Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Yes, abortion as a safety net.

This isn't about lowering standards for the black community or any community, it's about being realistic about the fact that not everyone is going to be able to use birth control 100% effectively.

No, I'm not saying that black people, or any people have no control over their behavioral patterns. To insinuate that I am is very disingenuous and asinine. Making abortion unavailable wouldn't do anything to raise standards and would only increase the amount of illegal abortions.

Stop being stupid and come up with a real counterpoint.

The entire premise of your argument is that black people have poor parenting skills,therefore;we should abort our children to fix that problem.

Even though you're black,it sounds like rhetoric from a typical racist redneck who has very little confidence in the ability of black people to raise productive children.

Now,someone with critical thinking skills would not settle for infanticide as a solution to improve bad parenting like you suggest.

Only an ignorant lazy fool would come up with a solution like that for bad parenting.

Do you think black people are the only ones who suffer from bad parenting?

Who else besides black people like you suggest for their race to practice infanticide as a form of birth control when the parents are bad? I can't think of any other race.Instead,Asians, whites and Hispanics would come up with solutions on ways to fix the problem,so their population can flourish not decline.

Besides, what good comes out of a small Black population? The Jews were able to be rounded up by Hitler plus look what happened to the American Japanese, who were placed in concentration camps, when America went to war with Japan.

Following your logic, our population numbers would be so small in the future, it would be easier for the government to round us up if America went to war in an African country. Just like they did the Japanese.

You don't know how to think under a system called white supremacy.

You're the typical lazy black guy who wants to no structure, discipline, or accountability.

Whatevers fast or requires less discipline,you will go for.Well, you can't make liberal choices and expect conservative consequences.

Idiots like you would make it easier for the government to round black people up before a war in Africa. And that would only be possible if we follow your logic and embraced abortion as a form of birth control.

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May 29, 2012
In other words,you believe the losers out number responsible hard working black men and I said that was ludicrous.

It's not easy to step up to the plate and be a responsible man. I think it's safe to see that there are more men taking the easy way out then there are men stepping up and actually being men and the condition of society right now is proof of this.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
It's not easy to step up to the plate and be a responsible man. I think it's safe to see that there are more men taking the easy way out then there are men stepping up and actually being men and the condition of society right now is proof of this.

The men who failed to step up to their responsibilities as fathers does not reflect on the majority of black men because most of us dont have children.
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Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
The entire premise of your argument is that black people have poor parenting skills,therefore;we should abort our children to fix that problem.

No it fukking doesn't you disingenuous liar.

Even though you're black,it sounds like rhetoric from a typical racist redneck who has very little confidence in the ability of black people to raise productive children.

This is coming from someone who is pro choice, not someone who is looking to exterminate anyone. You sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist who watches way too much Fox News.

Now,someone with critical thinking skills would not settle for infanticide as a solution to improve bad parenting like you suggest.

It's not infanticide if it's abortion. Get the fukk outta here with your alarmist rhetoric because you sound like a moron.

Only an ignorant lazy fool would come up with a solution like that for bad parenting.

Right, I suppose your lazy platitudes about "manning up" are going to go so much further for teen parents, right?

Do you think black people are the only ones who suffer from bad parenting?

Absolutely not, as I would love to see abortion as a safety net for people of any ethnic/racial type.

Who else besides black people like you suggest for their race to practice infanticide as a form of birth control when the parents are bad? I can't think of any other race.Instead,Asians, whites and Hispanics would come up with solutions on ways to fix the problem,so their population can flourish not decline.

I don't suggest "infanticide" for anyone, but people like you (dumbasses) who make this about a racial issue rather than gender like to live in a state of paranoia rather than see the forest for the trees. I would recommend this for white, Hispanic, or Asian people that were not ready to start families. Nowhere in my posts did I ever recommend that blacks exclusively have this as an option and I challenge you to find a place where I singled out black people. The reason you're making this a race issue is because you don't have a leg to stand on, otherwise.

Besides, what good comes out of a small Black population? The Jews were able to be rounded up by Hitler plus look what happened to the American Japanese, who were placed in concentration camps, when America went to war with Japan.

What I'm saying is that being a smaller population isn't necessarily a bad thing, particularly when said population has their ducks in a row. Jews have their ducks in a row and have been able to garner quite a bit of positive protection for themselves financially and politically without having to be hugely numerous. Get it? We don't live in 1930's Germany or 1940's America here. This is neither here nor there.

