Why do y'all talk bad about single moms but.....

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Unfortunately, the single mothers are making bad picks with these fathers. Not all, but a large majority of them. If you fukk a low life, you think cause you have a kid with him he's gonna magically change. These women need to be more exclusive with their p*ssy. Some put more thought into what type of yaki they gonna get.

Have no accountability for brehs

Sam Peel

May 27, 2012
South London


May 1, 2012
Nope. She's a good poster though from what I remember.
You're the same broad. "you ain't gots to lie craig"

You are correct. I absolutely do believe Black mea and women are equally responsible for creating children in undesirable circumstances.
Word? No shyt? I had no idea.

A man can't force a woman to be on birth control. A man can't force a woman to have unprotected sex. A man can't force a woman to take a morning after pill. A man can't force a woman to have an abortion. If men did have those powers, there would be a lot less single mothers out here. Unless men somehow obtain the rights to control what women do or don't do with their bodies, there's no way that they can be just as responsible for them getting pregnant and giving birth. Stop being a coward who attempts to duck responsibility. It's your body and you're responsible for what happens to it.

However if you want to know my true opinion I would take it further and say that after the baby is born Black men are overwhelming at fault because even as equally as stupid as two people are to create a child that they are not ready for, there is only one group of them who are running away from responsibility after the mistake has been made.
This myth that single motherhood in the black community is all about black men "running away from their responsibilities" is a bunch of bullshyt that black women have been perpetuating for decades to absolve themselves of responsibility. Our laws don't allow men to run away from that responsibility. If a man refuses to support a child that he has fathered then women have the judicial system to turn to which they use and abuse quite often.

The truth is that a lot of these girls are getting pregnant without being in committed relationships on purpose because the government will sponsor them. A lot of these girls are having kids as a result of being in multiple uncommitted casual sex-based relationships. A lot of these girls are getting pregnant with absolutely no intention of having the father in the child's life. A lot of these girls dont even know who their actual baby's father is. You can't blame men for "running away" from women that they were never with or committed to. Getting pregnant by a guy doesn't make him your man or husband. You faulting black men for not wifing up these women after they have children when they weren't in committed relationships prior to, just shows how clueless you are. Men are not obligated to start a family with women who get pregnant in casual non committed relationships. If black women want to stop being single mothers then they need to stop having kids while they're single. It's that simple.

So emotional :pachaha:
So ignorant and stupid:heh: Neither the "u mad" game or any of it's variations work on me.

Explain how the 'leap' makes no sense. The thought is that men both should not be expected to be as sexually responsible as women because that is their nature and that they should not because they do not get pregnant. So explain to me how its a 'leap' to say a group with such little natural responsibility as you keep claiming should be handed the reigns over those who do? Why should what is essentially a child be trusted to ever do right, especially with others wellbeing at stake?
I've already explained how it's a leap. All you're doing is creating a straw man argument and using it to justify some underhanded dis. It's cowardly shyt. This is the 2nd or 3rd time that you've tried to make a point based on some shyt that I haven't said. I haven't said that men shouldn't be expected to be as sexually responsible as women. What I've said is that women bear more responsibility for what happens to their bodies than anyone else.

All these emotional, personal attacks...for why? :why:
I haven't made any personal attacks because I don't know you personally. Any insults directed at you are on the strength of your posts.

I have thoroughly uprooted the illogical nature of the points in this thread. You claim my points are the illogical ones but have said nothing to show how. Oh that's right, your disproving = you just angrily telling me whatever I say is irrelevant to this thread :pachaha:
You haven't uprooted anything. The only thing that you've done is create straw man arguments then argued with yourself. You're basically chasing your own tail.

Since you are desperately seeking to know my viewpoint, let me just stop you here and tell you that what you assume to be an indisputable fact is certainly not. I do not believe women bear more responsibility for getting pregnant than men who impregnate them
Desperate? I told you what your viewpoint was before you stated it. You didn have to tell me this, it's obvious. You ignorantly disagreeing with the fact that a woman is responsible for herself and what happens to her body only makes you look bad.

because I am not stupid enough to believe the only factor to having children is the physical labor of 9 months of pregnancy and giving birth. The man, if he wants to see his child flourish, much like if the mother does, must work to ensure it attains the right sustenance. Also that the mother carrying the child is not overly stressed or worked to harm the baby. So in pregnancy men are responsible for providing the physical, emotional, financial, and general moral support and to be the helpmate to the woman.
You're on something else here. Women bearring more responsibility for allowing a baby to be conceived in their body and the ideal way in which women and men should bring children in the world are two different topics of discussion. Yes, in a perfect world a man would always be there for the woman who is carrying his child. In a perfect world, women would wait intil they had a man like you describe above committed to them before they allowed themselves to get pregnant. It's not a perfect world though. In this non perfect world, women are choosing to have children by men who are unwilling or incapable of doing what you describe above. In this world, women are choosing to have children without men in their lives. You need to wake up to that reality.

