Gor bu dëgër
I don't remember the specific movies, but more often than not it's:
Thing is, with the makeup she was wearing and both our body warmth, shyt gets muddy quick. Idk if she was sweating a lot or something, but basically her forehead starting sticking to my cheek. Not sticky like glue but sticky like pizza cheese a lil bit. And when I'd start to pull back, it'd make this wet noise like a wet kiss. 5 uncomfortable minutes
- People talking loudly
- People on their bright ass phones
- Teens laughing their asses off during emotional scenes
- Kid behind you kicking your chair
- Folks that turn on the loud movie critic mode the second it's over and go on and on about how mediocre it was
Thing is, with the makeup she was wearing and both our body warmth, shyt gets muddy quick. Idk if she was sweating a lot or something, but basically her forehead starting sticking to my cheek. Not sticky like glue but sticky like pizza cheese a lil bit. And when I'd start to pull back, it'd make this wet noise like a wet kiss. 5 uncomfortable minutes