Following your logic, our population numbers would be so small in the future, it would be easier for the government to round us up if America went to war in an African country. Just like they did the Japanese.

Again, alarmist rhetoric drawing false equivalencies because you don't know what you're talking about so you set up straw man arguments to ascribe to people you don't agree with. GTFOH with your bullshyt.

You don't know how to think under a system called white supremacy.

Wanna bet?

You're the typical lazy black guy who wants to no structure, discipline, or accountability.

Nope. I'm just a realistic person that applies the same rules to everyone. You keep bringing up race because otherwise you'd have a much harder time defending your backward views.

Whatevers fast or requires less discipline,you will go for.Well, you can't make liberal choices and expect conservative consequences.

You get this from my posting... how? Oh right, you're making shyt up as you go along like accusations of infanticide or me only applying it to blacks (which I don't).

Idiots like you would make it easier for the government to round black people up before a war in Africa. And that would only be possible if we follow your logic and embraced abortion as a form of birth control.

For the millionth fukking time, I apply this rule to everyone, idiot. This has absolutely nothing to do with race, but you keep harping on that because it's easy to get people paranoid and scared about the things you're saying.

Yup, you have nothing to say except straw man arguments. Go ahead and keep making up your retarded arguments as you go along big guy. Keep arguing against nothing.


All Star
Jun 7, 2013
You came in mid argument with another poster who has said it in an attempt to cosign him but don't want to be associated with his viewpoint? lol. ok.

I didn't equate a thing. I haven't even really espoused my opinion on the matter, I have simply highlighted the horrendous logic and hypocrisy of the coli males in the thread. I simply said if this is true then logically so is this. That being, if men can't be expected to control their urges and exercise good judgement as much as women because they have less natural responsibility because they don't get pregnant as you yourself have just stated, then men certainly can't claim to have a reserved right to be in control or leader of a woman when they can't control themselves and according to you have no natural reason to.

No one with any sense of logic can debate that, which is why you don't want to.

Stop being so emotional.:wow:

They are interrelated. If women must accept that men are just naturally going to sleep around with anything that moves and no one should attempt to hold them accountable for that, or as accountable as women, men are not equipped to lead. If that is your nature, you ain't no damn leader. But if its not as hardwired as has been previous claimed, men need to be talking to men just as much as they attempt to talk to women about bringing down these oow births. <<<<That is the point and that is not any damn smoke screen, that is the topic of discussion.

The problem lies in men wanting to have it both ways when it fits them. Where they can set themselves up as these uncontrollable sexual beasts with no accountability beyond figuring out how to get laid (because they have less consequence to getting laid of course) but then feigning superior capability over women when it suits them. And YOU KNOW that you men are attempting to have it both ways which is why you are getting upset that I'm calling it out and trying to silence me smh lol

arguments here fall flat for a couple of reasons.

1) you suggest that men are the natural leader but in the case of a pregnancy a woman in this society controls what happens post-conception. for a second lets take unprotected sex off the table. a young, intelligent, vibrant man beds a woman and the condom breaks; or the man and woman have a steady relationship and for on reason or another she goes off birth control unbeknownst to the man. now the woman is pregnant, and the man is powerless in the decision making process through little fault of his own.

while i trust you'd probably empathize with the man, i doubt you'd advocate for him making the decision about whether or not to keep the child.

2) we live in a civilized society for the most part meaning that regardless of how handsome, or persuasive a man is, there isn't any sex happening without a woman consenting. i contend that sex is a natural thing and unless you feel that it's only meant to bring about children then you agree that people are going to have casual sex. with that said, every partners isn't going to be a prime pick for one reason or another (otherwise you'd be committed to them). so the idea that a man can only sleep with women of the highest values - under the threat of losing this leadership status that doesn't really exist - across the board isn't that realistic.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
No it fukking doesn't you disingenuous liar.

This is coming from someone who is pro choice, not someone who is looking to exterminate anyone. You sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist who watches way too much Fox News.

It's not infanticide if it's abortion. Get the fukk outta here with your alarmist rhetoric because you sound like a moron.

Right, I suppose your lazy platitudes about "manning up" are going to go so much further for teen parents, right?

Absolutely not, as I would love to see abortion as a safety net for people of any ethnic/racial type.

I don't suggest "infanticide" for anyone, but people like you (dumbasses) who make this about a racial issue rather than gender like to live in a state of paranoia rather than see the forest for the trees. I would recommend this for white, Hispanic, or Asian people that were not ready to start families. Nowhere in my posts did I ever recommend that blacks exclusively have this as an option and I challenge you to find a place where I singled out black people. The reason you're making this a race issue is because you don't have a leg to stand on, otherwise.

What I'm saying is that being a smaller population isn't necessarily a bad thing, particularly when said population has their ducks in a row. Jews have their ducks in a row and have been able to garner quite a bit of positive protection for themselves financially and politically without having to be hugely numerous. Get it? We don't live in 1930's Germany or 1940's America here. This is neither here nor there.

Again, alarmist rhetoric drawing false equivalencies because you don't know what you're talking about so you set up straw man arguments to ascribe to people you don't agree with. GTFOH with your bullshyt.

Wanna bet?

Nope. I'm just a realistic person that applies the same rules to everyone. You keep bringing up race because otherwise you'd have a much harder time defending your backward views.

You get this from my posting... how? Oh right, you're making shyt up as you go along like accusations of infanticide or me only applying it to blacks (which I don't).

For the millionth fukking time, I apply this rule to everyone, idiot. This has absolutely nothing to do with race, but you keep harping on that because it's easy to get people paranoid and scared about the things you're saying.

Yup, you have nothing to say except straw man arguments. Go ahead and keep making up your retarded arguments as you go along big guy. Keep arguing against nothing.

It's been racialized because I asked you to tell me what other race would suggest using abortion as a way to fix dysfunction in their community.

None.Why? Because they aren't as lazy as you when it comes to thinking about solutions to a problem.

You haven't offered any other solution for dysfunctional parenting other than using abortion as a form of birth control for black ppl.As of yet, not once have you spoken about changing inappropriate behavior patterns,so a barbaric procedure like abortion won't be necessary.Just admit that you like to maintain the status quo where there's no standards,discipline or accountability amongst black people.

Can you tell me any other race who would suggest abortion as a way to solve dysfunction within their community.

Conspiracy theory?

History repeats itself if you allow it.

so it's a conspiracy theory that American Japanese were rounded up before America went to war with Japan?You believe we're in a post racial America with a government that would never do such a thing to black people if america went to war with an African country?

With your logic, I can see black people being rounded up in the future just like the Japanese and Jews were.

history repeats itself.if you allow it.
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African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
Y'all nikkas in here talking about women getting abortions as if it's as simple as choosing whether to go to a party or a club on a Friday night.


Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
It's been racialized because I asked you to tell me what other race would suggest using abortion as a way to fix dysfunction in their community.

None.Why? Because they aren't as lazy as you when it comes to thinking about solutions to a problem.

I said it was applicable to every race, you dumbass.

You haven't offered any other solution for dysfunctional parenting other than using abortion as a form of birth control for black ppl.As of yet, not once have you spoken about changing inappropriate behavior patterns,so a barbaric procedure like abortion won't be necessary.Just admit that you like to maintain the status quo where there's no standards,discipline or accountability amongst black people.

Never once did I single out black people and this thread wasn't about offering solutions to the problem that you made this thread about, so there's no reason to hold that against me.

Can you tell me any other race who would suggest abortion as a way to solve dysfunction within their community.

Who said that this was the way to solve dysfunction? I just had it up as a safety net. Again, nice straw man.

Conspiracy theory?

History repeats itself if you allow it.

You're a dumbass that is making up straw man arguments and connecting dots that aren't there.

so it's a conspiracy theory that American Japanese were rounded up before America went to war with Japan?You believe we're in a post racial America with a government that would never do such a thing to black people if america went to war with an African country?

I didn't say that it's a conspiracy theory about the Japanese you fukking moron. I also don't think that there is any conspiracy to send people to Africa, because having abortions available to ALL PEOPLE isn't the same thing as a conspiracy theory against black people.

With your logic, I can see black people being rounded up in the future just like the Japanese and Jews were.

history repeats itself.if you allow it.

You are literally too stupid to insult.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I said it was applicable to every race, you dumbass.

Never once did I single out black people and this thread wasn't about offering solutions to the problem that you made this thread about, so there's no reason to hold that against me.

Who said that this was the way to solve dysfunction? I just had it up as a safety net. Again, nice straw man.

You're a dumbass that is making up straw man arguments and connecting dots that aren't there.

I didn't say that it's a conspiracy theory about the Japanese you fukking moron. I also don't think that there is any conspiracy to send people to Africa, because having abortions available to ALL PEOPLE isn't the same thing as a conspiracy theory against black people.

You are literally too stupid to insult.

