Lol. Maybe if i can figure out how to blank out my face. Other than that take it how you wanna take it.
Dont let my lack of a pic cloud the actual message. Im good whether you believe me or not. If you are good also i
and your tips and advice would be welcomed
You don't know how to use paint?
I've been working out for years. If people want to burn fat, just limit the portions and eat between 2-8 PM (preferably eating dinner at around 5-6 PM), then don't eat until 2 PM the next day, whilst working out right when you wake up in the morning. There's other stuff to it, but I ain't on here giving advice like that.
I remember weighing 210lbs, and after 3 months dropped down to 155lbs. Built up a lot of lean muscle via strength training over the next 3 years, and went up to 180. Was a bit more muscular than I wanted to be, so I stopped weight training, now I am 165lbs and I maintain this weight through my vegetarian diet, bodyweight exercises, and running/rock-climbing, camping, basically outdoor activities.
I don't really go to gyms to weight lift anymore. That is boring and kind of backwards in my opinion. But to each his own.