What type of Introvert are you?


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
You're right in that regard, but the human personality is far too complicated for people to just be split in to 2 personality types. Hell, when I first read MBTI years ago I didn't think SIXTEEN types were enough, it was only after years of analyzing others that I began to believe it might be real. But just two? :patrice:
Well, there are ambiverts. But i dont like that term. It's too indefinite for me and my Ti. But I do love Astrology with has even more combinations of types. It's very complicated.


Oct 15, 2015
People are introverted or extroverted depending on the context/situation/environment they are in

that said it has become somewhat hipster to claim introversion on the internet


All Star
Jan 17, 2016
Type 2, and my MBTI is ISFJ.

Edited to add: I can appear to be an extrovert sometimes just because A) I'm genuinely curious in people and I don't mind talking to them out of pure curiosity and the need to observe, B) when I'm passionate about something, I don't shut up about it. Make no mistake though, I prefer deeper interactions with a select few and I love being by myself. I meet a people quota everyday where I just have to have some quiet time and be by myself! Maybe with one or two other people "like" me.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
2 has me pretty accurately.....I almost always wear headphones, more or less for those exact reasons, I can be talkative and engaged, charming and outgoing with others, when I am in the mood, or a situation demands it, but I'd mostly rather be on my own. Obviously, we are layered individuals with many parts, but this is a pretty on point brief description.

Since I was a little kid walking to school, I had my headphones and my discman or a tape player, I used to prefer walking home from school, just to be be on my own for a while and zone out ith my music......in high school the same thing, I had dozens of friends and contacts in high school, my friends were the 'popular' crowd, and so was I... but I still walked around listening to music......


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
What doesnt work like what?

I agree it is about comfort. That's what I mean by saying some people get overwhelmed, annoyed or bored. It is not their most comfortable state. When we are comfortable or relaxed, that is how we "recharge". So, an extrovert might feel most comfortable with lots of activity around them, the tv on, a bunch of friends over, music etc. Whereas an introvert might feel most comfortable with just the music, a book/laptop and a pet.

As for the selfish part. I take no offense. Because we should all be a little selfish. The whole point was me saying what *I* as an introvert feel most comfortable with. I feel most comfortable dancing by myself, rather than in a circle of my friends where I have to shift my focus to what they are doing and going. Even though I may be in a hectic environment. I tune it out to where its just me and the music. Now if it's something where people are constantly bumping into me or spilling drinks on me, taking me out of my zone. I will then be annoyed.
I'm surprised you asked me the first question. Its pretty obvious I'm talking about being selfish to the point its all about you. I thought that was obvious since it came after the sentence about being selfish guess not. With bold I know exactly what you said and it really doesn't change what I said. Its how you get down because you don't want to shift your focus to what others are doing and going aka being selfish. Again I don't have no problem with it cause we all do it. Dancing by myself that's weirdo shyt in a party environment unless its a little one-two. You out here doing full on routine type dancing nah son. Maybe this is also a gender difference cause when I go out I don't really focus on what my boys/girls are doing/going unless they need my assistance for something. I check my phone periodically to make sure everything straight but otherwise I'm doing me and them the same regardless if we together in the place or not. As far as the drinks and stuff I agree with that but that's just normal stuff anybody not going to be down with that's my point. We agree on some things even if we handle others different on this topic I see.
Oct 30, 2013
Not like you care or I even want you to but I just don't believe you and anybody else that post on here saying you don't want to interact with others like that. That's a contradiction to me.

Social interaction is great but it is something I don't feel the need to have all the time. Mostly I keep that at a minimal. I don't crave to know more people because I feel the people I have in my life are enough, with that said though I do enjoy observing things and people outside my interest. That does not mean that I want to be a part of it. That applies even with those I feel I resonate with. I love being with myself. Too much external chatter really tends to irritate me after a while.
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Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Social interaction is great and it is something I feel the need to have all the time. Mostly I keep that at a minimal. I don't crave to know more people because I feel the people I have in my life are enough, with that said though I do enjoy observing things and people outside my interest. That does not mean that I want to be a part of it. That applies even with those I feel I resonate with. I love being with myself. Too much external chatter really tends to irritate me after a while.
No offense but bold sounds strange. Outside of war or something like that where observing others pay dividends whats the purpose of observing people/things you want no parts of? I'm lost on that one my man. If I'm going to waste precious time on something that shyt going to be on something worthwhile more often than not. I get sucked in some dumb stuff like arguments on here but this is still something I like that would even put me in the vicinity of certain stuff I disagree with that leads to arguments and the like. I can't remember a time I've been on a vibe like bold just because with no reason to be connected.

