Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I acknowledged that it was a generalization. I can only speak from my experience and from the overwhelming statistics about the number of children (not just black) who are raised in single parent homes. There is no way men in general are stepping up and being men and the explanation for why they aren't is pretty apparent to me.

Did it ever occur to you that a small selective type of men are getting women pregnant in these communities? On average, the vast majority of black men don't have children.

One drug dealer can have four or five different baby mothers,that's what your forgetting.
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Blame? How about each individual take responsibility for their own actions. But if you need to blame someone blame me. I have a vagina so therefore it is my responsibility. I will happily accept it.

Winning? I am not trying to win. I already lost. I came in here having hope that both sides of the issues can make a change but I was told that that is not realistic, men have little part of the blame, and will only change when women are no longer having sex outside of relationships. Again, not sure what you are trying to accomplish. If you have a solution then state it otherwise you sound like ever other men in here saying it's the woman's fault.
Well then taking responsibility is women accepting that they run the relationship scene and women acknowledging that they have more power than men.

I take responsibility for all of my actions which is why I'm not a playa or a ain't shyt nikka looking to impregnate women and leave them.

When do you take responsibility and accept that you and women in general run the relationship scene?

Once you and various women accept responsibility for that and use what you accepted and know to go at these playas and ain't shyt men with your power by rejecting them before they can make their move then we would reach a solution.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
:comeon: And women can refuse sex unless he wears one. You'd be surprised at how many guys are willing to change their minds if they're right on the cusp of getting laid. Jesus, another stupid argument.

Oh you are rude for someone who expects me to change the problems of your sex. You should be a little nicer. I get it you blame women. Good for you. I am willing to help. What would like me to do huh?

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Who says that men aren't responsible to some degree? I'm just saying that women have more control over when and how children are brought into the world. Nothing more and nothing less. I know it's easy to put up a straw man argument like that and try to make it seem like I'm saying that men don't contribute to the situation, but I'm not saying that.

Oh please then tell me all about how men are responsible...to a lesser degree of course. We don't want to get too crazy with it.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Well then taking responsibility is women accepting that they run the relationship scene and women acknowledging that they have more power than men.

I take responsibility for all of my actions which is why I'm not a playa or a ain't shyt nikka looking to impregnate women and leave them.
When do you take responsibility and accept that you and women in general run the relationship scene?

Once you and various women accept responsibility for that and use what you accepted and know to go at these playas and ain't shyt men with your power by rejecting them before they can make their move then we would reach a solution.

I DO take responsibility for myself. That is why I have no OOWL children. So that last line is :yeshrug:to me. So it sounds like your saying that everyone should take responsibility for themselves? Is that right or is it that women should also take responsibility for men also?

Also tell me how to take responsibility for men, especially those I don't know.


May 1, 2012
If its too much to ask for men to be more discrete and cautious about who they penetrate, then yes it is also for women. End of story. Women and men are fukking each other, you can't get pass this fact no matter how much you try
And you can't get past the fact that men don't get pregnant no matter how much you try. The fact that men dont get pregnant while women do is a double standard in and of itself which is explained by the fact that men and women are different. We have different riles in life and especially in the family structure.

Regardless of the bullshyt you "women" here are saying, no man is more responsible for what happens to your body than you are. That's the basic premise of feminism. It's you women who want it both ways. You want to have complete control of your body plus complete free will, but you don't want to take the responsibility that comes with those rights:heh: You talk that shyt about double standards but when is the last time that you spoke against the fact that a woman can have an abortion, put the child up for adoption, or decide to raise the kid without the father all without his consent? When's the last time that you protested against the fact that women are granted much more power over children in our socitey's judicial system? When was the last time you protested against the practice of automatically rewarding the mother with custody of the kids when there's a divorce barring extreme circumstances? There are plenty of double standards in life but dumb people only complain about the one's that they don't like. When you start fighting against those double standards that are to the detriment of men regarding children then your bytching/moaning about the other double standard will hold some weight.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I DO take responsibility for myself. That is why I have no OOWL children. So that last line is :yeshrug:to me. So it sounds like your saying that everyone should take responsibility for themselves? Is that right or is it that women should also take responsibility for men also?
Yes everybody should take responsibility for themselves.

My main issue is when women don't by refusing to acknowledge that they run the relationship scene and have more power in this matter because if that.

These playas and ain't shyt nikkas are way more likely to get shut down from closed legs than some other man putting them down for them being playas and bums.


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Sorry to say, but it doesn't matter if you "believe" in it or not, the fact remains that it is the law of the land; you just simply choose to not utilize it as an option.

A lot of women marched, protested, wrote letters, burned bras etc etc so that you could have that right to "choose"...and with that choice comes even more responsibility.

It's been stated exhaustingly that this is "your body" and no man has any right to tell you what to do with it, and with that being said, you and only you are responsible of what goes in and out of that body.

