Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....


Jun 22, 2012
Okay. So what can women do to fix other women? What makes a women's voice to another more valuable then says a man to a man? Or, are the woman expect to practice individual decision making unlike men?
just admit most single moms are terrible decisions makers.
This conversation would be over.

This thread is unnecessarily being pro-longed

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I'm not blaming women for the problems of my sex. I'm telling women to take responsibility for their own. Women are the ones who are the ones getting knocked up by bummy dudes and wondering why upstanding citizens won't want to wife them up down the line and raise another man's children and find them attractive after their youth fades. Men are responsible in the sense that it takes two to tango sexually, but again, women have the final and ultimate say in this so it's really their fault for being so irresponsible.



just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Okay. So what can women do to fix other women? What makes a women's voice to another more valuable then says a man to a man? Or, are the woman expect to practice individual decision making unlike men?
What you can do is acknowledge that women have more power than men and apply it to the things you say toward other women. There are many women who prefer to listen to other women. When its comes to them we need fellow women doing their part to makes sure they get to the solution.

Because all I've heard here from you is that its even when based on the decisions women make in the relationship from start to finish its not even and women have more power to cut these playas and ain't shyt men entirely. A lot of women don't realize the power they have and you tryng to pin men and women power on the relationship as even just makes it worse because it makes them less likely to see the power that they as women hold.


May 29, 2012
Did it ever occur to you that a small selective type of men are getting women pregnant in these communities? On average, the vast majority of black men don't have children.

One drug dealer can have four or five different baby mothers,that's what your forgetting.

You still have thirsty nikkas who aren't getting the p*ssy or aren't getting as much. There are selective, moral, disciplined men out there but let's not act like that's the majority.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You said the problems of my sex. It isn't my problem that these women are getting knocked up by bummy dudes. That's their problem and it's their fault.

You cannot be this stupid.

You sound so mad at a problem that is not yours but "their" fault. In case I need remind you, your sex is not suppose to be expected to act as individuals. You are to be judged as one large mass that follows the sexual availability of women. You therefore are not allowed to separate yourself and thereby, making it your problem.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Nope, I haven't said that. Save this for someone who has actually said it.

You came in mid argument with another poster who has said it in an attempt to cosign him but don't want to be associated with his viewpoint? lol. ok.

I quoted you trying to equate the responsibility that men and women have for out of wedlock babies being born and I simply refuted your argument with logic and common sense. Women bear more responsibility for getting pregnant than the men who impregnate them. Doesn't seem as of you're capable of retorting what I've said hence these deflections.

I didn't equate a thing. I haven't even really espoused my opinion on the matter, I have simply highlighted the horrendous logic and hypocrisy of the coli males in the thread. I simply said if this is true then logically so is this. That being, if men can't be expected to control their urges and exercise good judgement as much as women because they have less natural responsibility because they don't get pregnant as you yourself have just stated, then men certainly can't claim to have a reserved right to be in control or leader of a woman when they can't control themselves and according to you have no natural reason to.

No one with any sense of logic can debate that, which is why you don't want to.

Your debating skills are weak and unintelligent. You're taking what a few posters have said and applying to everyone on their side of the argument in effort to make some cheap irrelevant feminist point. I speak for myself and nobody else speaks fpr me. Men being "natural leaders" isn't even the topic of discussion. You've created a smoke screen. You're so cowardly and bitter that you can't just concede that women bear more responsibility for getting pregnant than men without attaching some underhanded diss to it.

Stop being so emotional.:wow:

They are interrelated. If women must accept that men are just naturally going to sleep around with anything that moves and no one should attempt to hold them accountable for that, or as accountable as women, men are not equipped to lead. If that is your nature, you ain't no damn leader. But if its not as hardwired as has been previous claimed, men need to be talking to men just as much as they attempt to talk to women about bringing down these oow births. <<<<That is the point and that is not any damn smoke screen, that is the topic of discussion.

