Whats gone' happen if Dr.' Umar Johnson doesn't deliver on his school?(Update: stripper scandal smh)


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
The funny thing about this type of discussion is why are we questioning this dude? What's the basis?

N#ggas want to question sending this man $25, $50 or $100 dollars a month and need to see diagrams and blueprints to justify sending more. But I never see n#ggas ask for such assurance when spending money at the mall with Neiman Marcus or Macy's. You don't know where that money goes or how its used, but you still give it.

I never see n#ggas question Nike and how they use that $150 they just spent on a sneaker that cost $20 to make.

I never see n#ggas question Budweiser, Coca-Cola or Ciroc about where that money goes.

I never see n#ggas question McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's or Chic-Fil-A about why they should pay $5 for a sandwich.

So, we question sending $50 to a black dude who, by all accounts, is thorough and trying to do something for black boys by establishing an institution dedicated to giving them racial self-esteem, a great education and practical skills to work for themselves. But we don't question the Chairman of Ford and confirm how the money we spend on his cars may be used to finance right-wing politicians who want to make laws that directly aim at disenfranchising the very black people buying Fords.

But that's not inferiority complex. That's not c00ning. That's not inappropriate racial behavior. That's just due diligence :troll:

Well, miss me with due diligence until you start questioning Nike, the mall, Apple, fast food restaurants, corner stores, cable companies and everything else black people freely spend money on.



Jun 4, 2012
The funny thing about this type of discussion is why are we questioning this dude? What's the basis?

N#ggas want to question sending this man $25, $50 or $100 dollars a month and need to see diagrams and blueprints to justify sending more. But I never see n#ggas ask for such assurance when spending money at the mall with Neiman Marcus or Macy's. You don't know where that money goes or how its used, but you still give it.

I never see n#ggas question Nike and how they use that $150 they just spent on a sneaker that cost $20 to make.

I never see n#ggas question Budweiser, Coca-Cola or Ciroc about where that money goes.

I never see n#ggas question McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's or Chic-Fil-A about why they should pay $5 for a sandwich.

So, we question sending $50 to a black dude who, by all accounts, is thorough and trying to do something for black boys by establishing an institution dedicated to giving them racial self-esteem, a great education and practical skills to work for themselves. But we don't question the Chairman of Ford and confirm how the money we spend on his cars may be used to finance right-wing politicians who want to make laws that directly aim at disenfranchising the very black people buying Fords.

But that's not inferiority complex. That's not c00ning. That's not inappropriate racial behavior. That's just due diligence :troll:

Well, miss me with due diligence until you start questioning Nike, the mall, Apple, fast food restaurants, corner stores, cable companies and everything else black people freely spend money on.


Well I guess I'm just a c00n ass nikka then. :francis: I need to update my coli.com banner to c00n of the year.

You don't need a degree to lead a movement..... (Malcolm x, assata shakur)...

But you need a Degree to call yourself a doctor.... unless you want to be a ball player or rapper.

Dr. Claud Anderson
Dr. B Watkins
Dr. Amos Wilson
Dr. Ben Carson :troll:

Dr. fraciess wrissling

^ These are doctors.

And at the end of the day......... people aren't going to blindly throw their money at something, especially something that isn't self gratifying. It would have taken Min Effort to have a real plan and backup plan for the funds.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
i've brought or helped bring ALL of these guys and ladies to my area.

i know how much they make and the extra shyt they ask for. Some are cool about stuff, Some are pre madonnas.

so let me ask you.... What do you really know of "conscious" promoters?.. It's tough to raise the money or front the money, but if there is a will there is a way.

And wtf does Dr. Umar mean by meaningless degrees??

And how is his emphasis on entrepreneurship skills when he's showing that he needs someone to teach him?

Tangible. Name 1 things that Umar has produced that is Tangible.

and why are you always saying peace, you akhi?

I don't need to know much about "conscious" promoters. I know that previous scholars who did the same thing Dr. Umar is doing right, speaking at churches and community centers with lackluster video and sound, mostly died broke. So, I would be hard pressed to believe there's much money in that field even with help from "conscious" promoters. Not to mention, the scholars who have said so themselves during various interviews.

I don't know what you mean by the entrepreneurship skills and teach him line. Makes no sense since many business owners have taken counsel and lessons from others.

One example of tangible would be his weekly FREE conference call with black parents where he gives them counsel on how to handle issues with their child's school i.e. the staff wanting to label the child as "special ed." Giving practical steps and strategies based on federal education law on how to combat the school system negatively stigmatizing and labeling black children.

What's your issue with what this guy is trying to do?



Jun 4, 2012
I don't need to know much about "conscious" promoters. I know that previous scholars who did the same thing Dr. Umar is doing right, speaking at churches and community centers with lackluster video and sound, mostly died broke. So, I would be hard pressed to believe there's much money in that field even with help from "conscious" promoters. Not to mention, the scholars who have said so themselves during various interviews.

I don't know what you mean by the entrepreneurship skills and teach him line. Makes no sense since many business owners have taken counsel and lessons from others.

One example of tangible would be his weekly FREE conference call with black parents where he gives them counsel on how to handle issues with their child's school i.e. the staff wanting to label the child as "special ed." Giving practical steps and strategies based on federal education law on how to combat the school system negatively stigmatizing and labeling black children.

What's your issue with what this guy is trying to do?


my issue is guilt tripping people into donating when the plan is dumb as fukk..... plan was ask for 2 million then 4 million then randomly say it will take 5 million.. then say fukk u blacks in amerika if you don't give Enough to satisfy my fat sloppy ass then I'm taking the money and running to AFrica.

And what is you're interested in this? Has Dr. Umar pimped your mother or something?

And scholars need to produce movies, studies, and books if money is what they seek. Or start business like DOCTOR claud anderson


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
Well I guess I'm just a c00n ass nikka then. :francis: I need to update my coli.com banner to c00n of the year.

You don't need a degree to lead a movement..... (Malcolm x, assata shakur)...

But you need a Degree to call yourself a doctor.... unless you want to be a ball player or rapper.

Dr. Claud Anderson
Dr. B Watkins
Dr. Amos Wilson
Dr. Ben Carson :troll:

Dr. fraciess wrissling

^ These are doctors.

And at the end of the day......... people aren't going to blindly throw their money at something, especially something that isn't self gratifying. It would have taken Min Effort to have a real plan and backup plan for the funds.

What? :why:

You're not even typing coherently.

You coming across like a hotep n#gga who bootlegs Youtube lectures from Dr. John Henrik Clarke on 125th street :francis:

Like I said, black people blindly throw their money at everything else, so miss me with that bullsh#t. If a black person would spend $1000 with a white-owned company with no question but then need a 100 point Excel presentation along with blueprints to spend $50 with a black company, then what you call that? I call it inferiority complex since its obvious said black person feels the white company deserves the benefit of the doubt while the black company deserves an investigation.

And if its such a minimum effort, then could you do it?



Jun 4, 2012
What? :why:

You're not even typing coherently.

You coming across like a hotep n#gga who bootlegs Youtube lectures from Dr. John Henrik Clarke on 125th street :francis:

Like I said, black people blindly throw their money at everything else, so miss me with that bullsh#t. If a black person would spend $1000 with a white-owned company with no question but then need a 100 point Excel presentation along with blueprints to spend $50 with a black company, then what you call that? I call it inferiority complex since its obvious said black person feels the white company deserves the benefit of the doubt while the black company deserves an investigation.

And if its such a minimum effort, then could you do it?

I could do it, but everyone has their lane... and he's failing at his lane. :manny:

I do my lane, and I'm not a hotep, I'm not afrocentric, I'm not any of that shyt actually............ But the Irony of you saying 'hotep nikka' while defending Umar. :skip:

- nobody is attacking Umar PHD anyway.... Just saying 'whats gonna happen if dr umar doesn't deliver on his school :leostare:


When I blindly throw my money at Nike, it gives me shoes I can wear and use to get around. When I blindly throw my money to Dr. Umar, it gives him shoes that he can use to get around.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
my issue is guilt tripping people into donating when the plan is dumb as fukk..... plan was ask for 2 million then 4 million then randomly say it will take 5 million.. then say fukk u blacks in amerika if you don't give Enough to satisfy my fat sloppy ass then I'm taking the money and running to AFrica.

And what is you're interested in this? Has Dr. Umar pimped your mother or something?

And scholars need to produce movies, studies, and books if money is what they seek. Or start business like DOCTOR claud anderson

My mom, bro? :mjlol:

See, you really are a hotep n#gga. Hotep n#ggas always revert to insults when they can't intellectually function....n#ggadry at work. And hotep n#ggas aint nathan but dusty n#ggas with a chip on their shoulder. So, you qwell your itch by taking on the act of caring about the black community. The irony is, you'll claim people like Dr. Umar Johnson is pimping the community when all your doing is projecting.

Again, you would be the dude selling Youtube videos on 125th street. You would be the type to bootleg Hidden Colors. You the type standing on downtown corners handing out flyers for a Bobby Hemmit meeting in the basement of a soup kitchen.

You just a hater, bro. I love how haters always start off something with "no hate but." And you asking about my interest.

N#gga you the one who sat down, turned on a computer, typed an OP....just to hate on somebody whose trying to do something you aint doing :russ:

Unless you have something to show for all this female sh#t, then you need to be ashamed.

Your welcome......and I'm done :umad:



Jun 4, 2012
My mom, bro? :mjlol:

See, you really are a hotep n#gga. Hotep n#ggas always revert to insults when they can't intellectually function....n#ggadry at work. And hotep n#ggas aint nathan but dusty n#ggas with a chip on their shoulder. So, you qwell your itch by taking on the act of caring about the black community. The irony is, you'll claim people like Dr. Umar Johnson is pimping the community when all your doing is projecting.

Again, you would be the dude selling Youtube videos on 125th street. You would be the type to bootleg Hidden Colors. You the type standing on downtown corners handing out flyers for a Bobby Hemmit meeting in the basement of a soup kitchen.

You just a hater, bro. I love how haters always start off something with "no hate but." And you asking about my interest.

N#gga you the one who sat down, turned on a computer, typed an OP....just to hate on somebody whose trying to do something you aint doing :russ:

Unless you have something to show for all this female sh#t, then you need to be ashamed.

Your welcome......and I'm done :umad:

You're reaching:mjlol:

So now only hotep nikkas clown the clowns?

And you know someone and their fans aren't shyt when asking Valid questions is considered "hate" :francis:

I see that you had zero answer for the questions presented. :sas1:
I noticed you didn't say why you're so interested and concerned :sas2:

And I didn't say Umar was pimping the community.... just your moms. All I asked is.......... whats the plan For the people who donated, For black Amerikkans, if the school doesn't pop off:feedme:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
The IMF (cacs) write trillions i loans like candy and the Fed (cacs) print as much money as they want while setting interest rates but nikkas think pooling pocket change will work in a "free" market :dead:

Until the central banks in places like Nigeria and Ethiopia get right, we will always be at a disadvantage under capitalism.


Aug 16, 2014

The young asian bruh living in the suburbs isnt thinking about opening a donut shop, hair salons, and chinese food joints in the inner city in order to take advantage of blacks, he's thinking about creating apps and starting tech firms and science labs --- places where the real money is and where black folk arent. Succeeding in these areas takes education, effort, and ingenuity

Blacks need to do some soul searching and start figuring out how we can get ahead of the curve in emerging industries and fields, and not concentrate on petty interracial squabbles with the poor Korean nail shop owner.

How did those Asians brehs get to living in the burbs which happen up be very safe areas with the best schools? Their parents nail ship put them there, then they have the luxury to go on to do bigger and better things. Blacks need to grow a middle class which will give raise to an elite.


All Star
Feb 18, 2014
How did those Asians brehs get to living in the burbs which happen up be very safe areas with the best schools? Their parents nail ship put them there, then they have the luxury to go on to do bigger and better things. Blacks need to grow a middle class which will give raise to an elite.

You know how they came up. Selling alcohol, food, weave and etc. to the black community. Using those billions, investing in the children's education (college) and advancing their community and coming up. A good number of those dudes started at the bottom...look at em now. Not all were broke, but look where those stores historically have been. You think they were gonna crowd out white business? Nope.

I hope Umar succeeds, but he's got more black people out to screw him than white folks. nikkas wanting a complete breakdown of funds, but won't ask to see their church's, corporations or the Fed's. I do think he might have bitten off more than he can chew. Not because it's not possible, but breh didn't need to buy a college campus. Started the school, then built his way up.

He forgot rule #1 of empowering black people...don't let people know your plans, move in silence until they can't foil them.