Can African Americans exist "insulated" from white America?

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
No and it's a stupid idea to try to be. All we have to do is take care of our current communities
Ok ...and what does "take care of our current communities" mean? :patrice: As far as I can see that's exactly what the context of my question speaks to.:jbhmm: ...expanding and taking care of our current communities.:hubie:...If you feel what is listed in the context of the question is not in line with that, please explain how:patrice:

Side Note: Why exactly do you consider it a "stupid idea"? :jbhmm:

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Do you seriously believe white people in power will accept to lose hundreds of billions without fighting? :leon:
How does the context of my question lead to white people loosing "hundreds of billions" of dollars?
In a 16.5 trillion economy why would white people care about "hundreds of billions"?
Given that we live in the U.S. the U.S. GDP would only rise with African Americans GDP it already does now.

I'm a little confused here :patrice:
...the only thing you could say is money isn't flowing back to white Americans as fast as money is flowing to "African Americans" I.E a domestic trade surplus:jbhmm:
African Americans would be paying federal income tax(unless tax exemption was ever part of a reparations package) so I'm not sure how white folks would be out of the $$$ loop:jbhmm:
Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
In a 16.5 trillion economy why would white people care about "hundreds of billions"?

You clearly don't understand the system of white supremacy. Maybe in your fantasy land AA could live isolated from white people but in real life it ain't happening homie.
Explain how would the GDP rise... That makes no sense.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
No other ethnic minorities in this country are insulated. Why would it be any different with us?...
I'm not overly concerned about other ethnic groups insulation level(though it is politically naive to ignore your political/historical surroundings) My question doesn't hinge on what someone else has already done. It hinges on what can we do given our current & projected environment.

But if you want to talk about other people maybe you'll find it interesting that 4 of the past 6 governors of Hawaii were Asian american / pacific islander:yeshrug: maybe not:ehh:
List of Governors of Hawaii - Wikipedia
Personally I don't need the validation of what other people have done to conceive of what I want for myself/family/community :francis: that's an intellectual box :francis:

...The only thing I'd say about Black Americans in modern times is, we could do a whole lot better economically if finances were kept more in house. So the answer to the question is can Black people be more insulated than what their current status is similar to Jews, Asians, Cubans, etc..

I completely agree with you about the economic piece ...though it is just a piece :ufdup:

I reject your insulation question because Jews, Asians, Cubans,etc have nothing to do with the context put forth in the OP. Also the question and context needed to understand & answer the question has already been provided. Again the moment you start bringing up what other people have done as a means to validate your potential, you have intellectually boxed in & limited yourself(potential). That said I will say aspects of the points listed in that context are probably already met by African Americans in certain locations.(though I wouldn't hold myself to that position without further study)

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me

You clearly don't understand the system of white supremacy. Maybe in your fantasy land AA could live isolated from white people but in real life it ain't happening homie.
Explain how would the GDP rise... That makes no sense.

1. And you say :what: to say what? I'm not being facetious:hubie:

2. No, I think maybe you don't understand "white supremacy" ...though I hate that term because it obscures the issue. People who use the term "white supremacy" are people who(similar to those who use the term "Illuminati") can't clearly understand the dynamics of the big picture African people are in so they construct an all inclusive term to wrap the phenomena in.

I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting IMF/world bank.
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting Africom.
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting outside funding of "Black" politicians
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting a European centered education curriculum
I'm not fighting "white supremacy" I'm fighting under funding of black owned business
etc etc etc...

When we start going on about "white supremacy" we miss/trivialize/"spookize" the specific dynamics at play
(To be fare some people know the specifics and use "white supremacy" as a succinct way to express it:whoa:)

3. Where in my question/context did I say anything about living "isolated" from white people?
(I've been deliberately explicit in my statements. I'd appreciate it if you have a conversation with me strictly on what I have explicitly stated ...and my position on the implications from those statements)

4. Sure, no problem :yeshrug:

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well. GDP includes all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports minus imports that occur within a defined territory. Put simply, GDP is a broad measurement of a nation’s overall economic activity.

African Americans are a subset of the U.S. population that accounts for ruffly 1 trillion in buying power (or the amount of income left after taxes, not including savings or borrowed money)...

University of Georgia: Terry college of business
Minority buying power grows in 2013, according to Selig Center report

...Any increase in "finished goods and services produced within a country's borders" or the "nation’s overall economic activity" result in an increase of the GDP of the U.S. :ehh:
And again this is a taxable base as well:ehh:

Now if you feel I'm missing something please point it out :hubie:

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
If Hasidic jews can do it surely we could.

I agree but my problem with that line of thinking is that you have a bunch of African Americans who literally can't do something or take a position unless that position is validated by them having seen some other group of people do it first. That's intellectually damaging & dangerous. Imagine someone saying...

Typical nonsense line of thinking
"Nah we can't create & grow this hip-hop thing"
"why not?"
"do you see Asians or Jews creating & growing new musical expressions of that kind."
"oh, yeah not really"

Never limit your potential by needing others validation. What we create is primarily governed by...
1. What the environment calls for in order to live, survive, and thrive
2. What resources are available in that environment / whats reliably available from outside
3. Who in society that can be relied upon to perform delegated tasks
4. Our ability to plan & execute tasks as a means to meet those needs given our resources.

