Why would a God desire to be praised/believed?

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Religion is the GOAT scam.

An uncountable amount of money finessed, lives ended, and land stolen.

Nothing will ever compare to the damage it has inflicted on humanity.

those people/governments/organizations use religion as a front to do evil things. They do not give a fukk about god. Also human beings are sinful/evil/corrupt beings so that is suppose to happen. :yeshrug:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" is one of the Ten Commandments found in the Hebrew Bible at Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6. It is the central tenet of the Abrahamic religions and prohibits the religion's followers from worshipping gods other than the Lord.

:wtf: What other gods is he talking about with his jealous ass...

anything that you put before him. Money, women, animals, yourself etc. he has a right to be jealous he created us. You would too if you were him :wow:

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
“fall short of glory” is a person messing up on the way and not changing? can you just go to hell even if you try to do the right thing gods/Jesus told you to do. :ohhh:

Good question...I think falling short of glory refers to our being sinners. We have a choice to believe in Jesus and to continually try to become more like Jesus (who was sinless). A lot of us do mess up a lot but God does forgive and God was very close to big time sinners/murderers like King David and Moses so He will definitely continue to forgive and help us on our life's journey.

Can you go to hell even if you try to do the right thing and even if you do good and altruistic things in life? Yes because it is definitely a requirement to believe in Jesus and to believe/confess with your mouth that He died on the cross for our sins and then was resurrected in order for us to get into heaven and avoid hell. Believing and confessing in Jesus and His sacrifice is an absolute requirement. That's why I encourage people to give Him a test drive so to speak. It can't hurt and can only really help you. If you don't believe in Him, then ask Him to prove He is real to you. He will! He loves you and wants a close relationship with you...not praise and worship but relationship and a bestfriendship. No harm in trying God out.
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All Star
Oct 31, 2014
I think there are consequences if you don't ever believe in God/confess you believe in Him and His sacrifice on the cross, however I think God does offer us multiple chances to believe in Him both in this earthly life and perhaps in some kind of purgatory-like place as well. He loves us so much that the Bible says He is continually knocking on our heart's door so there are many chances and opportunities that God uses to get your attention I think and that may extend to the afterlife as well in my opinion. But it's better to at least give him a shot now I'd think. There's no harm on trying God out. God allows us to test Him and to try Him and even to wrestle with Him as Jacob did! This is a part of why He gave us free will. He doesn't want robots, He wants real relationships with each one of us so we can personally experience His love for us both now in this earthly life and also much more importantly in our eternal heavenly life.

This is also out of respect,

If you think there are consequences than you also cannot claim your creator doesn’t want or need worship, prayer and devotion. If he didn’t than the consequences wouldn’t exist.

I don’t want to bring out the atheist line of thinking but this is a strong point. But myself I’m a deist or believer of a higher being/God.


Feb 12, 2015
I need to be grading papers. But fukk it. Why not have a religion discussion.

Soooo this delves into something I’ve been loosely spiritually studying for years. It has to do with the idea of pride and truth.

God doesn’t require worship. God doesn’t actually require anything.

So why should we worship? Because God is the only true being capable saying they’ve earned it. If God is allegedly the creator of existence and the whole reason you can even have this conversation, God has demonstrated God’s value infinite times.

Worship at its core is merely acknowledgement of the power of God. We worship because it’s axiomatic and truth.

As someone who believes in mankind’s inevitable destiny to become like God and enter into that divine space, this is where pride can be very tricky to navigate.

Because we want the glory and power for ourselves, without putting in the work deserving of it. That’s what pride is. It’s a type of premature arrogance. Us desiring the power of God and acknowledgement of God without truly understanding or knowing ourselves and our own power.

It’s like wanting acknowledgement for being a 4th degree blk belt…but not being able to back it up. Pride makes us take our bare minimum and aggrandize it. It’s a lie and anathema to Truth.

And it’s the worse type of sin. But not against God. But against ourselves. Because you never recognize your potential when you can’t understand your limitations. We literally cut ourselves from our own power when we act like we are divine before we are.

Why do you think every good epic story always has the hero training b4 they get enough power to save the day? It’s not even satisfying if they just get random power ups.

We naturally understand the importance of the grind on the physical plane. But not so much spiritually.

God doesn’t require your worship. Or your belief. There are some atheists who are better practitioners than some believers. :yeshrug:
But worship, awe, and acknowledgement of power greater than what we currently have is necessary for our transcendence b/c it gives us an inkling of our own destiny when we get out of our own way.

Nearly every invention known to mankind came through attempts to mimic divine power. Think the internet and technology and the divine attribute of omnipresence.

Cyrus' Wife

Wife of a Warrior
Jun 1, 2013
This is also out of respect,

If you think there are consequences than you also cannot claim your creator doesn’t want or need worship, prayer and devotion. If he didn’t than the consequences wouldn’t exist.

I don’t want to bring out the atheist line of thinking but this is a strong point. But myself I’m a deist or believer of a higher being/God.

I think God's consequences for us don't have anything to do with whether we praise or worship Him or not. His consequences (e.g. going to hell or not) for us have to do with whether we believe in Him and His sacrificial love for us demonstrated on the cross and subsequent resurrection.

Literally all we have to do to avoid hell is to believe in Him (Jesus) and His death on the cross for us and resurrection and confess that with our mouths. That's it. We are not required or mandated to praise or pray or worship Him.

In my human opinion we should also do those things (pray/praise/worship) because we should want to do those things for Him out of our own free will and gratefulness but God does not require it of us or force that on us for salvation anywhere in the Bible.
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Certified Babble Detector Badge Number #281713
May 1, 2012
44 bricks...acre shaker
why God dont have a mother & father tho? :jbhmm: everything comes from something...except God?

and so before humans was ever on earth, he just decided one day like "im bored, let me start creating nikkas that resemble me just so they can praise me, and if they dont, i'll just burn their souls forever" :huhldup:
that's why knowledge was the first sin...

adam couldnt question shyt until after the forbidden fruit was ate

why was moses the author of genesis and not adam the first man...who basically is creation itself...


imma hitta by myself
May 6, 2012
Well God is alpha and omega. Try to imagine there being nothing before creation, then nothing after creation existed..Like everything just disappearing into nothingness. Our human minds can't comprehend it, well mine can't.

Why does God need a mother and a father? did the first single cell living organisms?

the 1st cell came from something before it as well :sas1: i just looked it up too :sas2:

but when it comes to God, there was never a beginning huh? he was just... always around? :patrice:

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
that's why knowledge was the first sin...

adam couldnt question shyt until after the forbidden fruit was ate

why was moses the author of genesis and not adam the first man...who basically is creation itself...

well I rather be willfully ignorant in the garden then go through all the fukk up things human beings can do. Do I really need to experience racism?? :hhh:


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
The most powerful being desiring the praise of its creations? Desiring to be believed in…To desire praise/belief is such a human trait.

Just seems like the height of human hubris…creating a God and assigning it human qualities.

Why would an all-powerful God desire…anything?

We’re made in his image and we could never understand his pure holiness. Even the angels worship and sing praises. Why does a fallen cherubim desire to usurp the throne is the question? Also why do most ppl worship this fallen cherubim along with other fallen beings? All of these are just sad excuses by man not to be accountable for lawlessness and living in sin.