Too much external chatter about what though? When I'm around stuff I'm not with/disagree with I just roll and or start discussions like this to see how we get to see things differently.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Mostly #1...I prefer night over day because there's too much energy in daylight hours. And I don't get fatigue from simply being out. I'm a speak when spoken to person but often after I leave that setting I'm in a dark mood because I pretty much endured a setting I didn't belong in in the first place. If I wasn't broke I'd do way more traveling though.

But being an introvert has been an EXTREME hindrance on my life because with the shyt I'm good at, you can't be.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
I'm surprised you asked me the first question. Its pretty obvious I'm talking about being selfish to the point its all about you. I thought that was obvious since it came after the sentence about being selfish guess not. With bold I know exactly what you said and it really doesn't change what I said. Its how you get down because you don't want to shift your focus to what others are doing and going aka being selfish. Again I don't have no problem with it cause we all do it. Dancing by myself that's weirdo shyt in a party environment unless its a little one-two. You out here doing full on routine type dancing nah son. Maybe this is also a gender difference cause when I go out I don't really focus on what my boys/girls are doing/going unless they need my assistance for something. I check my phone periodically to make sure everything straight but otherwise I'm doing me and them the same regardless if we together in the place or not. As far as the drinks and stuff I agree with that but that's just normal stuff anybody not going to be down with that's my point. We agree on some things even if we handle others different on this topic I see.
But you are saying "it" doesn't work. So... being selfish doesn't work? I find that funny because it works just fine for me.

Like I said introverts focus is inward. So I can see how you can think that it is selfish. That is what it is but selfish isn't a bad word or thing. If you arent even a little bit selfish, people will take advantage of you. You need to take care of self.

You've never seen chicks dance by themself? So I guess at your parties, people stand on the wall waiting for a dance partner? A perfect example would be Rihanna's Work video, where she too dances by herself.

In regards to the bolded, I do the same thing. But like you said there are gender differences. For example, girls tend to like to stay in groups. They all dance together in one section, then if someone wants to go to the bar, they will all go to the bar or in front of the dj booth, or check out different areas of the party. I like to stay in one spot. I like to be in my zone. When I want to move, I move. So yeah, it is selfish because I am focusing on my needs and wants as I should. I still check in with my friends.

You always go back and forth with people based on your opinion. Someone can say something and you will reply with, "I think you are wrong because I dont believe it." Everyone has different opinions and experiences. You have your own perspective. You dont have to take other's opinions as truth. It's just that - their opinion.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Think of introverts as "thinkers" and extroverts as "doers". Introverts are focused internally, so feelings, thoughts. Extroverts focus their energy outwards so senses, action and movement.

Introverts are the subject but they look at other people as the object of their thoughts and analysis. Whereas, extroverts are the subject but other people are the object of their action. Introverts mostly watch people, extroverts mostly interact with people.
Oct 30, 2013
No offense but bold sounds strange. Outside of war or something like that where observing others pay dividends whats the purpose of observing people/things you want no parts of? I'm lost on that one my man. If I'm going to waste precious time on something that shyt going to be on something worthwhile more often than not. I get sucked in some dumb stuff like arguments on here but this is still something I like that would even put me in the vicinity of certain stuff I disagree with that leads to arguments and the like. I can't remember a time I've been on a vibe like bold just because with no reason to be connected.

Too much external chatter about what though? When I'm around stuff I'm not with/disagree with I just roll and or start discussions like this to see how we get to see things differently.

Just plain curiosity it's not that deep. Take being on this site for example. Multiple types of people with different opinions and shyt. It's just interesting to know how others think. I see alot of different posts some I read without commenting
, some I ignore and some I engage in. I won't involve myself in topics I don't want to engage in.

By external chatter I mean being around people in a general sense when I'd much rather be alone.
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