You now have the choice to sleep with deadbeats and dump the baby (via abortion, adoption and so on...) or keep the baby and wing it without his help. But ultimately, it is your choice and your choice alone what will happen from that point on. "You" fought for that right, now it's time woman up and take some responsibility for it.

^^ This is the thread-ender right here...

Women who want mantle of leadership need to demonstrate the one mandatory quality of a real leader...and that's responsibility. You're right lady, it's "your body", so start being responsible for it and the consequences of your choices.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Well with the exception of HIV, STDs can be cured. Yeah, it's a problem and people should use condoms, but in reality I don't really care about aborted fetuses.

The reason you don't care about aborted fetuses is simply because you don't have an understanding of what future demographics mean or political power. If we abort our future, how Will we have any representation to promote our own interest across the country. If we followed your logic on a national level the black population would plummet meanwhile every other races population will expand.

And what will you say thirty years from now when black people in America are landless like the Palestinians with no way of gaining any political power because we aborted all over to children?
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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Well who else's take am I supposed to provide? It's a take that is based in fact. Are you really gonna suggest that men have just as many if not more natural consequences for reckless sexual behavior as women? :what:

Who said anything about men? You have said they are useless, why do you keep bring them up? :what:

I'm talking about women. The natural consequences you think are so terrible and horrific single mothers know of and deal with anyway. Many of them deal with it repeatedly so it obviously is not the big bad wolf you claim it to be that should deter them.

If what you suggest is true concerning females expectations then there is no issue then. Men are getting what they want...p*ssy. Women are getting what they want...sperm. Nobody should be complaining right?

What real fathers do and what sperm donors do is not the same thing. Men should step up to the plate but that doesn't mean they will and if you as a women don't demand it your chances of getting that real man are severely diminished.

The people complaining the most are men. Even on the dreaded LSA you won't find many if any threads on women complaining about deadbeat fathers unless they are specifically complaining about men blaming women for the epidemic. Y'all are the ones driving this discussion. Quietly I think you all have succeeded in driving the point home into Black women's subconscious that Black men are dirtbags so don't think you can ever expect them to do anything but stick their dikk in anything warm and then :whoa: @ whatever consequences might come after it.

I can dig it. Just stop calling yourself leaders and pretending women should submit to you when you are admittedly horrible, that was my only initial point :obama:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
There is also condoms which every dude can use but many choose not to. I wonder what/who they are trying to change? Oh wait, we can't expect them to have any self control, right?

You speak of condoms as if they are only an idea a man can think of. Could not the woman also require the man to wear a condom before he enters her to lessen the chances of an OOW pregnancy? :ld:


™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Yes everybody should take responsibility for themselves.

My main issue is when women don't by refusing to acknowledge that they run the relationship scene and have more power to change things.

Well I still don't understand why you keep going at me. I take responsibility for myself. You take responsibility of yourself. So then why is it uncalled for to ask men (and women since it must be said) to do the same. You keep going at me like I am so baby momma hollering from the roof tops who doesn't know how she got knocked up. You refuse to take on men who said that you (my natural of your sex) aint' shyt. This thread is funny. You want to argue with me no matter what I say. You talk about winning but you are only concerned with being at odds just b/c I am a woman. I have no more power than you do when it comes to the general poulation.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life

Yea, all that could happen, and I have seen instances of those situations. However, the majority of the single mothers that I've come across were with guys that either weren't the best of choices OR they weren't in best situation to prevent the dude just leaving i.e. "he's my boyfriend" or "we been kickin it here and there for years." So, in those situations, the woman chose to bring a child into the world without a rock solid foundation already set in place between the parents.

I'm not absolving deadbeats from making the choice to not be around for the children. However, the woman in these situations decides to bring children into the world with less than desirable men and less than desirable situations. Even in the situations you outlined, the chick could think to herself: "Ya know what, this dude is not going to commit to me or this child. That isn't the best way to raise this child. Can I even afford to raise a child by myself? What about the child's relationship with his father? Maybe I should head to the clinic before its too late."

Either way, she made the decision to move forward in spite of not being in the best situation.


I understand your point. However, I'm a firm believer in accountability. There is no excuse for a man to not wear a condom while having sex with a woman whom he doesn't view as his long-term partner/or a wife. No man can deflect the blame if he get a hoe pregnant. It is on him to practice safe sex. Any woman he plan to smash shouldn't have to tell him to carry a condom and use it when is time to have sex. A box of condoms comes with an instruction. Dudes can use the menu if they don't know how to use a condom. :ld:

Ladies you should also be accountable as well. I'm not going to let you girls get off the hook that easily. If you get knock up by a man that you know is trifling, remember that is your fault. :ufdup: If a nikka isn't your husband or soon to be husband, don't let him slide his condomless dikk inside of you. Slow him down :whoa:, give him the what the fukk look :dahell:, and tell him he need to get out :camby: