Which one of you coli wolfs put sotomayors grandma house on craigslist?


May 1, 2012


DOOM, all capitals, no trick spellin'
May 15, 2013
Georgia, Home of the trillest
That's not answering anything.

Again, why tell him to stop his free speech because someone else is threatening his family? Why not just speak out against the bytchmade nikkas making the threats instead?

And again, if this was some pro-black, non-'c00nish' youtuber being threatened, would y'all suggest he stop for the sake of his family? Or would y'all not say shyt about him because he didn't do anything deserving of thread.....and instead just call out the bytchmade people making the threats?

Whether or not what he does is 'important', is not only subjective but irrelevant. He should be able to say whatever he wants without people threatening his family, and without other people blaming HIM (even if it's just in part) for someone else's threats
Same thing to a pro-black nikka.


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
That's not answering anything.

Again, why tell him to stop his free speech because someone else is threatening his family? Why not just speak out against the bytchmade nikkas making the threats instead?

And again, if this was some pro-black, non-'c00nish' youtuber being threatened, would y'all suggest he stop for the sake of his family? Or would y'all not say shyt about him because he didn't do anything deserving of thread.....and instead just call out the bytchmade people making the threats?

If they're just dudes on YouTube preaching then yeah I would tell them to lay low for awhile too. If they're people in the outside world actually making some progress that's a diff story. the internet ain't worth it breh.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
What's funny is tommy last few videos have not even really been about black women. Must of been cause he called out Jews and gays
May 9, 2012
Same thing to a pro-black nikka.

If they're just dudes on YouTube preaching then yeah I would tell them to lay low for awhile too. If they're people in the outside world actually making some progress that's a diff story. the internet ain't worth it breh.

Good to know y'all two are at least consistent, because a lot of nikkas AREN'T

And I wouldn't tell either one to fall back, personally

I get the point of doing what's best for the family, but that doesn't mean I think he's somehow to blame for the threats like how some other nikkas are suggesting


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Man @I'm Billy FUCO!! and @Hiphoplives4eva you both need to wake up and realize this is the real world.

We all have freedom of speech but have to acknowledge that that freedom of speech can also cause consequences this is shyt you should have learned very early on in life and as adults you should know by now that often when one person does something it affects their family. It's neither wrong nor right but it's how the world is. Ever notice when someone commits a heinous crime people go as far to say they don't want the person's family in their community eventhough they aren't the one's who commited the crime. This is life.

When that white guy called that black man n-gger and got his face smashed on concrete people argued that it was him practicing 'free speech'. Yeah a white person can practice free speech and call people a nikka but don't be surprised if someone fukks you up because of your 'free speech'.

In the hood if someone does something wrong it's not new for his brother to get jumped. This is how life works.

In regards to the internet thing, times are changing, back in the day people could talk smack on the internet but with the emergence of social media it's not hard to pinpoint who you are and where. TROLLING is now officially a chargeable crime, every week people go to jail over dumb shyt they said on twitter.

So before you put something online you have to ask yourself 'would I say this in real life' if you wouldn't then don't say it. Tommy has gone from just shytting on black women to shytting on people in general.

'We need more Zimmermans' what ?! We both know that if he said that IN REAL LIFE he would have caught a beating, so why say it online ?! Then cry when motherfukkers catch feelings.

People just need to acknowledge that this is real life and actions have consequences.

When dude started bringing in George Zimmerman aka a man who killed a black BOY in cold blood for nothing, he made himself open game. Whatever happens to him will happen and that's how life works.

It's not right, it's not wrong. It's just life.

@Spoonz powerful posting from you yet again :salute:


All Star
Nov 9, 2012
man go on wit this cryin ish , nizza kick rocks, yo mama or your grandma aint shyt they raised yo to be like this, you wanna be hard actin like you bout that be bout it then . :pacspit:for that GZ ish , lol mad cuz a chico swung by to pick up a free bedroom set cmon man ,


New Bee
May 2, 2012
Queen City
Tommy stays crying wolf so much its not even funny

*Upload controversial, horribly executed video and take it down 30 minutes later*

"They flagged my account down":sadbron:

Don't be mistaken, Tommy hates young black men just as much as black women. He paid good money for his house next to the white folks and best believe if he saw Trayvon Martin walking a pitbull down the street in his neighborhood he'd turn his nose up at him:pacspit:


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Man @I'm Billy FUCO!! and @Hiphoplives4eva you both need to wake up and realize this is the real world.

We all have freedom of speech but have to acknowledge that that freedom of speech can also cause consequences this is shyt you should have learned very early on in life and as adults you should know by now that often when one person does something it affects their family. It's neither wrong nor right but it's how the world is. Ever notice when someone commits a heinous crime people go as far to say they don't want the person's family in their community eventhough they aren't the one's who commited the crime. This is life.

When that white guy called that black man n-gger and got his face smashed on concrete people argued that it was him practicing 'free speech'. Yeah a white person can practice free speech and call people a nikka but don't be surprised if someone fukks you up because of your 'free speech'.

In the hood if someone does something wrong it's not new for his brother to get jumped. This is how life works.

In regards to the internet thing, times are changing, back in the day people could talk smack on the internet but with the emergence of social media it's not hard to pinpoint who you are and where. TROLLING is now officially a chargeable crime, every week people go to jail over dumb shyt they said on twitter.

So before you put something online you have to ask yourself 'would I say this in real life' if you wouldn't then don't say it. Tommy has gone from just shytting on black women to shytting on people in general.

'We need more Zimmermans' what ?! We both know that if he said that IN REAL LIFE he would have caught a beating, so why say it online ?! Then cry when motherfukkers catch feelings.

People just need to acknowledge that this is real life and actions have consequences.

