When did black men and women start beefing?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Bdizzle, I don't feel none of what u saying in this thread....real rap

This thread is on some battle of the sexes sh/t but u simping so hard u would have to get thrown over

Who exactly am I simping for? Me telling black men collectively we need to get our shyt together is simping for women?

I'll repeat what I've said before. The current generation of black men dropped the ball when it comes to being men. You got a bunch of nikkas online bytching and complaining about women, bytching and complaining about the black community, and bytching and complaining about white people, and won't even lift a finger to change shyt.

Y'all complain just as much as the women you claim to hate. This is the generation of emotional bytch made nikkas who lack discipline and can't even get basic respect from a broad. Your lives and the way women in your lives treat you is a reflection of how much you have failed as a man.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
We got a white knight mangina on here.

So I guess black women are loyal when they set brothas up to get robbed, right?

So I guess they loyal when they mock a good dude and see him as some kind of a cornball or a lame because he's not a baller, but only wanna get with him once they're pass their prime with three kids in tow?

So I guess black women are loyal when they treat brothas like shyt in the workplace for no reason other than to show out in front of their white coworkers?

So I guess black women are loyal when they will cheat on their loyal boyfriend and fukk another nikka?

So I guess black women are loyal when they shut their ex out of their children's lives and spread all kinds of lies about him so the kids can grow up to hate him, even when he's doing his best to provide for his children monetarily while she spends 90% of the child support money?

Speaking of bad spouses, I guess Khalid Muhammed's wife was loyal when she left the revolutionary on the floor to die in their home and waiuting for several hours to call emergency services?

Yeah everything thats happened is the black man's fault because some dude wrote an anti black woman novel over a hundred years ago. foh.

Brothas admit to their faults and shortcomings waaaaay more than black women do, that's a fact. You can't even criticize sistas because they get defensive and use shaming tactics no matter how you come across. If a chick has had like 10 bad relationships, its always the men to blame 100% of the time. Tell me when black women ever look in the mirror and admit their part in the reason why black relationships are fukked up today?

*Kat Williams voice* Don't worry I'll wait.

nikka what type of broad are you dating that put you through all of this? Serious question? Or are you just thinking of every negative stereotype of black women you've ever heard and threw it one post?

Like I keep saying, y'al nikkas are walking hypocrisies. Cause if a black women was to come in here and spout every generic, racist, hyperbolic rhetoric about black men y'all nikkas would get heated.

Y'all complain and bytch just as much as the women you claim to hate. If you continuously keep getting shytted on by women, it's a reflection of you as a man. The same way if a bytch keeps getting shytted on by men, it's a reflection of her as a woman. You can't keep blaming everyone else for your fukked up relationships and mediocre existence. Take stock in your life and fix your deficiancies. That shyt just makes you seem bytch made.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
nikka I'm a man. Why the fukk am I gonna blame a bytch for my house falling apart? If the black community is in disarray, who's supposed to fix it?

Like I've said a bunch of times in this thread, y'all nikkas complain more than the bytches you say you hate. Y'all do the exact same thing you blame women of doing. Nothing is your fault, you have no accountability, and you're just a victim.

Most of you nikkas just need to go head and throw a skirt on and get a sex change.
:beli: nikka everybody knows men are supposed to be the ones who build the community

That's not the argument, black men know we have fukked up in the past and play a large part in why the community is in shambles nobody is denying that

But the fact that you refuse to admit that black women have had any type of participation in that and absolve them of all responsibility is sickening and simpish in itself:what: Because they have a large role in the problem also and if me saying that makes me a bytch then so be it

You say we need to put on the skirt and get a sex change but it looks you are the one that needs to grow some balls

Max Power

Mar 23, 2013
The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way
blah blah blah blah

Anyone got odds on this bytch having a


May 28, 2012
Its 2013...

Aint no ballin' ass nikkaz fukkin' with black darkskin bytches anymore...


The darkest I go is a redbone... Give me a latina or a white bytch, I dont wanna see any precious type muthafukkaz ridin' next to me in my car, or swimmin' in my pool....

A nikka just out here winnin' :blessed:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
nikka what type of broad are you dating that put you through all of this? Serious question? Or are you just thinking of every negative stereotype of black women you've ever heard and threw it one post?

Like I keep saying, y'al nikkas are walking hypocrisies. Cause if a black women was to come in here and spout every generic, racist, hyperbolic rhetoric about black men y'all nikkas would get heated.

Y'all complain and bytch just as much as the women you claim to hate. If you continuously keep getting shytted on by women, it's a reflection of you as a man. The same way if a bytch keeps getting shytted on by men, it's a reflection of her as a woman. You can't keep blaming everyone else for your fukked up relationships and mediocre existence. Take stock in your life and fix your deficiancies. That shyt just makes you seem bytch made.

i dont think dude is speakin from his personal experience with black females. I think he is speakin from observation. question: should black womenb be free from critcism?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
when the roles in the household started to change in the 90's when corporations started to close manufacturing plants and thanks to the white media taking over major black networks from tv and even radio.. look at essense magazine.. a black magazine run by whites.. smh

the crack epidemic did all that damage. Made black folk priorities all fukked up by saying that fast money>> helping your own people, on top of ignorance being glorified as the norm. Look at today with all that ratchet TV with black folks fighting and beefing. :wtf:

The black man/ woman problems also got worse when video hoes started to get attention, and further evolved that problem in the FB/ Twitter/ Worldstar era.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The shyt will never end.