It's amazing the level of creativity we actually have with so many people running around with that sentiment above.

Most of these nikkas scared of that OP,
they love cacs more than most nikkas.

I'm seeing that now. It's crazy to because they start bringing up all this random stuff. As you can see I've been explicit in my terms I.E. I'm not taking vague positions. They act like I said can AA shoot every white person on earth in the kneecaps by 2018 :troll: ...I lay out specifically in the context what I mean by "insulated". I'm half thinking they didn't even read the context.:patrice:
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Some of those proposals make it sound like the author wants an independent majority black nation, of which here are already many.


It took multiple crossover hits and white figures for white people to accept hip hop, doe.

No I've been very clear in my position.....

To be succinct I mean...
Live solely within legal jurisdictions where African Americans govern.
At the city, county, and state level; while sending state representatives(senate & congress) to deal with federal level issues via a black caucus.
As you said, if I wanted to live in an independent black nation state parallel to U.S. Kenya, India, Senegal, China, Ethiopia, etc. I 'd simply relocate to one :yeshrug::ehh:

Off topic:
....actually what I plan to do personally is have a residence on the continent(prob. Ghana or Nigeria) and a residence in the U.S.:jbhmm:
(I want my future kids to have access to a home & family in Africa & U.S.)


Feb 2, 2016
Do you feel it's possible for African Americans to exist in the United States within the following context?

1. %100 Finance(staff, ads, & living/travel expenses) of African American politics(city, county, state, & federal reps)
2. Employment of African Americans facilitated 85%-100% by African Americans
3. Administration, legal position/drafting, enactment, repeal, & enforcement(city, county, & state) by 60%-100% African Americans per jurisdiction
4. (federal representation) legal position & drafting 100% by African Americans
5. Foreign trade relations of A.A. companies conducted and facilitated %100 by African Americans
6. Food needed by African Americans grown 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
7. Civil infrastructure needed by African Americans constructed 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
8. Entertainment/cultural material consumed created 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
9. Educational (funding, world view, theory, content, curriculum, books, & instruction) facilitated 100% by A.A.
10. Transportation & telecommunications infrastructure facilitated 100% by A.A./ African(diasporan) nations
11. Live only in states where African Americans are the governor

What caused you to even ask this kind of question?

I came across the Excerpt 1 below of a south African saying that African Americans tried to merge with a people/country "that doesn't want you". That in turn remind me of Excerpt 2 below which was a Ghanaian saying when African Americans merge with with "America"(civil rights era conversation) AA will cease to be a distinct people.

Excerpt 1:

".................... In the summer of 2007, I spent time in Johannesburg, South Africa, working with government officials and activists to improve local elections. South Africans were generally friendly, but I was struck by how optimistic they were about the future of the country even though apartheid had only ended, like, 15 minutes ago (1991, to be exact). I couldn’t understand why they weren’t more enraged and bitter. One night at dinner, I asked one of my colleagues why.

“We’re here in a restaurant that you couldn’t eat at when you were 16 years old because of apartheid. That’s not ancient history. That’s high school. Doesn’t that make you angry still?” I asked. “The last ‘Whites Only’ sign was probably taken down 10 years before I was born—but black Americans are still pissed about racism, past and ongoing.”

She considered my question for a minute, probably thinking of a way to explain a lot of complicated history to an American outsider.

“Well, we got our country back,” she said. “We’re home; it’s our land. You fought and you’re still in a place that doesn’t want you.”

Posted: December 9, 2016
Trevor Noah, Tomi Lahren and When Black Twitter Gets It Wrong

Excerpt 2:
Ghanaian - "I feel sorry for you black Americans "
Horace - "Why?"
Ghanaian - "If we succeed in our struggle in Ghana we'll have a nation, but if you succeed in your struggle you will disappear become an american"​


Now I disagree with those analysis for various reasons most of which being the civil rights era wasn't about merging with anyone. In the big scheme of things it was AA gaining the capacity to administrate & enforce law over ourselves. Though I know that interpretation doesn't sit well with some people. I'm from the south were all levels of government is ran whole/in part by African Americans so I view a lot of the stuff I hear on thecoli(especially people who live outside the south / in suburbs) about white people this & that and think :rudy: why don't you just move away from places where white people govern(law, education, policing power, etc) over your immediate locality:ehh: Half the stuff I'm hearing are things I didn't grow up worrying about down here in B'ham AL(greater U.S. black belt region):yeshrug: Which all leads back to the question at hand...

Can African Americans exist in the U.S. "insulated" from white America? long as we remain in America we need the American dollar. We need sanctions to build on American land...We need permission to import export product with foriegn countires...we need funding for schools and people in America dont want to separate from whitey..the sane ones at least...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...


Oct 26, 2014
I think a misunderstanding comes from how rare it is for any minority group to successfully self-segregate, in a nation that has that ruined their potential to build any prior wealth.

Some of us point to wealthy Asian or Latino communities - well guess what, most of them are immigrants, so they already moved here with some money in their pockets - and friends - together, and weren't screwed over.

Hell, African immigrants from Nigeria and Cameroon who've been coming in the last 20-30 years are also well off.

So basically, you see my point; it's very difficult for Black Americans. The only thing that can happen is a GI bill. Black Ameraicns have been screwed at every turn to build generational wealth.

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
When haven't we been insulated from white America? And how has it been going?