When did black men and women start beefing?


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
No matter what you say, it goes both ways. That was my point you and other posters like DaCHUMPIsHere pretend not to get. .

That's funny, cause I don't ever remember even stating anything about some damn Youtube videos :skip:

Lonely people make videos for other lonely people too watch so they can both have a pity party. shytty on all sides, moreso on the male side, cause that seems like some feminine shyt to do/watch.

You're obviously just going off on tangents to get your anger out (again, I never said anything about any videos). I'm moreso focused on the fact your first concern when meeting a women is whether she's setting you up to get robbed. You sound emasculated as fukk. And it sounds like you need to be more focused on getting yourself together financially and moving to a better neighborhood before even thinking about getting at a woman. Your priorities are allllll fukked up.

If you're in the hood, that's fine. But don't extrapolate that to all black women to make yourself feel better. I'd say the same to a black woman trying to say that black men don't take care of their kids

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
No, and nobody claimed they should. This whole "you dont cosign demonizing black women so you must be a misandric mangina" thing is the biggest strawman in the whole discussion. There are a lot of factors destroying the black family unit and black women are in no way innocent. But you can't have an objective, rational, level headed discussion w/people like @marcuz @ChrisB @Will Ross bringing in their emotional baggage and making everything so one sided. The minute you mention anything black men do or question their allegations hurled at black women you're hit with a stamp of "bias" and illegitimacy. Its tired

your wife is white.
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Jul 26, 2012
Believe me...you don't want to play tic for tac with me. Unlike you and the rest of the "I read some bullshyt on a blog written by a black woman hating black man so it must be true" crowd I can actually CITE my sources.

I can go through each one of my points and refer you to a BOOK...many of which were written by BLACK MEN in their own words. :stopitslime:

I doubled majored in Biochemistry and History. So trust me...you're out of your league. I will shut you and anyone else spewing the "It's black women's fault B.S" DOWN and I will use the words of black men in your history books to do it. :bustback:


Are you an alias or something?
May 11, 2012
For me it is forum in general. I will state for the umteenth time, from what I saw on LSA it was a bunch of black women tearing each down. I've said it a millions time and I'm saying it again now. I never saw black men talk crazy about black women like this until I joined this board.

A lot of BM feel the same way offline as they do online.

It's just that offline, there's no anonymity to hide behind.There's no place for you to "hide yourself" to reveal yourself.

As a man, I know how dudes talk when it's just guys around.They say a lot of the shyt you hear online.

Difference being, a lot of these internet nikkaz seem jaded.They really take that shyt to heart.

nikkaz offline(that I hang with) discuss some of those same issues, but it's without the vitriol.We might say "sistahs do this and sistahs do that" but it's none of that weak ass "wall of silence" shyt.nikkaz handle that shyt more gracefully offline.

They'll repeat a lot of the shyt you hear on the net, but as soon as you see a fine sista walk by, them nikkaz go :blessed:

They don't take it as serious.It's more a conversation piece


All Star
Jun 21, 2012

I'm not sure the relevance of this to my post, since I was talking about divorce statistics. Black men, particularly those married to white women, divorce at more than double the rates of the next highest divorce group.

As for your studies

The last study says this:

"Data from previous studies support the required pattern of facial attractiveness over different racial groups. Black men were rated as being significantly more attractive than White men; however, little difference was found between women [25]. A follow-up study found that White women were rated as more attractive than Black women although this was not significant once a conservative Bonferroni correction had been applied [26]."

So despite Black men yelling from the rooftops about how undesirable Black women are to everybody including them, the "study" you reference says no.

Next, the participants that this study is based on:

"Of the male raters, 15 were White, 2 were Black and 3 were Asian. Of the female raters, 14 were White, 3 were Black and 3 were Asian."

And all were college students rating facebook pictures of other college students. That is already a :childplease: moment, seeing as how the sample size and participant makeup is ridiculous, but it becomes even worse when you look at the previous studies they referenced to try to reinforce their conclusion. Not to mention them all being college students certainly skew the results to not reflect every day reality.

As for the second study, that just links back to the-coli.com so not sure if you were thinking no one would click it and find out, but I did :childplease:

Finally, the first study is referencing the third study so you really didn't have any study to post besides the one with the 20 total respondents per gender at a university. A study that no accredited scientific journal has ever mentioned or taken seriously (for good reason). Also, just so we are clear, the "model" the study you kept referencing as if it were different studies only works in the UK and it barely works there. A lot of the discussion part of the study is basically the author trying to explain away why his model doesn't work in any other circumstances than the one he created.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Ultimately, I'll just say if the other side disgusts you so much and you don't care to have any honest dialogue and come to some kind of peaceful resolution or truce, the least you can do is go elsewhere and shut up about it. If you know you'll never date or marry with black men/women then it makes no sense even arguing about this shyt. The least you can do is go quietly and go live happily ever after with a non black person. The only thing is, I don't know what person in their right mind would wanna deal with someone who hates their own people so badly, no matter what colour they are.

This is what I keep saying. I don't see why its so hard. If I hated a particular group of people, thought they were ugly, disgusting, vile, chimpish, hair hat wearing, and whatever other stuff they hurl at Black women, I'd never waste an ounce of energy on them, let alone THIS much. I mean daily hour on the hour bashing and can't get them off your mind? That's a mental problem, seriously. It just feels as if some of the guys need a scapegoat for what's wrong in their life so bad, and Black women are just easy targets.

NYC Warrior

Dat ole real sh*t
Feb 18, 2013
That's funny, cause I don't ever remember even stating anything about some damn Youtube videos :skip:

Lonely people make videos for other lonely people too watch so they can both have a pity party. shytty on all sides, moreso on the male side, cause that seems like some feminine shyt to do/watch.

You're obviously just going off on tangents to get your anger out (again, I never said anything about any videos). I'm moreso focused on the fact your first concern when meeting a women is whether she's setting you up to get robbed. You sound emasculated as fukk. And it sounds like you need to be more focused on getting yourself together financially and moving to a better neighborhood before even thinking about getting at a woman. Your priorities are allllll fukked up.

If you're in the hood, that's fine. But don't extrapolate that to all black women to make yourself feel better. I'd say the same to a black woman trying to say that black men don't take care of their kids

Yeah well, too bad for you that you don't know shyt about me to start getting personal. I've lurked this forum for a while and seen your posts and you come across as a sucker ass lame your damn self. LOL @ "emasculated" that's so original I wish I had a prize to give you.

Obviously I was using EXAMPLES to counteract the bs by 'MurderSheWrote' blaming black men for every single damn thing. I said so much other things and that one sentence about the robberies is all you and those other two a$$holes are stuck on. I knew people who have lost brothers because of that shyt, hence why I used it as an example. I never bashed black women or called them out their name. In fact I've actually defended black women in another thread when some christian dudes were using the bible to get on some misogynistic nonsense, so your bullshyt ass paragraph about 'priorities' and the rest of your post for that matter is totally irrelevant.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
The reality is we are venting after years of being told we aint shyt. We not getting on CNN saying black women are no good.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
This is what I keep saying. I don't see why its so hard. If I hated a particular group of people, thought they were ugly, disgusting, vile, chimpish, hair hat wearing, and whatever other stuff they hurl at Black women, I'd never waste an ounce of energy on them, let alone THIS much. I mean daily hour on the hour bashing and can't get them off your mind? That's a mental problem, seriously. It just feels as if some of the guys need a scapegoat for what's wrong in their life so bad, and Black women are just easy targets.

True, but you can't even take a lot of the black women bashing on the coli to heart. Half these dudes are trolling for the most part or just braindead anyway. A lot have actually stood up for black women though. I remember a thread about interracial dating and there was a vast number of dudes who say they only date black women. This very thread has dudes sticking up for sistas. I personally feel as if anything positive brothas have to say about black women wouldn't be acknowledged or remembered anyway, only the negative stuff gets pushed to the fore because idiots always tend to shout the loudest. :yeshrug:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
The reality is we are venting after years of being told we aint shyt. We not getting on CNN saying black women are no good.

You are to scared to say these things while showing your face, so you hide behind a computer. Women smell the cowardice on you nikkas and treat you accordingly

Sent from handheld Minority Report console


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
True, but you can't even take a lot of the black women bashing on the coli to heart. Half these dudes are trolling for the most part or just braindead anyway. A lot have actually stood up for black women though. I remember a thread about interracial dating and there was a vast number of dudes who say they only date black women. This very thread has dudes sticking up for sistas. I personally feel as if anything positive brothas have to say about black women wouldn't be acknowledged or remembered anyway, only the negative stuff gets pushed to the fore because idiots always tend to shout the loudest. :yeshrug:

Oh no I definitely know not all Black men have the hatred for Black women like the men on the coli (or even all coli men for that matter). I know far too many amazing Black men and women in my real life to be jaded by the nonsense that goes on here.

Sometimes I stick my head in to combat some of the ignorance, but for the most part I have the truly hateful ones on ignore and can't even see what they're writing until y'all quote them. Some folks don't want to be saved from their misery and I wouldn't let myself be drug down with them :yeshrug:


Real O.G.
Dec 1, 2012
As for your studies

The last study says this:

"Data from previous studies support the required pattern of facial attractiveness over different racial groups. Black men were rated as being significantly more attractive than White men; however, little difference was found between women [25]. A follow-up study found that White women were rated as more attractive than Black women although this was not significant once a conservative Bonferroni correction had been applied [26]."

So despite Black men yelling from the rooftops about how undesirable Black women are to everybody including them, the "study" you reference says no.

Actually, I never mentioned in my response that Black Women were/weren't considered or deemed desirable by other races of men (which is why I included all the information based on this particular study) so your point of reference is worthless.

the first study is referencing the third study so you really didn't have any study to post besides the one with the 20 total respondents per gender at a university.

Uh, WRONG! AGAIN! The first link was just an article done by dailymail.co.uk discussing the general ramifications of the overall research done, however it was not complete, so I gathered the actual testing documents and presented them
as well.

As for the second study, that just links back to the-coli.com so not sure if you were thinking no one would click it and find out, but I did

I am not sly & disingenuous as you are, therefore the second study that I attempted to post was done in error. I have added it below and edited my OP to reflect the correction as well (this is a completely different study which basically has the same results as the first)

Why Black Women Are Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women

Next, the participants that this study is based on:

"Of the male raters, 15 were White, 2 were Black and 3 were Asian. Of the female raters, 14 were White, 3 were Black and 3 were Asian."
And all were college students rating facebook pictures of other college students. That is already a :childplease: moment, seeing as how the sample size and participant makeup is ridiculous, but it becomes even worse when you look at the previous studies they referenced to try to reinforce their conclusion. Not to mention them all being college students certainly skew the results to not reflect every day reality.

A study that no accredited scientific journal has ever mentioned or taken seriously (for good reason). Also, just so we are clear, the "model" the study you kept referencing as if it were different studies only works in the UK and it barely works there. A lot of the discussion part of the study is basically the author trying to explain away why his model doesn't work in any other circumstances than the one he created.

So basically you want to dismiss the entire study as flawed and irrelevant, yet at the same time highlight & choose information about BW and their desirability amongst other races as factual/accurate so that it fits into your convoluted ideology! Oh, how slick of you!
May 11, 2012
It's a lot of ratchet females out here,but the black women I love, I love em to death.

Mom's....My Sisters....Aunts....Female Cousins who'd smash a bytch if I needed them to....The sistahs in school who wrote my essay's when I didn't feel like doing it..etc

I cherish the love.Them some of my best friends, y'all:to:

I just wanna dedicate that to all the sistahs that have been there for me.It really swells my chest up...I don't know if Brandy meant it that way, but it feels appropriate to me...We'll get it together one day:wow:
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Will Ross

May 5, 2012
You are to scared to say these things while showing your face, so you hide behind a computer. Women smell the cowardice on you nikkas and treat you accordingly

Sent from handheld Minority Report console

You claim to know a bunch of wonderful black women but somehow your wife is white. So out of all the wonderful black women you know a white woman was the one you choose to share your life with. you can talk about me chris b marcuz but you're the one that married a white woman and sold black women out by saying hey your a good friend but :ANYWORD: is the wife.