Whats gone' happen if Dr.' Umar Johnson doesn't deliver on his school?(Update: stripper scandal smh)


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012

He's talking about priorities breh, stop being demonic.

What priorities??? At least brothas can wear Jordans and enjoy the personal items purchased...what has Umar showed anyone to convince us that monies given to him arent just going down some black hole?

Breh, the statistics is out there. We don't keep our money in our own community. It's a known fact and its why every race can setup shop in the hood and continually mistreat us. Then take all of the money they make, go to their communities where they buy shyt from their own people and reinvest back in themselves.

Unlike a majority of coli "militants" I consider you pro-black, and not using socio-economic issues that pertain to black folks as a means to troll. That said, I dont think you're looking at the big picture here.

The businesses created by other races in the inner city are largely marginal, and arent generating substantial income thru the handful of blacks that frequent them (and their tax revenue generated does go back to the black community). Many of these business owners arent much better off than the average black working stiff...lets face it, if they were rich they wouldnt be in the hood.

The young asian bruh living in the suburbs isnt thinking about opening a donut shop, hair salons, and chinese food joints in the inner city in order to take advantage of blacks, he's thinking about creating apps and starting tech firms and science labs --- places where the real money is and where black folk arent. Succeeding in these areas takes education, effort, and ingenuity

Blacks need to do some soul searching and start figuring out how we can get ahead of the curve in emerging industries and fields, and not concentrate on petty interracial squabbles with the poor Korean nail shop owner.

And he doesn't need the black elite to raise money, the same way the cacs didn't need the white elite to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Darren Wilson. It's thousands of white people from various backgrounds giving small amounts.

Whites outnumber blacks by a significant margin, and have, on average, 20x the wealth of black people. Unfair comment.

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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
if you think these things cost money, then your a genius and i commend you for your brilliance.


[QUOTE\The people who indulge in Jordans and Weave and Weed and Drinks, more than likely have bad credit and/or are in debt. Also those are the LAST muthafukkas who will be even AWARE that Dr. UMAR'S SCHOOL EVEN EXIST!!![/QUOTE]

Their credit rating and debt level is irrelevant to the conversation. The point is those people do have money to spend. The issue becomes are we spending our money on shyt that will help fix our conditions.

Dr. Umar raising 300,000 in itself has been a fukking miracle. Because he's a fringe revolutionary in a niche market. He's not rubbing shoulders with the black elite. I've been to his lectures personally. It's everyday people in there that just want guidance, direction and something to believe in. Everyday people with day jobs and kids and bills. nikkas have no money. If you look at his youtube numbers, it's not like he's this big National Activist. He's a fringe Activist, so 300,000 is ALOT for a nikka who at most gets about 80,000 views GLOBALLY.

You can't say those people have no money if Umar was able to raise 300k in less than a year :comeon:

And he doesn't need the black elite to raise money, the same way the cacs didn't need the white elite to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Darren Wilson. It's thousands of white people from various backgrounds giving small amounts.

I'm not even gonna break down the "material item's" aspect of black life cause most ya'll nikkas too dumb to get whats going on. And has been going on since the 70's-80's as far as that is concerned.

I keep seeing this more and more, ya'll buy into this white propaganda. Blacks by and large have Stockholm Syndrome and are NO DIFFERENT from North Koreans. Ya'll EAT THIS shyt UP. Then ya'll spout it back at true revolutionaries and nikkas who want to change shyt like it's the gospel. The psuedo intelligent black nikkas are worse than the little Chief Keef nikkas.

I don't even know what the hell you were trying to say in them last couple sentences breh :wtf:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
@midwesthiphop didn't you say Umar actually has a PhD?

No, I've defended him having a masters in psychology (his accreditation came up in a kids court case) , idk anything on weather or not he has a doctorates.