Of course you don't want this thread to be about SOLUTIONS because that requires critical thinking.Instead you rather look for an easy solution that requires no discipline or, accountability.

I didn't say you singled out black people.What I asked you was what other race besides black ppl promote abortion as a way to fix dysfunction in their communities,like you have?

No other race would push that shyt because it's backwards. If you're not about solutions to what is your purpose? Point a finger? Maintain the same status quo?Are you against standards?Accountability? structure?

What type of black man are you?

The type that looks for the easy way out rather than getting to the root cause so the problem doesn't prolong.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
I only have a problem with the fact some nikkas here seem to have a problem with ALL single mothers as if its always they fault,dont care if the woman was married,if she a single mother shes worthless:camby:...I cant respect that,and then give the man a pass as if its the womans fault the father aint around:stopitslime:

on the other hand a lot of women get they defenses up and turn a blind eye to the horrible shyt women do that make themselves single mothers....I think men underestimate the fact a lot of men DONT want females to abort they baby,who like the idea of a woman he cares about havin his child and will be insulted and hurt by an abortion....but then the baby comes and shyt gets real:whoo:,and they dip out and just repeat the same situation over and over again too with multiple women...you don't know how somebody will react once the relationship is over til its over.

deadbeats don't come in "thug" like people act like,it really has no income bracket or attitude that comes along with it....I just say u gotta know the person before you judge,and if u not gon come down on dudes who have a kid floating around out there just cuz he don't have custody and the kid aint around,cant really do that to single mothers. either one could or could not be a scumbag in the situation,or neither could be. If we was talkin bout single mothers we can all agree on who aint shyt with multiple baby daddys then I have no problem with single mother bashing:pachaha:,,its the broad brush we like to use around here,but that's the case for just about everything around here....overkill and overexageration:manny:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Of course you don't want this thread to be about SOLUTIONS because that requires critical thinking.Instead you rather look for an easy solution that requires no discipline or, accountability.

I didn't say you singled out black people.What I asked you was what other race besides black ppl promote abortion as a way to fix dysfunction in their communities,like you have?

No other race would push that shyt because it's backwards. If you're not about solutions to what is your purpose? Point a finger? Maintain the same status quo?Are you against standards?Accountability? structure?

What type of black man are you?

The type that looks for the easy way out rather than getting to the root cause so the problem doesn't prolong.

Yup, too stupid to insult. Keep making your straw men, buddy. It seems to make you feel important.


Nov 22, 2013
I only have a problem with the fact some nikkas here seem to have a problem with ALL single mothers as if its always they fault,dont care if the woman was married,if she a single mother shes worthless:camby:...I cant respect that,and then give the man a pass as if its the womans fault the father aint around:stopitslime:

on the other hand a lot of women get they defenses up and turn a blind eye to the horrible shyt women do that make themselves single mothers....I think men underestimate the fact a lot of men DONT want females to abort they baby,who like the idea of a woman he cares about havin his child and will be insulted and hurt by an abortion....but then the baby comes and shyt gets real:whoo:,and they dip out and just repeat the same situation over and over again too with multiple women...you don't know how somebody will react once the relationship is over til its over.

deadbeats don't come in "thug" like people act like,it really has no income bracket or attitude that comes along with it....I just say u gotta know the person before you judge,and if u not gon come down on dudes who have a kid floating around out there just cuz he don't have custody and the kid aint around,cant really do that to single mothers. either one could or could not be a scumbag in the situation,or neither could be. If we was talkin bout single mothers we can all agree on who aint shyt with multiple baby daddys then I have no problem with single mother bashing:pachaha:,,its the broad brush we like to use around here,but that's the case for just about everything around here....overkill and overexageration:manny:



May 29, 2012
The men who failed to step up to their responsibilities as fathers does not reflect on the majority of black men because most of us dont have children.

Why do you keep attaching it to black men only? Our culture in general promotes and produces weak ass men.


May 4, 2012
Because I didnt grow up with my mom, I never had an absent father :ahh:
#ShoutOutToMyFatherGang #SOTMF

The single moms get bashed because they get caught up in their imagination thinking they can remodel swaggkiddmugga$taxxx245 into a father, instead of lookin at the reality that ole boy may not be the best influence on a developing seed. Even if it is his own.
You can fukk whoever you want, its your p*ssy :manny:
But please do society, him, yourself, and the child in the making a favor and dont procreate with a nikka just because he's attractive.. and this is coming from an ex-prettyboy :wow: