- Now, you're insinauting that I don't think that people who have Black phenotypes can make open water voyages. Not entirely true. There's genetic evidence (real, substantiated evidence) that Black people sailed to Madagascar at around the same time Austronesians from Borneo sailed to that island. What evidence is there that Malians sailed to Guatemala or Hispaniola (as
@Akan believes) to spread Islam and inspire people to build large stone heads? None, really.
Moreover, West Africans (unlike East Africans of Swahili heritage) didn't have the naval technology nor the economic incentives to make such voyages. Remember, Columbus made his voyage in 1492 to get to the Indies or China. There was an economic incentive. Plus, naval technology in Western Europe had advanced enough to allow for voyages to places like the Canary Islands.o in the south or Benin in the south. Furthermore, West Africa's prevailing winds prevent sea travel without a lateen sail to sail against that wind. That technology only existed around the Indian Ocean coastline of East Africa at that time.