Jun 4, 2012
I don't see how Asians, Arabs, Jews, etc,etc,etc can put together a business plan, a business model, get the paperwork together needed and get the funds but WE CAn't do that. Some simple shyt like "Provide ALL The financials and info you need on a reputable site so people can fund it."

What the fukk is so hard about that. I was a supporter of dude for a good while. Agree with a ton of what he says but he moves like another fukking sheisty pastor.

We need to come together. Half of us like "Listen to Umar and throw him your money he's our savior" and the other half like "Yo where is the info and something tangible for us to all get behind and support and make happen?"

"c00n, you don't have to see it just believe in Umar shyt you waste money doing A,B,C just give it to him"

"You know he been running this school thing for like 5 years right? Different locations, countries and $ amount goals?"


And we still stuck right here. SMFH
shyt is disheartening because there is a young sister or brother out there with a real plan, details, financial goals and objectives........... That will get no support.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
What priorities???? At least black people can wear Jordan's and enjoy the money they spend on personal items...what has Umar showed that can convince anyone that money given to him isnt being thrown down some black hole?

I'm not gonna assume you're trolling so I'm just gonna assume you're uninformed:


Black children are being fukked over by the public school system breh. These should be our priorities and should be where our focus is because of the negative impact it has on our neighborhoods. Now everyone is not going to have the same priorities obviously, but considering our dropout and incarceration rate, it should be something we are concerned about as a people.

Unlike most coli "militants", I consider you pro-black and respectable, and one who is not brainlessly using socio-economic issues that pertains to blacks as a means to troll. But with that said I have to strongly disagree with your angle here, and I think you're missing the big picture.

Naw breh, you're definitely missing the big picture if you think black people giving 93% of our wealth to other races is not a problem.

Picking on middle class business people from other races who set up shop in the inner cities is misguided and cheap. The facts are that these businesses are generally marginal, and not generating substantial revenue (plus their taxes are re-invested back in the community) from the handful of blacks that frequent their place of business every day. Lets face it if they were rich they wouldnt be in the hood.

Stop it breh. You honestly don't think those businesses are making money? Every time I walk by a Chinese restaurant, gas station, convenience store, or beauty supply store in the hood it's always someone in there. I'm 32 years old and I've never seen one of them businesses in the hood with a "going out of business" sign. The black beauty supply industry is worth 15 billion dollars and almost 100% of that money comes out of our community and into the Korean community.

And if you want to see if what I'm saying is true, find an immigrant community in your city, and drive down there one weekend. Walk into businesses and see who's running it. Then ask yourself if a group of black people were to go to that neighborhood where no black people live, open up a business, only hire black people, and give the community shytty service if that community would still support it.

The young asian cat from the burbs is not thinking about opening up donut shop, chinese food joint, or nail salon in the hood to take advantage of blacks --- hes thinking about creating apps and starting tech firms and science labs --- areas where the real money is, and its where black folk arent. Success in these fields and industries is fueled thru education, ingenuity, and a strong drive.

Breh, you're politically asleep and naive if you don't understand the link between economic prosperity and educational advancement.

Black folk need to do some soul searching on what it takes to get ahead of emerging trends and industries, and not waste time with petty inter-racial squabbles against poor korean nail shop owners, who arent much better off than the average black person.

You're exactly right, black people need to do some soul searching. And we need to ask ourselves why we allow the following quote to be true:

The NAACP and other organizations are constantly advocating for policies to create more opportunities for black owned businesses (e.g., increasing access to capital) to succeed. But, while these organizations are affecting change at an institutional level, I want to highlight how we, as individuals, can foster an environment where more black businesses can thrive. First, we must stop the massive “leakage” of our money out of our communities. Currently, a dollar circulates in Asian communities for a month, in Jewish communities approximately 20 days and white communities 17 days. How long does a dollar circulate in the black community? 6 hours!!! African American buying power is at 1.1 Trillion; and yet only 2 cents of every dollar an African American spends in this country goes to black owned businesses.