When dude started bringing in George Zimmerman aka a man who killed a black BOY in cold blood for nothing, he made himself open game. Whatever happens to him will happen and that's how life works.

It's not right, it's not wrong. It's just life.

@Spoonz powerful posting from you yet again :salute:

nikka you aint shyt. You obviously dodged my initial point and typed up a bunch of nonsense in order to condone this bytch made behaviour, all because you disagree with the Sotomayor. So if they killed his grandmom would you have been fine with that? Perhaps i take issue with this post you just put out and then in response send the goons out to murk your moms? Would you still have this nonchalant attitude then?

The point of the matter is that i would have NO problem for a person approaching tommy in the streets and whooping his ass because the had a problem with something he said. Its this idea of attacking people's FAMILY members over some internet BULLshyt that YOU seem to want to condone all because you think Tommy is an a$$hole. There is no way a decent human being can cosign this bullshyt, despite the shyt tommy talks at times.

Its just pathetic how quick blacks will sabotage each other, kill each other, or fukk each other's lives up but when the perpetrator is a white man, nikkas dont have shyt to say.

Again, nikkas aint shyt.


Staff member
Jun 6, 2012
Man @I'm Billy FUCO!! and @Hiphoplives4eva you both need to wake up and realize this is the real world.

We all have freedom of speech but have to acknowledge that that freedom of speech can also cause consequences this is shyt you should have learned very early on in life and as adults you should know by now that often when one person does something it affects their family. It's neither wrong nor right but it's how the world is. Ever notice when someone commits a heinous crime people go as far to say they don't want the person's family in their community eventhough they aren't the one's who commited the crime. This is life.

When that white guy called that black man n-gger and got his face smashed on concrete people argued that it was him practicing 'free speech'. Yeah a white person can practice free speech and call people a nikka but don't be surprised if someone fukks you up because of your 'free speech'.

In the hood if someone does something wrong it's not new for his brother to get jumped. This is how life works.

In regards to the internet thing, times are changing, back in the day people could talk smack on the internet but with the emergence of social media it's not hard to pinpoint who you are and where. TROLLING is now officially a chargeable crime, every week people go to jail over dumb shyt they said on twitter.

So before you put something online you have to ask yourself 'would I say this in real life' if you wouldn't then don't say it. Tommy has gone from just shytting on black women to shytting on people in general.

'We need more Zimmermans' what ?! We both know that if he said that IN REAL LIFE he would have caught a beating, so why say it online ?! Then cry when motherfukkers catch feelings.

People just need to acknowledge that this is real life and actions have consequences.

When dude started bringing in George Zimmerman aka a man who killed a black BOY in cold blood for nothing, he made himself open game. Whatever happens to him will happen and that's how life works.

It's not right, it's not wrong. It's just life.

@Spoonz powerful posting from you yet again :salute:

The breh @Theraflu done came and crushed the buildings :wow:


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
nikka you aint shyt. You obviously dodged my initial point and typed up a bunch of nonsense in order to condone this bytch made behaviour, all because you disagree with the Sotomayor. So if they killed his grandmom would you have been fine with that? Perhaps i take issue with this post you just put out and then in response send the goons out to murk your moms? Would you still have this nonchalant attitude then?

The point of the matter is that i would have NO problem for a person approaching tommy in the streets and whooping his ass because the had a problem with something he said. Its this idea of attacking people's FAMILY members over some internet BULLshyt that YOU seem to want to condone all because you think Tommy is an @sshole. There is no way a decent human being can cosign this bullshyt, despite the shyt tommy talks at times.

Its just pathetic how quick blacks will sabotage each other, kill each other, or fukk each other's lives up but when the perpetrator is a white man, nikkas dont have shyt to say.

Again, nikkas aint shyt.

Breh you need to learn to READ. READ. READ. Comprehension is CRUCIAL.

1. I never said I disagree with him or called him an 'ass-hole' Point out to me where I called him an ass hole NOW.

2. Tell me where I said I condone their behavior. show me that NOW.

You won't be able to because you skimmed through my post, NOT reading assumed I was a Tommy hater saying 'he deserved it' and never read the shyt I write. My post wasn't even about Tommy it was about 'freedom of speech' but obviously you didn't read that shyt.

Unless you're going to actually READ my post and answer what I actually wrote rather than responding with some shyt I never even said and ASSuming what you thought I was sayin this conversation is worthless.

Everyone else seems to grasp what I was trying to say but if you honestly don't. Let's not waste each other times.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Breh you need to learn to READ. READ. READ. Comprehension is CRUCIAL.

1. I never said I disagree with him or called him an 'ass-hole' Point out to me where I called him an ass hole NOW.

2. Tell me where I said I condone their behavior. show me that NOW.

You won't be able to because you skimmed through my post, NOT reading assumed I was a Tommy hater saying 'he deserved it' and never read the shyt I write. My post wasn't even about Tommy it was about 'freedom of speech' but obviously you didn't read that shyt.

Unless you're going to actually READ my post and answer what I actually wrote rather than responding with some shyt I never even said and ASSuming what you thought I was sayin this conversation is worthless.

Everyone else seems to grasp what I was trying to say but if you honestly don't. Let's not waste each other times.

Negroe please. Your entire post has the aura of "Sotomayor got what was coming to him" which is essentially an attempt to condone the actions of the perpetrators. Hide behind words if you like, but we all know exactly what you mean. Anything but outright condmenation of this fukkery is reprehensible.

Good day.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Negroe please. Your entire post has the aura of "Sotomayor got what was coming to him" which is essentially an attempt to condone the actions of the perpetrators. Hide behind words if you like, but we all know exactly what you mean. Anything but outright condmenation of this fukkery is reprehensible.

Good day.

Good day :jawalrus:
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