You clearly don't understand the system of white supremacy. Maybe in your fantasy land AA could live isolated from white people but in real life it ain't happening homie.
Explain how would the GDP rise... That makes no sense.
1. And you say
to say what? I'm not being facetious
2. No, I think maybe you don't understand "white supremacy" ...though I hate that term because it obscures the issue. People who use the term "white supremacy" are people who(similar to those who use the term "Illuminati") can't clearly understand the dynamics of the big picture African people are in so they construct an all inclusive term to wrap the phenomena in.
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting IMF/world bank.
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting Africom.
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting outside funding of "Black" politicians
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting a European centered education curriculum
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting under funding of black owned business
etc etc etc...
When we start going on about "white supremacy" we miss/trivialize/"spookize" the specific dynamics at play
(To be fare some people know the specifics and use "white supremacy" as a succinct way to express it
3. Where in my question/context did I say anything about living "isolated" from white people?
(I've been deliberately explicit in my statements. I'd appreciate it if you have a conversation with me strictly on what I have explicitly stated ...and my position on the implications from those statements)
4. Sure, no problem
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the
finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well. GDP includes all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports minus imports that occur within a defined territory.
Put simply, GDP is a broad measurement of a nation’s overall economic activity.
African Americans are a subset of the U.S. population that accounts for ruffly 1 trillion in buying power (or the amount of income left after taxes, not including savings or borrowed money)...
University of Georgia: Terry college of business
Minority buying power grows in 2013, according to Selig Center report
...Any increase in
"finished goods and services produced within a country's borders" or the
"nation’s overall economic activity" result in an increase of the GDP of the U.S.
And again this is a taxable base as well
Now if you feel I'm missing something please point it out