And if you want to do a test, go through your bank statement and look at every single transaction on there and look at how much of your money goes to another black person. Then look at the previous 11 months and see how much money you gave to black businesses vs other races businesses. Black owned businesses are the number one private employer of black people in this country breh. So when we don't support our owned businesses like we should, it leads to high unemployment, poor schools, crime, and a lot of the shyt we've been dealing with as a people.


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside

[QUOTE\The people who indulge in Jordans and Weave and Weed and Drinks, more than likely have bad credit and/or are in debt. Also those are the LAST muthafukkas who will be even AWARE that Dr. UMAR'S SCHOOL EVEN EXIST!!!

Their credit rating and debt level is irrelevant to the conversation. The point is those people do have money to spend. The issue becomes are we spending our money on shyt that will help fix our conditions.

You can't say those people have no money if Umar was able to raise 300k in less than a year :comeon:

And he doesn't need the black elite to raise money, the same way the cacs didn't need the white elite to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Darren Wilson. It's thousands of white people from various backgrounds giving small amounts.

I don't even know what the hell you were trying to say in them last couple sentences breh :wtf:[/QUOTE]

300,000 ain't no money. I made 200,000 ALONE AT 27 years old. In a year... That shyt is nothing.

These people don't have money. They SACRIFICED for what they BELIEVE IN!!!!! that's what revolution is Sacrifice.

Darren Wilson was a total different case cause he had NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE, so more people knew about his situation!!! Also whites have more excess money. All the white nikkas I've done business with have summer homes and shyt. It's so many levels to this shyt.

I ask all ya'll this... How do y'all assume MLK and Malcolm X paid their bills? Just curious... You do know them nikkas were just men right.

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
Haven't really been following this, but:

1) why does he need to raise the full amount in cash? Shouldn't he be able to put 20% down and borrow against it? A $900,000 facility should only require $180k out of pocket to purchase.

2) where will the funds come from to operate, maintain and pay property taxes for this school?

3) does he have a 10 year budget plan? It literally takes less than 1hr to make one...

4) has he discussed grant money? The government funds a lot of bullshyt. With a business plan he should be able to get matching funds from the gov or a foundation that receives gov funding. The organizations that ice out grant funding are desperate to find places to put their money. Generally, the problem is the people who seek funding aren't qualified or don't properly fill out their grant apps.

5) where is his relationship with a Black bank or credit union? Where is his relationship with a Black builder? Who are his institutional partners?
:ufdup:Don't ask questions. Just donate.

Ive been following the project here and there and these are the answer ive seen him give in interviews/videos when some of these question are brought up

1) The school is going to need public funding for everything to pay staff, to upgrade buildings etc so people should expect this fund raising to never stop

2) see # 1

3) he hasn't discussed budget but he did talk about the subject of him being accused of taking the money and runnning, his answer was that all the money raised for the school is in a separate saving account , he said stealin funds like that is a federal offense that he is well aware off

4) he doesn't want the money to come from the "white man" , say he has received offers from african "kings" to build the school in there nations.

5)didn't specify what bank he had the money raised so far in

:patrice: that about has much details has he has given
:ufdup:Don't answer questions. Just donate.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
300,000 ain't no money. I made 200,000 ALONE AT 27 years old. In a year... That shyt is nothing.

These people don't have money. They SACRIFICED for what they BELIEVE IN!!!!! that's what revolution is Sacrifice.

Darren Wilson was a total different case cause he had NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE, so more people knew about his situation!!! Also whites have more excess money. All the white nikkas I've done business with have summer homes and shyt. It's so many levels to this shyt.

I ask all ya'll this... How do y'all assume MLK and Malcolm X paid their bills? Just curious... You do know them nikkas were just men right.

