I don't generally feel sorry for homeless white people. America is set up for them to succeed.
I have seen it plenty of times when White people look away or speed pass by, while a Black American stops and hands a homeless person money or food. Say what you want about my ethnicity, but at the end of the day a good portion of us are very generous people. That generosity even expresses itself in our propensity to run to the aid of other ethnicities, even when they rarely do the same for us.
You took a selfless act of altruism and turned it into something racist and selfish. Might as well just keep the money for yourself.I've given White men claiming they are homeless money. I just give them half the amount I give to hispanics, and one quarter the amount I give to my own people (Black Americans). I do something similar when it comes to tips too. A good White waitstaff will receive 20% in tips, hispanic will receive 30%, and Black American will receive 40%.
I am of the opinion that if all of my people followed something similar, who can afford it, it would be helpful to those who need it the most, based on the hindrances to opportunities each receives in this country. My wife follows a similar idea, but she is not as charitable as me. She does not go above 25% on tips, but our people do receive the higher tips from her too.
Why does it bother you that I give money based on a weighted average scale? Since society is weighted in favor of those lighter ethnicities, I give less to them. Those who suffer more, receive less consideration, and have less overall wealth, I give more to.You took a selfless act of altruism and turned it into something racist and selfish. Might as well just keep the money for yourself.