Why are there non crackhead homeless people still on the street after 5+ years?


Dec 29, 2016
@Unknown Poster @Wild self I spent 10 years working at the largest liquor store in midtown atl

I'm VERY familiar with a good chunk of the homeless that move around the city

There are tons of programs available to help get them on their feet but those programs stipulate that the homeless cannot engage in drugs alcohol or prostitution

Said homeless CHOOSE to remain on the street engaging in those acts, begging for money then going right to the liquor store, multiple times a day

I used to literally kick out the exact same people that I see begging all over the city because of how drunk and belligerent they would become throughout the day

That's not to say that they're terrible human beings. They just chose their vices over attempting to rebuild their lives

Again, it's a choice
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Sleepy Floyd

May 25, 2022
Houston, Texas
What spot you liked the most or I should say what was the relatively best spot to sleep at if you homeless
The shelter was THE ABSOLUTE WORST. worse than jail or prison. So much noise and fukkery

I was best off sleeping in apartment buildings. I would go down to the basement floor or laundry room. Luckily I didn't have to do that for long


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
And there are so many homeless Black people in America right now its sad. :(

12.7 - 14% of America's population yet make up 44% of America's homeless population.

Didn't expect it to be that high but I ain't even surprised by that figure either. Ancestors thought we was gonna able to live SOMEWHAT in harmony after being freed but NOPE.

If these neanderthals can't kill us with impunity they revert back to modern day physical slavery in prison by targeting us 6x more for petty crimes and offenses. Then inflict mental slavery by programming our youth via music, the environment and poverty stricken hoods/communities they dumped folk in after Jim crow, flooded em with guns, drugs to kill themselves with and dampen our spirits via the liquor, poison non healthy food and drugs littered in the hoods. :francis:
Finally limit our economic advances by making folk perpetual consumers rather than even 5% being owners. That % of us that are owners usually got through from entertainment, sports etc or strong family background, which again is rare for a lot of folk. Then if we wanna go the work route they monopolize that and limit qualified BM hires in corporate or tech environments for LGBT and women (for minority hire) or purely Asians (and Indians) in the tech environment. Now when/if you succeed in getting into these spaces you're usually the token and thus ostracized and hated on with passive aggressive microaggressions that you gotta deal daily. :francis:

Can't tell me these creatures ain't Satan spawns and I find great pleasure in knowing they'll be extinct for my descendants in 2-3 centuries assuming these parasites don't completely destroy the earth they've eroded since crawling out their caves.:unimpressed:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I worked with homeless folk for a couple years. The ones who aren't mentally ill, drug addicted, or alcoholic when they start off, that shytty-ass life on the streets will push you in that direction soon enough. You're always sleep-deprived, you're always in a foul mood. A drink or some sort of drug use sometimes is the only way to take the edge off the pain. Also a lot of homeless folk are up most of the night because you're always worried cause there are so many predators and messed-up people on the street, or the police are coming around and hassling you or kicking you out of your spot. So you walk around half-awake in the day just trying to find a place to finally catch up on your sleep.

Even to be ready for a job interview you need a couple good nights of sleep in a row plus a good bath with toiletries and a haircut/shave and nice clothes and the clothes have to be clean. Lining all that up at the same time isn't always easy, especially cause you often need to make multiple appearances (first going in to inquire, then then second time for the actual interview). Not to mention having a phone number to receive calls and having to put down an address, and gotta have minutes on your phone too. Not to mention how much transport costs.

A few months of that if you don't get out you get discouraged, you want to give up. The life becomes a routine. All that work to get ready for an interview doesn't seem worth it, you just start maintaining the routine. It's depressing as fukk.

I get that but when you homeless that money can stack minus food money and the occasional hotel/gym for a bath so eventually that minimum wage will build up enough to have 6+ months of rent so if you on the streets for 10+ years and you not mentally handicapped there's no excuse IMO

Virtually no one "stacks money" while they homeless. You can't work while you're sleep deprived, so if you come into any extra money then you have you put into a hotel room so you can get your slep. But you ain't gonna make enough to afford a hotel room every night, in addition to transport to and from your job plus food and work clothes and any other shyt.

In reality most homeless folk who come into any money use it to get as many nights in a hotel as they can, but they rarely manage to make it all the way to the end of the month.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Now, these talking points is why so many people refuse to help black folks. The mere connotation that "homelessness is a choice" is a disturbing talking point from the Ronald Reagan era.

That poster was exposed as a hardcore Ann Coulter stan. And he's a flat earther wherever that fits into the equation.


All Star
Nov 10, 2015
some people are just losers and/or glass is half empty types.

we've all been down on our luck. Its no biggie.

a few years ago I had to sleep on a family friends couch for a few weeks till I found a place.
Moved into a basement apartment I found on Craigslist because it was hella cheap and the owner of the building didnt run credit or check work history (I think the place was illegal).

I bought a $100 couch on FB marketplace and a $200 mattress on Amazon and worked my ass off for 3 years flipping anything I could get my hands on.

Moved out of that place with $xxx,xxx in the bank and living lovely now.

I dont want to hear anybody's excuses in the first world.
our lives are made up of the decisions we make everyday.

a lot of people are too smart of their own good and can only come up with reasons on why shyt dont work.
so they stay on sites like this looking for news to confirm their "the world is corrupt" opinions.

truth is their problem is them
The American dream, glad you mad it back


May 17, 2012
the internet
we are the poorest and weakest group on the planet. a presumably “black” community being home to threads that mock or downplay the financial hardship of others looks funny.

regardless of race I see a direct correlation with behavior and lifestyle.

black folks like to look at everything but the poverty culture we perpetuate
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Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
The psyche of having it all to losing that shyt over night and the people who said they had you
Are nowhere to be found
That's one thing about being homeless that really fukked with me mentally...you really find out who your true friends are.

I remember calling one particular person for help, and we were friends from grade school til college, and he told me basically not to talk to him about it. I never forgot that so when he called me trying to reconnect after not talking to him in 6 years a couple of months...I just went off on him and told him to lose my number cause I didn't want to be reminded of the person who claimed they were a friend of mine that refused to help me out when I was homeless.

That trauma from homelessness still lingers....especially just being homeless in NyC where there's all this wealth and privilege to go around and you not seeing any of it.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
The shelter was THE ABSOLUTE WORST. worse than jail or prison. So much noise and fukkery

I was best off sleeping in apartment buildings. I would go down to the basement floor or laundry room. Luckily I didn't have to do that for long
I slept in my car when I was homeless and lived out of there til I got into a near fatal accident on Myrtle Ave in Woodside. Then I would go from staying at the YMCA to sublets to hotels to weekly efficiencies.

But the feeling of having to drive my car around for 15 minutes before I went to bed just to heat it up so I wouldn't freeze to death while sleeping is one i do not miss.