Can African Americans exist "insulated" from white America?

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Was the Great Migration a mistake? If not for it, black people would be the majority in Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina

I don't think the great migration was a mistake per say :patrice:

My take on the great migration goes like this.

You have a base that's over run by the enemy

The south:


In a ploy to regain the base you split your forces in half
  • keeping half on base to fight the enemy
  • Second half embarks on a "great migration" to go behind enemy lines to disrupt their occupation efforts and put them on defense.


Behind enemy lines that second half disrupts the enemy on there own turf putting them in a defensive posture.





Back at base
The south:


We down here in the south pushed the enemy out of the areas where we lived and gained control of the basic wheels of governance. Where as before we would live in an area but the enemy would dictate where we could live, while making and enforcing all the laws(that is what segregation is by the why).

The problem then became that all those people who left for the "war effort" never came back home once we kicked the enemy out. To be clear nothing was wrong with leaving per say, the problem is they never came back home after we acquired the ability to govern over ourselves. As a result you have these small scattered pockets of people throughout the north and west who live under the enemies governance and fill nothing was won. Anytime I here pessimistic people who say "nothing has changed" I'd put money on 90% of them not being from the south.

So now we got a bunch of scattered people being picked off behind enemy lines like Rambo...


causing them to think the fire fight is still on...


When honestly we need more builders than fighters back here in the south.​
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The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I don't think the great migration was a mistake per say :patrice:

My take on the great migration goes like this.

You have a base that's over run by the enemy

The south:


In a ploy to regain the base you split your forces in half
  • keeping half on base to fight the enemy
  • Second half embarks on a "great migration" to go behind enemy lines to disrupt their occupation efforts and put them on defense.


Behind enemy lines that second half disrupts the enemy on there own turf putting them in a defensive posture.





Back at base
The south:


We down here in the south pushed the enemy out of the areas where we lived and gained control of the basic wheels of governance. Where as before we would live in an area but the enemy would dictate where we could live, while making and enforcing all the laws(that is what segregation is by the why).

The problem then became that all those people who left for the "war effort" never came back home once we kicked the enemy out. To be clear nothing was wrong with leaving per say, the problem is they never came back home after we acquired the ability to govern over ourselves. As a result you have these small scattered pockets of people throughout the north and west who live under the enemies governance and fill nothing was won. Anytime I here pessimistic people who say "nothing has changed" I'd put money on 90% of them not being from the south.

So now we got a bunch of scattered people being picked off behind enemy lines like Rambo...


causing them to think the fire fight is still on...


When honestly we need more builders than fighters back here in the south.​
Great analogy!


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
I don't think the great migration was a mistake per say :patrice:

My take on the great migration goes like this.

You have a base that's over run by the enemy

The south:


In a ploy to regain the base you split your forces in half
  • keeping half on base to fight the enemy
  • Second half embarks on a "great migration" to go behind enemy lines to disrupt their occupation efforts and put them on defense.


Behind enemy lines that second half disrupts the enemy on there own turf putting them in a defensive posture.





Back at base
The south:


We down here in the south pushed the enemy out of the areas where we lived and gained control of the basic wheels of governance. Where as before we would live in an area but the enemy would dictate where we could live, while making and enforcing all the laws(that is what segregation is by the why).

The problem then became that all those people who left for the "war effort" never came back home once we kicked the enemy out. To be clear nothing was wrong with leaving per say, the problem is they never came back home after we acquired the ability to govern over ourselves. As a result you have these small scattered pockets of people throughout the north and west who live under the enemies governance and fill nothing was won. Anytime I here pessimistic people who say "nothing has changed" I'd put money on 90% of them not being from the south.

So now we got a bunch of scattered people being picked off behind enemy lines like Rambo...


causing them to think the fire fight is still on...


When honestly we need more builders than fighters back here in the south.​
I think this goes baack to making the south more appealing. I was born in NYC. own a house here got a lot of good contacts here. My dad's clan is from NC and my mom's is from the islands.(Barbados) I lived in the south(Broward county) And I didn't like it. Various reasons. But I say that to say, what incentive does a northern in my position have to come back? I can see if I was a renter ect. But if we are going to return, it needs to be based on more than inability to survive in the north. We need to want to come back to build. What makes us want to come back, in your opinion? (No jokes either, convince me)


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
The obvious answer to this is no.

