Can African Americans exist "insulated" from white America?


Feb 2, 2016


Who needs logic and REASONING when you have the Coli............


Who needs logic and REASONING when you have the Coli............

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me



Who needs logic and REASONING when you have
I.E. if I never said it in the OP don't bring it up.:hubie: long as we remain in America we need the American dollar. We need sanctions to build on American land...We need permission to import export product with foriegn countires...we need funding for schools and people in America dont want to separate from whitey..the sane ones at least...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...
1. When did I say anything about not using the U.S. (fiat) bank note or not also buying / selling within the wider U.S. market:beli:
2. We need to abide by the city, county, state, federal Property, Real Estate, and zoning Laws like anyone else:beli: thinking of building on federal reserve land or something:ld:

3. We need to abide by the same
guidelines as anyone else:stopitslime:
Basic Importing and Exporting | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

"As an importer you must assure that your merchandise complies with other agencies requirements (e.g., FDA, EPA, DOT, CPSC, FTC, Agriculture, etc.) and obtained licenses or permits, if required, from them."
Importing - Licenses/Permits

4. Correct, that's called a tax base :ld:
5. Where exactly in my OP did I use the word "separate"? What definition of "separate" are you using anyway? :ld:
We need common terms here.:jbhmm:
Working definitions (subject to cleaning up)
Segregated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of an alien cultural group who have designated where you live and how you are uniquely treated by law.
Separated - to live under the legal jurisdiction of a shared cultural group who have designated how you are equally treated by law.



...we just want our peace of the pie..and we want an even piece at that....our problem is that whites just dont want to see us rise...and every time we try the fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces.....they say this isnt our land...I disagree...its just as much as outs as anyone fact we have more stake then most....many will disagree...but many who will are not logical thinkers amd dont see the big picture...

1. How is it that "our piece of the pie" is not secured within the context outlined in the OP?

2. How is it that the context outlined in the OP doesn't lessen the capacity for cacs to "fukk it up....just to throw thier own hatred in our faces" and increase our capacity to weather the attack?
3. This tells me a lot about your values, world view, etc. and the range of political positions you are capable of coming to. :jbhmm:
I.E. even if we give everyone the same ingredients(knowledge), what ultimately gets cooked(cognition) is dependent on who each person is cooking for.
(The end result of your cognitive process is dependent on your goals, principles, values, world view, etc ...some people simply don't have the same goals as you, has nothing to do with them being illogical.)
4. I'll bite :yeshrug: ...and what exactly is this "big picture" you speak of?:patrice:

the Coli............
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Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Unfortunately it will never happen because the white supremacist will sabotage it every chance they get. In 1898 black people did exactly what the OP said. They even elected a black mayor for the city and the whites burned the city to the ground and literally ran the mayor and the black people out of town and took over the city. It was the first and only time that has happened in US history.

It's impossible for black people to be prosperous and live among these devils.

yep. most blacks are scared to admit the truth.

people laugh at black militant(cause most time they hypocrites on here) but I feel we need that mindset.

black people gotta find a way to arm themselves. whites know they got the upperhand if all fails with a military and tanks. u can see that with the riots over martin/brown.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
If Hasidic jews can do it surely we could.


Scale: neighborhood / enclave


Nudist ???(neighborhood) / African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)


Naturism - Wikipedia

Here you will find listings for single family homes, condos, townhomes, vacant lots, casitas, manufactured homes and villas located inside and outside of the Clothing Optional and Nudist Resorts in Pasco County, Florida. Pasco County holds the title as being the “Nudist Capital of North America”.
Home - Land O' Lakes Real Estate | Jackie Youngblood


Oyotunji village
(South Carolina)

Oyotunji 200-250(town)/ African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)




Scale: County

(Holmes County, Ohio)

Amish 36k(County)/ African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)



Amish community
A large Amish community of about 36,000 exists in Northeast-Central Ohio, centered on Holmes County and extending into surrounding counties.[21] The Holmes Old Order Amish affiliation with 140 church districts out of 221 in the Holmes County Amish settlement in 2009 is the main and dominant Amish affiliation.[22] Holmes County houses the highest percentage of Amish of any U.S. county, currently 42 percent of the population, and experts speculate that within 15 years Holmes County may be the first majority Amish county.[23] The Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center in Berlin explains traditional ways of the Amish and provides an illustrated history for visitors in its 10-foot-by-265-foot mural.[24]

The overall Amish population of the area, centered on Holmes County, is the largest Amish community in the world.[21] Called locally "Amish Country", it draws many visitors to the county, thus making tourism an important sector of the local economy.

The Holmes County Amish Settlements have the most diverse Old Order Amish affiliations. The Holmes Old Order Amish affiliation is the main and original affiliation, the Swartzentruber Amish, that also originated in 1917 in Holmes County, has three sub affiliations there. There are also Andy Weaver Amish (formed 1952) and New Order Amish (formed in the early 1960s) there.[25]

Holmes County has a relatively high number of residents who do not speak English at home. According to the 2000 census, almost 36% of the population speak either Pennsylvania German or German at home, and a further 7% speak "Dutch", i.e. Pennsylvania Dutch.[13] 42.92% of the total population and 50.28% of the children in 5-17 age range uses German/Pennsylvania German or "Dutch"[13] at home.[15]

Scale: State


Mormons 6.8 mil(U.S.) / African Americans 45-50 million(U.S.)​

In Utah, Separating Church From State Can Be Nearly Impossible : Religion: Mormons dominate virtually every aspect of political life here. The state has defied the church only once in the last 60 years.

In Utah, Separating Church From State Can Be Nearly Impossible : Religion: Mormons dominate virtually every aspect of political life here. The state has defied the church only once in the last 60 years.

In 2010 Utah was 62.1% Mormon (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Salt Lake County, was 51.4% LDS. The county with the lowest percentage of LDS was Grand County at 26.5%. The county with the highest percentage of LDS was Morgan County at 86.1% [17]
Demographics of Utah - Wikipedia

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Nov 21, 2013
To answer the thread title, the question is an EASY no. Stop looking at the chinese, arabs, amish or any other group as reasons as to why blacks can do the same. Its not the same. Those in power treat blacks differently than other races, even other African blacks (to an extent of course). Why? Because they know who blacks are and that if they get into a position of power (or self sufficiency) that they'd overrun the establishment. So they have to do their best to keep them dumb, disenfranchised, and focused on the wrong things.

They're not going to let a successful, self sufficient black community sprout up in the middle of America. They may let it go for a bit, but the end will be the same as the other self sufficient communities. As in haters putting a stop to it. Brehs gotta wake up and see that the establishment has the upper hand in EVERYTHING. Money? They got it. Weapons? They got it. Knowledge/TRUE history? They got it. So what do we have left against them? Maybe its that missing identity that is the answer to that question

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
To answer the thread title, the question is an EASY no. Stop looking at the chinese, arabs, amish or any other group as reasons as to why blacks can do the same. Its not the same. Those in power treat blacks differently than other races, even other African blacks (to an extent of course). Why? Because they know who blacks are and that if they get into a position of power (or self sufficiency) that they'd overrun the establishment. So they have to do their best to keep them dumb, disenfranchised, and focused on the wrong things.

They're not going to let a successful, self sufficient black community sprout up in the middle of America. They may let it go for a bit, but the end will be the same as the other self sufficient communities. As in haters putting a stop to it. Brehs gotta wake up and see that the establishment has the upper hand in EVERYTHING. Money? They got it. Weapons? They got it. Knowledge/TRUE history? They got it. So what do we have left against them? Maybe its that missing identity that is the answer to that question

Hey answer whatever question you want:hubie: but I'd prefer you answer the actual question explicitly stated in the original Post:sas1:
....not the "click bait" thread title:martin:

Do you feel it's possible for African Americans to exist in the United States within the following context?

1. %100 Finance(staff, ads, & living/travel expenses) of African American politics(city, county, state, & federal reps)
2. Employment of African Americans facilitated 85%-100% by African Americans
3. Administration, legal position/drafting, enactment, repeal, & enforcement(city, county, & state) by 60%-100% African Americans per jurisdiction
4. (federal representation) legal position & drafting 100% by African Americans
5. Foreign trade relations of A.A. companies conducted and facilitated %100 by African Americans
6. Food needed by African Americans grown 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
7. Civil infrastructure needed by African Americans constructed 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
8. Entertainment/cultural material consumed created 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
9. Educational (funding, world view, theory, content, curriculum, books, & instruction) facilitated 100% by A.A.
10. Transportation & telecommunications infrastructure facilitated 100% by A.A./ African(diasporan) nations
11. Live only in states where African Americans are the governor


Can African Americans exist in the U.S. "insulated" from white America?

I'm not overly concerned about other ethnic groups insulation level(though it is politically naive to ignore your political/historical surroundings) My question doesn't hinge on what someone else has already done. It hinges on what can we do given our current & projected environment.

But if you want to talk about other people maybe you'll find it interesting that 4 of the past 6 governors of Hawaii were Asian american / pacific islander:yeshrug: maybe not:ehh:
List of Governors of Hawaii - Wikipedia
Personally I don't need the validation of what other people have done to conceive of what I want for myself/family/community :francis: that's an intellectual box :francis:

I completely agree with you about the economic piece ...though it is just a piece :ufdup:

I reject your insulation question because Jews, Asians, Cubans,etc have nothing to do with the context put forth in the OP. Also the question and context needed to understand & answer the question has already been provided. Again the moment you start bringing up what other people have done as a means to validate your potential, you have intellectually boxed in & limited yourself(potential). That said I will say aspects of the points listed in that context are probably already met by African Americans in certain locations.(though I wouldn't hold myself to that position without further study)


I'll give you a pass, 6 pages is a lot to skim in order to get caught up on the discussion.:ehh:
Now answer the question(in reference to the context) in the OP:ufdup:



Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
This quote is accurate and says alot. It why i say African Americans who are really serious about their generations not dealing with high levels of racism, as we do here, should be trying to get to Africa and reforming the continent.

To answer your question the first thing you should understand is that out of segregation came integration...but it's black who were integrated into white society and that will forever be the way it is. They have the numbers, they have and continue to maintain white supremacist control. So now your question is can blacks basically live on their own "locally governed island(s)" within a white country? Well A you wouldn't want to, you're basically sitting ducks if whites want to hit you with a BWS strike 2.0....and B even if we could it wouldn't last long because there is no place whites won't go within a white country and because of white supremacy they have very little fear of coming into your home to find ways to keep dominating us.
The bolded has always been something to.considered.


Oct 17, 2012
They could if white supremacy wasn't such a bytch. When blacks have tried and worked together white supremacy always finds away to fukk it up. And with the FBI announcing that black identity extremist shyt that's getting a head start for nothing like that to happen.

Only option that african Americans might have a chance with all that is if they move to Africa.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra


Scale: neighborhood / enclave


Nudist ???(neighborhood) / African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)


Naturism - Wikipedia

Here you will find listings for single family homes, condos, townhomes, vacant lots, casitas, manufactured homes and villas located inside and outside of the Clothing Optional and Nudist Resorts in Pasco County, Florida. Pasco County holds the title as being the “Nudist Capital of North America”.
Home - Land O' Lakes Real Estate | Jackie Youngblood


Oyotunji village
(South Carolina)

Oyotunji 200-250(town)/ African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)




Scale: County

(Holmes County, Ohio)

Amish 36k(County)/ African Americans 45-50 million (U.S.)



Amish community
A large Amish community of about 36,000 exists in Northeast-Central Ohio, centered on Holmes County and extending into surrounding counties.[21] The Holmes Old Order Amish affiliation with 140 church districts out of 221 in the Holmes County Amish settlement in 2009 is the main and dominant Amish affiliation.[22] Holmes County houses the highest percentage of Amish of any U.S. county, currently 42 percent of the population, and experts speculate that within 15 years Holmes County may be the first majority Amish county.[23] The Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center in Berlin explains traditional ways of the Amish and provides an illustrated history for visitors in its 10-foot-by-265-foot mural.[24]

The overall Amish population of the area, centered on Holmes County, is the largest Amish community in the world.[21] Called locally "Amish Country", it draws many visitors to the county, thus making tourism an important sector of the local economy.

The Holmes County Amish Settlements have the most diverse Old Order Amish affiliations. The Holmes Old Order Amish affiliation is the main and original affiliation, the Swartzentruber Amish, that also originated in 1917 in Holmes County, has three sub affiliations there. There are also Andy Weaver Amish (formed 1952) and New Order Amish (formed in the early 1960s) there.[25]

Holmes County has a relatively high number of residents who do not speak English at home. According to the 2000 census, almost 36% of the population speak either Pennsylvania German or German at home, and a further 7% speak "Dutch", i.e. Pennsylvania Dutch.[13] 42.92% of the total population and 50.28% of the children in 5-17 age range uses German/Pennsylvania German or "Dutch"[13] at home.[15]

Scale: State


Mormons 6.8 mil(U.S.) / African Americans 45-50 million(U.S.)​

In Utah, Separating Church From State Can Be Nearly Impossible : Religion: Mormons dominate virtually every aspect of political life here. The state has defied the church only once in the last 60 years.

In Utah, Separating Church From State Can Be Nearly Impossible : Religion: Mormons dominate virtually every aspect of political life here. The state has defied the church only once in the last 60 years.

In 2010 Utah was 62.1% Mormon (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Salt Lake County, was 51.4% LDS. The county with the lowest percentage of LDS was Grand County at 26.5%. The county with the highest percentage of LDS was Morgan County at 86.1% [17]
Demographics of Utah - Wikipedia


Was the Great Migration a mistake? If not for it, black people would be the majority in Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
If we take on small areas, 10 streets or blocks and a main commercial strip we can

Insulated groups and towns(like Bengali, china town, mexican towns)... Are in small areas

They dont try to get All of their race in amerika in that same spot- just the ones in that area.

Due to more media and a globally connected world- it would probably be more difficult for them to pull another Tusla on us and bomb it


Sep 8, 2017
south africans are still poor, and directly under the boot of white supremacists. the wealth is still in the hands of the cacs who stole it.

the civil rights movement was about those things you spoke on, but towards the end just turned into black people fighting for weaponized white acceptance.

just because there is a black mayor and a majority black town, it means nothing if black people do not control the wealth and the means of production.

which is why the whole "black people run baltimore! look at how bad it is!" argument is faulty.

a slave in an authoritative position is merely a messenger.

do these types of political people have the ability to back up their decisions with resources and power they control as black people, or as an extended hand of a cac?

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
south africans are still poor, and directly under the boot of white supremacists. the wealth is still in the hands of the cacs who stole it.

the civil rights movement was about those things you spoke on, but towards the end just turned into black people fighting for weaponized white acceptance.

just because there is a black mayor and a majority black town, it means nothing if black people do not control the wealth and the means of production.

which is why the whole "black people run baltimore! look at how bad it is!" argument is faulty.

a slave in an authoritative position is merely a messenger.

do these types of political people have the ability to back up their decisions with resources and power they control as black people, or as an extended hand of a cac?

I'd say I already spoke on this which is why I explicitly provided context to my question:jbhmm:

Do you feel it's possible for African Americans to exist in the United States within the following context?

1. %100 Finance(staff, ads, & living/travel expenses) of African American politics(city, county, state, & federal reps)
WHY? To be free of outside entities controlling AA politicians goals/positions via controlling AA campaign finance.

2. Employment of African Americans facilitated 85%-100% by African Americans
WHY? To insulate the political health of African Americans from reliance on foreign entities who use job insecurities to secure/push political agendas in exchange for employment.
Meet the need to live, survive and thrive within the environment occupied by AA; while insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via an employment channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).

Insure access to the capital investment needed to fund new business and innovation creation catered to the needs of AA.

3. Administration, legal position/drafting, enactment, repeal, & enforcement(city, county, & state) by 60%-100% African Americans per jurisdiction
WHY? to be free of laws, enforcement, and sentencing that target / hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans without accountability.(Examples: stop & frisk, unaccountable police killings, term length disparities, family court judgments, gentrification via land over taxation)

4. (federal representation) legal position & drafting 100% by African Americans
WHY? Makes sure our interstate and global political positions are voiced(included) in U.S. federal level policy decisions.

5. Foreign trade relations of A.A. companies conducted and facilitated %100 by African Americans
WHY? To have the ability to secure foreign produced goods(food,energy,technology) not produced by AA, insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via a channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).

6. Food needed by African Americans grown 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
WHY? Insulate the health / food security of African Americans from genetic, biological, and economic(embargo) based attacks on food sources by non-African entities.
Insulate the political health of African Americans from reliance on foreign entities who use food insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for food.

7. Civil infrastructure needed by African Americans constructed 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
WHY?Insulate the civil infrastructure of African Americans from embedded structural attacks via reliance on construction & maintenance by non-African entities.
Insulate the political health of AA from reliance on foreign entities who use infrastructure insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for construction & maintenance.

8. Entertainment/cultural material consumed created 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
WHY? Insulation from foreign political priorities, cultural values, and ideologies that hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans.
To be free of outside entities controlling AA cultural material(by extension manipulating AA worldview & cultural values) via controlling AA entertainment finance.

9. Educational (funding, world view, theory, content, curriculum, books, & instruction) facilitated 100% by A.A.
WHY? Insulation from foreign political priorities, cultural values, and ideologies that hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans.
To be free of outside entities controlling AA cultural material(by extension manipulating AA worldview & cultural values) via controlling AA education finance.

10. Transportation & telecommunications infrastructure facilitated 100% by A.A./ African(diasporan) nations
WHY? Insulate the transportation & telecommunications of African Americans from embedded structural attacks via reliance on construction & maintenance by non-African entities.
Insulate the political health of AA from reliance on foreign entities who use infrastructure insecurities to push political agendas in exchange for construction & maintenance.

To have the ability to secure communication and transportation; insulated from economic(embargo) based attacks via a channel not majority controlled by the political / economic apparatus of Europeans(whites).

11. Live only in states where African Americans are the governor
WHY? To be free of state wide laws, enforcement, and sentencing that target / hamper the individual, family, & community(stability, growth, & security) of African Americans. without accountability.(Examples: city emergency management, national guard based martial law, electoral gerrymandering, etc.).

I've often said there are no "magic brick solutions" that all things can be built upon. There are a variety of structures/foundations that have to be laid. Some of them finished and some of them not.:jbhmm:

3. Most importantly my political position is that we need to finish correcting our cumulative historical projection.
End transatlantic slave trade (Done)

End the formal institution of chattel slavery(Done)

-I look at the modern prison complex as it's own demon*

End overarching wide scale political division of African people(Done)

-current tribalism levels doesn't trump the current pan-african / African Union / regional, continental, & diasporic integration consciousness and thrust

End governmental colonialism(Done)

End academic(mental/spiritual) colonialism(initiated)
-Reconstruction of an African worldview(definitions of reality, values, principles, etc)

End economic colonialism(initiated)

Have capacity to fund all political actions
Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign(sellers, traders, and tourist).
Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surpluses after domestic needs met)
Diaspora wholesale purchase surplus and use global sale of goods from depots as base financial revenue generator to maintain economic independence/sovereignty of global African peoples.

End military deficiency(initiated)

- gain policing, military powers, and the ability to enforce law. Grow capacity to deal with the total array of threats land, sea, air, cyber, biological, etc.

:jbhmm:In street terms
Me building in a cac city is hustling backwards :to: terms of governance & economics. My employment opportunities needs to go to "my people", my tax funds need to go to "my people" & my political donations needs to go to making sure "my peoples" political candidates(and their policy maneuvers) are not beholden to "alien" financiers.


Sep 8, 2017

I'd say I already spoke on this which is why I explicitly provided context to my question:jbhmm:

I've often said there are no "magic brick solutions" that all things can be built upon. There are a variety of structures/foundations that have to be laid. Some of them finished and some of them not.:jbhmm:
so then what is the functional purpose of your question if you've already answered it my guy