sure, I’ll take them in order.
1. No. Keeping the dollar. If we keep theUS dollar but only circulate the currency within through the 85% to 100% scenario you described then...
- the amount of physical dollars in circulation for our internal market will decrease every month through wear/tear/loss/ or citizens saving rather than spending
- The above shortage makes it difficult to trade internally, without a central BankOfBlackPeople™ to print more
- the above shortage also makes it difficult to acquire the means of production from others( industrial equip/computers/servers/ore), items we cannot make ourselves.
(it is worth noting that a minted BlackManDollar™ would be problematic to other nations if they were not permitted to invest in or system or consume our production)
2. No. Covid is temporary. Black people (ideally) are eternal
3.Yes and No.
Yes, the actual cost of insulation would be astronomical because we would need to purchase ALL the means of production from others(factories, industrial equip, medical equip, ore, etc) using already existing currency.
No, because of the day to day loss I described in point 1