Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
You speak of condoms as if they are only an idea a man can think of. Could not the woman also require the man to wear a condom before he enters her to lessen the chances of an OOW pregnancy? :ld:


Yes yes yes. I think they both should do that but in that case it would make it equal and we both know ya'll are not having that.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Well I still don't understand why you keep going at me. I take responsibility for myself. You take responsibility of yourself. So then why is it uncalled for to ask men (and women since it must be said) to do the same. You keep going at me like I am so baby momma hollering from the roof tops who doesn't know how she got knocked up. You refuse to take on men who said that you (my natural of your sex) aint' shyt. This thread is funny. You want to argue with me no matter what I say. You talk about winning but you are only concerned with being at odds just b/c I am a woman. I have no more power than you do when it comes to the general poulation.
I see you views here and how you downplay the power that women have and say that its even and that is what's the issue is here.

When talking about the playas and the women who give them play you say it as if its even, when its actually women running the relationship scene that has more of the responsibility. That's why we go at odds because you don't acknowledge that women have more power in this matter than men when it comes to this and it hinders the chance to change things as a whole when you and various women think that way.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
And you can't get past the fact that men don't get pregnant no matter how much you try.

They don't need to, you guys have already made it clear that men are worthless even before it gets to that point of pregnancy. My initial post was if what you all are saying about men is true, you cannot logically also hold the men are the leaders women are the followers nonsense ideology at the same time.

Even on the last page y'all have done everything to highlight the 'lack of consequence' for men for having irresponsible sex. You have said there are no real ties a man has to his seed because he doesn't carry it. So if I am agreeing with all of that lack of 'natural accountability' that you all are shouting from the roof tops and defending, I don't see what else you want me to say besides "ok if you say so. But you aren't in any form, on any plane, in any universe a natural leader over the ones who you say do have all those things".


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I see you views here and how you downplay the power that women have and say that its even and that is what's the issue is here.

When talking about the playas and the women who give them play you say it as if its even, when its actually women running the relationship scene that has more of the responsibility. That's why we go at odds because you don't acknowledge that women have more power in this matter than men when it comes to this and it hinders the chance to change things as a whole when you and various women think that way.

This thread is about MEN. MMMMMEEEEENNNNNNNN. Why would I be talking about women when the argument is about why mmmmmeeeeeennnnnnn don't go hard on deadbeats. Answer me this. If you can not get women pregnant when why can't other men do the same. Is it b/c women made that decision for you?

If you want to say women run the dating scene...okay...fine they do...but that does nothing about why individual men are going raw when the know that it will make a child.

You can't in one breath say that YOU have the power to make a rational decision but then say every other man is too stupid to know the consequences of his actions. What makes you so special huh?


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
aside from health concerns, a woman choosing to keep a baby to term is making a conscious decision to make sure that the child is cared for. male consent and power ends after conception.

with that said, i'm not here to defend a man who wont care and provide for his offspring - but ladies need to understand that wielding the vagina comes with the responsibility of choosing a proper mate, and choosing whether or not to keep the child based on the information presented to you and your current situation
Jun 29, 2013
I reserve my disgust for the baby mamas who think out of wedlock kids are ok and continue to contribute to the destruction of the black family by having multiple children by multiple men. If you have one kid because you were young and dumb, but that was it and you wised up, then you won't hear much from me. But you disgusting tramps who have like 2, 3, 4, + baby fathers DISGUST ME and I am a female, with no kids. You tramps act like any form of birth control is a foreign concept.

What also disgusts me is the unwarranted sense of entitlement. Many of you baby mamas think because you birthed some dude's baby, the world should stop for you and bow at your feet. bytch please. You think you deserve a good man after you have fkced the whole town and then reinvent yourselves as if that is somehow going to erase your hoe past. You get a little bit older and now you want stability so you start seeking out the simps with no kids so he can take care of your b*stard kids. That is what disgusts me about some of you. And then you have the NERVE to tell us single women with no kids to date your raggedy ass baby daddies if we want to have a man and tell us bullshyt that a baby mama is better than a woman with no kids. And some of you dumb ass men believe that bullshyt.