Don't have a central bank and are a minority. Also multiculturalism isn't the issue, its lack of access to capital and doing bad business with non Blacks.

Black folks in majority non-Black nations should view themselves as satelites, not HQs.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
The obvious answer to this is no.

Don't have a central bank and are a minority. Also multiculturalism isn't the issue, its lack of access to capital and doing bad business with non Blacks.

Black folks in majority non-Black nations should view themselves as satelites, not HQs.
What if we used cryptocurrency (decentralized currency) as opposed to working in the frame work of our current banking system.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
The obvious answer to this is no.

Don't have a central bank and are a minority. Also multiculturalism isn't the issue, its lack of access to capital and doing bad business with non Blacks.

Black folks in majority non-Black nations should view themselves as satelites, not HQs.

Before I go any further...
  • How do you derive "no" as being "obvious" within the context given?
  • How does not having a central bank hinder us from operating withing the context given?
  • How does being a "minority" hinder us from operating withing the context given?
  • What leads you to believe multiculturalism in and of itself is being framed as an issue withing the context given?
  • How does the context given not address growing/maintaining capital?
  • How does the context given fail to address doing better business with "non blacks"?
  • How do you derive that anybody is looking to be a HQ within the context given?
  • What does viewing ourselves as "satellites, not HQs" have to do with operating withing the context given?
  • What part of the U.S. are you from?
Do you feel it's possible for African Americans to exist in the United States within the following context?

1. %100 Finance(staff, ads, & living/travel expenses) of African American politics(city, county, state, & federal reps)
  • To be free of outside entities controlling AA politicians goals/positions via controlling AA campaign finance.

2. Employment of African Americans facilitated 85%-100% by African Americans
  • To insulate the political health of African Americans from reliance on foreign entities who use job insecurities to secure/push political agendas in exchange for employment.
  • Meet the need to live, survive and thrive within the environment occupied by AA; while insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via an employment channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).
  • Insure access to the capital investment needed to fund new business and innovation creation catered to the needs of AA.

3. Administration, legal position/drafting, enactment, repeal, & enforcement(city, county, & state) by 60%-100% African Americans per jurisdiction
  • to be free of laws, enforcement, and sentencing that target / hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans without accountability.(Examples: stop & frisk, unaccountable police killings, term length disparities, family court judgments, gentrification via land over taxation)

4. (federal representation) legal position & drafting 100% by African Americans
  • Makes sure our interstate and global political positions are voiced(included) in U.S. federal level policy decisions.

5. Foreign trade relations of A.A. companies conducted and facilitated %100 by African Americans
  • To have the ability to secure foreign produced goods(food,energy,technology) not produced by AA, insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via a channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).

6. Food needed by African Americans grown 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
  • Insulate the health / food security of African Americans from genetic, biological, and economic(embargo) based attacks on food sources by non-African entities.
  • Insulate the political health of African Americans from reliance on foreign entities who use food insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for food.

7. Civil infrastructure needed by African Americans constructed 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
  • Insulate the civil infrastructure of African Americans from embedded structural attacks via reliance on construction & maintenance by non-African entities.
  • Insulate the political health of AA from reliance on foreign entities who use infrastructure insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for construction & maintenance.

8. Entertainment/cultural material consumed created 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
  • Insulation from foreign political priorities, cultural values, and ideologies that hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans.
  • To be free of outside entities controlling AA cultural material(by extension manipulating AA worldview & cultural values) via controlling AA entertainment finance.

9. Educational (funding, world view, theory, content, curriculum, books, & instruction) facilitated 100% by A.A.
  • Insulation from foreign political priorities, cultural values, and ideologies that hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans.
  • To be free of outside entities controlling AA cultural material(by extension manipulating AA worldview & cultural values) via controlling AA education finance.

10. Transportation & telecommunications infrastructure facilitated 100% by A.A./ African(diasporan) nations
  • Insulate the transportation & telecommunications of African Americans from embedded structural attacks via reliance on construction & maintenance by non-African entities.
  • Insulate the political health of AA from reliance on foreign entities who use infrastructure insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for construction & maintenance.
  • To have the ability to secure communication and transportation; insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via a channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).

11. Live only in states where African Americans are the governor
  • To be free of state wide laws, enforcement, and sentencing that target / hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans. without accountability.(Examples: city emergency management, national guard based martial law, electoral gerrymandering, etc.).

