When did black men and women start beefing?

NYC Warrior

Dat ole real sh*t
Feb 18, 2013
i dont think dude is speakin from his personal experience with black females. I think he is speakin from observation. question: should black womenb be free from critcism?

Dude wanna act like my point went over his head when he know exactly what I'm saying. My last paragraph should have made it clear and obvious but I'll post it again:

Brothas admit to their faults and shortcomings waaaaay more than black women do, that's a fact. You can't even criticize sistas because they get defensive and use shaming tactics no matter how you come across. If a chick has had like 10 bad relationships, its always the men to blame 100% of the time. Tell me when black women ever look in the mirror and admit their part in the reason why black relationships are fukked up today?

I know of females who are in relationships and even married to good dudes who still talk greasy about black men even if the dude has a good job and holding down the family. I have a cousin like that. These punk captain save a hoe nikkas just wanna get brownie points and offline daps from broads without taking them to task for the way they act, but dudes who have the balls to call chicks out are the ones who aren't "real men" FOH. Broads wanna talk like every black woman is Coretta Scott King or some shyt, but will be the first to cosign one of their friends who plays a good dude out. Obviously I'm not talking about every black woman, but since we like to point out the dogs among us, lets talk about the bytches.

Fact is, black men are not even the only ones who complain about black women's behavior and the way they conduct themselves. Until BOTH sides admit their faults shyt will never get resolved and the rift will only grow no matter what the females and cape nikkas wanna say. Even if black men are 70% to blame, then chicks need to acknowledge their 30%.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Dude wanna act like my point went over his head when he know exactly what I'm saying. My last paragraph should have made it clear and obvious but I'll post it again:

Brothas admit to their faults and shortcomings waaaaay more than black women do, that's a fact. You can't even criticize sistas because they get defensive and use shaming tactics no matter how you come across. If a chick has had like 10 bad relationships, its always the men to blame 100% of the time. Tell me when black women ever look in the mirror and admit their part in the reason why black relationships are fukked up today?

I know of females who are in relationships and even married to good dudes who still talk greasy about black men even if the dude has a good job and holding down the family. I have a cousin like that. These punk captain save a hoe nikkas just wanna get brownie points and offline daps from broads without taking them to task for the way they act, but dudes who have the balls to call chicks out are the ones who aren't "real men" FOH. Broads wanna talk like every black woman is Coretta Scott King or some shyt, but will be the first to cosign one of their friends who plays a good dude out. Obviously I'm not talking about every black woman, but since we like to point out the dogs among us, lets talk about the bytches.

Fact is, black men are not even the only ones who complain about black women's behavior and the way they conduct themselves. Until BOTH sides admit their faults shyt will never get resolved and the rift will only grow no matter what the females and cape nikkas wanna say. Even if black men are 70% to blame, then chicks need to acknowledge their 30%.
Find a thread on this board in which black men admit their faults.


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
Do you actually believe that any of these studies hold scientific merit:laff:?
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

Why stop there then, we might as well believe all those scientific studies that state BP the IQs of mental disabilities Individuals? You know the same ones that state BM have the lowest IQs all races even lower than their own Women?

Black men are willing to claim every piece of racist B*llshyt about BW they find one the net, even studies that have long been discredited, But then want to us to cosign you when you claim all those racist statistics regarding ya'll IQ, lack of achievement and general dis-functionality are false...

All of your excessive moaning & complaints still doesn't make any of these studies invalid. So unless you have some worthwhile evidence to present from a credible source which would refute any of the research I listed, keep it moving, boo!

only then do you care to question methodology and ask how the fukk can a sample size in London or the US accurately account for the global population

Truly a joke Let me post negative "scientific" studies to say anything about BM ya'll would freak out

All empirical studies use random sample sizes as part of a formula to extrapolate data! So please explain how you can "accurately account for the global population" based on any test using empirical research guidelines?


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Please tell me which women you've dated in the past that you've had issues with when it came to this? I keep hearing this argument being brought up, but I rarely hear anyone admit to it happening to them.

Bro, dudes on here are severely delusional dudes who can't get women to fall in line to save their life and then want to blame every other dude or woman for their problem. No sense in arguing logic on here.

I know several college educated women who say that they would love to be home makers and take care of their man and family. They would want nothing more than to build a nice home and have a man lead them and make mostly every decision for them.

This shyt on here is like an alternate reality. In real life, girls think I'm sexist and chauvinistic for the ish I think/say, but on here I'm a super simp for saying the same shyt. nikkas on here are warped!

And I wouldn't even say that they are wrong about everything they are saying, but they are clearly just people who are stuck in the hood/low-income areas/population centers (which has nothing to do with race).

A dude just said he has to worry about women setting him up to get robbed. :wtf: :laff: And dudes dapped it up as if they can relate to that kind of shyt. What does that tell you all about the (a) kind of money these people make and subsequently where they live, (b) the kind of women/people they hang around (c) the type of places they frequent, etc. It's just like a woman complaining that "nikkas ain't shyt". Well, obviously you keep attracting that type because you ain't shyt either.

Obviously, dudes on here a fukking with 2 different grades of females: one group fukking with out of control hoodrats and one group fukking with women who know how to act. That "robbed" comment literally had me :laff: early in the morning. Don't see how dudes really dapped that joke of a post. :what:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
nikkas got me confused

They spend all day crying about women, but then have a flock of obedient dimes :dwillhuh:

They spend all day crying about marriage, shaming married people, telling people not to get married, but then complain about the single mom epidemic :wtf:

They claim to hate + not deal with black women, but spend all day talking about them :leostare:

The numbers just dont add up

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012

Here's three, now should I post all the videos of black men shaming black women and saying that we're ugly, not worthy of dating and why black men prefer white women? Or why black women are jealous of white women because I've seen quite a few of those.

This is all so sickening.
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Jun 22, 2012
Bro, dudes on here are severely delusional dudes who can't get women to fall in line to save their life and then want to blame every other dude or woman for their problem. No sense in arguing logic on here.

I know several college educated women who say that they would love to be home makers and take care of their man and family. They would want nothing more than to build a nice home and have a man lead them and make mostly every decision for them.

This shyt on here is like an alternate reality. In real life, girls think I'm sexist and chauvinistic for the ish I think/say, but on here I'm a super simp for saying the same shyt. nikkas on here are warped!

And I wouldn't even say that they are wrong about everything they are saying, but they are clearly just people who are stuck in the hood/low-income areas/population centers (which has nothing to do with race).

A dude just said he has to worry about women setting him up to get robbed. :wtf: :laff: And dudes dapped it up as if they can relate to that kind of shyt. What does that tell you all about the (a) kind of money these people make and subsequently where they live, (b) the kind of women/people they hang around (c) the type of places they frequent, etc. It's just like a woman complaining that "nikkas ain't shyt". Well, obviously you keep attracting that type because you ain't shyt either.

Obviously, dudes on here a fukking with 2 different grades of females: one group fukking with out of control hoodrats and one group fukking with women who know how to act. That "robbed" comment literally had me :laff: early in the morning. Don't see how dudes really dapped that joke of a post. :what:

Only women I have issues with are black women.
And guess what...everytime I hear them saying "you date white/Latina women because you can't handle a strong black woman"

Why do I want to "handle" anyone? I handle problems and situations not women.

I just want to fukk and get a nut. All the extra stuff loud mouth attitude and "strong" personality I really don't need that sh!t

Is that hard to ask for? :jada:

NYC Warrior

Dat ole real sh*t
Feb 18, 2013
Black women, it's our fault! - YouTube

Yes Black Women, we SHOULD apologize to Black Men.......let me tell you why..... - YouTube

One of Few BLACK WOMEN WHO REALLY GETS IT!!!!!!!(Thank God Black Women like this Still Exist) - YouTube

Here's three, now should I post all the videos of black men shaming black women and saying that we're ugly, not worthy of dating and why black men prefer white women? Or why black women are jealous of white women because I've seen quite a few of those.

This is all so sickening.

I apologize to my BLACK women - YouTube


Black men bashing black women - YouTube

Now should I post videos of black women shaming black men and throwing us under the bus and saying we ain't shyt and encouraging other black women to seek white and other non black men?

No matter what you say, it goes both ways. That was my point you and other posters like DaCHUMPIsHere pretend not to get. I'm not even bashing black women either.

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
I apologize to my BLACK women - YouTube


Black men bashing black women - YouTube

Now should I post videos of black women shaming black men and throwing us under the bus and saying we ain't shyt and encouraging other black women to seek white and other non black men?

No matter what you say, it goes both ways. That was my point you and other posters like DaCHUMPIsHere pretend not to get. I'm not even bashing black women either.

Not get what? Posters were in here stating that black women only like playing the victim and do not take accountability for their contribution to the current state of the black community. I posted three videos showing otherwise. I don't know the point you're trying to make with your reply.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Bro, dudes on here are severely delusional dudes who can't get women to fall in line to save their life and then want to blame every other dude or woman for their problem. No sense in arguing logic on here.

I know several college educated women who say that they would love to be home makers and take care of their man and family. They would want nothing more than to build a nice home and have a man lead them and make mostly every decision for them.

This shyt on here is like an alternate reality. In real life, girls think I'm sexist and chauvinistic for the ish I think/say, but on here I'm a super simp for saying the same shyt. nikkas on here are warped!

And I wouldn't even say that they are wrong about everything they are saying, but they are clearly just people who are stuck in the hood/low-income areas/population centers (which has nothing to do with race).

A dude just said he has to worry about women setting him up to get robbed. :wtf: :laff: And dudes dapped it up as if they can relate to that kind of shyt. What does that tell you all about the (a) kind of money these people make and subsequently where they live, (b) the kind of women/people they hang around (c) the type of places they frequent, etc. It's just like a woman complaining that "nikkas ain't shyt". Well, obviously you keep attracting that type because you ain't shyt either.

Obviously, dudes on here a fukking with 2 different grades of females: one group fukking with out of control hoodrats and one group fukking with women who know how to act. That "robbed" comment literally had me :laff: early in the morning. Don't see how dudes really dapped that joke of a post. :what:

Breh, I was wondering the same shyt. I'm like what type of evil, demonically possessed women are these nikkas interacting with :mindblown:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
It's ironic, because the OP actually started this thread PRAISING black women.

Anyway, my take on it is this....there's obviously a lot of deep pain on both sides and I've really yet to see any honest dialogue with people keeping their emotions in check. Most of the discussions I've listened to over the years have flared up more than a bad case of hives.

I think beneath all of the shouting, cussing, shaming language, insults, finger pointing etc....black men and women DO want to be with each other for the most part. If they didn't, then they'd just call it a day and KIM. When we're on top of our game, our bonds are unbreakable. But when the bs keeps creeps in, then shyt gets ugly.

It is embarrassing, but at the same time it's hugely detrimental to us as a people. However, I think its mainly a western problem, because when you go to most of Africa and the caribbean, black people surround each other for the most part so they don't have this issue. I know plenty of folk from other lands who didn't even know these flaming wars existed until they came to the west.

Ultimately, I'll just say if the other side disgusts you so much and you don't care to have any honest dialogue and come to some kind of peaceful resolution or truce, the least you can do is go elsewhere and shut up about it. If you know you'll never date or marry with black men/women then it makes no sense even arguing about this shyt. The least you can do is go quietly and go live happily ever after with a non black person. The only thing is, I don't know what person in their right mind would wanna deal with someone who hates their own people so badly, no matter what colour they are.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
nikkas got me confused

They spend all day crying about women, but then have a flock of obedient dimes :dwillhuh:

They spend all day crying about marriage, shaming married people, telling people not to get married, but then complain about the single mom epidemic :wtf:

They claim to hate + not deal with black women, but spend all day talking about them :leostare:

The numbers just dont add up

I should have saved the post, but there was one nikka on here talking about how horrible black women are and all the shyt he goes through. Come to find out this nikka don't even live around black people and don't even interact with black women at all. And on top of it he said the black women he does deal with treat him like a king.

Most of these cats on here are just mentally disturbed.
Jul 26, 2012
And unfortunately it's also a FALSE revisionist history post.

Black women didn't wake up one day and decided to throw black men to the wayside. This idea that black women just suddenly woke up and decided black men weren't shyt is a FALSE lie put forth by people with their own agendas. Here is the truth...

1). Long before there was a "Destiny's Child" singing "Independent Women" there was a man by the name of William Hannibal Thomas, who was a self-hating BLACK man. This individual wrote a BOOK in which he completely shytted on black women. Oh and that was in the EARLY 20th century. NONE of the so-called black leaders came out in defense of black women. In fact, the ONLY people who defended black women were BLACK WOMEN.

Long before there was an Alice Walker there was a Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and a Chester Himes who didn't do black women any favors in their literature. Richard Wright whose father abandoned him and his mother and took up with another woman, typically portrayed black women as angry mammies. Chester Himes suffered from colorism. Ralph Ellison was fond of incest involving young black girls and black men in his books. Again, this was all BEFORE there was any such thing as an Alice Walker and The Color Purple.

2). The great migration. I know some of you delusional anti-education fools on this site like to think the black family was strong and prosperous until welfare and the white feminist came along but it's not true. During the great migration black men were abandoning their family and migrating NORTH for better economic opportunities and all those "fine" sister in places like New York, Chicago and Newark. While MOST black men did not abandoned their families in the south SOME DID. Malcolm X's father was one such man.

3). Around WWII big businesses began to explore outsourcing. In the decades that followed outsourcing became more popular and unskilled labor jobs began to leave this country.

4). Black women, who were the majority of the people riding the bus in AL, began boycotting buses after a woman by the name of Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus. This campaign was at first the brain child of black women's organizations before church leaders and the NAACP came together and appointed a black man to lead what was to become the Civil Rights Movement.

5). Sexism in the Civil Rights movement begins to rear its ugly head. Not a single black woman is allowed to give a speech (key word) at the March on Washington.

6). White feminist begin joining organizations such as CORE and the SNCC where they come in contact with black men. Black men, who at this point are black nationalist, begin what is known as "talking black and sleeping white." Black women in the organization protest this action. Some speak out. They voice their concerning about "Black women and black men coming together to build the black community." They are told to STFU.

7). Stokey Caramichael comes out and declares women's role in SNCC "prone" despite the reality that women were doing MOST of the heavylifting. White women decide they've had enough. They leave the SNCC and start their own movement...the feminist movement.

8). Black Nationalist such as Eldridge Cleaver and a lesser extent Huey P. Newton voice their sexism against black women. Eldridge published a book in the 1950s in which he wrote about his "practice" of rape on BLACK WOMEN before raping his more desired prey...white women. When Huey goes the prison his woman is put in charge. She faces opposition from BLACK MEN in the black panther party.

9). SOME (not most) black women who are tired of being treated like second class citizens within their race decide to chuck the dueces and join the fight for women's rights. These women include Angela Davis, who also found herself a victim of black men's sexism. Note...black leaders abandoned Ms. Davis while she was in prison. Ironically it was women and white feminist who came to her aid.

10). Free love (read: sex), drugs and a counter-productive "hippie" culture invades mainstream and black America.

11). Black men decide they want to be free. These men are already under/unemployed and poor providers for their families. They were also often abusive. Often times the women were the main and only providers for the family. This caused resentment on both sides.

When welfare is put forth black men didn't voice any opposition to it. When "that report" comes out black male sociologist say it will HELP the black community....not hurt it (please do your research). Black men decide to leave...if only to help their families get that government check to support themselves.

12). Vietnam war: black men coming home junkies and virtually unemployable.

13). A black woman decides to run for the Democratic ticket for president. She is met by opposition from black men such as Jesse Jackson and Julian Bond who feel she shouldn't run. They throw their support behind that white guy.

14). A new age of black women is coming to age and they are becoming more and more vocal about their issues with black men. They are the generation that has grown up watching, reading and hearing all the contradictions black men put forth. These women begin something that black women have never had: a literary voice. They begin to tell their stories...as black men like Richard Wright did LONG before them.

15). The crips, bloods, Gangster disciples, etc begin to rise in inner cities.

16). Crack cocaine is born.

17). Gangster rap is born.

18). Disrespecting black women in music becomes the norm.

19). Yet another age of black women is born and SOME of those women decide....they don't need black men who really don't contribute shyt to their lives anyway.

20). Which brings us to the present.


So black men deserve 90% of the blame..Gotcha..... :russ: