Working Out/Maintaining A Nice Body REALLY Requires A Strong Mental Attitude


Sep 2, 2014
This thread is flawed. A nice body doesn't equal good health. You're better off just eating healthy instead of working out for vanity purposes
:snoop:Don't start with that mess. You sounding like the "You can be fat and healthy" crowd . The overwhelming majority of the time, the fitter person is flat out in better health. Obviously that does not mean their health bars are constantly at 100%, but barring extreme dieting or other factors like binging and purging or constant sleep deprivation, the fit folks are doing better damn near all the time.

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
For me it's portion sizes drinking too much soda and overthinking.

I have the most consistent weight-loss with 1 meal a day , jumping rope and being concious of protion sizes but I'll usually have a day where I'll get hungry and have to eat again and that starts the snowballing into weight gain as weeks go by.

The overthinking is basically me being torn between the fitness/nutrition dogma and what I know works FOR ME; Not listening to my body and force feeding myself to satisfy some arbitrary calorie number is half the reason I have wild fluctuations in weight. When I say fukk the status quo and stay in harmony with my body, I get great results. The problem comes from the information overload that happens when navigating through the landfill of contradictory, confusing bullshyt that is google search regarding anything health or fitness related. You dont know who's right or wrong. and it all sounds like a bunch of occults trying to pursuade you to their way of eating.

alot of this getting in shape shyt is mental, and its very easy to get mental fatigue and give up. Keep you approach simple and only subscribe to diet protocols you know for sure you can stay consistent on; Doesnt matter if you think KETO is the end all be all solution for you, if you dont have the adequate endocrine function and/or patience for it you're just wasting your time. If you hate the ideal of meal prepping,low carb, and all this other textbook fitness advice, you need to be doing daily intermittent fasting, and daily 20 minute HIIT at the very minimum. They both give you alot of lee-way in regards to food variety and dont require alot of mental energy to stay consistent. I highly suggest this for people who know they have trouble giving up their favorite foods right off the jump. Just be mindful of how much you're eating when you begin IF because the I guarantee you that the temptation to binge will be strong the first 1-3 days.

The easier the compliance, the greater the consistency, the better the results.

TLDR Version:

Dont be forcing yourself to follow diets or eating strategies that you know in your heart of hearts you aint gonna stick with that shyt. Dont kidd yourself into thinking youre gonna cut this and that out and that your new diet of the week is gonna revolutionize your life just like you thought the last one would. base your diet around what you can psychologically handle. There's more than one way to lose weight, fukk these youtube gurus and so called authority figures on nutrition selling you their way as the only way. Besides the bit of game i just gave you, You're on your own. Trial and error trumps theorizing and procrastination. Be real with yourself, find out what works for YOU and dont talk about it with other people because they can and will shame you and and try to instill doubt when you see the results for yourself.
Success on a diet is about making sacrifices you CAN live with, not being a masochist.



Jun 11, 2012
:snoop:Don't start with that mess. You sounding like the "You can be fat and healthy" crowd . The overwhelming majority of the time, the fitter person is flat out in better health. Obviously that does not mean their health bars are constantly at 100%, but barring extreme dieting or other factors like binging and purging or constant sleep deprivation, the fit folks are doing better damn near all the time.

No, you sound insecure breh. Looking skinny, ripped, or jacked doesn't mean shyt health wise. Plenty of skinny, ripped or jacked people drop dead from heart attacks, strokes and etc. Sometimes it's not even anything that someone does. It's just that they may have an undiagnosed health condition. That's why it's always a good idea to get regular check ups with a medical professional.


Aug 6, 2015
I agree that it is really hard to stay in shape - especially when you are short. An extra 5lbs-10lbs will be easily seen/noticed.

Even as a vegetarian (trying to get back to being Vegan again) - it's SO hard to say no to the bad stuff. I can't do moderation. If I eat something sweet - I'm going to sadly go overboard. I have a sweet tooth and it's a struggle to say no to candy and sweets.

I am at home visiting my parents and since I've been home - I have gained like 5lbs -- cause my mom is the official family chef and makes all types of bad stuff - desserts and dishes. It's terrible - and I hate I can't just leave it all alone. I'm eating TOO good. I usually eat once a day - and I have been eating like 2-4 times a day.

I have had to up and extend my workouts to combat my willpower to walk away. This was supposed to be a vacation and mental recoup - but it's turned into workout bootcamp to help make sure I don't blow up.


Aug 6, 2015
Looking skinny, ripped, or jacked doesn't mean shyt health wise. Plenty of skinny, ripped or jacked people drop dead from heart attacks, strokes and etc. Sometimes it's not even anything that someone does. It's just that they may have an undiagnosed health condition. That's why it's always a good idea to get regular check ups with a medical professional.

Pretty much. I found out a few months ago I am pre-diabetic. At that time I was 123lbs (currently 128lbs) @ 5'2.

I was -- and --am still mind-blown. I have also had high blood pressure readings last two times I went to the doctor. My father was overweight and was diabetic - and died from a heart attack. So, I know this is not a game for me.

I am trying to get everything back on track and under control - but it's scary and I thought I was doing everything right. But, nah.

I know eating all this sugar while visiting home isn't the look either. I'm gonna be alright tho.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
I Think Diet is the hardest thing more so than working out.

Its easy since we live in the day of the internet. You're no longer guessing calories, everything is exact. Also, meat has never been the problem, I eat pork chops left and right...for me the biggest problem has always been rice. Growing up in a latino household its almost had for breakfast, once I put a stop to that, I lost a ton of weight.

I substituted beans and potatoes for rice....never gone wrong since.
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Sep 2, 2014
No, you sound insecure breh. Looking skinny, ripped, or jacked doesn't mean shyt health wise. Plenty of skinny, ripped or jacked people drop dead from heart attacks, strokes and etc. Sometimes it's not even anything that someone does. It's just that they may have an undiagnosed health condition. That's why it's always a good idea to get regular check ups with a medical professional.
BRUH!:damn:Stop talking about that shyt like it matters. Chronic health issues have very little to do with whether someone should be working out or not. shyt, don't be obtuse.
This thread isn't about gains at all costs or ignoring health issues for the sake of vanity. Its simply about the work needed to maintain an above-average physique, especially after the 20s.

Nobody hear talking about conditions that can be caught regardless of fitness level. If two people have heart conditions, diagnosed or otherwise, do you think the one 40lbs overweight due
to excess fat is fairing the same as a person who regularly works out and is within manageable weight range? Do you understand how poor fitness also compounds existing issues like
asthma, diabetes, etc? I am not insecure, you just came in with some sideways bullshyt.

Fact: You are better off than a similarly aged person of with a similar health condition if you are fit.
Fact: If both are healthy, young or old, the one who maintains healthy physical activity regularly IS in better health.

No, that does not preclude one from having some sort of condition. To be human is to be vulnerable. Again, this is the "fat people can be healthy" argument in a nutshell.