a detailed thread soon)...:hubie:

3. Most importantly my political position is that we need to finish correcting our cumulative historical projection.
End transatlantic slave trade (Done)

End the formal institution of chattel slavery(Done)

-I look at the modern prison complex as it's own demon*

End overarching wide scale political division of African people(Done)

-current tribalism levels doesn't trump the current pan-african / African Union / regional, continental, & diasporic integration consciousness and thrust

End governmental colonialism(Done)

End academic(mental/spiritual) colonialism(initiated)
-Reconstruction of an African worldview(definitions of reality, values, principles, etc)

End economic colonialism(initiated)

Have capacity to fund all political actions
Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign(sellers, traders, and tourist).
Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surpluses after domestic needs met)
Diaspora wholesale purchase surplus and use global sale of goods from depots as base financial revenue generator to maintain economic independence/sovereignty of global African peoples.

End military deficiency(initiated)

- gain policing, military powers, and the ability to enforce law. Grow capacity to deal with the total array of threats land, sea, air, cyber, biological, etc.

:jbhmm:In street terms
Me building in a cac city is hustling backwards :to: terms of governance & economics. My employment opportunities needs to go to "my people", my tax funds need to go to "my people" & my political donations needs to go to making sure "my peoples" political candidates(and their policy maneuvers) are not beholden to "alien" financiers.


Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Slave trade has nothing to do with that. People are born Americans, and believe they are Americans, which they have every right to do so. The country might be racist, unfair, and prejudice as shyt. But they are still Americans through and through. Perhaps that is where alot of you cats miss the point. Yall are all Americans, you take part in American culture, holidays, mind sets, etc.etc.......and our race has contributed to American culture quite a bit. You nikkas are Americans.........despite what we have to go through. But to many either dont want to accept or think that we are somehow still connected to Africa and have dreams of perhaps us going back to Africa even though the continent is no more our home then South America.......

...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...
3. This tells me a lot about your values, world view, etc. and the range of political positions you are capable of coming to. :jbhmm:
I.E. even if we give everyone the same ingredients(knowledge), what ultimately gets cooked(cognition) is dependent on who each person is cooking for.
(The end result of your cognitive process is dependent on your goals, principles, values, world view, etc ...some people simply don't have the same goals as you, has nothing to do with them being illogical.)

@NoChill Jones why are you still in this thread?

As stated above you admittedly have a value set that is distinct from mine. Hey, no problem there.:hubie:As a result we are obviously going to come to different logical conclusions and there is nothing wrong with that.

1. You now know exactly what question I'm asking in the OP.
2. You now know the value set behind the formation of the question
3. You now know the bases of the value difference between us.
4. You (should) know that nothing surrounding the question posed or it's implementation hinders you're value set or the enacting of whatever you want to do that spawns from that value set.
(I.E. if every nikka in the U.S. randomly pulled up in 4 states and dropped bag. You nor your values wouldn't be hindered one inch)

Now if the question posed or it's implementation hindered you from doing something then hey:hubie: ....come at me :demonic:
But unless you trolling :troll: over here playing ya self bruh:francis:


Feb 2, 2016


@NoChill Jones why are you still in this thread?

As stated above you admittedly have a value set that is distinct from mine. Hey, no problem there.:hubie:As a result we are obviously going to come to different logical conclusions and there is nothing wrong with that.

1. You now know exactly what question I'm asking in the OP.
2. You now know the value set behind the formation of the question
3. You now know the bases of the value difference between us.
4. You (should) know that nothing surrounding the question posed or it's implementation hinders you're value set or the enacting of whatever you want to do that spawns from that value set.
(I.E. if every nikka in the U.S. randomly pulled up in 4 states and dropped bag. You nor your values wouldn't be hindered one inch)

Now if the question posed or it's implementation hindered you from doing something then hey:hubie: ....come at me :demonic:
But unless you trolling :troll: over here playing ya self bruh:francis:

Breh I've been putting up with your attempt to sound smarter then you clearly are, this whole thread. I'm demanding you to finally speak fukking ENGLISH......or stfu.