The problem lies in men wanting to have it both ways when it fits them. Where they can set themselves up as these uncontrollable sexual beasts with no accountability beyond figuring out how to get laid (because they have less consequence to getting laid of course) but then feigning superior capability over women when it suits them. And YOU KNOW that you men are attempting to have it both ways which is why you are getting upset that I'm calling it out and trying to silence me smh lol
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May 29, 2012
Who said anything about men? You have said they are useless, why do you keep bring them up? :what:

I'm talking about women. The natural consequences you think are so terrible and horrific single mothers know of and deal with anyway. Many of them deal with it repeatedly so it obviously is not the big bad wolf you claim it to be that should deter them.

The people complaining the most are men. Even on the dreaded LSA you won't find many if any threads on women complaining about deadbeat fathers unless they are specifically complaining about men blaming women for the epidemic. Y'all are the ones driving this discussion. Quietly I think you all have succeeded in driving the point home into Black women's subconscious that Black men are dirtbags so don't think you can ever expect them to do anything but stick their dikk in anything warm and then :whoa: @ whatever consequences might come after it.

I can dig it. Just stop calling yourself leaders and pretending women should submit to you when you are admittedly horrible, that was my only initial point :obama:

Valid point about consequences. Maybe being a single mother isn't that bad. No need for men to step up to the plate then. :yeshrug:

Real men are leaders and are worthy of procreating with and building a family with. Most men aren't. If you can't tell the difference that's on you. But then again according to you there are no consequences for a woman picking badly so I guess it doesn't matter. :manny:


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Okay, so what is the alternative? A large group of disenfranchised people that have extremely poor social footing and no financial backing? The Jewish people in the United States have done very well for themselves yet they seem to be very small in numbers. :lupe:

The alternative is to promote responsible reproduction while consistently denouncing the backwards hip hop mentality that encourages irresponsible behavior patterns.

We cant determine the fate of the unborn without giving them a chance at life, so to cast them aside as being doomed to fill your would be irresponsible of me to do just like it is for you to do.

How can you be so backwards in your approach to problem solving?

The logic behind your argument for abortion as a form of birth control is faulty. Do you know the psychological side effects that abortion causes after an abortion procedure? It seems like you want a bunch of mentally scarred women, who are childless but filled with STDs.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012

I am fukking :dead: at that quote.
Valid point about consequences. Maybe being a single mother isn't that bad. No need for men to step up to the plate then. :yeshrug:

Real men are leaders and are worthy of procreating with and building a family with. Most men aren't. If you can't tell the difference that's on you. But then again according to you there are no consequences for a woman picking badly so I guess it doesn't matter. :manny:

No. That's according to you. You said men have no problem with the situation (a lie but lets pretend) since they keep doing it because they're not the ones who are carrying the child. I told you that despite women having to carry the child they are still doing it so following the same logic you just used for men, they are cool with the situation and have thoroughly accepted your proposition that all men (or the majority, now that you have changed to that) aren't shyt and you can't expect anything from them either way.

And I can tell the difference, I have a good man. He would laugh at the bullshyt y'all are saying in here.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
What you can do is acknowledge that women have more power than men and apply it to the things you say toward other women. There are many women who prefer to listen to other women. When its comes to them we need fellow women doing their part to makes sure they get to the solution.

Because all I've heard here from you is that its even when based on the decisions women make in the relationship from start to finish its not even and women have more power to cut these playas and ain't shyt men entirely. A lot of women don't realize the power they have and you tryng to pin men and women power on the relationship as even just makes it worse because it makes them less likely to see the power that they as women hold.

So we should do the exact thing that won't work for men? Got ya. Many men like listening to other men too hence this forum.

Babe I am for self accountability. I don't put my problems on someone else or statistics. I think it's weak. Every individual making his/her own decisions is responsible period. You want a 2 sided problem solved in a lopsided manner.

The more reasonable solution would be for leaders aka "good" women and "good" men to come together and create a culture of responsibility, sexual restraint and families. The followers will follow through b/c they are getting the influence they "need" from both sides; creating wholeness.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
You still have thirsty nikkas who aren't getting the p*ssy or aren't getting as much. There are selective, moral, disciplined men out there but let's not act like that's the majority.
They arent the majority getting these women pregnant then buncing.