We might have one next year
If Bazz lives up to the hype he should go #1


We might have one next year
If Bazz lives up to the hype he should go #1
I'm pretty sure the answer will go down as a PG, even though we all know he's a ball handling wing, or a combo guy.
He was drafted as a PG and played it for chunks of his career.
What exactly are you trying to say?
Please explain that first sentence.what exactly did AI bring to the table that was so different then what Payton could do?
And what was the point of saying Payton average is only 1 point higher then Stocktons(you are wrong by the way,Stocks career average is 13)
I hope you not trying to imply glove was more of a pass first PG
Payton averaged over 20 eight times and 19 another 3 times,Stockton never averaged over 17
"during Paytons best scoring years the Sonics were a meh team" and? What's your point?
Is it his fault there was no Kemp,Schremph,McMillian,Perkins,Wingate,Hawkins etc around when he was in his prime?
I'm mean what was the point of you even saying that?
Exactly .why is pardon arguing this ? People aren't so rigidly defined for every player anymore but a lot of players Roles fall into what we would label positions
He was labeled as a point guard cause at the time it was thought that someone his size couldnt play the SG position and he wouldnt be able to get his shot off. They thought he'd be an Isiah type of player but he was too much of a score first player to make that happen. He was always a score first guard even at GT and NBA scouts thought that his size might limit him at the next level at the SG position but his strength was never at the PG position where he controlled the flow of the offense, he was the offense. And again the position and styles of offensives are constantly evolving to fit elite players strengths that nice neat categories arent really a reality.
whos hatin on the sonics in here
took the 72 win bulls to 6.
He was a PG, b. Stackhouse was at the 2, Weatherspoon was at the 3. Not all PG's have the same responsibilities. But he was still the PG.
This is the dumbest shyt I've ever heard.
I remember news reports about Philly moving him to the 2. They brought in Eric Snow from Seattle to run the point. His role changed then and he played off the ball more. But as a rookie. He was a PG. Period.
I could say could say the same about your bs logic
Iverson was the best player by far in that draft, sixers wouldve been killed if they traded or drafted some else with the pick, why would they not draft iverson even if they they already had stack? They were gonna try and make it work
They had him "play" PG cause stack was already at the SG position and the sixers wanted to have them both on the court at the same time, who wouldnt? shyt didnt work out though remember and stack was traded midway thru iversons second year cause they both couldnt be the offense. THEN they brought in snow and moved iverson. Just cause Magic played at center dont make him that.
Magic played center for one game, breh.
They could have traded Stack. No one would have criticized them for taking Camby.
Give it up. This is utterly ridiculous. Iverson was a PG.
Really i did not know magic played center for one game, thanks for letting me know.
Just cause you say its ridiculous doesnt make it ridiculous.
How old are you? Iverson was by far the best player in the draft, camby was a very good defense player but his offensive skills were raw.
They didnt trade stack cause they wanted to try and make it work with Stack. He put up 19 ppg in his rookie year why the fukk would they trade him, now thats fukking ridiculous. then they tried with larry hughes and same result.
Iverson was not the consensus #1 pick that year. Camby was the player of the year and 6-11. I remember people saying he was scared to come out in 97 because of Duncan and Camby said it didn't matter because he would go #1 in either draft.
Source for this
What does his even mean, its not even coherent?
Who was scared? Iverson? Camby? Who?
Iverson left and was drafted #1, not camby so this doesnt really make any sense (Just cause camby said i, hahahhahaha) and Duncan came out the year after. Iverson left early cause he was going to be the number one pick and make $$$$$.