What type of Introvert are you?


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
INFP and really on that personality test there were a couple questions where I'm like " I can't be both though?" :patrice: or "there's only 2 options?" lol but I'm often interested in why people or a person moves how they move and circumstances that influenced that (family, hometown, social class, hobbies) but I don't always have to interact with people in general I like being to myself. I also have a tendency to play devils advocate on things because I'm drawn to circumstances and how they affect people's feelings so while I may not agree with something I can understand why it was that way in THAT case.


Edit: This is based on the personality hacker test @CinnaSlim put up here I took one before that and it said INFJ. The INF is consist lol
Everytime I take the test I get something different. It wasn't until I looked at the I vs E, N vs S, T vs F, and J vs P that I knew for sure which I am. Then breaking it down even further confirmed it for me.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
Also, don't underestimate how much race and experience plays a factor in how personality types turn out. My best friend in high school was a black INFP and he is one of my lifelong friends. But I know an INFP right now who I don't really like, not because of his race but because of cultural differences. Socialization does play a role in how a personality type might appear. Black INFP act a little differently than white ones, etc. Focus on the functions and try to be as impersonal in your analysis as possible when choosing yourselves or others.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
INTP vs INTJ: 5 Ways to Truly Tell Them Apart



INFP vs INFJ: 5 Surprising Differences To Tell Them Apart




Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Everything isnt always about me lol. That's what you got from my post.

You say stuff like stupid when you dont word your sentences well, and I in return ask for clarification. Would you rather I make assumptions? For example, the sentence I bolded. "Once the right dude comes up that solo dancing does too." (comes up?) That doesnt make any sense, but I can guess what you mean.

I dance by myself whether there are people there or not. I'm in a club because I want to be around people, so if someone wants to dance with me and I dont mind, sure I will dance with them for a couple songs. It's not for attention. It's because I like dancing. But that is your opinion.

You have a reputation for arguing here. You just replied to someone saying how they act with "I dont believe that". I already told you how you come across several times. Your response was that's how you talk with your people. But everyone here is not "your people". I'm used to you already so I just stop replying instead of defending myself. You can never know why I dap stuff, you can only assume.
I know everything isn't about you, me, or anybody else. I was just saying on that particular subject you come off selfish. Its not an all or everything type thing it can be compartmentalized which it was on my end.

I said what I said regarding stupid cause we both know what times it is on this exact post you bolded. That's annoying to me probably as much so as my janky typing at times I'll give you that. The sentence my be messed up at times but more times than not you get what I was saying.If it was some straight bullshyt I typed which I have at times I'd easily take that L.

I do have a reputation for arguing cause I disagree with a lot of people and they don't like my way of doing it. I understand esp since most just want co signers on here anyway. We both know that but me telling somebody I don't believe them means just that I don't believe it. People lie to themselves everyday esp online so I'm supposed to take everything at face value? No but they don't have to care(and I honestly don't want them to care) if I believe them or not that's just my "opinion" of a particular topic. They also don't have to be my people my point in saying that is if I talk to people I care about like that how do you think I'm going to talk to people in a relaxed non professional setting I don't even know? That's the point. Your right you won't tell me exactly why you dap stuff concerning me but fam it ain't hard to know why even if you don't. I guess on that note your technically right but that's about it. That's like me dapping a post saying someone a fukk nikka and they say you don't know why I dapped it. Unless its an accident I'm pretty sure I do know why. You just don't like how I post most of the time and that's ok nobody's for everybody and I've been come to peace with that. I do try not to be as hype with you as some of these other dudes but you still going to think what you do. Can't change that though
May 20, 2012
I'm a little of both types. I personally find that as I get older, I've become more fluid in my interactions and activities. I don't go out all that much and am a real homebody. But if and when I do go out, if someone talks or interacts with me, I respond and may engage in small conversations if things are good.

While those MBTI tests give a basic guideline as to what one's personality is, one shouldn't take it as gospel. That seems to be the thing a lot of people are doing online and they potentially stunt their mental and emotional growth because they can intentionally pigeonhole themselves to these types.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
I know everything isn't about you, me, or anybody else. I was just saying on that particular subject you come off selfish. Its not an all or everything type thing it can be compartmentalized which it was on my end.

I said what I said regarding stupid cause we both know what times it is on this exact post you bolded. (:dahell: Again, I do not understand) That's annoying to me probably as much so as my janky typing at times I'll give you that. The sentence my be messed up at times but more times than not you get what I was saying.If it was some straight bullshyt I typed which I have at times I'd easily take that L.
I asked the question because I did not understand. Your response was "you aint stupid"

I do have a reputation for arguing cause I disagree with a lot of people and they don't like my way of doing it. I understand esp since most just want co signers on here anyway. We both know that but me telling somebody I don't believe them means just that I don't believe it. People lie to themselves everyday esp online so I'm supposed to take everything at face value? No but they don't have to care(and I honestly don't want them to care) if I believe them or not that's just my "opinion" of a particular topic. They also don't have to be my people my point in saying that is if I talk to people I care about like that how do you think I'm going to talk to people in a relaxed non professional setting I don't even know? That's the point. Your right you won't tell me exactly why you dap stuff concerning me but fam it ain't hard to know why even if you don't. I guess on that note your technically right but that's about it. That's like me dapping a post saying someone a fukk nikka and they say you don't know why I dapped it. Unless its an accident I'm pretty sure I do know why. You just don't like how I post most of the time and that's ok nobody's for everybody and I've been come to peace with that. I do try not to be as hype with you as some of these other dudes but you still going to think what you do. Can't change that though
Why ask for clarification or in general, if you wont believe the answer someone gives you?

You talk to people you are familiar with in familiar terms. People who are not familiar with you will not be accepting of how you talk to them because they are not your friends. Just because your friends dont take offense to things you say or dont find you annoying doesnt mean others wont.

You can always make assumptions. Doesnt make them true.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Why ask for clarification or in general, if you wont believe the answer someone gives you?

You talk to people you are familiar with in familiar terms. People who are not familiar with you will not be accepting of how you talk to them because they are not your friends. Just because your friends dont take offense to things you say or dont find you annoying doesnt mean others wont.

You can always make assumptions. Doesnt make them true.
If I ask myself for clarification I'm trying to make sure everything I'm thinking is right. If I don't believe a person I rarely if ever ask for clarification. I'm pretty sure I've done it before but I definitely don't try to make a habit of it.

I can understand what you are saying about unfamiliar people as far as the cursing and stuff. That's mainly Internet stuff anyway that doesn't happen when everybody is face to face anyway. I don't mind if it does cause its all love to me and if it goes too far it gets handled but honestly for me its never gotten that far even with people I just met drunk in a bar, club, other public places. That's just what I'm about for better or worse and what comes from that I'm ok with the results. As far as me being annoying to others as long as I got my family and friends idagf about anyone else finding me anything. Pretty sure you feel similar as far as how random people look at you.

I don't really care about my assumptions being true esp stuff like the daps. That's just a situation I believe what I do and not much can change my view on it. I might be wrong but hey its not the first time and its not so major that it will fukk me up in any way besides being wrong so I'm ok with it. Thanks for you nice responses though I always appreciate that about you even if you dislike mine its cool.

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
a lil bit of both:yeshrug:

You guys should get in to MBTI, The way the functions are described there are a better explanation for personality types and it also goes further in depth. So, if you believe in MBTI, Introversion is a spectrum, not an absolute. For example, FE (Extroverted feeling) is the most social function because it is a person's tendency (and ability) to focus on the emotional expressions of others rather than their own emotional state. So, an ISFJ (Leading with introverted sensing with extroverted feeling in the auxiliary) MIGHT be more sociable (not necessarily introverted) than an ENTP, and even ENFP, because ENTPs and ENFPs lead with Extroverted Intuition, the most introverted extroverted function. Introversion and Extroversion aren't explanations for sociability, think of it more as various factors in your personality that impact sociability rather than define it.

(Most important) Introverts are less social than extroverts because their lead function (whether perceiving or judging) is aimed inward

(2nd most important) People that perceive with intuition are less social than sensors because intuition involves ideation more than sensory experience, so they must retreat within themselves to evaluate the ideas that have encountered either from within themselves (introversion) or from without (extroversion)

(3rd most important) Thinkers are less social than feelers because they value logic above all, and their judging functions are based on impersonal systems that value logic over how actions will affect others. Again, this is the 3rd most important for a reason. Introverted thinking is likely the most introverted function PERIOD, but again, the first two letters of your type are much more important than the last in determining your sociability

(least important) Perceivers are less social because they turn their perceiving function to the outside world. So they interact less with the actual world (and thus people) because they don't have agendas as strong as Judgers do. Again, this is the least important letter in determining your sociability

I'm an INTP. Rare for a woman.

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
One thing I notice as a reoccurring pattern is that introverts are incessantly villified by extroverts or undefined individuals as being stuck up or full of themselves.

I'm an introvert, moreso type 2, and Im comfortable with it.

Conversations are draining unless meaningful revelations or discoveries happen.

I'd rather sit by my toolbox at work than engage w/ coworkers.

I live alone, choosing when to have company and for how long. I very much love that aspect.

I'm the type of person that likes to be alone around other people if that makes sense. I like to know there is a world that is bustling and moving without me having to interact with it necessarily but if I chose to, its there.

I have never dated a true introvert such as myself. I find it time and time again that extroverts tend be drawn to me and like to pull me out of my comfortable shell to make them comfortable doing the things they like to do. But such is the nature of the beast, two introverts will probably never realize how much they want each other because they are so closed in.

Like now, Im in Frankenmuth (:mjcry:), on vacation with an extrovert who wants to visit every bar, brewery, winery, museum, restaurant and talk. God, she loves to talk. If I dont speak for 30 minutes, somethings wrong, in her head.




Jan 20, 2015
I would say 2 but I do like being with people, just the people that I am very cool with and not some acquaintances or strangers. I can talk all day if I am cool with you, or not talk at all if I don't really know you. I do like to have my privacy and be alone after a long day though