You don't know how to use paint?
I've been working out for years. If people want to burn fat, just limit the portions and eat between 2-8 PM (preferably eating dinner at around 5-6 PM), then don't eat until 2 PM the next day, whilst working out right when you wake up in the morning. There's other stuff to it, but I ain't on here giving advice like that.
I remember weighing 210lbs, and after 3 months dropped down to 155lbs. Built up a lot of lean muscle via strength training over the next 3 years, and went up to 180. Was a bit more muscular than I wanted to be, so I stopped weight training, now I am 165lbs and I maintain this weight through my vegetarian diet, bodyweight exercises, and running/rock-climbing, camping, basically outdoor activities.
I don't really go to gyms to weight lift anymore. That is boring and kind of backwards in my opinion. But to each his own.