U have so many Black Men/Black Women living in a fantasy world it's sad

ladies that rich man u looking for is not coming knocking on your door and u brothers that fine azz light skinned sista with no kids isn't coming your way soon..

believe me don't let BET, VH-1, MTV, beyonce or rick ross get your head so far up in the clouds u can't see shyt



Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
As far as undesired and desired, I think Black men should keep believing they are highly desired by all races of women if that's what makes them feel better. Whatever floats your boat and gets you thru the day. Just leave Black women out of it. If we are supposedly so undesirable, let us be and keep our names out of your mouths on Twitter, Youtube, BM dominated forums, and all other manners of places. Why is that so hard?

Hate to burst your delusional bubble, but there is actual scientific data which actually validates and confirms that among women of most racial groups (Native American, Black, Asian & White) Black Men are more desired physically than men of other races. SORRY!


Are human beings hard wired to find different races attractive? Study finds white people rate white partners SECOND | Mail Online

http://www.the-coli.com/Black women...more physically attractive than nonblack men.http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/why-black-women-are-less-physically-attractive-tha

PLOS ONE: A Facial Attractiveness Account of Gender Asymmetries in Interracial Marriage


May 11, 2012
MOCO awl day

Lol. I mean I think Black men are the most attractive but you should acknowledge that lot of the results of those studies are due to fetishizing.... just saying. But that's neither here nor there.

Something really important for the black community going forward will be to not hold the actions of INDIVIDUALS against groups.

For example, if you meet a black woman and she is rude and has a bad attitude and two kids, you don't generalize those characteristics to black women as a whole. The world ALREADY does that to us--so often we're seen as representatives of our race (which isn't fair or accurate).

It takes a lot of maturity not to categorize everything as black and white (no pun intended) and I feel like a lot of people just haven't gotten there yet.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013

Do you actually believe that any of these studies hold scientific merit:laff:?

Why stop there then, we might as well believe all those scientific studies that state BP the IQs of mental disabilities Individuals? You know the same ones that state BM have the lowest IQs all races even lower than their own Women?

Black men are willing to claim every piece of racist B*llshyt about BW they find one the net, even studies that have long been discredited, But then want to us to cosign you when you claim all those racist statistics regarding ya'll IQ, lack of achievement and general dis-functionality are false... only then do you care to question methodology and ask how the fukk can a sample size in London or the US accurately account for the global population

Truly a joke:heh: Let me post negative "scientific" studies to say anything about BM ya'll would freak out:deadrose:


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
I think both sides are too damn sensitive. The females don't wanna be held accountable for anything (never wrong), and the men are prone to being butt hurt too much.

However, i've come to the conclusion that a big catalyst for this is the lack of jobs. It used to be back in the 60's and 70's that there were companies who had factories in neighborhoods with a lot of black people. You could work at these factories without a degree and make a decent living.Then these companies pulled those factories out because they could have them overseas for much cheaper. So what's left? Fast food jobs, that's what's left. Even the grocery stores pulled out, so you only have liquor stores left. Remember seeing that old abandoned grocery store in the hood? So then the white flight occured, white people started leaving while the blacks stayed as the cities as a whole tanked.

So when you have a bunch of poor, uneducated people, those ignorant teenagers are going to be having unprotected sex and bringing kids into the world they aren't prepared/ready for. The boys can't handle that responsibility, so they dip out. So these ignorant ass girls are left to raise these kids, and maybe they have help from the grandparents if they're lucky. Basically it's a cycle and these kids usually don't stand a chance. Sometimes there's a certain situation, and a bright kid who can overcome it all. Avoid all the negative influence, the gang banging, drugs, pregnancies etc. and end up getting a scholarship to college, but it's rare.

Kids didn't learn about positive black role models in school,, they're only taught about all the "great white men" of the past. George Washington, Christopher columbus, Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln etc. etc. You may hear about MLK and MAYBE Malcom X if you're lucky. Black kids can't relate to hearing about all these white men, they need to hear about all the blacks who have succeded in the midst of all the recial tensions and segregations. I'm talking about all these black inventors who are responsible for a lot of shyt we use today, but have basically been forgotten. They didn't even teach me about them in black schools, my own mother had to educate me about them. So these black kids look to the only role models they see and are aware of, athletes and rappers. I don't need to tell you how it goes from there.:snoop:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
i dont think dude is speakin from his personal experience with black females. I think he is speakin from observation. question: should black womenb be free from critcism?
No, and nobody claimed they should. This whole "you dont cosign demonizing black women so you must be a misandric mangina" thing is the biggest strawman in the whole discussion. There are a lot of factors destroying the black family unit and black women are in no way innocent. But you can't have an objective, rational, level headed discussion w/people like @marcuz @ChrisB @Will Ross bringing in their emotional baggage and making everything so one sided. The minute you mention anything black men do or question their allegations hurled at black women you're hit with a stamp of "bias" and illegitimacy. Its tired
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