I'm being extremely specific in my questions, cause if I don't then people will take my terms(in this case "insulated") then fill them with whatever definition they want. Afterwards arguing from a definition of "insulated" I'm not even using.

I.E. The context above 1-11 is my definition of "insulated". Make sure whatever critique given is given in response to my actual definition not just the thread title or the word "insulated" outside of any further context.
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
I think this goes baack to making the south more appealing. I was born in NYC. own a house here got a lot of good contacts here. My dad's clan is from NC and my mom's is from the islands.(Barbados) I lived in the south(Broward county) And I didn't like it. Various reasons. But I say that to say, what incentive does a northern in my position have to come back? I can see if I was a renter ect. But if we are going to return, it needs to be based on more than inability to survive in the north. We need to want to come back to build. What makes us want to come back, in your opinion? (No jokes either, convince me)

Damn near missed this ...I dapped it and went to bed or something.:patrice: I'll give ya an answer later, got a class in 30min. :jbhmm:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
What if we used cryptocurrency (decentralized currency) as opposed to working in the frame work of our current banking system.

Clue me in, how can cryptocurrency realistically be used as a way to amplify wealth for the collective AA community? Central bank, at least in America, can literally print out an endless supply of money as "stimulus" without fear of severe inflation:patrice:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Before I go any further...
  • How do you derive "no" as being "obvious" within the context given?
  • How does not having a central bank hinder us from operating withing the context given?
  • How does being a "minority" hinder us from operating withing the context given?
  • What leads you to believe multiculturalism in and of itself is being framed as an issue withing the context given?
  • How does the context given not address growing/maintaining capital?
  • How does the context given fail to address doing better business with "non blacks"?
  • How do you derive that anybody is looking to be a HQ within the context given?
  • What does viewing ourselves as "satellites, not HQs" have to do with operating withing the context given?
  • What part of the U.S. are you from?

Born in Detroit, raised in Atlanta.

And i'll pose this question to you.

Where are Black business owners getting loans to open businesses from?

Is this source Black and if so where did they get their capital and is realistically enough?

How are employees salaries being bankrolled?

Can the AA buying power by itself power all Black businesses without patronage of other groups?

Where are AAs getting the raw materials to build infrastructure?

How are we bypassing any regulations the governments has on American citizens in terms of trading with foreign countries?

How are you stopping non-Blacks from migrating to any area we designate as our base to build an insular community?

I do not think we have enough wealth to be autonomous without reparations. I do not think enjoying other cultures is wrong. And being a minority makes it harder to inhibit the actions of the majority who may obstruct any ideas of insulation.


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Clue me in, how can cryptocurrency realistically be used as a way to amplify wealth for the collective AA community? Central bank, at least in America, can literally print out an endless supply of money as "stimulus" without fear of severe inflation:patrice:
If it was created here and we got countries such as China as well as other diasporic countries to buy them their value would go up. The trick would be to have the person who owns the lions share to be in our nation so no outside force could tank it. I guess the major hurtle would be getting other countries to support it. I think with China and Russia we could convince them by offering to play a cuba role in the us.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Born in Detroit, raised in Atlanta.

And i'll pose this question to you.

Where are Black business owners getting loans to open businesses from?

Is this source Black and if so where did they get their capital and is realistically enough?

How are employees salaries being bankrolled?

Can the AA buying power by itself power all Black businesses without patronage of other groups?

Where are AAs getting the raw materials to build infrastructure?

How are we bypassing any regulations the governments has on American citizens in terms of trading with foreign countries?

How are you stopping non-Blacks from migrating to any area we designate as our base to build an insular community?

I do not think we have enough wealth to be autonomous without reparations. I do not think enjoying other cultures is wrong. And being a minority makes it harder to inhibit the actions of the majority who may obstruct any ideas of insulation.

I was sitting here like "ahh, transitional / project management type questions":patrice: ...I can dig it :jbhmm:
Then it hit me. Wait, a min...he didn't answer any of my questions :pachaha:

To be clear I don't mind the nuts & bolts questions dealing with how you get from one state to another. :hubie:
That said, I do ask that you answer the previous questions other than "what part of the U.S. are you from".
It would actually help me in answering your above questions as well.
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
BTW, @Poitier The reason for asking those questions is to be sure we are on the same page. Often times on coli when someone brings up a topic people start answering questions based on previous conversations. Conversations that have to do with an exchange they had with another person rather than the conversation the OP is trying to have. I'm asking the questions to make sure you understand what my position is ....and to be sure I know what your position is.