Breh I don't even know what point you're trying to make anymore :dwillhuh:


Nov 13, 2013
Philly, Norfside
Breh I don't even know what point you're trying to make anymore :dwillhuh:

I directly answered your point. Then you brought up Darren Wilson. I said, that nikka had more coverage, therefore it was easier to get more money. Also blacks as a WHOLE have less money, technically NO MONEY. And most people dont even know Umar is building a school. In rap terms Darren Wilson had better promotion.

Why this topic is stupid.

How do you think The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, payed his bills, How you think MLK made bond everytime he got locked up fighting so your ass can be free to c00n in 2015. Peep game, I know this might be a foreign concept, but BLACK PEOPLE ACTUALLY USED TO STICK TOGETHER. You think nikkas wanted Bail Reciepts when these cats got locked up, nah the community SACRIFICED and put up WHATEVER THEY HAD and they got things done. Nobody had the internet and message boards and cynical questions that mean nothing in REALITY.

I grew up in Crown Heights, I went to public school across the street from a Yeshevah school. The Jewish kids did not go to school with us, they didnt even talk to us. The schools werent ALWAYS there. When they were built I guarantee nikkas wasnt hating talking about seeing blueprints and shyt. This man trying to put one school together and is facing more opposition from his OWN people than the enemy. Yes the enemy. shyt is sad.

Give the nikka 40 dollars, see where it goes. You waste more money on Fonto Leaf and Condoms, shyt is nothing really and its not much for him to ask. I doubt he came up with a this 2 million dollar scheme to fraud the black community. Even if he dips in there to pay for his daughters dance class, I dont give a fukk, long as at the end of the day his vision comes to fruition.

Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
Times have changed since then. And you're comparing a community of people who lived next to each other and gained trust for one another. It's a lot easier. 99 percent of people asked to donate don't know him from a can of paint besides YouTube. He already raised over $200K from what I understand and there has been no evidence of anything he has done. That's more than enough to rent out a space and offer at least after school or weekend classes. come on.

I directly answered your point. Then you brought up Darren Wilson. I said, that nikka had more coverage, therefore it was easier to get more money. Also blacks as a WHOLE have less money, technically NO MONEY. And most people dont even know Umar is building a school. In rap terms Darren Wilson had better promotion.

Why this topic is stupid.

How do you think The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, payed his bills, How you think MLK made bond everytime he got locked up fighting so your ass can be free to c00n in 2015. Peep game, I know this might be a foreign concept, but BLACK PEOPLE ACTUALLY USED TO STICK TOGETHER. You think nikkas wanted Bail Reciepts when these cats got locked up, nah the community SACRIFICED and put up WHATEVER THEY HAD and they got things done. Nobody had the internet and message boards and cynical questions that mean nothing in REALITY.

I grew up in Crown Heights, I went to public school across the street from a Yeshevah school. The Jewish kids did not go to school with us, they didnt even talk to us. The schools werent ALWAYS there. When they were built I guarantee nikkas wasnt hating talking about seeing blueprints and shyt. This man trying to put one school together and is facing more opposition from his OWN people than the enemy. Yes the enemy. shyt is sad.

Give the nikka 40 dollars, see where it goes. You waste more money on Fonto Leaf and Condoms, shyt is nothing really and its not much for him to ask. I doubt he came up with a this 2 million dollar scheme to fraud the black community. Even if he dips in there to pay for his daughters dance class, I dont give a fukk, long as at the end of the day his vision comes to fruition.


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
1) is he willing to build anything for black Americans aKA his people, if he is unable to get the school due to poor planning, huge oversight, and lack of knowledge poor black people not Giving enough millions??

2) With the money he does have he could easily start early childhood education centers... He's a doctor, so he should know that's More crucial than higher education. Build the base then the rest falls into place....

3) Freedom isn't free. Muthfakers need to get that through their heads. you say 8K isn't a lot. I say it is when you have 5 kids and 3 households to support and when it's 100% going to help people not in your family. 8K is a lot when you don't have hundreds of thousands coming to you just for speaking, when you actually put real work in and Actually produce Tangible shyt.

4) either way, this isn't even what my question was ABOUT -- I ASKED........... what is gonna happen if he doesn't produce? At the end of the day.. you either produce and help our blacks trapped in america with tangible shyt or you can kick rocks.

Ok, but I feel like you're being kinda unreasonable with his plan. Dude's goal was not to build early childhood education centers. His goal is to build a boarding school where he can teach young boys in an insulated environment. He's never waivered on that. Why would he change his goal half-way? That would only confuse his audience, especially so early.

And do you really think he's making hundreds of thousands from speaking in churches and community centers? You're acting like this dude is making Lil Wayne money every time he steps into a venue. Dude is not a rapper performing in front of large crowds. Dude is speaking in front of crowds of 50-100 in each city....maybe. Just because someone records it doesn't mean its a large scale event.

Not to mention, I would be hard pressed to believe dude is making more than $1000 per event. Again, we're talking churches and community centers with small crowds. And we're talking a "conscious" event as well....how many "conscious" promoters can put together large events with a $5000 check for the speaker? And are they paying for flight, hotel, car rental, etc? Hell, if I remember correctly, even Tariq Nasheed gives discounted rates just to help promoters make it happen, and he speaks in larger venues than Dr. Umar.

Education isn't tangible? From what he's looking to do, he would be putting in place practical skill programs, so these kids get skills and/or licenses that they can use from the time they graduate in order to 1) start businesses and 2) make money. How is that not tanigble? He's even said that he doesn't want to just graduate a bunch of kids who want to go to college to get meaningless degrees. His emphasis is on entrepreneurship and skills.

If he doesn't reach the $2 million goal, then I'm pretty sure he's going to do another tour explaining another use for the bread. I donate and will continue to do so, and I aint worried about it.



Jun 4, 2012
Ok, but I feel like you're being kinda unreasonable with his plan. Dude's goal was not to build early childhood education centers. His goal is to build a boarding school where he can teach young boys in an insulated environment. He's never waivered on that. Why would he change his goal half-way? That would only confuse his audience, especially so early.

And do you really think he's making hundreds of thousands from speaking in churches and community centers? You're acting like this dude is making Lil Wayne money every time he steps into a venue. Dude is not a rapper performing in front of large crowds. Dude is speaking in front of crowds of 50-100 in each city....maybe. Just because someone records it doesn't mean its a large scale event.

Not to mention, I would be hard pressed to believe dude is making more than $1000 per event. Again, we're talking churches and community centers with small crowds. And we're talking a "conscious" event as well....how many "conscious" promoters can put together large events with a $5000 check for the speaker? And are they paying for flight, hotel, car rental, etc? Hell, if I remember correctly, even Tariq Nasheed gives discounted rates just to help promoters make it happen, and he speaks in larger venues than Dr. Umar.

Education isn't tangible? From what he's looking to do, he would be putting in place practical skill programs, so these kids get skills and/or licenses that they can use from the time they graduate in order to 1) start businesses and 2) make money. How is that not tanigble? He's even said that he doesn't want to just graduate a bunch of kids who want to go to college to get meaningless degrees. His emphasis is on entrepreneurship and skills.

If he doesn't reach the $2 million goal, then I'm pretty sure he's going to do another tour explaining another use for the bread. I donate and will continue to do so, and I aint worried about it.

i've brought or helped bring ALL of these guys and ladies to my area.

i know how much they make and the extra shyt they ask for. Some are cool about stuff, Some are pre madonnas.

so let me ask you.... What do you really know of "conscious" promoters?.. It's tough to raise the money or front the money, but if there is a will there is a way.

And wtf does Dr. Umar mean by meaningless degrees??

And how is his emphasis on entrepreneurship skills when he's showing that he needs someone to teach him?

Tangible. Name 1 things that Umar has produced that is Tangible.

and why are you always saying peace, you akhi?