Oh and these trifling ass men need to stop raw dogging every chick they see with a fat ass and then complain when she gets pregnant. WTF did you think was going to happen when you nutted up in her you dumb ass mofo? A lot of these dumb ass males with kids teeter on mild retardation. That's the only explanation I can give as to why there are so many fatherless households. Nothing and no one should keep your from caring for your child, whether you wanted that child or not. You simple ass muthafuggas want all the pleasures sex brings, but want NONE of the responsibility that comes with engaging in the act. Just like a damn child. A little boy. And then when your asses get old, you also start talking about you want a good woman. Mofo, you don't deserve a good woman because you were bypassing the good woman for Fertile Myrtle and thinking with your dcks.

And before anyone comes in here with that "A baby mama must have taken your man, etc." No one took my man. I'm just able to see the BS for what it is.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
This thread is about MEN. MMMMMEEEEENNNNNNNN. Why would I be talking about women when the argument is about why mmmmmeeeeeennnnnnn don't go hard on deadbeats. Answer me this. If you can not get women pregnant when why can't other men do the same. Is it b/c women made that decision for you?

If you want to say women run the dating scene...okay...fine they do...but that does nothing about why individual men are going raw when the know that it will make a child.

You can't in one breath say that YOU have the power to make a rational decision but then say every other man is too stupid to know the consequences of his actions. What makes you so special huh?
Because those men don't give a fukk. They do it and women still like them so they keep on doing it.

Some of us don't do that but some do. They actually get more women by being a player and that is what needs to be addressed before we reach a solution.

I can try it get them not to but women have more power so unless women start being more defensive towards them and use their power against them then my efforts will be wasted by trying to save people who don't want to be saved.

They gotta at least put in effort to save themselves.


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
They don't need to, you guys have already made it clear that men are worthless even before it gets to that point of pregnancy. My initial post was if what you all are saying about men is true, you cannot logically also hold the men are the leaders women are the followers nonsense ideology at the same time.

Even on the last page y'all have done everything to highlight the 'lack of consequence' for men for having irresponsible sex. You have said there are no real ties a man has to his seed because he doesn't carry it. So if I am agreeing with all of that lack of 'natural accountability' that you all are shouting from the roof tops and defending, I don't see what else you want me to say besides "ok if you say so. But you aren't in any form, on any plane, in any universe a natural leader over the ones who you say do have all those things".


There's plenty of consequence for a man not taking care of his own - salary garnishment & imprisonment among them.

As a woman you're allowed to terminate the pregnancy w/o the consent of the father, this fellow here just got 13 for making the decision for both of them: http://news.yahoo.com/florida-man-tricked-girlfriend-abortion-pill-gets-13-181237635.html

A woman can leave her child at a safe haven location and life goes on. This guy did it and got a nice article: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/0...ine-kids-via-safe-haven-law-has-twins-on-way/


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
There's plenty of consequence for a man not taking care of his own - salary garnishment & imprisonment among them.

As a woman you're allowed to terminate the pregnancy w/o the consent of the father, this fellow here just got 13 for making the decision for both of them: http://news.yahoo.com/florida-man-tricked-girlfriend-abortion-pill-gets-13-181237635.html

A woman can leave her child at a safe haven location and life goes on. This guy did it and got a nice article: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/0...ine-kids-via-safe-haven-law-has-twins-on-way/

I'm just following the thought process of the other male posters in this thread :yeshrug:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Yet you all keep quoting me

I mean why limit myself.
Oh you are rude for someone who expects me to change the problems of your sex. You should be a little nicer. I get it you blame women. Good for you. I am willing to help. What would like me to do huh?
Oh please then tell me all about how men are responsible...to a lesser degree of course. We don't want to get too crazy with it.

I'm not blaming women for the problems of my sex. I'm telling women to take responsibility for their own. Women are the ones who are the ones getting knocked up by bummy dudes and wondering why upstanding citizens won't want to wife them up down the line and raise another man's children and find them attractive after their youth fades. Men are responsible in the sense that it takes two to tango sexually, but again, women have the final and ultimate say in this so it's really their fault for being so irresponsible.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
The reason you don't care about aborted fetuses is simply because you don't have an understanding of what future demographics mean or political power. If we abort our future, how Will we have any representation to promote our own interest across the country. If we followed your logic on a national level the black population would plummet meanwhile every other races population will expand.

And what will you say thirty years from now when black people in America are landless like the Palestinians with no way of gaining any political power because we aborted all over to children?

Okay, so what is the alternative? A large group of disenfranchised people that have extremely poor social footing and no financial backing? The Jewish people in the United States have done very well for themselves yet they seem to be very small in numbers. :lupe:


Jun 22, 2012
aside from health concerns, a woman choosing to keep a baby to term is making a conscious decision to make sure that the child is cared for. male consent and power ends after conception.

with that said, i'm not here to defend a man who wont care and provide for his offspring - but ladies need to understand that wielding the vagina comes with the responsibility of choosing a proper mate, and choosing whether or not to keep the child based on the information presented to you and your current situation

I couldn't have said it any better. They either need to keep their fukking legs closed and wait until marriage or shut up and take it for how it is.
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May 1, 2012
They don't need to, you guys have already made it clear that men are worthless even before it gets to that point of pregnancy.
Nope, I haven't said that. Save this for someone who has actually said it.

My initial post was if what you all are saying about men is true, you cannot logically also hold the men are the leaders women are the followers nonsense ideology at the same time.
Again, miss me with that y'all shyt. I don't care what you said in your initial post. I haven't said that men are powerless or whatever so save that for those who have. I quoted you trying to equate the responsibility that men and women have for out of wedlock babies being born and I simply refuted your argument with logic and common sense. Women bear more responsibility for getting pregnant than the men who impregnate them. Doesn't seem as of you're capable of retorting what I've said hence these deflections.

Even on the last page y'all have done everything to highlight the 'lack of consequence' for men for having irresponsible sex. You have said there are no real ties a man has to his seed because he doesn't carry it. So if I am agreeing with all of that lack of 'natural accountability' that you all are shouting from the roof tops and defending, I don't see what else you want me to say besides "ok if you say so. But you aren't in any form, on any plane, in any universe a natural leader over the ones who you say do have all those things".

Your debating skills are weak and unintelligent. You're taking what a few posters have said and applying to everyone on their side of the argument in effort to make some cheap irrelevant feminist point. I speak for myself and nobody else speaks fpr me. Men being "natural leaders" isn't even the topic of discussion. You've created a smoke screen. You're so cowardly and bitter that you can't just concede that women bear more responsibility for getting pregnant than men without attaching some underhanded diss to it.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
They don't need to, you guys have already made it clear that men are worthless even before it gets to that point of pregnancy. My initial post was if what you all are saying about men is true, you cannot logically also hold the men are the leaders women are the followers nonsense ideology at the same time.

Even on the last page y'all have done everything to highlight the 'lack of consequence' for men for having irresponsible sex. You have said there are no real ties a man has to his seed because he doesn't carry it. So if I am agreeing with all of that lack of 'natural accountability' that you all are shouting from the roof tops and defending, I don't see what else you want me to say besides "ok if you say so. But you aren't in any form, on any plane, in any universe a natural leader over the ones who you say do have all those things".


Who said anything about men being worthless? We just said that the ones knocking these girls up and leaving are. That's not all men. :rudy:

And nobody is saying that men have zero responsibility over the baby being carried to term. They just have much less because women are carrying the child and can personally take more measures to prevent a child being carried to term if need be.

But hey, go ahead and set up your straw man arguments since you know you can't really dismantle what we've been saying already. :jawalrus:

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Because those men don't give a fukk. They do it and women still like them so they keep on doing it.

Some of us don't do that but some do. They actually get more women by being a player and that is what needs to be addressed before we reach a solution.

I can try it get them not to but women have more power so unless women start being more defensive towards them and use their power against them then my efforts will be wasted by trying to save people who don't want to be saved.

They gotta at least put in effort to save themselves.

Okay. So what can women do to fix other women? What makes a women's voice to another more valuable then says a man to a man? Or, are the woman expect to practice individual decision making unlike men?