So no, women are not 'more responsible' than men who impregnate them because I do not believe men are off the hook just because the baby isn't in their belly like you do. Maybe that would make sense if pregnancy weren't a fragile process or if babies were fully functional and could fend for themselves after coming out of the womb, but they can't. They need to be raised and it has been proven time and time again that the two parents are the ideal situation for this growth.
Here you are chasing your tail again. The funny part is that you seem to think that you're saying something. I've never said that men are off of the hook for anything. I agree that a 2-parent mom-dad household is te best environment to raise children in. I would love to see more fathers in the house raising their kids in our community. That doesn't discount the fact that women are responsible for their actions and what they decide to do with their bodies. Women are choosing to have children while they're single and we need to hold them accountable for these decisions. In the past when women were held accountable and looked down upon for being irresponsible sexually, there were a lot less single mothers. That's not a coincidence. When the government started sponsoring single mothers black women got on that "strong independent don't need a man" bullshyt.

But since I knew saying all this would be absolutely pointless to convince any coli males who are overwhelming selfish, insecure, and short sighted that there is any validity in what most other communities actually believe (which is why other communities of men realize there is actually real weight on them too if they get a girl pregnant), I didn't even bother. I did however, bother with destroying the horrendous logic being espoused by coli males in here. Why? Its a slow news day :manny:
You're chasing your own tail here. You haven't said shyt.

Another huge paragraph of insults? This is seriously like the majority of your post. Either debate or :camby: I don't care about how you feel about me.
There's a lot more than insults in there. I'm clearly calling your out for creating straw man arguments do that you can argue against yourself. It's really a disrespectful debating tactic that's why I insult you for insisting upon using it. I haven't said that men don't bear responsibility for kids that they father. I haven't said that men shouldnt be expected to control their urges or be held accountable. I haven't said that men are powerless. Yet your whole argument is based on refuting straw man positions. You're arguing against shyt that I haven't said then why I point it out you try and dismiss/ignore that by crying about the insults:snoop: You deserve to be insulted.

All lies.
Yes, you're going to say that's lies but I don't see women fighting for men's rights regarding children. I've never seen women speak out and try to end the double standards that are to the detriment of fathers. If anything , women perpetuate the double standards using and abusin them at will. When have you spoken out against the double standards? Point me to those posts.


May 1, 2012
If we are talking about prevention, your body and sperm are required to conceive the child just as much as her body and egg. It is you who keeps trying to force more responsibility onto women prior to conception because of what happens after it.
Men being required to conceive a child doesn't discount my point that a woman bears more responsibility for a child being conceived in her body. Women get pregnant men don't. Sexual intercourse does not have to lead to pregnancy and woman have a lot more say in whether the intercourse that they engage in leads to them becoming pregnant. I'll repeat, it's their bodies. Men don't have equal control over women's bodies therefore they can't be equally responsible for what happens to women's bodies.

But we are talking about prevention so your point is nonsensical. You keep mixing up situations. First you are talking about what happens after conception occurs and the act of pregnancy itself making women more responsible, now you are telling me that a man is not as responsible as a woman in even getting a woman pregnant? How does that make sense when they both have to consent to sex for her to get pregnant in the first place? But you're telling me that your logic is sound? :bryan:
I've explained this over and over. I'm talking about it all. If a woman becomes a single mother then yes, she bears the most responsibility for that fate. Nobody can be just as or more responsible than you are as a woman for you allowing a baby to be conceived in your body unless you were raped. Yes, it takes two to tango but only one person gets pregnant. Yes it's a double standard but it's a double standard that was created by nature. Thats not sayin that men dont have any responsibility or shouldnt be held accountable for their kids. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Seriously, which part of that do you have trouble comprehending?


I gave her D she got mad
Jul 9, 2014
Cuz singles mothers are WHORES

Cuz most of us date women. Not men. We don't care what single dads are doing lol.


Les Enfants Terribles
Jul 10, 2014
I know more single mom's than fathers that don't take care of they kids.


shyt ain't even remotely close to being a balanced comparison.

A female relative that is the sole breadwinner once told me that she's a "single mother" but she lives with her baby daddy :what:. I've also seen women claim single mom when they in relationships with men that aren't their baby daddies. :skip:

This is a male dominated forum, obviously there would be more threads of single mom's than deadbeat dad's.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
If you don't chastise single moms and their lifestyles you are enabling the next generation.

You are saying its OK and normal to have kids out of wedlock. Stop sugar coating it and realize it leads to a life of poverty, your kids turning to crime , only getting low quality men who may molest your children and the odds of ever getting married slim to nil.

Is this the life you brehettes want to live?

Section six, food stamps, digging out roaches out of your no name cereal?

Take a pledge and stop messing with low quality men, have your first child when you got a ring on your finger and commitment and security.

so eloquently written


I 💗My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
You haven't figured it out by now? They just hate women, especially one that doesn't agree with them or one that doesn't live their life according to their (the men of this forum's) wishes. That's why they'll hate on feminism, single mothers, sexually "liberated" women, etc. The only time I've seen them praise women on this forum was for physical aspects.

I'm not even joking either. The rhetoric on these topics within this forum is terrible. If more time was spent on educating rather than voicing opinions of others views, I'd imagine some change would occur.

I can take or leave most of the post. But, you're right on with the bolded.

This is the main reason you can't take a majority of guys, on here, seriously.

After a while, you got to ask; what are women doin' right, consistently, (besides having a vagina and breast) that you guys recognize?

I would make that thread, but, thecoli hates confrontations with their tight tenets (CACs, c00ns, Bed Wenchies & Single Mothers).