Working Out/Maintaining A Nice Body REALLY Requires A Strong Mental Attitude

May 1, 2012
Real talk. Its all in your mindset, and its the main reason most people are walking around obese and unhealthy. It takes an incredible amount of motivation and consistency to maintain a nice, fit body. Its become an obsession of mine actually. No matter how my day goes, i make atleast an hour to fit in a workout on a body part
Im laying here now tired as hell, knowing its my day to work my biceps. The average person would say "fuk it, ill do it tomorrow". "Tomorrow" will turn into 2 days, 2days will turn into 1 week, 1 week will turn into never. But me, im about to force myself to get up and pick these weights up. My motivation is actually seeing the results of picking those weights up. My motivation is looking in the mirror and liking what i see. My motivation is having had women compliment and rub on my arms. My motivation is feeling the stares when i walk around in a sleeveless shirt or a wifebeater. It gives you a confidence and a certain edge. Even other dudes look at you different when you are in good physical shape. This is all of my motivation.
Ive made plenty of threads about approaching women. The main reason i have so much confidence in cold approaching a female is because im extremely confident in my looks. Have i gotten EVERY number? Of course not, but i got a good shooting percentage and it stems from the confidence i have when approaching.
I know its that time of year when everybody makes their New Years resolutions and #1 on most peoples' list is to get in better shape. Well im here to tell you that its not easy. Most people lack MOTIVATION & CONSISTENCY. Most people think they will see results rite away and will get discouraged if they dont. It doesnt work like that. Its a long process depending on where you are currently at. Thats why its called a "lifestyle change". You have to change your entire routine. You have to change your plans and the way you eat. You have to fit your workout into your day NO MATTER WHAT. Your workout has to become just as important as everything else in your life. Im at the point now where if i miss a workout i feel bad. Thats kinda where you need to get mentally. Exercise can become addictive (like really, look it up). I love it. I dont indulge in drugs so i get my "high" from exercise.
I know theirs alot of you who are out of shape and unhappy with your body. Only you can change that. The more i think about it, the more i realize WHY there are so many people walking around obese. Because ITS FREAKIN HARD!!!! Its easy to sit around all day and do nothing. Its easy to lay on the couch and watch reality tv all day. Its easy to eat fatty foods and to not monitor whats going in your body. Whats hard is working all day and then going to the gym to exercise. Whats hard is maintaining a household and or going to school and finding time to workout. Whats hard is resisting the desire to eat unhealthy foods and replacing it with healthy food. This takes work and research in itself. Its not easy. If being healthy and fit was a piece of cake, everybody would be walking around looking like fitness models. But its not. It takes work. It takes time. It takes discipline. It takes motivation. It takes consistency. It takes sacrifice. It takes an overall strong mindstate.
Maybe other posters who are into fitness can chime in with tips to help those of you who are currently having weight issues. Or those of you who have lost weight can drop some hints and tips. Like i said earlier, this is the time of year when everybody makes that pledge to better themselves physically. Remember: it starts with the mental and how bad you want.

Peace and goodluck:salute: ever heard of paragraphs and spacing?


The Movement
Aug 16, 2015
I can go months working out but then let me have a bad day or get sick anything to slow me down and I fall of and lose all my gains

Hard for me to stay motivated when I'm going through some stuff


RIP Future Gohan
Jan 20, 2014
Swole Gang
Nah fukk that I'ma continue to be on peak physical shape while these other dudes look like jelly blobs and the thick bytches come chasing a nikka


All Star
Jun 5, 2015
You don't know how to use paint? :mjlol:

I've been working out for years. If people want to burn fat, just limit the portions and eat between 2-8 PM (preferably eating dinner at around 5-6 PM), then don't eat until 2 PM the next day, whilst working out right when you wake up in the morning. There's other stuff to it, but I ain't on here giving advice like that.

I remember weighing 210lbs, and after 3 months dropped down to 155lbs. Built up a lot of lean muscle via strength training over the next 3 years, and went up to 180. Was a bit more muscular than I wanted to be, so I stopped weight training, now I am 165lbs and I maintain this weight through my vegetarian diet, bodyweight exercises, and running/rock-climbing, camping, basically outdoor activities.

I don't really go to gyms to weight lift anymore. That is boring and kind of backwards in my opinion. But to each his own.

I did something similar to this and dropped 30 pounds in 2 months. My eating window was from 8pm to 2am since I worked nights.


All Star
Sep 15, 2012
I work out 3-4 days a week in the morning before work. It's tough getting up that early but nobody is in the gym that early.

Don't drink sugary drink (no soda, juice, etc). I cut my drinking back to the weekends and even then I only have a few. Eat pretty clean except on the weekends.

I should be in the :flabbynsick: years of my life but I Iook better than I did in my 20s
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Aug 21, 2014
Working out is more about discipline than motivation imo. In my case, motivation comes from progressively seeing results but it's nearly impossible to feel motivated 24/7.

Some days you're gonna be like fukk it and instead browse some stupid bullshyt on the web, lay in bed etc. That's when you need discipline and kinda look at working out as a job where you're gonna face extreme consequences if you decide you don't wanna do it.
Sep 14, 2013
Real talk. Its all in your mindset, and its the main reason most people are walking around obese and unhealthy. It takes an incredible amount of motivation and consistency to maintain a nice, fit body. Its become an obsession of mine actually. No matter how my day goes, i make atleast an hour to fit in a workout on a body part
Im laying here now tired as hell, knowing its my day to work my biceps. The average person would say "fuk it, ill do it tomorrow". "Tomorrow" will turn into 2 days, 2days will turn into 1 week, 1 week will turn into never. But me, im about to force myself to get up and pick these weights up. My motivation is actually seeing the results of picking those weights up. My motivation is looking in the mirror and liking what i see. My motivation is having had women compliment and rub on my arms. My motivation is feeling the stares when i walk around in a sleeveless shirt or a wifebeater. It gives you a confidence and a certain edge. Even other dudes look at you different when you are in good physical shape. This is all of my motivation.
Ive made plenty of threads about approaching women. The main reason i have so much confidence in cold approaching a female is because im extremely confident in my looks. Have i gotten EVERY number? Of course not, but i got a good shooting percentage and it stems from the confidence i have when approaching.
I know its that time of year when everybody makes their New Years resolutions and #1 on most peoples' list is to get in better shape. Well im here to tell you that its not easy. Most people lack MOTIVATION & CONSISTENCY. Most people think they will see results rite away and will get discouraged if they dont. It doesnt work like that. Its a long process depending on where you are currently at. Thats why its called a "lifestyle change". You have to change your entire routine. You have to change your plans and the way you eat. You have to fit your workout into your day NO MATTER WHAT. Your workout has to become just as important as everything else in your life. Im at the point now where if i miss a workout i feel bad. Thats kinda where you need to get mentally. Exercise can become addictive (like really, look it up). I love it. I dont indulge in drugs so i get my "high" from exercise.
I know theirs alot of you who are out of shape and unhappy with your body. Only you can change that. The more i think about it, the more i realize WHY there are so many people walking around obese. Because ITS FREAKIN HARD!!!! Its easy to sit around all day and do nothing. Its easy to lay on the couch and watch reality tv all day. Its easy to eat fatty foods and to not monitor whats going in your body. Whats hard is working all day and then going to the gym to exercise. Whats hard is maintaining a household and or going to school and finding time to workout. Whats hard is resisting the desire to eat unhealthy foods and replacing it with healthy food. This takes work and research in itself. Its not easy. If being healthy and fit was a piece of cake, everybody would be walking around looking like fitness models. But its not. It takes work. It takes time. It takes discipline. It takes motivation. It takes consistency. It takes sacrifice. It takes an overall strong mindstate.
Maybe other posters who are into fitness can chime in with tips to help those of you who are currently having weight issues. Or those of you who have lost weight can drop some hints and tips. Like i said earlier, this is the time of year when everybody makes that pledge to better themselves physically. Remember: it starts with the mental and how bad you want.

Peace and goodluck:salute:

catch this rep breh.:salute: