What's wrong with your girl going to clubs/lounges?


Jun 23, 2012
I can fukk with special occasions like birthdays,wedding celebrations,graduation celebrations. But if its to the point where your a regular i cant mess with that.

Special occasions is cool..im just talking bout going just to go. Or your friends keep convincing to go.

If she's constantly wanting to go, then I would say that that's a reflection on you. If it's Friday night and you're talking about sitting in the house, then maybe she's not for that. If her friends are asking her regularly to go out, it's probably because they KNOW her ass won't be doing anything. So then maybe you can step in as a mate and make some other suggestions.

This goes for women too. Do things with your spouse...fun things not just boring sit around and tell each other how much we like each other things and the need to go out with your friends to just be social may decrease. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand fukking just sitting around someone, hugged up and calling that a date especially when I could be out with my girls clowning or doing the same thing at home, but by myself in a more comfortable outfit.

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
If it's a serious relationship she has no business in a club and neither do I. If I'm giving up that single lifestyle to show my commitment to our relationship then I expect her to do the same. It's not about trust at that point, it's about taking that next step in your relationship.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Maybe all of her friends with be there. :shrug: I think grown ups have the ability to behave and be social in a club (at the same damn time) even if it's assumed you're only there to get attention. Most bars/clubs now are more like lounges with pool tables and televisions so it's understandable to be there for social time.

I think there is nothing wrong with anyone in a relationship going to a club/bar as long as the two are still spending time together, they both agree with it and have respect for their relationship. NO enviornment or person is going to make you lose respect for your relationship, unless you let it happen.

Social time with friends can be had in plenty of other places. In fact with the loud music and advances from men, if a woman really wanted to just have social interactions with her friends the club is the last place she should go.

The reason the club is the usual meet up place is because at least one if not most of the women in the crew are looking to hook up. A woman in a relationship shouldn't be playing wingman for her single friends. Even if she has no intentions of doing anything wrong, a slore of a friend could put her in a precarious position. And again that's not to say she will just cheat because she is there. But when it comes time for the available women to be "available" the woman who isn't could end up alone at the club or at some nikkas house for the after party. In realty the unavailable woman shouldn't want to go and the available women shouldn't want her there. Their end goals are contradictory and they just get in each others way.

With that said. My wife goes out sometimes and I have no problem with it mainly because I trust her single friend. But if she was to all of a sudden start wanting to go to the club all the time, then I would know something was going on

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
If she's constantly wanting to go, then I would say that that's a reflection on you. If it's Friday night and you're talking about sitting in the house, then maybe she's not for that. If her friends are asking her regularly to go out, it's probably because they KNOW her ass won't be doing anything. So then maybe you can step in as a mate and make some other suggestions.

This goes for women too. Do things with your spouse...fun things not just boring sit around and tell each other how much we like each other things and the need to go out with your friends to just be social may decrease. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand fukking just sitting around someone, hugged up and calling that a date especially when I could be out with my girls clowning or doing the same thing at home, but by myself in a more comfortable outfit.

Yea i def agree w/ that. But for the brehs and sisters who has kids to raise it doesnt always work out like that . I have no problem with you hanging out w/ ur friends and getting out the house. Thats not an issue at all. But why in that bar/club environment?

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Women that are single always hate on the woman that has a man. so best Believe her single friends will try to get her to fukk up.

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
Social time with friends can be had in plenty of other places. In fact with the loud music and advances from men, if a woman really wanted to just have social interactions with her friends the club is the last place she should go.

The reason the club is the usual meet up place is because at least one if not most of the women in the crew are looking to hook up. A woman in a relationship shouldn't be playing wingman for her single friends. Even if she has no intentions of doing anything wrong, a slore of a friend could put her in a precarious position. And again that's not to say she will just cheat because she is there. But when it comes time for the available women to be "available" the woman who isn't could end up alone at the club or at some nikkas house for the after party. In realty the unavailable woman shouldn't want to go and the available women shouldn't want her there. Their end goals are contradictory and they just get in each others way.

With that said. My wife goes out sometimes and I have no problem with it mainly because I trust her single friend. But if she was to all of a sudden start wanting to go to the club all the time, then I would know something was going on

This man spitting the truth right here. Back in the early stages of my relationship my girl's friends would always benefit off of her because she always looked better than them..like by at least 2 notches so she would get drinks bought for her crew,get into places free. I wasnt feeling the whole dudes buying drinks for her so i approached her about it and she stopped. She knew what we were trying to build was more important than catering to her single thirsty ass friends .


Jun 23, 2012
Social time with friends can be had in plenty of other places. In fact with the loud music and advances from men, if a woman really wanted to just have social interactions with her friends the club is the last place she should go.

The reason the club is the usual meet up place is because at least one if not most of the women in the crew are looking to hook up. A woman in a relationship shouldn't be playing wingman for her single friends. Even if she has no intentions of doing anything wrong, a slore of a friend could put her in a precarious position. And again that's not to say she will just cheat because she is there. But when it comes time for the available women to be "available" the woman who isn't could end up alone at the club or at some nikkas house for the after party. In realty the unavailable woman shouldn't want to go and the available women shouldn't want her there. Their end goals are contradictory and they just get in each others way.

With that said. My wife goes out sometimes and I have no problem with it mainly because I trust her single friend. But if she was to all of a sudden start wanting to go to the club all the time, then I would know something was going on

There is a difference in meeting someone that has always frequented the club vs someone who just starts going regularly out of the blue. Of course concerns will be raised.

Women are adults. If they allow themselves to get into a precarious position, then they will. No single friend is forcing them to do anything. Maybe I just know how to tell someone "no" and mean it. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not playing wing-woman. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not going to an after party or some random dude's house because that's NOT the club and that's not where I said I was going. If single friends put you in positions to disrespect your relationship, then those hoes aren't your friends.

This is less about going to the club regularly and knowing your dealing with a responsible adult as a woman.

Made Man

All Star
May 8, 2012
There is a difference in meeting someone that has always frequented the club vs someone who just starts going regularly out of the blue. Of course concerns will be raised.

Women are adults. If they allow themselves to get into a precarious position, then they will. No single friend is forcing them to do anything. Maybe I just know how to tell someone "no" and mean it. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not playing wing-woman. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not going to an after party or some random dude's house because that's NOT the club and that's not where I said I was going. If single friends put you in positions to disrespect your relationship, then those hoes aren't your friends.

This is less about going to the club regularly and knowing your dealing with a responsible adult as a woman.

You see the thing is you are a rarity. Most falll victim to peer pressure male or female. What if u didnt drive? You ridin with your friend...she wants to make a stop real quick BAM! Yo ass just got put in a situation. Its really easy to get in them


Jun 23, 2012
Yea i def agree w/ that. But for the brehs and sisters who has kids to raise it doesnt always work out like that . I have no problem with you hanging out w/ ur friends and getting out the house. Thats not an issue at all. But why in that bar/club environment?

Because those are places typically open at night? Where else are you and your girls going to go on a weekend night that's open after 10? A bar, A restarant (that has a bar), a club( that has a bar) or perhaps a bowling alley (that has a bar). That's just what's available socially at night.


Li pitit gason
Nov 28, 2012
3rd Rock From the Sun
OP needs to clarify the question:
Ladies night once in a while (eg 1/month) = :yeshrug:

Girl going out almost every weekend without you = :merchant: plus if thats the case why u with that in the first place..homegirl come back smelling of peach schnapps and finds you fallen asleep sucking ur thumb with Lifetime movies from the mid 90's playing :russ:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
There is a difference in meeting someone that has always frequented the club vs someone who just starts going regularly out of the blue. Of course concerns will be raised.
The only difference is that the more serious the relationship gets, the less time she should be spending in the club.

Women are adults. If they allow themselves to get into a precarious position, then they will. No single friend is forcing them to do anything. Maybe I just know how to tell someone "no" and mean it. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not playing wing-woman. If I'm in a relationship, I'm not going to an after party or some random dude's house because that's NOT the club and that's not where I said I was going. If single friends put you in positions to disrespect your relationship, then those hoes aren't your friends.
Things aren't always so cut and dry. Sure she is responsible for herself, but why go to a place where you have to make all those precautions and arrangements just to kick it with people who ultimately don't want your company at the end of the night?

This is less about going to the club regularly and knowing your dealing with a responsible adult as a woman.
I agree, and a responsible adult in a serious relationship usually doesn't frequent places where singles meet up, for all of the aforementioned reasons.


Jun 23, 2012
You see the thing is you are a rarity. Most falll victim to peer pressure male or female. What if u didnt drive? You ridin with your friend...she wants to make a stop real quick BAM! Yo ass just got put in a situation. Its really easy to get in them

I'm not a rarity, I'm an adult and there are plenty of adult women.

I'm not in a relationship either but I always drive myself (depending on where we are going) or keep money in the stash. Oh I WILL get home or I'll sit in the car with the door locked if that's not a place I want to be. Plus I have a cell phone too? One phone call and I'm out of there. Women have choices, some just make bad decisions.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
There isn't a black and white answer. If you're girl is in her late teens to mid 20's, you can't chain her up because more often than not she wants to have fun and live life. Niccas will have a 22 year old girlfriend trying to make her act 32. Y'all niccas gotta stop that. Now, if your girl is damn near 30 or over and STILL wildin' like she's fresh out high school yeah....she's prolly not wifey material and all you're doing is setting yourself up for ulcers, Drake songs and late nights in your car alone crying.

Hell no :what: . There is more to life than the clubs. Mad nikkas out there are brainwashed thinking that chicks are supposed to party all the time