Generic Example:
Someone brings up a thread on the significance of starting and supporting a black owned business.
The thread then fills up with people saying...
  • "everybody can't be an entrepreneur"
  • "I'm not leaving my job to start a business"
  • etc etc etc
...basically things that have little to do with the thread topic and everything to do with previous conversations they've engaged in on thecoli. So now the OP thread has been derailed by people bringing up issues the OP wasn't even talking about.

The above example is why I was explicit in providing a context instead of simply stating something generic like "insulated" and leaving it there. Without that context people are free to fill the term "insulated" with whatever definition they choose then argue(for or against) a definition that has nothing to do with what I'm actually saying.
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
This quote from earlier in the thread maybe of use also in case it was missed by anyone... :jbhmm: long as we remain in America we need the American dollar. We need sanctions to build on American land...We need permission to import export product with foriegn countires...we need funding for schools and people in America dont want to separate from whitey..the sane ones at least...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...
1. When did I say anything about not using the U.S. (fiat) bank note or not also buying / selling within the wider U.S. market:beli:
2. We need to abide by the city, county, state, federal Property, Real Estate, and zoning Laws like anyone else:beli: thinking of building on federal reserve land or something:ld:

3. We need to abide by the same
guidelines as anyone else:stopitslime:
Basic Importing and Exporting | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

"As an importer you must assure that your merchandise complies with other agencies requirements (e.g., FDA, EPA, DOT, CPSC, FTC, Agriculture, etc.) and obtained licenses or permits, if required, from them."
Importing - Licenses/Permits

4. Correct, that's called a tax base :ld:
5. Where exactly in my OP did I use the word "separate"? What definition of "separate" are you using anyway? :ld:
We need common terms here.:jbhmm:
Working definitions (subject to cleaning up)
Segregated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of an alien cultural group who have designated where you live and how you are uniquely treated by law.
Separated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of a shared cultural group who have designated how you are equally treated by law.

...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...

1. How is it that "our piece of the pie" is not secured within the context outlined in the OP?

2. How is it that the context outlined in the OP doesn't lessen the capacity for cacs to "fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces" and increase our capacity to weather the attack?
3. This tells me a lot about your values, world view, etc. and the range of political positions you are capable of coming to. :jbhmm:
I.E. even if we give everyone the same ingredients(knowledge), what ultimately gets cooked(cognition) is dependent on who each person is cooking for.
(The end result of your cognitive process is dependent on your goals, principles, values, world view, etc ...some people simply don't have the same goals as you, has nothing to do with them being illogical.)
4. I'll bite :yeshrug: ...and what exactly is this "big picture" you speak of?:patrice:

Here is a basic outline from a previous thread of my "big picture"(I plan to make a detailed thread soon)...:hubie:

3. Most importantly my political position is that we need to finish correcting our cumulative historical projection.
End transatlantic slave trade (Done)

End the formal institution of chattel slavery(Done)

-I look at the modern prison complex as it's own demon*

End overarching wide scale political division of African people(Done)

-current tribalism levels doesn't trump the current pan-african / African Union / regional, continental, & diasporic integration consciousness and thrust

End governmental colonialism(Done)

End academic(mental/spiritual) colonialism(initiated)
-Reconstruction of an African worldview(definitions of reality, values, principles, etc)

End economic colonialism(initiated)

Have capacity to fund all political actions
Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign(sellers, traders, and tourist).
Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surpluses after domestic needs met)
Diaspora wholesale purchase surplus and use global sale of goods from depots as base financial revenue generator to maintain economic independence/sovereignty of global African peoples.

End military deficiency(initiated)

- gain policing, military powers, and the ability to enforce law. Grow capacity to deal with the total array of threats land, sea, air, cyber, biological, etc.

:jbhmm:In street terms
Me building in a cac city is hustling backwards :to: terms of governance & economics. My employment opportunities needs to go to "my people", my tax funds need to go to "my people" & my political donations needs to go to making sure "my peoples" political candidates(and their policy maneuvers) are not beholden to "alien" financiers.